Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1414: Dominance means!

Blood-stained warfare, pierced the sky, to the extreme!

A generation of famous daughter Zhu Yao, was smashed with a war suit, and the white body was stained with blood, and was nailed to the gate of the city government!

This picture, fixed in everyone's eyes, is enough to make them unforgettable.

Some people are excited about the subconscious.

In this world where the fairy gates dominate the world and customize the rules of immortal matter, who dares to challenge the prestige of the fairy tales.

But nowadays, one person stands up and shoots against the sky, hitting the first woman Zhuyao of Tianzhu, and nailing it to the gate of the city government.

After all, this is all naked...

"Scared to death, not paying for life." Many people are excited, and they are in their hearts. Who is that? That is the immortal Tianyu’s famous daughter Zhu Yao, who was smashed with a war suit and nailed to the gate of the city’s main government.


Zhu Yao is suffering, she must be mad, and I can’t wait to be self-sufficient.

Su Yan is completely humiliating her. Since she wants to go to the city government, Su Yan will send her a ride!

As for the entire city, the monks are the monks of the Tianzhu, but now they are all shivering, and countless people are soft on the ground, they can't stand up!

Su Yan is like a supreme demon Lord, descending between heaven and earth, the fierceness of the flesh of the flesh is endless, and the power of the universe is so powerful that the vast Qingshan City is bleak.

"Su Yan, can you not kill her?"

At this time, the sound of Zhu Yue came and awakened Su Yan, who was dying.


Su Yan frowned, he could not wait to immediately smash Zhu Yao, let her pay for her things, this is a godsend opportunity, the next time I do not know what time to wait.

After all, if there is a strong guardian around Zhuyao, Su Yan will not take the risk.

Although he has a killer and a card on his body, he can’t fight it.


Zhuyue stands in the treasure of time and space. If the white dress is immortal, it is graceful, dignified and beautiful. At this moment, she has a kind of coldness and extreme coldness. The eyes are full of hatred. One word and one word: "She used to bully me." I really want to.....have committed suicide to her!"

"it is good!"

Su Yan was silent for a while, then nodded, and then he directly pulled out the gun.

Bloody picture, Zhu Yao pain fell to the ground.

She shivered in her eyes, her eyes filled with fear and grievances, and she ran out of control: "Who are you, who is it!"

This young demon looks very strange, but Zhu Yao is familiar with this person's breath, but how can he not remember, in the end where I saw it!

After all, Zhu Yao and Su Yan have not been in contact. If the previous celestial body bamboo teaching is here, it is estimated that he is Su Yan at a glance.

"You can rest assured, I will not kill you."

Su Yan is at the top, overlooking Zhuyao, indifferent: "I will come back to you again, remember, your life belongs to me, now, the future is, I am happy that day, will beat you again!"

"You confuse!"

Zhu Yao uttered a snarling roar, anger, stunned, shameful shame, never had a shameful shame, really is a life is not as good as death, this shame has always been proud of her, how can bear it!

At this time, Su Yan fiercely shot, a slap in the face of Zhu Yao's frontal bone!

Her forehead was directly shattered, and Su Yan’s big hand sneaked in and grabbed a time-space ring hanging from her sea.

"Do not!"

Zhu Yao’s look was scared. At that time, the empty ring contained her life savings. If she was taken away by Su Yan, she would have nothing!

Even in the time and space ring, there is still a point of evolutionary fluid, but she has tried her best to get it. Once she loses it, the consequences are unimaginable, and the group will fall into punishment.


Just in the palm of Su Yan's palm, it is about to stretch in and touch the moment of time and space ring.

In Zhu Yao’s eyebrows, sudden surges of ancient volatility, like the ups and downs of the true fairy are awakening, powerful and peerless, and the sky and the sky reveals an amazing picture.

It was a figure, packed with time and space, flowing with a terrible soul, and indifferent: "Who is, hurts my offspring!"


Su Yan Daxie, the tops have exploded, revealing the golden body, bursting out of peerless power!


He waved his fist forward and hit it. Each punch rolled the power of Su Yan's Yuanshen, punching and punching, and killing the Yuanshen projection in the sky!

The whole nine fists broke out, and one punch was stronger than a punch. The surging force of Su Yan rushed out and finally collapsed the entire Yuanshen projection, exploding the power of a true soul!

The audience was horrified, it was too overbearing and decisive, so that they were timid, even they also caught it, a kind of peerless invincible fighting power, this is a boundless trend, almost impossible to rewrite!

What kind of person is it? What kind of **** experience has gone through to create such a terrible spiritual will!

"Who is attacking Castle Peak City!"

Suddenly, among the silent green hills in the city, the sound of Thunder also blew up!

The vast time and space collapsed, and a deep space-time tunnel was opened. It can be seen through the far and wide distance. At the end of the tunnel, there is one after another horror in transit!

This must be one after another, a true fairy, across the time and space tunnel, powerful and brilliant, blooming an unparalleled avenue of true fairy!

"Tianzhu has three big immortals!"

The people in the city are screaming, this is the true immortal, and they are usually crouched in the cave, and rarely born.

Nowadays, Castle Peak City has suffered a devastating blow. The three true immortals received news and immediately rushed to Castle Peak City. Their speed was also extremely amazing. In a short time, they crossed the time and space tunnel, one after another, a real fairy To the Castle Peak City.

However, it is astonishing that Su Yan did not leave and stopped in the city.

What does he want to do? Do you still want to compete with the real fairy?

The world recognizes the power of Su Yan, but the young people all over the world are preparing for the emperor road. No one wants to go through the real fairy realm now!

When the three great immortals descended on Castle Peak City and saw the tragedy here, their looks were angry!


The entire Qingshan City is stirring like the sea, this is the supreme fairy power, filled with Qingshan City, and even continued to spread, swept across the vast territory.

"Bhu Yao!"

The three great immortals were so angry that they made a loud scream and shook down the stars of the universe, squatting on the dirt and breaking up many **** holes.

All the pictures of the end of the day, shocking, the entire Qingshanzhou, as if they are stirring the wrath of the true fairy.

Endless life is scared and scared, worried that the real fairy will open the killing ring. Once this existence is violent, it will be tens of thousands of corpses, **** seas, and inhuman.

"Who did it!"

The three great immortals were resentful and too fierce. Zhu Yao was almost killed. The forehead was cracked, his arms were torn off, and his body was bruised. Of course, these were not important. They were even blown out of the battle suit and naked.

This is even more uncomfortable than death. Who is humiliating Zhu Yao?


Su Yan responded coldly and ice, and looked at the three real fairy, indifferent: "I don't want to kill her now, wait for me to be happy one day, come to kill her!"

This voice, like the land of nine secluded, the voice of the devil.

The sentient beings were terrified, the blood was frozen, and a large number of strong men were trembled and had difficulty breathing.

They are all shuddering and feel that they are wrong!

"This crazy man!"

Some people trembled, this is really a madman, swearing, how can Zhu Yao get rid of such a swearing person, she is equal to being stared, and was told by this monk.


The three real immortals are really angry and heartbreaking, the boundless anger is boiling out, the vastness of the world, suddenly collapsed the whole piece of Qiankun, bursting into Su Yan!

The next picture, the world is silent.

The man disappeared, turned into a faint cyan airflow, and the collapse of the clean, as if never came!


In the Castle Peak City, echoing with the screaming screams, rolling like the sea is tumbling, sweeping the land of Qingshanzhou, resulting in a skybreaking picture!

A shameful shame!

The three great immortals are stunned and shake the whole starry sky.

They are really mad, so they are gone, disappeared, and these shame, so that the real fairy is difficult to control, really want to go crazy!

"Immediately, block the Castle Peak City, no, block the entire Castle Peak Island!"

One of the real fairy can still hold his breath, make a cold voice, and scream at the people who rushed out from the time and space tunnel. "I will immediately go, block the entire Qingshanzhou, I don't care if that person is Who, he will die!"

"It's going to be a day!"

The people in Castle Peak City are terrified, and it is really going to change. The Xianmen Road is furious and wants to block the entire Qingshanzhou!

This is a big event!

Although Qingshanzhou is the jurisdiction of Tianzhu.

However, in Qingshanzhou, there are also some old monsters with amazing origins crouching in the mountains and rivers, regardless of the world.

However, once the entire continent is blocked, the consequences are very serious, fearing that it will anger some old antiques.

However, Tianzhu’s pulse is up and down, and if he insists on it, no one can stop it!

Such a shame, if you do not find a drop out, the Tianzhu pulse will inevitably face the face.

"You don't leave?"

In the city government, Su Yan is still there!

Baiyunxi looks pale as snow, Su Yan is not ready to go?

He even dared to stay here. Didn't he know that the three true immortals of Tianzhu were in the city?

How can Su Yan not worry, but a gasification of Sanqing, can not only be a singularity, but also improve Su Yan's soul.

Even the ancestors of the strong, I would like to see through the true face of Su Yan.

Therefore, as long as he does not say, as long as it is not a particularly terrible giant to pay attention to himself, it is impossible to see the true face of Su Yan.

Su Yan’s eyes looked at Baiyun Creek and he did not say a word.

Baiyunxi’s double fists clenched and whispered: “Do you kill me?”

Her eyes shed tears and looked up at Su Yan. "If it is, I will not resist, nor have the power to resist, but please take care of my family, even if it is for both."

"You don't think about it, I am coming to revenge, but I won't be involved in other people."

Su Yan calmed down. He sat in the room and said, "This is just an incarnation of me. I will stay here and continue to enter the Tianzhu, but I need you to forget before, a memory!"


Baiyunxi suppressed the emotional fluctuations in his heart, and he did not want to forget. He wanted to remember that she even wanted to know who Xia Kunlun was.

Su Yan directly started, erasing the memory of a section of Baiyun River.

Baiyun Creek is not resisting, and the memory of this period is cleared.

Soon, Baiyun Creek fell asleep in the room.

As for his other incarnation, he has already left the city and went to the land where the ancestors of Tianzhu fell.

His movements are very fast, and he is far away from the right and wrong.

Su Yan is also very looking forward to and nervous, because Su Yan does not know whether the bamboo seed's legal seeds are really in the Zhuyao time and space ring.

(In front of Gao Neng, I sent a photo of a naked girl, Zhu Yao, and quickly followed my WeChat public account. I searched for a leaf and immediately checked the inhuman picture.)

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