Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1419: Break through the sky!

The sky is full of energy frenzy, sweeping the six in eight!

The entire ancient mining area was inundated with vast blood, among which stood a figure, the gods were deterrent, such as the return of the emperor.

When he broke out, his blood was full of suffocation, his strength penetrated the Shuhan, and he was like a supreme demon king, shaking the rivers and mountains.

The entire ancient mining area has exploded, and the strong atmosphere is filled with earth and earth!

"Who is a very ferocious breath!"

In the distant world, the strong shudders, the ancient mining area of ​​Tianzhu.

Their scalp has exploded, and who is so overbearing, exploding an ancient mining area, this power is really barbaric.

"My heart, that is the ancient mining area of ​​Tianzhu."

Many people can't stand the heart, calling loudly and igniting the boundless waves.

This picture is absolutely shocking, too sudden and outrageous, and the ancient mining areas have been blown up!

"who are you!"

The half-step anger of the ancient mining area is anger. A very old man is also very powerful. He has been in charge of the ancient mining area for hundreds of years. He has never had a strong enemy attack on the ancient mining area.

But a young man, who looks like a teenager, directly overbearing and said that he represents God.

This half-step is really suffocating and the lungs are going to explode, but I also know that Su Yan’s power is strong, and I want to escape!

"Kill your people!"

Su Yan gave a sigh of anger, and the horror was inexplicable. The half-step of the escape was trembled, and the terrible life was crushed and the blood was spurted.

"What the **** is it?"

This half-step is desperate, this child is like a sea, the immortal energy is so strong, so it is all the way, even if he sacrifices the path of the fairy, he is also suppressed by the waving fist, Su Yan, playing the body Trembling.

The fuzzy fairy road can not hold the supreme power of Su Yan!

His attacking power is unparalleled, and he swallowed 100,000 miles on his own, and his fierceness rolled, and the road to the fists broke open!


The terrible boxing is on the half-step of the body, punching and punching!


The half-step true fairy body exploded, collapsed into a group of blood, reddish the broken ancient mining area!

Su Yan's black long hair is scattered, his expression is cold, standing between the heavens and the earth, filled with invincible general trend!

This breath is enough to suppress the soul of the people, the suppressed starry sky is dimmed, the horror of the atmosphere is overflowing, and the ten clouds are bursting!

"Su Yan, getting stronger!"

The sacred thoughts of the giant bamboo were accompanied by Su Yan, and he was shocked at the moment.

The six essential life evolutionary fluids have strengthened the life of Su Yan, coupled with the change of the essence of life that has not been destroyed before, which led to the vitality of Su Yan, and the human body and blood alone drowned the heavens and the earth!

The world feels tremble, too wild and embarrassed, the young demon Lord is emptied, and the ancient mining area is completely overturned, and no one escapes.


Immediately, Su Yan dug out a dozen treasures in the broken ancient mining area, which contains a large number of immortal stone, and even hundreds of pounds of stone.

He feels sorry, after all, his incarnation can't always exist, and he has no plans to return.

Therefore, Su Yan threw out a large number of immortal treasures in the treasure house and sprinkled them on the crowd.

As for the immortal stone he stayed, the avatar also needs energy to supplement.


The scene is chaotic, and the immortal stone is robbed. Some strong powers are sluggish. This is really too fierce. What kind of person is it? So many immortal stones say that they are still thrown away, it is really rich and rich.

"The young murderer has left, are you going to run?"

"No, look at his destination, not to run away, it seems to go to Yunshan City!"

The onlookers have been horrified, and Yunshan City is also the site of the Tianzhu, and it is also a prosperous ancient city in Qingyunzhou.

Now that he has gone, is this young murderer still going to start with Yunshan City?

In fact, such a continent like Qingyunzhou, although it is a jurisdiction of Tianzhu, but there are very few people who are really immortal. In general, true immortals are rich continents. Of course, even if there is a true fairy, now it is also in Castle Peak. Chau searched for the trace of Su Yan.

Of course, even if he provokes a true fairy, Su Yan is not afraid.

Su Yan was rampant along the way, and soon approached Yunshan City!

Yunshan City is also very large, and the people in the city are full of people.

For all major forces, the ancient city is completely forbidden to use force. After all, building an ancient city can cost a lot of money. No one wants to destroy his ancient city.

But nowadays, the monks in the city are panicked.

They noticed that outside the city, there was an extraordinary horror of vitality, like a life oven, which overwhelmed the entire Yunshan City, and the monks in the city were a little panicked!

"Who is you, what is it to come to Yunshan City?"

Yunshan City riots, the city's main government rushed out of the two-and-a-half-step true fairy, facing a young devil who came with malicious intent.

"It doesn't matter if you come at random."

Su Yan was squatting outside the city, and his tone was calm: "I am coming to fight!"

This statement came out and it was directly cold.

The entire Yunshan City was in a state of dying, and the three two-and-a-half-step sects who lived in Yunshan City felt that they were wrong.

Robbery? Going to Yunshan City to robbery? Doesn't he know who the site is? And is this kid eating the wrong medicine?

"Who are you? Who gave you the courage to dare to vent the madness in the land of the bamboo!"

The city's main government came out to look beautiful, the temperament and honor, but the elders of the Tianzhu, the sullen Su Yan shouted: "I still robbed? You are really faint, come, and give him direct suppression, hanged At the gate of the city!"

"A woman with a pulse of temperament, is her temper so hot? But it looks ok."

Su Yan strode forward, lifted his foot and went forward. This kind of move made the monks in the city sluggish, and then their scalp exploded!


They are all chilly, and the goose bumps are all up.

The young devil is too horrible, and it is completely different in a moment. He raises his ankle and flies a half-step, and the gate of the city’s main government blasts.

The whole man swooped in, his body traversed the earth, the crushed city door burst open, and a large crack broke out, which must run through the entire Yunshan City!

Countless people are scared and fleshy, and the whole Yunshan City is red with blood, just like the wrath of the gods, and the sky is covered by the sky, accompanied by the catastrophic breath, and the people's souls are suppressed!

"It's you!"

The noble woman screamed and shivered in fear. Zhu Yao was almost killed by the young devil, and even went to Qingyunzhou.

Even he directly opened the killing ring in Yunshan City. Once the robbery secret technique blooms, the blood is shining, and the fluctuations of the universe are flowing, suppressing the whole city!

"He is really attacking Yunshan City, is it crazy? Dare to start with the Thunder Gate!"

A group of onlookers approaching Yunshan City, the scalp is numb, the big city is covered by blood, the momentum is ancient and majestic, and the light of the catastrophe falls down, and the entire city is collapsed!

"What kind of person? Is that big?"

There are also real immortals in the city, but they have not stood up to stop Su Yan. They don’t want to cause trouble. After all, they dare to start with the Xianmen Road.

Of course, if he knows the reward of Tianzhu, he will probably kill it against Su Yan.

The city's main government was all destroyed, and the city's main government was full of blood, and the heads of people were flying.

The monks in the city were terrified, and one person pushed the whole city horizontally, and no one could match it.

Even the guardian array of the city's main government was demolished by Su Yan with rude means!

A group of guardians are like blood-stained scarecrows, dancing in the sky, the picture is quite fierce.

Su Yan captured the entire Yunshan City and opened the secret treasure house of the city's main government. He was shocked and jealous, so he ignored it and was too wasteful.

Therefore, Su Yan decided to seal this large amount of resources in Yunshan City and wait for the future to be taken away.

Yunshan City was in chaos, time was only one hour, Su Yan withdrew.

There are still some living people in the city government who are frightened. The young devil robs the resources of the affiliated tributes and even captures a noble woman. This is really a ruin.

The turmoil in the various land boundaries of Qingyunzhou, the young devils swept through the major resource mines, and the storms that were ignited became more and more alarming.

This matter is raging, and some people will call the murderer, called the young boy.

"The second phase of the emperor road will open, is there a murderer to kill the peerless style?"

"This..... take the bamboo and the pulse, is it the wrong person?"

The whole continent has been rioted, and the wars of all major territories have burned, **** and smoldering, running through the Han Dynasty, and the whole continent has been pushed by Su Yan. Even if it is a real fairy, it does not dare to start with Su Yan.

"Big news!"

During the four days, a big shock broke out in Qingshanzhou.

"The violently beaten Zhu Yao, the surviving murderer of the real immortal, shot the young man, swept all the way in Qingyunzhou, successively destroyed the ancient mining area mastered by more than a dozen Tianzhu, and even laid down three cities, and left. A beautiful woman with a lot of Tianzhu!"

"Really, this demon king has captured three cities? Has it taken away the digital pearl of Tianzhu?"

“Is the message accurate? Is it confirmed?”

The news was shocking and countless people were hot.

After all, what is the power of Tianzhu? It is the tyrant of the immortal Tianyu, since ancient times, who dares to take the knife of their family!

However, the young boy stood up and broke his hand and pushed Qingyunzhou horizontally.

It is said that there is a real fairy to take it, and he has escaped!


Before the words were rewarded, the group of people who took Su Yan had to be crazy, and the hair was full of hair, facing the sky: "You are looking for death!"

They laid out the network in Qingshanzhou and even costed a heavy price to block the continent.

But the man had already left, and he opened the killing in Qingyunzhou and picked the whole continent!

It’s a shameful disgrace, the people of Tianzhu are mad, their faces are green, the situation is not in their control, and the young devil is obviously provoking them, they are not afraid, or they will not choose Qingyunzhou Thunder to start.

Although, Tianzhu Yimai does not care about these losses, but the reputational losses can not be recovered.

"A large number of true immortals of Tianzhu have been withdrawn, and they have gone to Qingyunzhou. There are not many true immortals left."

"The things that are ridiculously deceiving have finally gone. It is estimated that within a few days, we will be able to leave Qingshanzhou."

"Haha, but also blocked the Qingshanzhou, this is planted with the head, and Tianzhu is destined to lose face."

Some people are excited and shouting, challenging the authority of the Xianmen Taoist system. Since ancient times, few people dare to dare to think so, they think that they are all excited.

"Xia Kunlun is coming out, Zhu Yao summons us."

On this day, Su Yan, who was sitting in the quiet retreat in the room, opened his eyes and said: "Is this going to leave? My third incarnation is also exhausted, and I will not spend it. I have to spend energy to get out of an incarnation. ”

"The resources hidden in Qingyunzhou seem to be waiting for the wind to pass, and then take it out."

This batch of resources, for the Tianzhu, is naturally not too much wealth.

However, for a monk, it has already been counted as a huge amount of wealth. Su Yan hides this group of resources in the depths of the earth and hides it with the terrain. He estimates that unless it is really hunted, the chances of being discovered are very slim.

Su Yan pushed the door out and went to the restroom of Zhuyao with Baiyunxi.

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