Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1523: Wind and clouds

"Who is it!"

The outside world, a certain continent trembled, Xian Tairan successively coughed up blood, split and fell, his body is also badly damaged!

In the end, he was furious and exuded an endless storm of momentum, shaking the earth and making the nearby strong people tremble. What happened, the stimulating fairy ancestors went crazy?

Xian Tairan’s eyes were red, and his avatar was once again killed. Even the gods could not escape and lost all connections.

But before the gods were separated, he was unwilling to see the anger, and he felt that something was happening, especially trying to figure out what happened!

But everything is too late, and his gods are ruined and destroyed, and no message has been transmitted.

"A heavenly court, is it going to rise?"

The battlefield of the Wan nationality, the sensation of the big field, the news came out is amazing, one of the biggest creations of the Xianzu, was washed blood!

No one is alive, all of them are fallen!

This matter is too horrible. The monks who came to explore the fairy tales decided that it was definitely Xia Kunlun through the fighting atmosphere, otherwise the outsiders could not do such a heart-wrenching thing.

"A million years have passed, the heavens have been silent for so long, and finally there has been a shocking rumor. It seems that the darkness of the million years ago has not destroyed the heavens, and they have signs of rising!"

"The young devil, Xia Kunlun, these two stunning talents, must belong to the strongest descendants of the heavens, there are absolutely big people behind the support, Yanhuang is one of them!"

"I don't know why, there is an inexplicable expectation, I want to watch them rise and witness the glory!"

"Think more? The immortal Henggu Hengqiang, even if the heavens can re-emerge, there is hope to restore the heyday, and the establishment of the Xianmen Taoist system, it is no longer possible to reshape the prehistoric glory and legend."

There have been many discussions in various major domains. This incident has provoked a storm of shock. Tianting has become a hot topic. The most brilliant force of millions of years ago, although it has been destroyed, but now there are successive descendants, and it has to be said that it has sensationalized the world!


In a large field, the wrath of the Thunder was distributed, and a group of people who were shaking followed the tremors. The blood in the body continued to tumbling, the nose and mouth were bleeding, and the standing was unstable.

The entire large area is like an ups and downs, and it is full of hustle and bustle.

The entire territory of thousands of people are in a daze, the figure is amazing, reflecting the big field, blood and blood, glory 100,000 feet, Shenwei shocked the world!

"The second supreme of the immortal is getting stronger and stronger, and it is worthy of the world's arrogance."

"He is amazing, he dominates this big field, no one dares to challenge, although it is only the second supreme of the Xian, but who dares to look down on him!"

"Just kidding, he is the daughter of the immortal lord. What kind of identity is this? Can it be strong? Don't know if there is any qualification to compete in the top ten in the future!"

Everyone talks, with fear in his eyes, it is difficult to look directly at the figure of the big field. His power alone is already unparalleled. Now he is angry with the sky punishment that has come down to the world, to smash everyone!

The people who came from the immortal feared and squatted on the ground.

It’s hard to be sure of the immortality. This is the second supreme of the immortal, and it’s so arrogant, it’s all about the top ten in the top of the list, and it’s a well-deserved peerless arrogance!

The second supreme of the immortal is angry, and he has already known about Xia Kunlun’s affairs. It’s enough to be shocked by the fact that Xianbi Ling was caught alive.

But nowadays, Xianming City has also been smashed, and even the treasure house of resources has been looted, and the sect of Xian Tairan has also been destroyed. This makes the second genius of the genius angry and screaming: "Find him, no matter how much it costs." How much you have to find him!"

"Follow the law!"

A group of immortal strongmen nodded quickly, the second highest of the immortals, the equivalent of the ancestors, the same as the high level of the immortals issued instructions!

Because he is the supreme parent of the fairy lord!

He is highly weighted in the immortal, and even counts, his ancestor is the ancestor of the immortal. This door is too horrible in the immortal, equivalent to

The royal family in the fairy!

The second supreme of the Xianzu was furious and said: "No matter who you are, as long as you can lead Xia Kunlun, it is feasible!"

"of course!"

The second most secluded and secluded: "The most important thing is, the young devil, he is damn!"

In the past, his father had suffered a big loss, and the people who led him died. But can a group of wanted criminals still go to heaven? Killing the younger generation of their majesty, what can be done by a few wanted criminals alone!

For the current fairy, the young devil is the primary object of the shop!

Because he mastered the heavens to the treasure, Kyushu Tianding, and even reshaped the fracture field pattern, it is likely to get the pen!

This matter is top secret, the fairy understanding is quite limited, but the second young supreme of the immortal knows, so we must seize the young devil, as long as you can catch it, this impact on the immortal is too amazing!

For millions of years, the immortal did not give up the search for the treasures of the heavenly court. Now there are two successive appearances. If they can be mastered by the immortals, they will inevitably make their group become the strongest race in the world!

"We understand that there will be good news soon!"

The immortals who come to listen to the will of the will, the eyes fly out of the cold, there are some clues, but the movements that make up the noise will be even bigger!

But the young devil and Xia Kunlun, the two immortal happy for so long, should be the law? They live more than one day, and people in the world have a day to laugh at the fairy, and they must take the net as soon as possible!

The world is full of enthusiasm, the world wants to see how the immortals fight back...

However, the world of swordsman is not quiet, Fan Jian has entered the interior of the Four Saints swordsmanship for half a year, and has not come out. This matter has already shocked the entire top of the Jianzong!

But Fan Jian’s Yuanshen lights are always on, what happened in the end!

"Bad, not good!"

When the news reached the sword, the Jianjingshan, which had always been calm, had a smashed face and felt that something was going to happen!

"This disaster star!"

Several elders of Jianzong were frightened. Fan Jian’s ability to get into trouble was already strong enough. But if it was really mixed with Xia Kunlun, what could be done by the two of them was really unknown.

"Xia Kunlun, the young devil!"

"The two lunatics, immortal, dare to start with the immortal leader of the immortal. If they step into the fairyland, they will not dare to start with the ancestor of the immortal."

"Fan Jian and they are mixed together, I have a very bad feeling!"

The sword is limited to the news that a few talents know, which makes them a headache. Since Xia Kunlun appeared in the Xian resources, Fan Jian must follow him. If things are revealed, things will be big!

Fan Jian did not know the reaction of Jianzong. He was very sorry that the Tiangong furnace could not be taken away.

Su Yan also thought a lot of methods, but unfortunately it was impossible to take away the Tiangong furnace. It was as strong as the Qimen's rumors, and the immortals could not do it. This matter can only be solved in the future!

Now they are looking for a safe area.

"Zu Sheng, this is yours, put it away!"

Su Yan took out a real fairy, took out tens of thousands of pounds of stone, and a large number of Tiandi treasure, handed over to Zusheng.

Zu Sheng burst into tears and helped Su Yan to make a few busy schedules.

These resources are too expensive, and the inherited disciples of Xianmen Dao are impossible to master, and now they are on his head!

"Do you want to pay for it?"

Fan Jian urged his hand and excitedly waited.

Who knows that Su Yan buckled the search, just took out a real fairy, which makes Fan Jian squinted, how is it not as good as his younger brother?

"I said Fan Jian, other things, are you missing?" Su Yan looked at Fan Jian, and he said: "You are the first person in the sword, and you are rich in oil. Do you still need these goods?"

"The world's first sword?"

Zu Sheng was sluggish, and he did not expect that this is Fan Jian of Jianzong.

But how did this cargo become the younger brother of Su Yan?

Did he find Su Yan’s challenge and lost to Su Yan?

This made Zu Sheng stunned. He knew that Su Yan was strong, but he did not expect to be ferocious to this point, but Zu Sheng was also used to it, there were no accidents.

Fan Jian is black-faced, psychologically self-stable, and knows that other people can't use it.

Can unexpectedly harvest a real fairy, help him is not small, and it is also equivalent to white, opened from the four holy swords, a series of encounters, completely subverted Fan Jian's life.

Of course, the harvest of Su Yan is not limited to these!

The wealth of Guangxian Mingcheng has already shocked Su Yan, and with the harvest of several secret treasures, the fairy stone on his body is approaching 100,000 jins, a huge fortune!

Even the top ten real fairy, the future must be used!

"Big Brother, the things that have been done this time are too big. What should we do next?"

At this time, Fan Jian Shen said: "The immortals, will never give up, will definitely catch up with us in the world, I see you still go back to the sword with me, they will never think, you are in the territory of our swords!

"What are you going back to? Are you afraid?"

Su Yan glanced at Fan Jian and said: "But you are an outsider after all, and the harvest on this road is enough, let's go!"

"Don't be a big brother!"

Fan Jian patted his chest and said: "Who am I afraid of Fan Jian? What do you want to do next? You say, I will definitely go with you!"

In short, Fan Jian feels that there is meat in the follow of Su Yan!

He is not willing to leave. In the past six months, his gains have not been small, and he is much stronger than staying in the darkness of the sword.

Fan Jian’s pursuit is also very high, and he wants to be the ancestor of the ancestor. There is no big opportunity.

Since I saw Su Yan, I saw Long Dasheng. Fan Jian felt that the top ten of the Emperor’s list had a great threat. If you don’t work hard, you must fight hard. If you really spell it out, the future will be bright.

"I am going to lay down a big field!"

Su Yan's words, let Fan Jian have some doubts about life, he did not hear the mistake? Su Yan wants to lay a big field? Just by himself?

"The fairy has mastered three big fields, and I am ready to attack one!"

The next sentence, let Fan Jian almost cried: "Big brother, how many people do you have? You can know how many immortals of the immortals? Moreover, attacking a large domain, there is no strong in the real wonderland, can not do it! ”

"Is there a real fairy?"

Su Yan took out his shackles and solemnly said: "As long as I master this fighting machine, it is enough to tear up the fairyland!"

"Big Brother, do you want more?" Fan Jian couldn't help but remind: "If you have a true fairy, but with your strength, it is impossible to exert some strength!"

"It's a good thing, in my own Supreme Treasure, I will be able to grow up as long as I grow up, and even the Yuanshen will grow stronger. Maybe I can continue to improve my current strength!"

At this time, Su Yan took out the seven-color fairy fruit and prepared to expand the **** again.

"Seven color fairy fruit!"

Fan Jian shocked and looked at the fruit. After a long time, he reacted and said: "This is the ten strongest treasure trees, the fruits of the seven-color fairy trees, belonging to the type of the gods. The rare treasure medicine, not selling at all, paying more than the price, how can you buy the big brother? Can you take me to buy one?"

Zu Sheng squinted at Fan Jian, and you didn’t know it. You don’t have to think about it, it must have been stolen.

"I can't buy this fruit. I picked it from the bamboo. If you want it, I can give you the finger. You can try your luck and see if you can pick it!"

Su Yan did not hide, this thing he has been sealed, and now comes in handy.

(four more!

Too tired, I am afraid I can't write the next chapter, go eat first! )

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