Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1528: Storm constantly


The world of 乾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Heaven and earth, Yin Hong, across the world, let them chill.

The energy fluctuations of the rogue are too intense, and the **** suffocating rushes to the Han, and it is obvious that a terrible battle has taken place.

This is one of the strongest creations in the current stage. It has not quelled the war in the past six months. Nowadays, there has been another large-scale battle here, and the mighty blood has flooded into the wormhole of time and space!

The movement is too scary, just like the peak of the big killing in full bloom, harvesting human life!

Prior to this, Su Yan swept the resource secrets, which led to the deployment of a large number of soldiers and horses, mainly to search for the traces of Xia Kunlun.

Nowadays, when the war broke out, Su Yan was furious and wanted to kill the killer!

In this battle, more and more soldiers and horses were involved in the immortality, but no one expected that there were three strong men around Su Yan. Fan Jian and Zu Sheng used the power of Zhen Xian, Xiao Bailong. Naturally not much!

This war, anger and blood, and **** battles!

"Kill, one does not stay!"

Su Yan's blood is boiling, he kills the Quartet, the atmosphere is more and more strong, and even the sacrifice of the sword, the corpse of killing across the field, blood flow long river!

The act of the immortal angered Su Yan’s counterscale!

Su Yan can't sit and wait, he is responding to the immortal, he is not so irritating!

He wants to kill and kill, telling the world that heaven is still there!

In the battlefield of the Wan family, no one can insult the heavens!

"what happened........"

Beyond the battlefield of the Wan family, many people have noticed that a large-scale **** battle broke out in a certain time and space wormhole, causing heavy casualties, resulting in a shocking picture of blood and light through the wormhole!

Even among them, there is also a figure standing on the top of the **** sea of ​​the corpse, stimulating the most terrible king Tianwei, sweeping the enemy.

The stronger the Vietnam War, the more he swallowed the stars, and he was undoubtedly reflected in the big field, showing a cold demon and majesty, overlooking the entire domain and advancing the world!


The snoring of Su Yan is like a thunderous thunder in nine days, and the hands of the dragon and the tiger are smashed, falling from the sky, the stars behind the river, the Qiankun shaking, the breath of horror!

"too horrible......."

Many people can't stand it. The person pushed the heavens and the earth, like the sky, and the tsunami smashed the earth, and it became a picture of destroying the earth!

This picture has stunned everyone's mind, and the horrified eyes looked at the domineering God of War.

"Kill it well..."

Fan Jian was awkward and felt that Su Yan was really crazy. Before he turned over the resources of the Xian, the means were retained.

Nowadays, he is completely unscrupulous and uses **** means to destroy enemy groups!


A large number of immortal monks crushed the flesh, and the light of the soul was extinguished.

The general immortal is hard to withstand the brutality of Su Yan, and the momentum from the sky is too shocking, and there is no place for them to stand!

And the process is accompanied by a terrible soul flame, which makes the group desperate.

They feel that Xia Kunlun is stronger than before, and it is a horrible war, even if it does not use the real fairy, it is enough to blow the entire battlefield!

Su Yan's blood-stained hair danced, and the horror breath rushed straight into the Han, and then fell down, like a nine-day galaxy pouring down, killing the audience.

The immortals are fiasco, and their ghosts are crying...

Although Fan Jian of the other side concealed his own breath, but with his combat power, once the sword body broke out, who can match it?

"Kill, hahaha, all die, self-proclaimed nobles, grandfathers and grandsons are now true!"

Zu Sheng was stunned and thought of the ancestral hall. When he recalled the group of people who had been enslaved for a million years, his heart was full of pain and hate.

Since the long years, they have regarded the ancestors as ancestors. As a result, they are not as good as pigs and dogs. Zu Sheng is now the strongest one in the ancestral hall. Now he is angry and raging, and he is ruthless.


The outside world, some continents, violently shake, the sun and the moon whisper.

This is the big man in the madness, the immortal giant's chilling chill, affecting the entire continent, resulting in the collapse of the world!

"It’s a ghostly workman? Who is killing a lot, don’t you die?”

"It is him, not Xia Kunlun is the young devil, God, what do they want to do, once again to the fairy!"

The whole world is sensational. This is a shocking event. I thought that Su Yan had such a big thing and would lie for a while, but no one thought that this direct smashing shot, once again **** fairy resources!

The ancestors of the Xian family were furious and their eyes were red. They said: "Do not kill this person. What is the majesty of my family? Give me orders. Within ten days, I will see the body of Xia Kunlun, otherwise all the people will have to Heavy punishment, heavy punishment!"

The high-level anger of the immortals, such as shame and shame, the two men are not killed at present, and even the resources of the immortal resources have been hit hard by him!

If it can't be solved, is the immortal still the current fairy? Destined to sweep the face.

"Ha ha ha, very good, very good!"

Zhu Lihui, who presided over the overall situation of Tianzhu, sneered: "I really didn't expect it. This madman couldn't help but start. Now the immortals are all over the place, and as long as a fire, they can burn a raging fire!"

The thing of Liang Ya'an is that Zhu Lihui told the fairy!

Nowadays, the immortals once again suffer big losses, and the immortals will inevitably start the Thunder, suppressing Liang Ya'an and forcing Su Yan to come out!

In Zhu Lihui's view, the reason why Su Yan lived to the present is because he couldn't find any traces of him. Now that he has actively jumped out, it is definitely not the end, but the beginning!

He is looking forward to the young supreme shot of the immortals, suppressing Su Yan and the young devil.

"Maybe Fan Jian is in the middle!"

The people of Jianzong are in a heavy mood. There are a few helpers around Su Yan. Are there any Fan Jian?

The **** battle of time and space wormholes, although the duration is not too long.

However, the death and injury of the immortal is too heavy, and the corpse is everywhere. It is simply a human purgatory, so that the onlookers are chilling. This is a supreme demon, killing and killing!

The entire resource has been overturned, and only a few people have escaped!

The corpse is full of wild resources, and the shadows are among the few figures, like the **** gods, standing proudly!

"Big news, the young devil and Xia Kunlun once again shot, swept the resources of the fairy, the real fairy died a lot!"

Shocking news, once again sweeping the battlefield of the Wan family!

No one thought that Su Yan would respond with this attitude. When the immortal got this thing, a large number of strong people gathered together, it was too late, Su Yan had left!

"Youth Devil, Xia Kunlun!"

"This child does not kill, what is my family's face!"

A group of real fairy screams, murderous rushing to the Han, six heavens of the true fairy strong have come two, like the immortal dragon killed, but they emptied, did not find Su Yan's trace.

The immortals did not expect that Su Yan would start here, completely beyond their expectations.

Originally, they thought that Su Yan would rush all the way to the source of Dan Zong resources and take away Liang Ya'an. The result was completely different from what they imagined. The heavy ambush of the Xian people did not play any role at all!

"Don't be in love, directly suppressing the abundance of Tianting, let Xia Kunlun roll out and redeem people!"

"The family has ordered the death, and we must suppress the young devil and Xia Kunlun, otherwise we will be severely punished!"

"The heavens are embers, you want to turn over, this is impossible, you don't have to be in love!"

The storm caused by this incident has become more and more alarming. The ultimate hegemony of the Wan family battlefield has not yet been opened. These big events have occurred. Whoever dared to break out such a fierce attack on the Xianmen Taoist system.

However, Su Yan did it, and for the sake of focus, it caused a shock.

However, not long after, there was another shocking news that swept the entire Wan family battlefield, causing a shocking shock!

The first supremacy of the Xianzu was shot, and it was a great deal to kill the young Buddhist Supreme Buddhism. This matter is very important. Xian Buddhism is not a leisure force, enough to be among the top ten sects of the immortal Tianyu!

As a result, the world has been shocked. The first strongest of the Xian people is absolutely powerful. They are chasing the young and supreme Buddhism of Buddhism, killing millions of miles all the way and sinking the infinite mountains!

"The legend of the immortal is shot. I don't know how much he has come from. The second supreme of the Xian is the parent of the Supreme Master. The result is as strong as his lineage and status, and he has not won the first supreme title!"

"It is said that the young and supreme of Xian Buddhism has been defeated. Although it has not been killed, it is enough to explain the terrible degree of the young and noble of the immortals. In the future, the top three of the emperor will definitely have his place!"

The storm caused by this incident is particularly alarming. What are the immortals doing? Why are you going to provoke Xian Buddhism?

"What? The young supreme of Xian Buddhism has been defeated!"

Fan Jian was shocked. Although he had never met this person, he was very aware of the prosperous level of Xian Buddhism. So what is the first level of the Xianzu to be strong?

"I have heard that the first supreme of the immortal, refining and refining the eight essential life essences in the immortal world..."

At this time, Zu Sheng opened his mouth, and his words made Fan Jian stunned and chilled.

"Eight life essence evolution fluid?"

Fan Jiantou is big, breathing is heavy, he has to be frenzied. As the first person in Jianzong, he also got the essence evolution of seven products!

Of course, he knows that for the immortal world, the seven products are already the limit, and the evolutionary liquid with higher specifications has been difficult to fully absorb refining.

However, the young supreme of the immortal, even got the essence of eight life evolution!

are you crazy?

How much the Xianzu valued this one, even the eight essential life essence evolution liquid is willing to let him use it immortal!

Do you want to treat it as a supreme dignity to cultivate?

"eight products......."

Su Yan is screaming, which is a bit outrageous.

Nowadays, he is exploring the news in some ancient cities. Su Yan does not know what Liang Ya'an is in the realm. He also knows that even if he finds it, it is not difficult to bring Liang Ya'an out!

He can only pin his hopes on Dan Zong, and hopes that Dan Zong can hold the pressure of the immortals.

"This time, the fairy is holding the nose, some grievances!" Su Yan's eyes flashed cold light, and the anger of the Tianzhu pulse became more and more, the family used it in order to deal with themselves.

"Big news, the young and supreme of the immortal is the youngest supreme for the immortal, the **** battle for a long time, winning!"

However, the next day, there was another news like a vast torrent, sweeping the battlefield of the Wan!

"The young supreme of the invincible is also defeated!"

The world is sensational, the immortal family of the supreme treasure family, the golden body is the hardest battle body of the treasure series, but the young supreme of the immortal family is defeated!

The world is shocked, how strong is the young and supreme young?

What does he want to do? Successively, the youngest supreme masters of the major fairy tales are trying to figure out the emperor's supreme list?

"The body is also defeated, it is amazing!"

Fan Jian was in a heavy mood and did not destroy the supreme constitution of the family. He was actually suppressed by the immortal supreme.

So how strong is the body of the immortal supreme? Has it been invincible in all major areas?

However, the young supreme of the immortal is extremely disappointed, and no material control is found. Who is he?

"Hidden is really deep enough, but you can't hide for too long!"

The young and noble of the immortals, the blood of the battle has not subsided, and the cold and secluded road: "The moment I hope to meet, will not let me be too disappointed!"

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