Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1554: Fierce Su Yan

Su Yan's fistprint is alive, just as life is breathing, and it is like breathing in the heavens!

The moment when the boxing force is released, together with the recurrence of Su Yan's flesh, his blood and bones glow in the process, seemingly tempering the intact primitive world, faintly, bursting out the terrible order of light!

"How could he........"

Xiankui shudders, he thinks that Su Yan is different from the whole people, like the war celestial bred by the universe, raising his hands and raising his feet, bursting with the supreme power, the fists are like the sky, the horror!

Xiankui has an outrageous idea, and the Xianzu Supreme is pointing to Xiankui, as well as pointing to Su Yan.

Supreme guidance, not the same small, Su Yan is used as a sandbag, crushed by the immortal here, also stimulated the most terrible potential of Su Yan, his body passed, the ancient and majestic chanting!

Once he met with Taoist, the other said that she had not read the most original scriptures, and that the mastery of the initial scriptures is limited, and it is difficult to form a scripture order in the future!

Now, successively crushed by the immortal of the immortal, Su Yan realized his own shortcomings, and also took the opportunity to open the fruit that was obtained along the old road of the Tiandi, which made Su Yan take a higher level of understanding of the initial experience.

Similarly, his cosmic boxing has been perfected and nourished, and it has become amazing!


Su Yan Daxie, the dragon battles in Yan, the fists are stamped, and the fists are killed!

The world is roaring, the sun and the moon are shaking, the stars are soaring, like a world is over!

This boxing is a great and peerless. It is hard to imagine how spectacular it is, forming a terrible sequence of scriptures, forming a supreme means, raising your hands and raising your feet, and the world is shaking!


Xian Kui’s body trembled and was beaten and bleed. The terrible punches pierced his flesh and his back was bulging!

Punch and punch, punch and see the blood!

"All are returned to you!"

He screamed, and the corner of the universe was boiling. The invincible boxing burst broke out. There were dozens of punches on the body of Xiankui, and blood had flowed down his back.


The bones in his body have broken, the injury is quite serious, the five internal organs are cracked, and such a serious injury, even if he has the technique of returning to life, it is impossible to recover as soon as possible!

"Kill it well, kill it!"

The heavenly army, which has a somewhat depressed mood, suddenly became violent and violent, and with the outbreak of Su Yan, they also seemed to have several times the essence!

For a time, the third city of Xian was bursting!

The bones of the sky, the broken meat of the sky, the blood of the sky!

Killing the army, the shackles, sweeping the world's elite soldiers, is completely pushing and pulling, sinking everything.

"This metamorphosis, encountering a strong enemy, the stronger the fight!"

Fan Jian was shocked and jumped. In the end, he saw Su Yan's strongest blow. The whole body was shining, just like the big universe was breathing, revealing the horror of the chanting, the weather was thousands, really like the emperor came to the world!


This punch is shocking, even if the immortal supreme is strong, but he masters the fate of Xian Kui in succession, and it is difficult to gather combat power in a short time.

Even if he can reverse the power and evolve all kinds of great supernatural powers, he can't help Su Yan's town pressure!

This punch, sensationalized his body flew out, the body fluttered, the pores were sprayed with broken bones and internal organs, the picture was too fierce, and the face was completely unrecognizable!


Countless spectators are in a daze, and the big men of the great fairy tales are all shocked. What happened in the end, let the young demon become like a person, raising their hands and raising their feet, the master is full of meteorology!

He is like a master of the great generation, beaten Xian Kui, killing dozens of times in a row, playing Xian Kui is difficult to get up!

"Old boy, are you not satisfied?"

Su Yan's cold eyes looked at Xiankui and looked at the shadow in the supreme road map. Cold voice: "I am very strong, much stronger than Xian, but I really want to thank you, how do you say me?" thank you?"

"You don't want to be proud, if my flesh is weak, I can lose it to you!" Xian Kui was angry and low.

However, the immortal master is very indifferent, and his tone is cold and cold: "Young people, don't say too much, the battle is not over, how do you think you won!"

"You said before, you have lost, you can get up again and again!" Su Yan sneered: "I also give you a chance to get up, stand up and continue to fight with me!"

"Young people, do you have such a big tone, are you really afraid of death?" The immortal master of the Supreme is a little angry, although it is only the soul light, it can really surge, it also contains the supreme Tianwei, the mighty crowd Full of the entire emperor road.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed at heaven: "Reassured, I am already a dead person, and death is nothing to me!"

His nephew stared at the Supreme Supreme, saying: "But if I can't even kill you, how to get rid of the ancestor of the immortal? You are right?"

"You are crazy enough!"

The sect of the immortal stunned, and the anger was raging, and the soul was surging, filled with trepidation.

For a moment, the void he was in exploded.

Xian Kui’s body did not climb up, but his forehead collapsed. This is the supreme **** burning, tearing the sky!


Just like the heavens and gods, the terrible soul light is burning, and the gods of Xiankui are also resurrected, so that the universe's starry sky is full of blood!

The trepidation of the volatility released, swept across the entire domain, and the shape of the Star River collapsed!

All spirits are scared, the battle of the third city has stopped, countless souls are horrified, their bodies are like being in purgatory, and death is being judged against them!

"what is that?"

The heavens and the earth are alone, and the big people watching the outside world are also shocked and stunned. When they see the world of blood and light, they flash a law, like the supreme trace of the road, exudes the breath of the billions of creatures!

"not good!"

Fan Jian was shocked. He quickly recognized what it was in the near future. He lost his voice: "The cheating on Dog Day, he is not Xian Kui, he is the supreme master of the immortal!"

"What? The immortal teaches supreme!"

Yan Jun was furious, and this was too bullying. The immortals were defeated, and the supreme killing came!

"Blood butcher..."

Outside the world, some giants are indifferent and open: "A good one is to teach the supreme, the more the immortal life is going backwards. If it is prehistoric, it is estimated that there will be a great disaster, and Tian Ting can spare him!"

"Blood butcher is a blood butcher!"

Many people are trembled. This is the supreme secret of the immortality of the immortal. It is said that he stepped into the supreme realm, and he descended on the great Fuze, and realized a stunning supernatural power, blood butcher!

This is his own secret technique, also known as the Supreme Secret, even this is the type of the **** of the gods, the immortal killing, it is impossible to master, then there is only one possibility!

Xian Kui, who suddenly became stronger, is the immortal master of the immortal, mastering his flesh in battle!

Some people sneer, the immortal master of the supreme, beaten by the young demon king, even if the young devil really hate, this stain is enough to be laughed at by the world.

Supremely stunned, being hanged by a young man, now it is a pity that he can only show blood and secrets.

"It's not ridiculous." There was an old antique shaking his head, and he smiled and said: "The ridiculous thing is that under the crush of the immortal Supreme, the young devil reinvented, it is even more amazing, isn't it? His power has changed. I saw it!"

This sentence, let the people around the heart tremble, it is indeed, the Juvenile Devil's fighting power is better than one floor, the immortal master of the supreme world, can also be considered to help Su Yan!

"How strong is this secret?"

Yan Yuan’s face was cold, and in his cognition, Su Yan’s killing for a lifetime, how could it be weakened by his immortal tying, it was because the immortal mastered the supreme!

Fan Jian is not clear, but Yan Jun said a secret, once the Xianzu masters rely on this secret technique, coupled with the immortal fairyland, and hit the Yanhuang.


Vigorously their faces are ugly, and now the blood slaughter has been hit.

A horrible one, the blood is like the sea, and the fierce vision is everywhere!

Hundreds of millions of creatures seem to tremble under the **** mass, and then blew up and ruined.

This is the mysterious technique of screaming ghosts and gods, but it is the sacred secret. Once it breaks out, it will infuse the infinite knives, descending from the sky, and smashing into the body of Su Yan!

From this moment, Su Yan's body has been imprisoned, blood light rushed to his knowledge of the sea, let his body tremble, his eyes black, his mouth bleeding.

He feels that the gods are going to explode. If his gods are superb, they will definitely die!


Su Yan screams, the horror of the horror in the frontal bones, let the heaven and earth golden blaze!

"A good young demon, his **** is so superb!"

Even though it is across the road, the outside world still captures the power of Su Yan's Yuanshen. After all, the fusion of a part of the white mist of the gods, the golden glory of the sky!

The face of Tianzhu is very ugly. He ate the seven-color fairy fruit. The **** is not strong, but now the soul of Su Yan is very close to the peak of the true fairy!

"I don't care how strong your **** is, you can't live!"

This knife eventually fell down, the blood light tore the golden light, squatting on the soul of Su Yan, prompting the collapse of Su Yan's god, really want to blast!


Su Yan gave a heartbreaking anger, too painful, and he also endured, running the future in a desperate situation, letting his fast-exploding **** become a buddha, and his height is six, and he is extremely !


Su Yan’s metaphysical body contends with a terrible knife!

However, his body is also rapidly dimmed, and a crack has broken out, almost ruining his body.

Su Yan’s remnant soul screams, his shoulders licking the blood butcher’s knife, and quickly communicates with the flesh!

"Take you dissatisfied, punch you!"

Su Yan's flesh is bloody, shocking forward, slamming his fists, punching and punching, and heading to Xian Kui's head, violently raining, slamming down!


Every punch is surging and shocking.

After a punch and a punch, the head of Xian Kui was caught in the imperial road, the rich blood rolling, accompanied by the intensive bone cracking, lingering between the heavens and the earth!

Extremely ferocious pictures, screams constantly.

The immortal master of sorrow and anger, how can it not kill?

His blood butcher's knife is like a shackle on the iron of God, encountering terrible obstacles!

Su Yan’s **** has a big problem, and it’s a treasure trove. What is it?

However, he did not have time to think about it. Su Yan was full of anger and anger, and broke the frontal bone of Xian Kui. Finally, Su Yan’s palm, pinched the soul of the immortal master!

Next, Su Yan made a move that made the world panic.

He took the soul of the immortal to the supreme soul, directly in a small stove, and sprayed a fiery fire, calcined!

"Old rabbit, I still want to crush me, I can't burn you!" Su Yan roared, although he gained a lot in this battle, he added a lot of deficiencies and defects, but he still hates the genius of the fairy. Not enough to deflate.

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