Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1556: Phoenix blood!

The second supreme of the immortal was killed, and the blood splashed the emperor's road.

But all the monks who saw this scene were stunned and stunned, and they couldn’t say a word for a long time!

In this battle, some forces have been expecting for a long time, and finally decided to make a life and death. The heart is full of surprises. The supreme parents have been killed. If Su Yan can stand on the emperor’s battle platform and get the baptism of supreme creation, Step into the real wonderland.

Then the era of the rise of the youngest supreme in heaven is really coming!

A true immortal, the future growth space is too big, perhaps qualified to compete for the top 100, so that the top ten!

"Heavenly, are you going to rise?"

"Unbelievable, after a million years, the family can still be born to the supreme hegemon, and even smashed the supreme parent, even in the most prosperous era of heaven, it will be entrusted with heavy responsibility!"

"Yeah, the young devil is young and supreme. I didn't expect Tianting to lose a person named Su Yan. Now I have risen up to a young demon. I am really curious, who cultivated it!"

Su Yan's bloody, cold appearance, inspiring!

He stood on the platform of the emperor's road and looked at the blood of the sky, and his heart was as calm as water.

The second supreme of the immortal is only the beginning, his goal is the first supreme of the immortal!

Such people, since they are qualified to compete for the top ten in the future, even the top three, naturally stronger than Xiankui!

Nowadays, he does not feel how glorious he is to kill the second supreme of the immortals. Instead, he will demand himself more strictly. He feels that he is not strong enough.

With Xian Kui, Su Yan recognized some of his own shortcomings!

The Yuanshen is strong, but it is difficult to exert the power it deserves, so it is necessary to search for a metaphysical attack that suits you.

Of course, the harvest of this war Su Shi is also very large, the evolution of the scriptures will be evolved in the initial scriptures, and the foundation of Su Yan’s monasticism is greatly respected. It must be said that it is also worth celebrating, it is worthy of happiness!

"It made me accidental........"

A large area, quiet and excessive, even if it is a suspended emperor road, there is no one, come here to stage a battle!

Under the imperial road, a golden mirror hangs like a round of concentrated daylights, radiant, sizzling, smoldering, and the temperature is too violent, the whole mirror seems to contain millions of gold fire.

The golden mirror presents a variety of images, and the confrontation of hundreds of emperor roads is almost on the mirror!

In the end, the other mirrors are broken, leaving only the second highest blood of the immortals!

"Xiankui was smashed. He is a relative of the immortal family. There are some friendships between the young master and Xiankui. I did not expect the young devil of the heavenly court. There is a young supreme force. The lowest achievement in the future is also the emperor's list. Strong!"

In the vicinity of the big day, a number of beautiful and beautiful women, watching the mirrors appearing, are talking.

They are smiling and temperamental, and any one of them is a great teacher, or an expensive woman of an ancient family. The eyes are not small, and each eye is higher than the top.

Now they are gathered together, standing beside a beautiful man, cleverly moving, do not know how many men dream of...

There are also women in Fuqin, jade fingers are sallow, and the wonderful sounds played are touching.

Her black hair, the white palms of the palms, the eyes of the mist, this is a beautiful woman, when she saw the big day, she showed a tall figure full of blood, Emei Wei Wei, palm finger force!


The guzheng is very extraordinary, with a little effort, the music played, turned into a killing light, collapsed a mountain, smashing stones, rushing to the sky!

This is the sound of killing and iron, the guzheng is moving, there is a vague Dapeng

The birds spread their wings.

Wu Qili’s eyes flashed a bit of cold light, and the ears seemed to recall, three gongs.......

At the thought of her anger and chaos, Wu Qili did not think that the young demon who had a big storm in Jiudingshan would be on the emperor's road to kill the second sect of Xian.

"Little Lord......."

Wu Qili's eyes are full of anger and a hint of fear. She knows that the young devil is not something she can provoke, even the entire Wu family is not qualified to provoke.

At this time, Wu Qili looked for help from a noble man.

He is quite dazzling, brilliant and splendid, exudes a glorious glory, so that Wu Qili's eyes are full of intoxication, and her body is somewhat soft.

Who is he?

Naturally, it is the master of the sky, the generation of the heavenly fairy, the mana is said to be invincible in the world, and it is the disciple of the old man who no one dares to provoke in the world. It is precisely because this is the lonely man who masters the bridge, and the fairy door must be polite.

The sky is a master, wearing a silver robe, this robe is very strange, just like the water of the Milky Way.

On the robes, there is a little golden glow, like a condensed star inlaid on the top, if you are close to the sky, but with a peerless war suit, like falling into the sea of ​​the stars, encounter the suppression of the stars!

This is a big man of all the great fairy tales. This is the forewear of the top Daluo silver forging. The means is extravagant. It is really hard to imagine!

"This person will become the enemy of the Supreme Master of the Emperor's list in the future?" There is a woman opening, the voice is very soft.

"How come, the enemy of the Lord is the strongest young supreme between heaven and earth, the first supreme of the immortal, the saint of the Taichung, the strongest indestructible blood of the immortal, the imperial warlord of the royal family, the land of the royal family. Reincarnation..."

There are women who speak and say a lot of gods and arrogance, they rarely show up, even if it is the battle of the Wanqiang list, it is difficult to see them.

Even if they really stand on the emperor's road, who dares to fight?

For example, here, who dares to find a challenge? Even if you look at the entire big field, there is no Xianmen Tao system to explore resources here!

Of course, this is not to be afraid of the heavens and the Lord, but the major fairy tales, do not want to be an enemy with a ruthless giant, not to mention the Tongtian Bridge mastered by the old man, there is no shadow to go without a trace!

The big day shows the battle scenes of the battlefields of the Great Emperor. So far, only the fight between Su Yan and Xian Kui has made the people of Tongtian pay attention to it for a while.

Generally speaking, the most extreme hegemony lies in the top 100 of the Emperor's list. Once the whole list is over, the strongest hundred of the younger generation is truly brilliant!

"kill and kill!"

The second largest domain of the immortals, shouting and killing the sky, the war is nearing the end...

However, the murderousness of the Tianting army has become more and more prosperous, inciting the starry sky, like cheering in Suyan, cheering for him!

They exude a more powerful fighting power, blood-washing the elites of the various roads, killing the entire body of the corpse across the field, blood flow long river!


Some of the great generals fled and lived in fear. Xiankui was slain and killed. He died on the emperor's road.

Invisible, there is also a fierce power, packed with the entire large field, so that the immortals still alive, the soldiers are afraid, the descendants are killed, even on the emperor's road, this is a big blow, let They are extremely difficult to bear.

The high-ranking immortals were silent, and they did not say anything, and there was no breath.

What if they are angry again?

Xiankui is already dead, even if it is now possible to get rid of the young devil, the pain in my heart is difficult to calm down!

"What is filled in the jar?"

Nowadays, the eyes of the whole world pay attention to Su Yan. His injuries are extremely serious, but no one has dared to stand on the stage. There are many fairy tales in the immortals, but there is no small gap between them and Xian Kui. Stage.

Even if it is killed, it is a dead end!

Then Su Yan dominates this list, which basically becomes a foregone conclusion, unless the first supreme of the Xian will kill.

The first young strongman of the Xian nationality who defeated the young and supreme of all ethnic groups in succession is one of the most popular candidates for the supreme tyrants. Whether he will take the shot or not, the world is very much looking forward to it.

However, at this time, many people saw that a blood-stained cyan stone pot was shaking.

This was taken before Xian Kui’s death, and the seal was loose, causing the material stored inside to be moving!


Su Yan raised his hand and shook the seal of the cyan jar. This is a storage space, which is tough and difficult to destroy. The interior space is huge. However, the seal has just opened and the red sea is rolling!

The entire cyan stone pot was dyed red, like a big killer.


From this moment, the stone cans roared, the red clouds were rolling, and the whole day was dyed. In the eyes of Su Yan’s heartbeat, I saw the ancient and majestic breath in the Xiaguang of the stone cans!

"Diamond blood!"

Su Yan was surprised. There was a group of fists in the stone pot. The red blood was flowing, like a dream, it looked a bit unreal, and it was like the same phoenix in the middle of it, spitting Ruixia!

"Diamond blood, really moving!"

At the same time, a couple of squats in the sky are like the scorpions of the universe, and they are also fixed on the blood of the phoenix!

Wu Qili instantly found an excuse and walked over and smiled: "The ancestors of the lord's ancestors need phoenix blood to cooperate. It is really a flawless place for the iron shoes. It takes no effort, no lesser and harder to search for phoenix. Years of blood, large and small Xianmen Dao are hidden and not sold, I did not expect to meet now!"

The ancestors of the ancestors, the ancient times!

The most powerful magical power in history, but this mystery can be easily cultivated, and it takes a group of phoenix blood, but this thing is hard to find in the world, and money can not be bought.

"Wu Qili, I know that you and the young devil have a grudge."

A woman frowns, the jade body flows through the golden light, just like a sun goddess, beautiful and beautiful!

Her body is tall and almost perfect, her skin is white and delicate, wearing a golden armor, and she radiates a holy radiance. She said: "But after all, Tian Ting is the strongest group of people. They also have super-allergic support behind them. Although the blood is good, But this thing is too hot!"

"Yin Ji!"

Wu Qili’s Yan Rong remains unchanged. “I heard that you have some unclear relationship with Su Yan of the Xuanhuang universe. Is it true? Otherwise why do you want to speak for the heavenly people?”

"Fully." The golden woman's golden pupils bloomed in the light, and Yan Rong was cold.

"What kind of gas?" Wu Qili smiled and smiled softly: "I just talk about things, my sister is not necessary, because a dead person is angry."

"Yes, Yin Ji."

The Heavenly Masters shook their heads slightly and said: "The heavens are not the heavens of the year. I am bound to have blood."

"Less Lord, with the temper of the young devil, he does not want to give you the blood of the blood."

Hearing the words, the master of the sky is faint: "A group of phoenix blood, is it comparable to the value of a million seats?"

Wu Qili was overjoyed at the moment. If Su Yan did not agree, it seems that Tongtian has a major shot, and if she does not surrender the blood, she will lose her qualification.

He is a master of the sky and is qualified to force Su Yan!

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