Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1578: Reincarnation trace!

Still not fast to bring the heavens and the earth water up? ”

The land has come to the three strong, the look is a surprise, never imagined to be able to find such a large number of treasures here.

It has been a month since the opening of the Five Elements Treasures. The treasures of all the major territories have been excavated, and they have been exploring everywhere. They just tried their luck and suddenly did not expect to encounter the gods and gods here!

Yinji laughs with a close mouth, with the help of heaven and earth, and his strength will increase by a stagger in a short time.

The opening of the emperor road, the competition within the Xianmen Dao system is also extremely fierce. If there is not enough powerful combat power, it will be eliminated by the group. The stronger the practice, the more benefits it will get. These heaven and earth **** water is enough for the Yinji to complete. A major metamorphosis.

Wu Qili is like watching an idiot. He patrolled the three strongest people in the local government. Has this group of people been blind? Can't you see that this is a fierce young devil? Robbing him here? It is really too long.

"Hey, Yinji, this woman is a good woman!"

At this moment, some people noticed Wu Qili, because before being burned by the sun **** fire, Wu Qili, although gray-faced, has a lot of black hair, but even Wu Qili in this state is bright and moving!

"Not bad!"

The greedy eyes of Yinji patrolled Wu Qili, and the smile was more prosperous. She looked at her up and down, laughing happily: "I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest. What beauty do you have with him, and hurry to come to me."

Wu Qili squinted at Yinji, facing the greedy eyes he did not hide, her face with a disgusted expression.

For her, even if she is now miserable, she was suppressed by the young devil, but her Wu Qili is the top three beautiful people in Jiudingzhou. The eyes are higher than the top, and some of them are not in the eyes, let alone The yin of a local government.

"What is your look?"

The face of Yinji was so heavy that I saw Wu Qili’s contempt and pride. The face suddenly sank, and a little sly on the face, cold and secluded: "I can’t look down on me? Oh, you can rest assured, stay in bed, I will let you know that Lao Tzu is amazing!"

"As long as you match?"

Wu Qili sneered, and her mouth was not merciless.


Yinji is furious, can a woman still not pick up? Suddenly the pearl of the big family, Wu Qili also completely angered the Yinji, preparing the overlord to bow hard.

He directly raised his big hand and pulled it toward Wu Qili's cheek. He must give her some lessons first!

At this moment, Su Yan has already collected the seal of the heavens and the earth, and looked at Wu Qili, who was hiding behind her, and waved her hand to resist the big hand that Yinji hit!

This piece of emptiness trembles, the fighting power of Yinji is not weak, the two palms are bombarded together, and the thunder is rolling.

"Good boy, you are tired!" Yin Ji glared at Su Yan, screaming: "I will give you a chance to send me the woman behind you, otherwise you will not live!"

The three strong people of the local government are all murderous.

What group are they? What is the power? Immortal Tianyu's top Xianmen Dao, looking at the whole world, how many forces and groups dare to provoke them?

"The dog also wants to see the owner." Su Yan smiled and said: "Your tone is not small, the cowhide does not blow over."

"Playing a dog......."

Yinji is very angry, his face is red, and he whispered: "I said so proud, it turned out to be a female slave, and the pride is overdone!"

If the Yinji is poisonous, but absolutely no match for Wu Qili, she sneered: "What are you doing?

I am looking for a **** next to him, and I will not look at you with a look! ”


Yinji is almost mad, this is too poisonous, preferring to be a bitch, not willing to look at Yinji?

He is a young real fairy, so unbearable?

"Big brother and what he has to say, it is directly suppressed!"

"This woman, who doesn't know what to lift, really regards herself as a phoenix."

The other two monks and monks were also furious and witnessed the murder. Some people secretly sacrificed their treasures and prepared to suppress them all.

"What happened."

Suddenly, a great goddess came, a six-fold innocent immortal appeared, and the breath was as sinister as the nine-secret purgatory, which ruined the bone marrow.

"finally come!"

The tight-hearted mind of the Yinji lax and said: "Kid, I know that you are good at strength. The reason why you spend time with you is waiting for my uncle to come!"

After that, Yinji smiled at the strongman who came to the scene: "Uncle, this kid has dug up a lot of heaven and earth, I am worried about what happened, so let you come to pressure..."

Talking about it, Yinji is the discovery. The six-fold innocent fairy of the government looked at Su Yan. His expression was terrified, and he looked like a ghost. The two sides were trembled and his legs and feet were soft.

"What happened to my uncle?" The face of Yinji was somewhat abnormal. What scared the six innocent immortals?

This old guy can't wait to slap a slap in the face, you don't have to call me to find death. In front of this white-faced youth, who is laughing and laughing, is not a young devil, who is it!

He feels fear, the scared soul is disbanded, and the rapid retreat is far away!

"come back!"

Su Yan moved, eyes wide open, even the calm words contain horror fluctuations, rushing to the real estate!


The six-fold naive fairy is frightened. This is a killing star. Only the youngest supreme can match. Although he practiced in the six heavens, he can dominate the party, but in the face of the young demon, it is not enough for him to slap. Pumped.

He couldn't stand it, fell to the ground softly, and said with horror: "It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me!"

The three of them in Yinji felt suffocated and only felt a whirlwind. What kind of person was this? The powerful six-fold innocent fairy can only tremble in front of him.

Wu Qili’s face is complex, and now the young devil, it’s really fierce!

Just by his name, how many of the entire immortal Tianyu can be compared? Even the strong enemy of the heavenly court, seeing him as a mouse, sees the cat, this is fierce, quite blazing and brilliant!

"The devil is forgiving, I am just a small person...."

In short, the local strongman was frightened and lived a lot of age, how can he not be afraid of death.

"Youth Devil..."

The three scalp of the Yinji blasted, and the heart filled with fear and uneasiness, fled insanely, and did not dare to stay here for a moment!


Su Yan's big hand stretched out and directly suppressed!

The veritable hand covers the sky, and the golden hand covers the sky and covers the sky. It covers everything. In the palm of his hand, the scriptures emerge and the grandeur is magnificent.

Let the three monks of the local government be faster, and face the big hand that Su Yan has pressed down, can only go to despair!


The three strong men, one after another, burst into a **** body.

The six-day true fairy, scared

The atmosphere does not dare to breathe, although the land is a big pulse, but the young devil is who he is, but he is clear.

Su Yan looked down at him and he caught a kind of slightly familiar atmosphere.

Su Yan is a bit strange, he carefully tastes and senses, Su Yan is completely moved, binoculars contain expectations, step by step.


The real people know that they can't live, do everything they can to break out, and sacrifice all the cards, and want to open a door to escape.

After all, it is the true fairy of Six Heavens, and the atmosphere of the explosion is quite amazing. Unfortunately, the golden hand that Su Yan fell from the sky is extremely weak, and all the means are slammed by him!

"Rain!" His more and more fear, is not rumored that the young demon king is a heavy blow, is it going to die? Why is his current strength still so strong?

"Answer me, reincarnation!"

Su Yan's heartbeat accelerated, he caught a familiar medicinal property, it is likely to be the ultimate treasure medicine, reincarnation medicine, is there such a strong drug? Or are they found such treasures in the golden treasures?

"I.....I don't know..." The strong government stuttered and didn't understand what Su Yan was saying, but he knew what the reincarnation was.

"I don't know, don't you want to say?"

Su Yan is like lightning, and the reincarnation of medicine is of great importance.

His reincarnation avenue, if there is a reincarnation medicine to nourish, will inevitably turn into an earth-shattering supernatural powers. This is Su Yan’s sacred magical power, how can he not pay attention to it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the reincarnation of the prehistoric big brother who swallowed the semi-finished products in the past may not solve his problem.

If you really encounter a reincarnation, Su Yan will fight for it.

"I... I really don't know...."

Su Yan frowned, this child was covered in cold sweat and horrified, he should not know the reincarnation.

Immediately, Su Yan’s fingers slammed out and broke his forehead, trying to steal his signature mark.

However, Su Yan just touched his god, this person's knowledge of the sea burning, full of terrible taboo breath!

"not good!"

Su Yan’s face was amazed, and there was a seal on his god. This is the true fairy of Six Heavens. Is he the servant of someone?

It’s too late to say anything now, his **** is falling, and the sea is evaporating together. Su Yan doesn’t get any useful clues.

His face was a bit gloomy, he searched the storage space of these people, and did not find anything related to the medicine.

"He must have been in contact with the reincarnation medicine during this time, otherwise he will not have this breath!"

Su Yan cold channel: "Is it the youngest supreme of the government, has got the ultimate treasure medicine? A complete treasure of the drug is probably impossible, perhaps the essence of the source, is there a complete treasure to the treasure?"

In short, Su Yan was somewhat disappointed, and the clues that were finally found were interrupted.

"Complete reincarnation medicine, the legendary most powerful treasure medicine, the ultimate treasure medicine ....."

Su Yan’s eyes flashed crazy, and it’s about the prehistoric big brother.

This thing is enough to make the world full of madness, so that the ancestors of the ancestors are all thunderous shots, the ultimate treasure medicine, too expensive and valuable, each plant is made up and cultivated, and it takes a long time to complete.

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