Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1584: Throw down the saint!

Su Yan’s face was almost smashed, and it was overturned in the gutter.

He really didn't think that the shirts on the top could wipe out the seals he had arranged in a short time. This hand-to-pocket was really a small feat, and it was also a status symbol of the supreme teachings of the past.

Although with her level of cultivation, she can't exert the power of the Virgin's combat power, but she can only awaken with a little holy force.

Su Yan blinked and looked at the holy fairy in front of the national color, saying: "I said the saint, you are too direct. I have seen the robbing of women, and the occupation of men is limited."

Too sacred girl frowns, her looks are fascinating, temperament is noble, the body blooms white and lustrous, and the delicate body is like a pearl in Tuxia, dazzling and dazzling, gently smiles: "Dignified young devil, if you can become my servant, it is also a It’s a very beautiful thing.”

"Your courage is very fat, I dare to accept it."

Su Yan seems to laugh and laugh, without too much panic, the initial operation of the flesh, the flesh and blood of the body flow, the inner universe rotates, revealing the fluctuations of the grandeur, want to shake the lock dragon map.

However, the golden road map pressed on the body of Su Yan, stunned and fluctuated, and stunned the spurred scriptures within the body of Su Yan, and the power of the lock dragon figure was pervasive, and lightning penetrated into the flesh.

For a moment, Su Yan’s body trembled, and the power of the lock dragon figure was quite brutal, and it was necessary to tear the shell of Su Yan...

Even his body is locked, and it is difficult to continue to turn. This makes Su Yan feel awkward. This treasure is very powerful and peerless. At the time when they are in the middle of the day, there is no sacrifice for the saints. Out, now it is used to suppress itself.

"You don't struggle, it's useless."

Too sacred woman is particularly proud, carrying her hands and dancing, her beautiful things can not be square, smiled and said: "This is a lock dragon map, even the real dragon can be locked, the whole picture is also a large Luo Jinxian level The old skin that has fallen off the savage, the smashing into the world, the more you struggle, the stronger the lock dragon map will be against you!"

She is very confident that the golden ancient animal skin is one of the rare treasures of Taihang, and it is enough to suppress the young demon.

Although the unique order of the emperor road, it is difficult for some treasures to exert the strongest strength. At this stage, the lock dragon map suppresses a triple innocent fairy, but it is not difficult.

"The saint is really a good means, but also hides a hand." Su Yan slanted to the sacred woman, said: "If you sacrifice the dragon map, most of the people will suffer big losses, but you can deal with yourself now. Some are not kind."


The Taisheng Lady smiled very happily, revealing another kind of face, like a small fox, saying: "You were not very kind before, sealed me, I did not sacrifice the dragon map in the battle. Mainly to be wary of the heavens and the Lord, he is a pro-disciple of the Tongtian old man, the treasure of this body, countless, I believe he also has the same type of secret treasure as the lock dragon figure to counter my means!"

"I said the saint, I said that I helped you before. You are really not very kind now, and it is against you, what good is it for you?"

Su Yan asked, the more contact with the dragon map, the more it is unusual to find this thing, like the crouching ancient dragon, quite terrible!

“The benefits are natural, and the fairy stone is a big benefit.”

The beauty of the sacred woman is blooming, and her eyes are on the treasures of Su Yan’s hard work. She laughs: “I didn’t expect it, the five elements of the treasure, and I became the winner of life, not bad, giggling.. ....."

She smiled brightly and took a light footstep and appeared in front of the fairy stone.

"I said the saint, the fairy-tale stone, we have five or five points?" Su Yan called: "I want five elements of maternal, fairy stone for you, how do you feel? Everyone makes friends."

Too the sacred woman stunned, and then turned a blind eye and said: "You are not welcome, but you are not qualified to negotiate with me now, the future is really rushing around me, showing good permission to let you go !"

She held out her hand and held the fairy stone in her palm.


The fairy stone glows, transpiration of the mother's essence, exudes the undulating undulations, her arms tremble, the whole palm is to collapse,

She was a bit stunned and scared. The surprised eyes looked at Su Yan. How strong is his body?

Su Yan all the way to the fairy stone, attacked more than ten thousand miles!

Of course, if it is too full of the status of the Virgin, it will not be so embarrassing, her losses will be too big.

"Juvenile Devil, wait for me to recover, talk about it, the next thing!"

The sacred lady smiled and sat on the ground. In Su Yan’s smoldering eyes, she was actually absorbing the essence of energy contained in the fairy stone. This is invaluable, she is willing to absorb and refine. !


She is also whispering, feeling sorry, after all, the birthmark stone is bred by the five elements of maternal, if a strong person who is good at the five elements of the road to get this thing, is enough to change the big opportunity of life!

Mother Earth, very few, too scarce and expensive.

It is extremely clear to the sacred woman, that the preciousness of the primordial stone will be accepted by Taishang. She will not be willing to let people know. The energy of the primrose is also very important to her, and she chooses to absorb refining!

One after the other, the essence of the five elements of energy, the layers of the sprinkling.

The jade body of the sacred woman is blooming and spurting Ruixia. She feels too comfortable. If the body is baptized, she must marvel at the value of the fairy stone. If the energy of the whole stone is absorbed and refining, the realm will Climb to a horrible level.


Su Yan gritted his teeth, this kind of heaven and earth, and changed to Su Yan, not to be forced, he is not willing to refine.

However, it is very direct to the Virgin. After all, she is relying on Taishang, and the more she gets the resources, the more she does not care about the fairy stone!

Suddenly, the Virgin Mary opened her eyes and looked at Su Yan.

It was discovered that Su Yan had a bitter and deep hatred. She grinned, and such a big fortune was cut off by herself. Who can be willing.

She became more and more proud, and the young devil in the world ate a big loss in her own hands. This lesson is enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

Then she regained her gaze and practiced earnestly.

The fairytale stone is very extraordinary, flowing the charm of the vast avenue, making the Taisheng Saints and the treasures solemn, gradually quiet in the Avenue of the righteousness, it is difficult to return to God in a short time!


Su Yan’s eyes wide open and his chances came.

Although this lock dragon figure is super-existent, it can be mainly Su Yan's interference with the goddess of the sacred woman, and there is a chance to get out of trouble under the crackdown of the lock dragon figure.

"I am stunned by a sword, and I can definitely influence her god."

Su Yan just wants to launch a trick, suddenly hesitated, his Yuanshen injury has just stabilized. Once this school is launched, it will once again reinvent the Yuanshen, so that the impact on himself will be relatively large.

Moreover, the power of the Virgin is too strong, and under the state of its own gods, it is hard to match.

Su Yan has some headaches, what should I do?

His body has been imprisoned, completely lost his use, want to interfere with her mind, must shake her god.

"My fairy stone, this girl is really embarrassing, waiting for me to check out how I can clean up you..."

Su Yan was in a hurry, and saw some faint filthy stones. He suddenly stunned himself and said: "I am stupid, I am really stupid, how to forget this trick!"

He was suffocating and holding a dollar.

Sitting in the sea of ​​the gods in the sea, bursting into the Qinghui, spit out between the nose and mouth, mysterious gas!

what is this?

This is the recovery of the body in the body, Su Yan to promote the body of the body with the gods, to win the world, also has a terrible devouring power, flocked to the fairy stone!

For a moment, the heavy fairy stone, fierce shock, to fly to Su Yan.


In the midst of it, the goddess is too, returning from the path of enlightenment.

Only when she returned completely and her eyes returned to a clear moment, this nationally fragrant face was suddenly smashed, and the frontal bones were covered with black lines!


She yelled and just shouted out, but it was too late.


Immortal stone, violent suppression, such as the same super heavy weapon in the resurrection, descending from the sky, also like a brick, solidly, squatting on the forehead of the snowy forehead!


The saint screamed, the pain was so tiring, the tears flowed out, and even the eyes were black and almost faint!

How heavy is this fairy stone, if it is not her physical body, a face will be killed by life, directly suppressed by the fairy stone, her **** is not stable, crumbling.

The virgin forehead is bloody, the pain is screaming, and the eyes are still black!

The heart is full of resentment, how can Su Yan master the fairy stone, how did he do it?


Between the crashes, the underground cave house trembled, Su Yan gas swallowed the cattle, holding the moment when the lock dragon figure was unstable, the body turned, and suddenly opened the lock dragon map!

"not good......"

The screaming of the sacred woman, barely restored a little clear, spurred the lock dragon figure that was shocked, and flew toward Su Yan, who was rushing to him.

The golden animal skin is shining, and it is blazing for the sky. It can suppress the momentum of the heavens and the earth for a time, and once again suppress the body of Su Yan.


Su Yan’s big sleeves were smashed, and the big day was directly sacrificed, and the dragon was shown.

The two treasures are not the same, they are rare treasures, a moment of collision, the sky shook, the underground caves were burst.

"The saint, your man is coming..."

Su Yan shouted, the whole person, like Taishan, pressed from the sky.


It’s too feminine to sway, and just want to get up and get rid of it, but how strong is Su Yan, the flesh is flaming, the blood is golden, the palms are shining, and the sorrow of the sacred woman is caught, and even her whole The man fell to the ground.

Her white and crystal-clear body was directly pressed by Su Yan on the ground, and the frontal contact, Su Yanyang was just strong, chest to the chest, head to the head, eyes to the eyes.

"Sexual thief, get out..."

The saint is out of control and yelling. She is a holy fairy. He has had close contact with any man.

What's more, they are in contact with this attitude, which makes her angry and angry, and the autumn water scorpion fires, they must lively swallow Su Yan.

"What thief?"

Su Yan blinked and shouted: "Don't you say that I am yours? How can you be so filthy, too kind?"


Too feminine was trembled, and then she was covered in chicken skin and screamed: "You are crazy, don't, stop, stop."

(At this moment, you should come to the monthly ticket and stun the saint directly.

Plus more! )

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