Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1588: Zhendi, the town reincarnation!

The sky is full of blood, and it is half red!

The gods are crying, the sun and the moon are screaming, the power of the world is still a long time, still affecting the heavens and the earth, the world that is playing is boiling!

The onlookers are stunned and all are petrified. Who is this strong? It’s too arrogant, even from the battle to the end, the time of the event is extremely short, and many people’s thinking can’t keep up!

Many women's mouths have grown up and become a circle, and then the blood is boiling and trembles constantly.

"Who is he?"

Some women exclaimed, their eyes were splendid, and the reverent eyes looked at the majestic appearance of a monk. "Well too strong, who is it? The killing of the sacred son of Qi Tianzong was directly smashed by him. What level of combat power does this man have in the end?"

"Youth Devil!"

Someone said a word, it was a storm, swept the area, causing an uproar.

The young devil is invincible, breaking the domain pattern of Qi Tianzong's layout, destroying the enemy, and of course there are some living people shivering, filled with big fears, and turned around one by one.

No one had thought that in the third stage of the emperor's road, the monks who took the fairy stone would kill it so quickly, even with such a gesture, the whole killing collapsed and could not stop Su Yan.

"It is rumored that he can't do it. Why is it so strong?"

"The power of the young devil, you can use common sense to calculate, he is the strongest descendant of the heavens."

Many women have a colorful look. The picture just printed in their souls is hard to forget. The heart is infinitely admired. I feel that this is the overlord. This is the king. This is the young supreme!


At this moment, a large number of monks reacted and sprinted toward the crack of gold.

The golden mystery of the earth is one of the most popular creations at this stage. The first supreme of the Xian people has entered, and even the famous people who are famous in the sky, have also rushed into it.

I have to say that this resource brings together the world's heroes, and the young and supreme shopping will happen!

Su Yan broke into a large crack and followed a vague golden space-time road, sprinting toward the inner world. When his figure crossed the entire time and space, it seemed to span a long period of time and space and came to a mysterious world.

For a moment, Su Yan’s body was dim and there was a weakness.

He was amazed. This is the influence of time and space and the years. It is amazing. Did you cross the distant road just now? Then it can be understood that the treasure world below this is far from the third stage of the emperor road!

The weak Su Yan, dizzy, sly, like falling into chaos, have to sleep forever!

"It's weak!"

Su Yankou is dry, too hot, too weak, and the weak ones are playing hem, like mortals have not eaten for three days and three nights.

Involuntarily, the body culture blooms on its own, capturing the power of the heavens and the earth, and supplementing the debilitating human functions.

The special time and space in which he is located seems to have energy relative to the shocking world. He is recovering, the process is very fast, and he even finds himself in the sea of ​​fire, burning his flesh.

"What is this breath."

Confused and stunned, Su Yan could not help but shudder, vaguely seeing the depths of the innocent sea, sleeping a strong God.

He is terrible. If there is a kind of air machine, if you have a sacred shell of Su Yan, the gods, suddenly feel that the entire universe, the whole universe has been suppressed, everything is bleak!

“What is this area? Unbelievable!”

Su Yan from the head to the feet, carefully taste, catching the strong pressure along the long river, from prehistoric bloom, pressed to this world, shocked the history of the stars, it seems that the entire ancient history was grated It is.

"Pre-historic strong?"

"Like the great existence of the Emperor

? ”

"Similar, the awesome gods, the giants of the invincible years of the female emperor?"

Su Yan's soul is instigated and it is difficult to bear this kind of stalwart.

I did not expect that I would encounter all of this when I stepped into the secret world. This undoubtedly shows that there is a big opportunity hidden in the sky, and it is hard to imagine what is contained.

In the vagueness, Su Yan’s ear, the sound of thunder, is like a long river of history, extending to this world!

"Zhentian, Zhendi, town reincarnation..."

In the midst of it, Su Yan’s flesh will explode, as if the sound of history engraved by the heavens and the earth is blasting in this world, deterring all beings, without substantial power, otherwise Su Yan will die directly.

His spirit is still in the boundless darkness, like being suppressed!

The next moment, Su Yan was amazed. He broke away from the strange time and space, and his vision changed like a big change. There is no such thing as an immortal influence.

“What have you experienced?”

Su Yan is somewhat confused, frowning, and can't think of a special experience.

Soon, he stretched his limbs and his breath returned to his peak state. Although he was weakly affected by time and space, he could restore his body function in a short time and stand in full prosperity!

"this is?"

The next moment, Su Yan was shocked and even exaggerated.

The treasure is beyond his expectations, too big, quite magnificent, and the vast starry sky, without any star, only a round, a huge sun, steaming with radiance, illuminating the mysterious world.

A full nine suns hang in the stars, and every round of the sun is amazing.

On the 9th, the energy filled is quite flaming, and the temperature in the mysterious world is extremely high. It is very difficult.

The 9th is like a special pattern, and some are invisible.

He was careful, and when his eyes fell below, he was amazed, a golden sea, too wide, and the fairy was quite small in front of the sea.

The sea water inside is golden in color, above the sea, and sometimes the waves are rolling, a big wave rushes, and the starburst is trembled.


Su Yan did not see anything for the time being. He landed on the ground, the Gold Coast was huge, and the golden sand was piled up, like the golden desert.

Now, there are few people in this treasure. I don’t know if they have come. The world is too big. It is not easy to find them.

“Baocai, has you been living in this world?”

Su Yan whispered in his heart, he sat on the ground, never eager to study the world treasure, must find the iron treasure in the first time, in order to figure out the situation here!

Su Yan holds Yuan Shouyi, and the spirit is gradually rumored.

At the same time, he opened the pen, giving Su Yan extremely terrible insights, lingering out, sweeping over the Gold Coast, trying to find the life of Tiebaocai!

Originally, Su Yan did not hold much hope. Who knows, this piece of Gold Coast has many familiar life flavors.

Su Yan was pleasantly surprised. Baocai really lived here for a long time. Soon his sky was shining with enthusiasm, and he was able to see the life of the life, and rushed to the place where Baocai was standing.


Su Yanzhen, such as Tianjian, under the exploration of the eyes of Tianzhu, Tianmu shot a terrible glory, tearing the layers of time and space, and soon saw the golden glow of the sea, with a terrible rune.

This is the Jedi, the restricted area of ​​life, Su Yan sneaked under the gaze, but also has terrible power to shock.

Su Yan's flesh is trembled, his eyes are bleeding, his eyes are going to explode. He is shocked. What is it? Too terrible and incredible, almost killed him!

"Baocai should not be trapped in the Jedi?"

The vast golden desert, with few people and hot temperatures, Su Yan walks on the ground and calms down to explore.

Gradually, the fog was released before...

Su Yan is amazed, day

The ground looks a bit muddy, as if it was covered by strange substances.

The world looks a little chaotic, unpredictable, and Su Yan’s heart is a fierce glimpse. He seems to break into one and set the stage to kill the world in advance.

But who is it, arrange the killing here, wait for yourself.

Or is this the hunter in the treasure land, hunting the strongman in the past?

The foggy world, soon **** blooms, the scene here has changed greatly, extremely embarrassing and cruel, all over the body, some people still have facial expressions, some surprises, some fear, some full of smiles...

Dozens of cold bodies, some people do not know before they die, will face the great disaster.

Su Yan's face is getting colder. If someone really is here to make a game, the monk here is used as a prey. He doesn't mind killing it all!

"It’s not a young devil, the emperor is a strong man. In the face of this lineup, he can hold his breath!"

Su Yan’s face is cold, and someone is killing himself, but who is it?

Although he is invincible, I believe that for a short time, Qi Tianzong has no time to deploy manpower to kill himself.

Then there is only one possibility. Someone has arranged it here in advance, and wait for yourself to come, so I think I will come here!

Is it too feminine?


Suddenly, the world filled with blood and blood, the scene changed dramatically, and the void exploded, one after another, and blasted ten empty black holes!

This makes Su Yan strange, is the person of Qi Tianzong, this is the power of Qimen is in bloom, has to say that the means are unpredictable, and spurred the world!

Ten empty black holes, showing ten **** peaks, do not know how many people have swallowed up their lives, and the **** suffocation is extremely strong!

At the top of the top ten peaks, there are ten strong men in Qitianzong. There are men and women, old and young, and their breath and **** mountains blend together, which is particularly powerful.

"Youth Devil, you are the Master of Qimen, you should know what these ten peaks mean!"

The people who spoke in the dark said that it is good. Every mountain is covered with the singularity of the singularity. This is the ten singular treasures that can open the peak!

"Old ancestors, and what he said, the young devil has just entered this place, absolutely in a period of weakness, and now is an excellent opportunity to kill him!"

"It's a good talk. The tenth array is the ancient murderer. Don't talk about the young devil. The tenth array is the strongest state. Even the big Luo Zhenxian can easily break it!"

Qi Tianzong several people put words, look cruel, a pair of eating Su Yan look.

Here is the only way to the golden sea, they are waiting for the rabbit, waiting for Su Yan to come to the door!

I didn't expect the plan to be so smooth, he really came.

Su Yan is a bit stunned, ancestors? The ancestor of Qi Tianzong!

This is a bit of a trivial matter. A Da Luoqiang is here, and it’s been a while for me to wait.

"Oh, juvenile devil, although you have a grudge with Qi Tianzong, but has nothing to do with the old man!"

The shadow hidden in the dark, cold and secluded: "As long as you hand over the treasures of the five treasures, I can let you go."

Su Yan suddenly realized that the five elements of treasure medicine, one is the strongest treasure!

Otherwise, the single use, the effect will be greatly reduced, but don't underestimate the complete five elements of treasure medicine, this is a rare medicine born in the world, the value is much more valuable than the fairy medicine.

It is a pity that the gods and gods of heaven and earth have been used by Su Yan. It seems that this is the celestial ancestor who took away the other two substances of the Five Elements.

"Let me leave? Are you kidding so big?"

Su Yan’s black long hair shawl, cold and cool: “I still have big things to do now, no time to clean up you, I will give you a chance to open the ten circles, give me away, or else at your own risk!”

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