Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1619: Map

Yin Jun 昊 昊 散 散 散 散 散 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 阴 阴

He is the strongest player in the Demon League. Now he is beaten by Su Yan, but he has never been desperate. He has sent out the shackles that have been passed from hell, smashing the bones and inspiring the soul!

"I will not lose to you, the young devil, I have not lost!"

Su Yan's crushing did not smash the conviction of Yin Junyi, and made a whistling whistle. The whole meat shell was black and white, like the phoenix that fell into purgatory, the supreme blood was burning, and the most terrible life was radiating.


He slammed his big hand and pulled out a black road map, calling Su Yan!

In the process, the road map was quickly enlarged, and suddenly formed a nine-pronged purgatory, like the concentrated land of the government here, revealing the fluctuations of the sky, and obscuring the whole time and space, and shrouded Su Yan!

"Map of the land!"

Yan is shocked, although this road map is not a real thing, but this thing is a very rare big killer.

The most powerful treasure of the prefecture is not only one. The map of the government is one of them. It is said that this is the treasure of the landlord. It has been floating in the land, and it has been a long-lasting yin and nourishment. It is hard to imagine how powerful it is!

Nowadays, the Taoist rituals are only imitations, but they also reveal the light of three thousand gods, and open up nine sacred purgatory, as if the reincarnation region that dominated the world was born!


Three thousand gods and gods are emptied, and Senro is all in a hurry. Each of them explores a big magical hand, the law and rules, and suppresses Su Yan.

Death infernal breath rushed to the surface, powerful body like Su Yan's body is shaking, just like to collapse.

He was a little scared. This picture is really tyrannical. It should be a treasure of the Da Luo level. It covers the sky and covers the sky and time.

In this city purgatory, all life scent is suppressed, and the hands of three thousand gods, like the hand of death, are going to take Suyan to Huangquan!


Su Yan’s pupils screamed in the darkness, and the energy was agitated and thundered.

The initial scripture also began to work. He was like a **** in the land, waving his fist, punching and punching, and hitting the hands of three thousand gods!


Su Yan suddenly screamed, bloody, and powerful!

He ran across the area, his speed was too fast, and his short time waved tens of thousands of punches.

The atmosphere of the whole person is also infinitely violent, as if the supreme **** of war is arguing in the sky, to blow up the purgatory of the land!


The dark purgatory trembles, some can't seal Su Yan's terrible life, because not only is he recovering, the galaxy gourd is also hung above the Suyan Tianling cover, and the gourd mouth is sprayed into a piece of cosmic star, surrounded by The light of the Milky Way, hitting the map of the land!

"I am the Lord of the land, suppressing all enemies!"

The yin screams and screams like a madman, and the figure is merged with the map of the earth. The whole person blooms in the light of purgatory, gathers the power of the entire map, smashes the stars, and the black hands are tight. Followed, covered with Su Yan!

"I am the king of the universe, dominating everything in the world!"

Su Yan’s response, let Yin Jun’s lungs be blown up, and seeing the cracks, whispering: “You can break it and say it, the young devil, this is the map of the land, although it is not the real thing, it can exist in my house. The essence of the pulse road is not so easy to resolve!

"as you wish!"

Su Yan rose up, like the re-opening of the universe, the initial formation of the scriptures, cosmic chaos, sun and moon stars, flowers and birds, insects, and the gushing galaxy.

For a short time, Su Yan's breath was arrogant, and the entire purgatory was a little vague. A terrible shadow, looming in the darkness, the whole body of the smashing smashing force, suddenly broke the darkness!

Purgatory is like a blast, a shocking figure, the shell of the meat is filled with 天鹏天力, the land of the purgatory is five points apart!

Even the big hand that Yin Junyi waved down broke down and the blood flowed to the ground.

"Give me a remodel!"

Yin Junyi endured the pain of broken arms, spurred the strongest power of the map, reshaped the broken purgatory space, and re-suppressed Su Yan in it.

"Give me broken!"

Su Yan made a loud noise, and the Tianling cover ignited a light of the gods, swallowing the cows and directly knocking down the whole darkness!


Su Yan’s Yuanshen blazing the sky, like wearing a sun singer, the punches are shocking, accompanied by the grand mother-in-law, coming across the time and space, breaking the sea of ​​Yin Jun’s knowledge!

"How can your gods be so strong!"

Yin Jun screams in horror, screams and screams, and knows that the sea will collapse. The internal black metaphysical body flickers and stuns, and his terrible body has broken down one after another. Big crack.

"what is this?"

Yin Jun is somewhat desperate. He captures the magnificent motherly breath, like a sun fairy presented in front of his god, every syllable is suppressing his god, and finally the sky symbol is presented. His gods must be cracked!

You must know that he also cultivated the **** of heaven and earth, and even the most outstanding practice in the immortal world. But now the ending is very cruel, his **** is directly suppressed, and even catching the heaven and the earth. breath!

"You are not......."

Yin Junyi feels unbelievable. The former Su Yan definitely did not have such a strong scripture, so he is very likely to get the golden sea.

Is this the sea area hidden in the world?

Thinking of this, Yin Jun must be crazy, eyes are red, how many good things did Su Yan get?鲲鹏神通 and the mother's scriptures, this is the great creation of the Xianmen Taoist system, and all of them fell into the hands of Su Yan.

Su Yan stepped toward the yin jun, stepping on the ground and pursuing the prison, the majestic scene.


Yin Jun is angry, he can't go away, the Yuanshen has been suppressed by Su Yan, if he wants to leave Su Yan before he can't keep himself.

But nowadays, the eternal **** of Yin Junyi was suppressed by Su Yan, and the combat power has fallen to the most frail moment. Now, let alone escape, if you can survive, you will burn high incense.

Just when Su Yan raised his palm, he wanted to suppress the moment of Yin Jun.

A powerful figure broke into the map of the government and came to the front of Yin Jun with great speed.

"Brother, save me!"

Yin Jun ecstasy, noticed that Zhu Yanghua came, he seems to encounter a savior, do not mention more excitement, although Yin Jun has an invincible heart, but now it is important to keep alive.

Zhu Yanghua looked cold and had no expression.

There was no response to the words of Yin Junyi.

Next, his actions made Yin Jun a little scared. Zhu Yanghua came, but he did not come to help himself. Instead, he took out a big trip and suppressed himself.


Yin Jun is sluggish and stupid.

Some of them can't believe their eyes. Zhu Yanghua suppressed himself. Does he know what he is doing?

If this is spread out, the fear of the local government will tear up the pulse of the bamboo. Although the Tianzhu vein has been strong, it can be said that the ancestor of the family had a big problem and it is likely to fall. Then the family can’t talk about the strongest. Xianmen Road System!

"No one will know what happened in the map of the land, and even if the young devil said that I suppressed you, how many people would believe it?"

Zhu Yanghua whispered in his heart, and he took the big trip with lightning and left the map!

"Get back!"

Su Yan was furious, and all of this happened very shortly. What he did not expect was that Zhu Yanghua would suppress Yin Jun, and this thing also subverted his thinking!

The squeaking snoring blew, the ripples smashed, and the torrents ruined everything along the way, rushing to Zhu Yanghua.


The whole piece of time and space has exploded. Su Yan uses the power of gossip to block the time and space. He must not let Zhu Yanghua escape from himself. Even Yin Jun is very important to him. Maybe he can ask the clues of the medicine.

"The map of the earth is broken, is the yin dying?"

"I don't know, Zhu Yanghua escaped, his speed is fast..."

The onlookers in the distant waters were stunned. Didn’t see the yin jun, was it smashed by the young devil?

Nowadays, Zhu Yanghua has also escaped, crossing the void, his speed is getting faster and faster, even the breath is faint, and it is terrible!

"what is that?"

Su Yan was shocked, his power to Zhu Yanghua was crushed, and layers burst!

With the power of the powerful Qimen, he has an insight into the body of Zhu Yanghua. He has a black bamboo growing up, bathing the blood of the heavens, and transmitting the sound of ghosts and crying gods, even accompanied by terrible sacrifices!

What is the ancestor of Tianzhu? Why is this happening?

Soon Su Yan insight, he was eclipsed, black bamboo, with many powerful sorrowful obsessions, these are the strong people he just smashed!

There is no doubt that these people are very strong, but Zhu Yanghua took out the ghosts in their bodies and used them to cultivate the roots of the ancestors of the Tianzhu. Is this going to evolve into a certain kind of monster?

I have to say that this thing is very shocking. The black bamboo is only one foot high, but it is like the magical species that bathes the blood of the heavens. The breath of a little exhalation, the devil of the gods, the blood of the heavens are all bursting with the dying of the world. Like the image!

"Give me a stop!"

Su Yan was furious, opened his mouth and squirted a light of blood, and suddenly banged to Zhu Yanghua, to intercept him.

However, the black bamboo in Zhu Yanghua's body is quite strong, and it is a little tremulous, and the power is terrible. It collapses the killing power that Su Yan hit.

"Oh, useless, Su Yan, you will wait for me, I will kill you in the future."

Zhu Yanghua's speed is very fast, and he is far away from Su Yan. He expects the power of Yin Jun's origin to be a ghost, and the seed will evolve more powerfully. I believe that he can crush Su Yan in the future!

Su Yan was so glaring that he could not let him go, crossing the ocean and chasing Zhu Yanghua.

At this time, Su Yan saw a blood-stained figure in the distant waters quickly approaching here. Su Yan said: "Give me a stop, fast!"

Fan Jianmeng’s spirit, suddenly saw Zhu Yanghua!

"Rabbit scorpion, give me a stop!"

Fan Jian took out the ruined fake sword of the Heavenly Sword and roared toward Zhu Yanghua.

This hit is scary, the sea has been cut off, and the swordsmanship is released, and the world is defeated, and Zhu Yanghua is killed.

(The annual meeting in these days, the update is not stable, ah ah ah)

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