Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1630: Original battle!

A beautifully dressed purple woman, the fairy is full of style, carrying four swords and rushing to Jin Tianyi, and even challenging Yongqiu Ling.

This shocked the world's strong, no matter whether Jin Tianyi and Yongqiu Ling are not leisurely generations, is this a joke?

However, Yongqiu Ling’s eyes looked at Zixia Fairy, and she didn’t think it was a joke.

Immediately, her face changed, even Fan Jian, who was fighting with the reincarnation, was shocked. His eyes looked at the five big swords that were empty, like the five holy swords that come from Everlasting. Array, chaos all over the sky!

what is that?

One after another, a chaotic sword, incomparable, cracked the starry sky!

The five swordsmen, do not know what the order, together turned into a chaotic sword array, stirred up the chaos of the sea like a sea, hard life and drowning Jin Tianyi!

Just kidding, this is the five swords that the mysterious bones gave to Zixia Fairy, which directly evolved into a chaotic sword array.

As for the fairy-tale Zixia fairy who came from the front, although it is like laughing and laughing, the game looks like a human being, but Yongqiu Ling catches it. Among the purple Xia fairy, there is a chaotic sword that is enough to split the kings. !

"This should not be, the woman that Big Brother said?"

Fan Jian is a big head. He knows that Su Yan’s kendo inheritance originates from an incomprehensible existence. Then the disciple he cultivated has no status in his status.

This war has exceeded the expectations of the world. No one expected that this thing would happen. The bride was black-faced. She originally thought about fishing in the water. She didn't want to be a dead rival with the young devil.

If she really wants it, it is enough to kill the past with the Holy Spirit and break into the nirvana pool.

"I just took away some, isn't it?"

Although the Taisheng Saints have some taboos on Su Yan, but Nirvana Baoye is of great importance, she will not give up.

The saints are too speechless, and the surrounding area of ​​Nirvana is opened with a major killing. This is not the arrangement of Su Yan.

Baocai retreats, and certainly arranges some backhands, dozens of major killings to guard the nirvana pool, for anyone who breaks into it, all recover and kill!

"Nirvana treasure, I am bound to get!"

Too sacred women no longer hesitate, strong shots, to break a series of big killings, give her a certain time to kill.


Some people are squatting and their hearts are stirring.

At this moment, the gasification of Sanqing and the combination of Su Yan, the majestic body tossing to the scorpion, the thinness of the blood of the meat shell, the hard life and the collapse of the sky and the sky rune!

The majestic appearance of the monks, the black hair of the dance, the majesty of the strong, this indicates the strongest state of Su Yan, killing the Tongtian lesser, the divine power of the body, with the order and the law, accompanied by the vast fairy Fighting power.


Su Yan's pores are all sprayed out of hundreds of millions of runes, and they have evolved into a sturdy force, and they are overwhelmingly suppressing them!

Almost a moment, the starry sky turned into a **** hole, like a black Wang Yang traversed here, a 鲲 在 在 出 出 , , , , , , , , , 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一


The celestial body of the celestial body is blazing, and it is very solemn to make a big move.


For a moment, the murderous atmosphere crowded the audience, and the feathers were bright, and the phoenix of the gods was so horrible that the atmosphere was too scary, and it was far from the Peng Peng.

What kind of energy is this? What kind of magical power?

It must be the legendary ancestor of the ancestors, one of the strongest supernatural powers in history. Whether it is the 鲲 还是 or the ancestors of the ancestors, they are quite shocking, and the atmosphere of each other is blending, forming a storm of extinction. It’s too fast to breathe.

"This guy, good and powerful!"

Zixia Fairy is a little scared, how many years have passed? What did Su Yan experience?

The impact of the two peaks and the supernatural powers, the energy storm alone, is enough to shock people!

Yin Ji felt shocked. Su Yan of that year has now grown to this stage. He is qualified to compete with the strongest youngest supreme.

Peng Peng is really phoenix!

The most powerful magical powers of the two Supreme families bloom, the sound of the crash is deafening, and the heavens and the earth are like a burst!


Kuangpeng and Zhenhuang collided together, killing the light and rolling, covering the sky and concealing the sun. At the same time, the two great magical powers were all driven by the great murderers. Their figures and lightnings were killed together!

"Youth Devil, do your best, otherwise you will die very hard!"

The sky is cold and the Lord is cold, waving his palm, and then hitting Su Yan, who is killing him one after another. The palm print is heavier than a heavy one, and finally it is like a nine-day galaxy pouring nine heavens, and the terrible breath is crowded with the battlefield.


Su Yan's fists were grand, and a punch and a fist burst, like the Shengshi universe disk lying on his fist, igniting the Su Yan meat shell blazing the sky, and finally provoked a terrible glory, rushing into the sea!

Yan Peng accompanied Su Yan's breath and arrogance, the same grand to the extreme.

The war broke into white heat in an instant, and the two strong men fought fiercely, and the short-lived confluence collided more than a dozen times.

The terrible battle, the horror of the world, the two peaks and the strongest are all outbreaks of invincible power, killing the enemy!

Kuangpeng is true to the phoenix, Su Yan is the master of the sky, the fierce killing of the peak, the disintegration of the heavens and the earth, the destruction of the storm, and this is absolutely the most stunning killing of the battlefield of the emperor!


A group of women under the demise of the lord of the sky lost the color, and the lord of the sky has already erupted to the strongest, and the power of the celestial system has been played. How many powerful enemies did he encounter?

The Tongtian scriptures motivated the atmosphere of the heavens and the masters to grow infinitely, like the **** of war, whistling out a terrible source of energy and hitting Su Yan.

"A terrible battle!"

The onlookers are eclipsed, too ferocious and fierce!

The two peaks collided with each other, and the hardships were difficult to break. The most terrible forces in each other were spewing, and the most shocking battlefields were killed in magical powers.

In fact, Peng Peng and Zhen Huang can fully represent the magical powers in the limits of the magical powers. The two great murderers are violently fighting above their heads, and the two powerful players are also beginning to fight for it!

Su Yan fists to see the blood, full of **** battles, all penetrated the shell of the meat erupted, set off against the golden wars!

He promoted the initial force, and the source continued to be pressed against the heavens and the Lord. The outside world could not see who was strong or weak. In fact, it was clear that he was suppressed, and even the more he played, the stronger it was suppressed!

Although his strength is endless, his mana is so powerful that it is difficult to suppress the power of Su Yan’s tyrants!

"Tongtian fairy body, mana is boundless!"

The singer of the singer screams and releases the strongest power of the celestial body, and the energy between the whistling is more turbulent than Wang Yang!

Unparalleled power is awakening, containing the power of physical origin, full of the power of supreme killing, and suppressing against Su Yan!

Almost hundreds of millions of energy come out of the nest, this is the most terrible state of Tongtian fairy!

Real power?

The world is trembled, this is the heavenly body, the energy is too grand, right? It is said that the peak of the true fairy is whistling here, the terrible breath is falling down, and the horror of the earthquake is dazzling, and they must worship the most powerful state of the sky!

Really think that the strongest battle body is to eat dry rice?

At the same time, Su Yan was like the brutal suppression of the four seas and seas, as strong as his meat shells were in danger!

Yuan Yuan is nervous, this should be the strongest enemy Su Yan encountered in the emperor road. After all, the Heavenly Master is the strongest body, and I really don't know how abnormal this kind of warfare is.

"You are finished with the young devil, give me life!"

Excited and screaming, the source of the continually promotes the physical strength of the body, and evolves the horrible killing of the ocean. It has begun to obscure Su Yan. Among them, it is a vision of the sky, like the hundreds of millions of cosmic stars in the middle, all the way!


a terrible atmosphere in the sky

Above the meat shell, Su Yan's body has signs of disintegration!

However, the more he fights in front of this physique, the more suffocating the blood, the more shocking the meat shell is, the more the fighting flames have penetrated the meat shell, breaking through, forming all kinds of terrible Vision, like the real world of creation!


Su Yan snorted, hair dancing, and his eyes roared.

His qi and blood are expanding, such as the young fairy king who is open to the sky, and he is worth thirty-three days!

Originated from Tongtianxian body with a special physical pressure, the stimulating Su Yan meat shell shines, the breath is changeable, he is sometimes like a magical hegemony, sometimes like the sun fairy body, sometimes as if it does not destroy the body, sometimes as the six Golden body, sometimes like a reincarnation.......

"what is this?"

The face of the Lord is so heavy, like facing a group of gods, Su Yan's meat shell is too scary, all kinds of terrible pressures are frequently distributed, with the initial operation, it must be turned into a primitive battle body, resisted The suppression of Tian Tian Tong Tian Xian Li!


Su Yan is a big day, Tianzhu collapses, and the sun and the moon scream!

The sky is full of celestial forces and collapses, and the sound of a big bang, the savage of the body, almost fluttered out!

He fluttered and fluttered, his majestic temperament, all kinds of terrible physique emerged one after another, just like the opening of the universe chaos, among which the gods and sorcers stood up, the weather was thousands of thousands of times, like the heavens and the world smashed down!

"How can it be?"

There are some doubts about life in the sky, as if facing a group of the strongest, what is his constitution? It’s too special, is it too?

At this moment, there is a kind of Su Yan, which runs through everything, integrates everything, and turns into the mentality of the strongest!

"My way, my way, my law."

He is in a low-pitched, and the harvest is not small, and he feels that his body has great potential to dig!

He was excited and surprised. In fact, the current Su Yan, physical vision, suppressed the power of the heavenly fairy, it is extremely scary!


Su Yan waved his fist, this fist is a strong and powerful dance, including the spirit of Su Yan, you can imagine how strong it is.


The punches and swallows swallowed thousands of miles, and Peng Peng accompanied the explosion, and a real phoenix that ran across the horizontal blasted!

The invincible boxing force, the bombing to the Heavenly Master, let his fighting power in the world, the heavenly body is terrible, at this moment Su Yan's meat shell is too cracked, sweeping thousands of troops, hitting the sky The Lord flies out!


His chest is divided, and if it is not strong, Su Yan’s punch is enough to kill him.

People all over the world are silent, and some can't believe their eyes.

From the time they played to the end, it was too fast, it was completely thunder and killed, with the strongest powers.

But now, the Tiantian fairy body is defeated, and the flesh is fighting for the defeat. How strong is Su Yan’s constitution? In the end, what is the horrible level, the powerful Tongtian fairy body has been suppressed!

Su Yan's overall meteorological horror, like the demon king of the cross-court days, overlooking the heavens and the Lord, and said: "Tongtian children, you are not satisfied?"

"Youth Devil!"

The singularity of the lord of the sky is faintly revealed, revealing a cruel smile: "What use is you strong? It is my stepping stone to the sacred list of the emperor, and the most powerful of the celestial body is the endless mana. Not the power of the meat shell!"

"What to say, roll over and lead to death!"

Su Yan is like the lower bound of the world, and the atmosphere is more and more strong.

"It's you who died!"

Through the heavens and the Lord, I immediately uttered a big sigh of relief, and made a low voice: "I am going to drink the blood of the demon king, and deter the world, and the future will be one of the strongest weapons between heaven and earth!"

"This is a good statement, but it belongs to me!" Su Yan said coldly.

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