Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1640: Heaven and Earth furnace

The monstrous blood filled the sky, as if the boundless sea of ​​blood came to the world!

Su Yan's action was too fast. From stepping into the Golden Tianhe, the combat force was pulled to the limit and pushed all the way across.

The corpses and broken bones are blooming all over the sky, and the males of the fairy group are like a group of scarecrows, dancing in the void, bursting their flesh in the process!

Looking at it from a distance, it formed a shocking picture. It was a terrible figure slamming across. The figure tore a hundred thousand miles of sea, and the enemies along the way were dancing like a piece of sand.

"Oh no!"

The fears of the immortal clans have no time to join hands, and even some powerful people who have mastered the secret treasures have never given time to activate!

Su Yan's momentum is too terrible. The fierce and mighty majestic, the majestic and powerful surging, surging than the ocean, pushes all the way, the vitality of the spirit is more and more powerful, forming a magnificent invincible world, difficult to rewrite!


He yelled, really like a crazy **** of war, waving his fist and blasting forward!

The sky is shaking, the sea is roaring, and the endless void is rolled out and rushed towards Cangyu!

This is a shocking picture formed by extremely terrible power. Any blocker between heaven and earth flew out!

In the end, a large number of fairy strongmen flew to the sky, their bodies burst, and the blood splattered like a waterfall, which was quite pungent.

"Devil, it's him ..."

People all over the world are terrified. They are too strong and domineering. They killed them directly and pushed them all the way. This is a sturdy and powerful attitude. The supreme domineering cover of the same generation!

There are also some fairy strongmen who try to sacrifice the secret treasure to stop Su Yan, and do not want him to be close to the pattern of the first supreme trapped fairy. After all, Su Yan is a master of Qimen. Once approaching the sea of ​​fire, he will not be able to protect the first Extreme, forming a devastating blow.


A spear of halberd swept through the sky and destroyed everything. It was so powerful that with the rune of Xiandao falling down, it tore all the secret treasures thrown in the sky.

Su Yan also made a roar, spraying the light of Kunpeng from the nose and mouth, the whole world was silent, because the remaining enemies were swept away, and they collapsed in the void!

"Devil, are you invincible?"

"Tongtian Shaozhu has been killed by him. The murderer in charge of the young demon king is Tongtian Euphorbia. Now he is here to kill powerfully. This is to get rid of the first Supreme Supreme!

"Dilu, is it going to be blown up? Is it going to end early?"

Endless people are trembling, the golden Tianhe resource land, under the magnificent power of Su Yan, are trembling and trembling, the heroes are trembling, looking from a distance like a million mountains into one, blooming a terrible storm of energy!

"Pervert, this pervert does not wait for the beast **** ..."

Tie Baocai was so anxious to jump off his feet that he still wanted to show his mighty fighting power and kill the immortal strongmen. As a result, Su Yan plowed the cave, and the enemies along the way were completely killed by him, leaving no hair left. !!

The world-wide heroes were also shocked, and their hearts were horrible, because they captured an invincible power from Su Yan. The more you fight, the more you fight, and the more you fight!

He seems to be the only Supreme of the Commonwealth of the World.

Who dares to stop?

No one dared to kill the past and touch the mold now. Su Yan's murderous force was too heavy. He approached the sea of ​​flames infinitely. The enemies burst along the way, and any energy material seemed extremely dim.

Only he was powerful and shocking, and there were horrendous growls, which broke the cloud of ten squares!


In the infinite sea of ​​fire, a horrifying figure erupted, like the invincible king breaking out of the dark ancient realm, and it stirred up various kinds of horror machines by itself.

"He hasn't even scoffed, and even has such a strong combat power!"

Baocai was stunned. Although the first Supreme of the Immortal was trapped in the Jedi, there is still a super-combat power. With the moment when the Taiyin Mother is running, the whole sea of ​​flames is as dark as ink!


The first supreme clan of the immortal clan issued a second roar, like the chaotic ancient demon crawling out of the sea of ​​fire purgatory, powerful and scorched, and his scorched skin was cracked, revealing a terrible body of war, and the breath of life was terrible!

"Treasure, are you sure he really suppressed him?"

Xi Yuan's face was dignified, his eyes were a little scary, and he was looking at Baocai.

Baocai was a little silent, and its face was extremely serious. Before the first Supreme Supreme was suppressed by it, the horror was shocking, and it was simply a supreme supremacy in the world!

"If the First Supreme of the Immortal is in the killing game, he has strengthened his body with fire and become stronger, then this enemy is simply unfathomable!"

Fan Jian's heart was really heavy, and it was really beyond their expectations. Who can believe that the first Supreme of the Immortal has undergone a major transformation in the killing, struggling in purgatory, and becoming more powerful!


There is also a terrible sound of heartbeat sounding, deafening, as if the souls sleeping in ancient times are recovering. Everyone can see that in the first supreme heart of the immortal, there is a faint baby fruit!

The fruit is special, the spirit is endless, the vitality is vast, and the energy substance is continuously leaked out. It penetrates into the first supreme treasure body of the immortal, and provides him with strong vitality!

"this is!"

Yan Que's face changed in shock, and said, "This is the earth fairy!"

"Dear fairy fruit, this thing really exists!"

Fan Jian's scalp was numb, and then he corrected his words: "No, the immortal people really control the earth fairy tree, my mother-in-law, but this is the supreme treasure tree that can almost compare with the original tree. Earth fairy fruit! "

Among the ten strongest treasure trees, they were born in the era of opening the world, representing the ten strongest treasure trees in immortal heaven.

There are many legends about the earth fairy tree. It is said that this fruit tree has experienced the long years, sucking the essence of the earth, and gradually cultivated the earth fairy tree. It even takes a long universe era to cultivate a land fairy fruit!

This kind of fruit is too precious and contains countless essences of life. It is an invaluable treasure for the flesh!

"Mad, I knew he had a land fairy fruit, and I wouldn't trap him in the sea of ​​fire pattern. This is the endless sun **** fire, which contains the prosperity of the sun. He has a land fairy fruit to make up losses, plus the special tempering of the sea of ​​fire, He is likely to complete a transformation! "

The treasure is extremely annoyed. Of course, whoever wants to get the immortal will give him the land fairy fruit. This is the supreme fruit that can be cultivated in the universe. It also belongs to the most powerful treasure of life. one!

"How about Yanque?" Yuan Yuan frowned, seeing Yanque's face a bit wrong.

Yan Que sighed and whispered, "Earth Fairy Tree, once the most precious tree in the heaven court!"

"What?" Yuan Yuan's eyes widened and his face was equally ugly and gloomy. This is the most precious tree in heaven, the fairy tree!

"Uh ..."

The first immortal of the Xian clan laughed, his indifferent pupils stared at Su Yan and finally fixed on Tiebaocai's body. He gave a cold drink: "Give me!"


The first supreme breath of the immortal raged a lot, and the ancient armor was revived. The scene was a bit scary. A big explosion occurred in the heavens and the earth. Every figure vacated behind him, like a fairy, like a demon. !!

"Fairy Warframe of the Immortals!"

The world exclaimed, this is the immortal treasure of the immortals. At the moment of full awakening, the terrible immortal breath tears layers of fire and ocean!

Suddenly, an extremely terrible breath swept across the vast sea. In the astonishing eyes of the strong, the immortal is the first supreme, and is about to tear the sea of ​​fire and kill the life Jedi!

"Su Yan, kill him directly!"

Yenque yelled, once Kyushu Tianding was hit, he could annihilate the first Supreme of the Immortal, no matter how strong he was, he directly killed the matter!

In fact, Su Yan had already sacrificed Kyushu Tianding, but when he resurrected Kyushu Tianding and pressed against the sea of ​​fire, he found that the sea of ​​fire and sea had a terrible pattern and resisted the power of Kyushu Tianding!

Su Yan was shocked. This pattern was too amazing. It would be hundreds of times more difficult to fight from the outside!

"It's useless, you all have to die!" The immortal first supreme is cold, and the armor of the gods and demon warriors keep shining, tearing layers of fire and ocean, and will soon be out of sleep.

"Funny, you can come out and talk."

Su Yan responded coldly, a pair of pupils staring at the fiery sea pattern, he directly grasped the open sky pen, and with the insight of Qimen's power, captured Jiuzhong's topography.

"As you wish, when I go out, the first one will cut you off!"

The first supreme sorrow of the immortal family said, because he felt that Su Yan's Yuanshen had the breath of the motherland, and he must have got the legendary motherland of the sun!

"Break me!"

The first supreme roar of the immortal, the battle of the immortal demon burned to the extreme, and the imposing figure of the second demon of the immortal demon appeared. In the span of the years, the sea of ​​fire was completely squeezed.

"No, he's coming out!" Yuan Yuan was surprised. "Find a way to trap him!"

Hearing that, Su Yan shook her head slightly.

"Also, we are afraid of what he does, and we come out."

羿 Yuan laughed. The first Supreme of the Xian people is powerful, but do they need to be afraid of the first Supreme of the Xian people? There is absolutely no need for this!

However, the first supremacy of the immortal people still looks at themselves too high.

Allowing his breath to be strong, he has always been difficult to break the final blockade. The scorching sea of ​​flames that converge at Jiuzhong can be called the Jedi of Life, blocking the first Supreme Supreme's footsteps!

"When I get out, it's the dead time!"

The immortal first Supreme relentlessly opened his mouth, he is sure to continue to be stronger, that is, he can tear the sea of ​​fire pattern!

"You really think too much," Su Yan said coldly. "Since you don't have the ability to break the pattern, let me help you and let you die in advance!"

Su Yan's figure across the sky in an instant, recognizing the sun's primordial spirit in the sea, reading the power of the mother scripture, and holding the sky to open the sky!

In the midst of it, a terrible sky pen is looming in space and time.

Too magnificent, like writing the heyday, writing rules and suffocation, there is the power to open the sky, there is also the power to change the sky!

The supreme means of changing the world, writing nine times in succession, shaking the earth, and moving the ground of Jiuzhong will also roar, like the dragon of the nine fire paths, intertwined together, blooming ancient airflow.

"Drive me!"

Su Yan's Yuanshen shouted, this ancient terrain was completely activated!

Suddenly, billions of magical fires circled from the ancient land, accompanied by the runes of sky, gradually began to form a fuzzy and ancient stove, the sky and the earth were dark between the breath, and the cosmic stars were burned. It's gone.

The strong shivered, and fled like crazy.

Because the entire golden sea area has been transformed into a **** furnace, burning the world!

The temperature has soared hundreds of times. It is too hot!

Even in areas far apart, the strong men of all ethnic groups are still trembling, feeling that the qi and blood in their bodies are drying up and their flesh is going to be burned.

How strong is the temperature being released, and who can handle it?

The first supreme figure of the immortal family has disappeared. Only this **** furnace located in the heavens and the earth has bloomed the sky, burned the universe starry sky, terrible to the extreme state!


In the end, in the ancient and terrifying furnace, a cry followed by a heartfelt roar, he felt that he was about to die, and the flames of his soul were extinguished!

Even if it is the immortal battle suit, the immortal warframe begins to distort and tremble, and it needs to be crushed!

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