Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1642: Two years

When will the top 100 hegemony start? Baocai asked, and he wanted to make a name for himself. This is one of his dreams in life.

Waiting for the third phase of a series of treasure land to be completely closed, then the top 100 hegemony must also be opened, experienced layers of selection, and finally came out a hundred emperor road lords!

This day is approaching, slow for several years, and fast for a year and a half.

In the third stage of Emperor Road, the golden treasures were opened one after another. It was difficult for the outside world to use the secret treasures to explore the hegemony situation in the various secret realms. The golden waters were naturally noticeable, and the sensation caused by sunfish fry was too great after all!

However, a few days later, the outside world caused a great shock, sweeping the entire immortal celestial realm, causing an uproar.

"Calling God, I hate it ..."

This news is so scary, it is just a stormy sea that swept across all the immortal gates, a future Celestial Celestial Celestial Body, and even the top 100 hegemony did not participate in the battle, and died in the golden seas!

All the continents are boiling, and the continents are boiled into slices. The sea is full of stormy waves. The older generation took a cool breath, and the Supreme Master of the teachings was also shocked.

Who would dare to imagine that Master Tongtian would be ridiculed, and even killed by the young demon king, and killed by Su Yan who was once a single emperor!

"This lunatic ..."

Many people shuddered and yelled, "Righty, has the golden sea area been blasted by him? Dozens of great priests have hated him under his fist, and Master Tongtian ca n’t escape from death. Is n’t he afraid of dying? Who is the disciple of Master Tongtian? "

Suddenly, the ruthless name of Su Yan struck across the major clans, and vaguely, the world was seen, on the road of the emperor, Su Yan stood side by side, overlooking the eight wild places, arrogant to the heroes, and smash the world!

The storm is tumultuous and difficult to calm down!

The bigger news swept the world, and the Qitian Zongju clan was angry, and the Supreme Master of the clan taught shouted wildly, shaking a big state!

Qitian Shengzi fell, was crushed by blood, and the map of Yutiandao fell into Su Yan's hand.

Of course, the most terrible thing is the First Supreme of the Immortal, trapped in the dead Jedi. A series of **** incidents are related to Su Yan. It can be said that for a short period of time, the heavenly court Su Yan became the most powerful of the young generation. Extreme Power!

It's just suspicious that the old man in Tongtian is extremely quiet, without any response or any statement. Isn't he ready to investigate?

This is not in line with the old man's temperament. This young man has always loved him. The world does not know if the giant will give up. In short, he is a little too silent.

The world does not know that the explosion of emptiness in time and space in the past few days is related to the lair of the old man of Tongtian. His lair is quite hidden from such giants, and outsiders do not know.

The entire immortal group was extremely silent, and the immortal group did not respond.

The immortal's palm teacher is supreme and his face is cold. His parents and children were killed by Su Yan. This account has been kept in his heart. Now Su Yan is more powerful, and his heart is harder to calm down. vent.

"The first supreme young generation of our tribe, guarded by the ancestor means, will not die!"

The first supreme immortal of the Clan tribe said quietly: "Heaven, Su Yan, huh, huh, even if you really walk out of the invincible young strongman, what use is it, after all, it is the future ant!

He has a difficult mood, and there is also a kind of panic and a kind of expectation!

Because he received the ancestor's message, the world is going to be chaotic, a big era is coming to an end, and the most terrible chaos is coming.

In troubled times, Tianjiao lives as cheap as grass!

No matter how strong your talent is, you cannot grow up, after all, it is the dust in a troubled world, and no one cares.

Emperor Road is very quiet on the contrary, there are not many storms!

Time flies slowly, half a month later, Su Yan and his party went to some treasure lands, trying to dig out some enemies and kill them!

It's a pity that Zhu Yanghua seems to evaporate. Su Yan can't find any clues about him.

This master of the roots of Tianzhu, if he grows up in the future, will definitely produce a lot of variables.

"Here you are, come on!"

In a certain treasure place, a group of people appeared, the world was trembling, the strong of all races retreated, and did not want to compete with it. Even the heirs of the heyday religion chose to temporarily avoid the edge.

Their combination is so amazing that no matter who appears on either side, it will cause a storm!

These enemies, including reincarnation, are also quite silent. No storms have passed out, and some people have to marvel. Is this a world of silence?

"Su Ruren, they are too powerful. To be precise, they have harvested the opportunity of a super-treasure place, and their growth is scary. Yingjie of all ethnic groups have to avoid the frontier and do not want to have any conflict with the vein of heaven!"

Some people laughed bitterly. The fierce prestige was too great, and the master of Tongtian was ridiculed. After all, there was a big storm. His disciples who connected with the old man dare to kill them. What are the preachers of the major religions? He has no conflict.

"The reincarnation of the land government, let alone the first supremacy of the immortal, the royal family, the Supreme Religion, the Yong family, and even dozens of terrors. Their descendants are not weak, and there are anti-natural beings such as heaven beasts. I feel that the hegemony of the top 100 in the future will be extremely fierce! "

"Wrong, it's not the top 100, it's the ultimate top ten battle for hegemony, it's the most terrible, and it will start in the ultimate place!"

The current emperor road is silent because of the combination of Su Yan!

It can really be said that while overlooking the entire Emperor's Road for a short time, in fact, Su Yan studied the major treasure lands in order to search for the whereabouts of the original tree!

But for a whole month, there really was no clue.

Fan Jian is a little bit distressed. The original tree is the most noticeable creation in the third stage. It is most important for the future Daluo Road. Why doesn't it appear? Did it disappear in the third stage of Emperor Road?

羿 Yuan, they are on the road in batches, ready to hone themselves.

Su Yan decided to retreat. He needs to sort out what he has learned. The time for retreat may be long.

"There will be a period later."

The Zixia Fairy is gone, carrying the five holy swords. They all want to be strong in the future, and the future hegemony of Emperor Road will be extremely cruel.

Time flies, no years pass .......

Almost two years have passed, and the third stage of Emperor Road has become a magnificent battlefield. It is so large that it is like a vast treasure trove formed by hundreds of continents.

Every once in a while, amazing people are out of the siege.

After a lapse of millions of years, Emperor Road has once again opened, and the major treasure lands have developed amazing materials. In recent years, many people have emerged, and all the powerful people have been swept away, gathering Emperor Road third stage.

Some people foresee that the top 100 hegemony will be opened because too many treasure lands are closed one after another!

But it is regrettable that the disappearance of the original tree's trace has not been manifested, will this supernatural creation not appear? Or has the original tree been taken away?


In a pure land, the energy of heaven and earth is pure, and the weather of Xiandao Xiangrui is empty.

From this day on, Su Yan, who was sitting for almost two years, finally used a little bit of movement to stir the pure land, and the mountains and rivers followed.

Baocai showed a surprised expression, Su Yan's breath was a bit amazing.

Prior to the retreat, Su Yan swallowed a large amount of Nirvana treasure fluid, but he has never transformed into a war body, and has been combing his learning in Nirvana.

Retreating for almost two years, he was silent and motionless.

At this moment, his breath was awakened, and the quiet energy began to change, and it was a bit horrible in the process!


Su Yan's body was roaring, and the blood was tumbling, as if the peerless war immortal was recovering, and the blood was too strong and vigorous, but his pores sprayed out pieces of waste blood, along with some broken bones, flesh, and fur!

"what happened?"

羿 Yuan they suddenly returned, one after another with scars, spiritual shawls, and successive battles, which lasted for nearly two years, and they had great gains and changes.

It's also huge.

"Su Yan's nirvana solution exerted its power, which is not a big deal."

Baocai stood up, Su Yan was reborn, and the flesh shell was covered with a blood coat, **** and pungent.

Needless to say, the effectiveness of Nirvana Potion can make people reborn. Of course, Su Yan's body is too powerful. Even if it swallows a lot of Nirvana Potion, it is almost impossible to complete it.

However, Su Yan also completed a large-scale transformation. The whole flesh shell was shining brightly, like an immortal immortal furnace burning, the life of the physical body was dazzling, and the sound of landslides and cracks was transmitted!

"Su Yan is getting stronger!"

Xuan Yuan they were shocked, and let Su Yan's horrible breath leaked on his own flesh shell, to feel the strength of Su Yan, every energy ripple, full of shocking power, shocked their physical flutter.

There is no doubt that Su Yan has made great progress in this transformation. His realm has climbed to the realm of the Sixth Heaven of Real Fairyland!


Su Yan's breath was fierce and violent, flying wildly, shaking the cosmic starry sky.

In an instant, his breath raged countless times, as if transformed into a **** of war bred by the heavens, reflecting the heavens, rivers, and mountains, all showing magnificent looks, as if sitting in a starry sea, overlooking the past and present.

There is also a sound of chanting chanting, which cuts through the sky, resembles the reverberations of the sutras!

Su Yan ’s body is transformed into the origin of life, and energy is transformed into rules of order. He is opening up the heavens of the universe, being in the chaos, raising his hands and feet, the scripture order is blooming, colliding with chaos, and opening up belongings. His invincible avenue!

The picture of heaven and earth breaking, chaos collapse, and all things present, this is an extremely terrible process. Su Yan's immortal road is being presented, and there are immortal sun gods living in chaos.

The scriptures are huge, the immortal roads are vast, Su Yan's power is increasingly shocking and horrifying, and there is a great power that shakes the world and the world. The power of God is so great that people can't help but worship.

The terrible breath blew across his face, and Yuan Yuan felt very shocked and felt that they were carrying some of the universe's beings, and they were a bit breathless.

Su Yan has already cultivated the initial scriptures to the point where the fire is pure, and even with the release of breath, there is a vague tendency to manifest infinity. Is this the Daluo Road that has been studied in advance?

"I don't know how strong Su Yan will be after he wakes up!"

The iron **** looked forward: "I saw the reincarnation a few days ago, and it is getting stronger. He deserves more extreme reincarnation medicine, and the first Supreme Master of the Celestial family has never died. He and I worry that he will boil. In the past, it has become even more outrageous. Even Zhu Yanghua, who is in the vein of Tianzhu, has appeared several times in the past few months, and has broken the world's power on Dilu ... "

The iron rooster said a lot of things. The top 100 hegemony is about to start, and the world ’s arrogance has risen one after another. Reincarnation is only part of them.

Emperor Road is long, top 100, top 10, and even Emperor List Extreme!

"What happened to the reincarnation medicine?" Baocai asked, Yin Junhao had already spoken, and was tortured by others. After speaking, he gave him a happy moment. This Yin Junhao swears that treasure is a villain, Bao Choi gave him a happy ending.

"The news has come out, it is estimated that the outside world has already fried the pan!" Wu Yuan Leng laughed: "The ultimate medicine, who is not jealous, you said that the elder brother knew this, would he kill him back?"


At this time, Su Yan's body whistled violently, spraying out all kinds of terrible radiances, and it was like Su Wan's flesh came out through Su Yan's flesh shell!

Su Yan shouted in the sky, dancing with long black hair.

His ancient physique is glowing, his potential is roaring, and suddenly he feels like broken sand, and he wants to reshape it!

"I'm buried, reunited, reshaped!"

Su Yan's eyes are like a sky knife, and his spirit is powerful and scary. His flesh shell roars autonomously in the light, as if it broke, it also seems to tear the endless yoke, and it is necessary to reshape the strongest body!

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