Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1645: Ascension to the sky bamboo

There are hunters on the road to the sky, which is nothing new.

There are many Taoist transportation resources to return to the immortal heaven, along the way, beware of hunters.

These years have also seen the **** incident of the powerful Xianmen Taoism being looted!

After all, the practice of True Wonderland is too slow. Each time you step into a small realm, it will take up to 100 years, but if you have a lot of resources, it will be completely different.

Now a group of hunters who blocked Su Yan can be regarded as powerful, but who can think of it, they will meet Su Yan, the demon king!

In recent years, they have also become popular in this circle. Before hunting, worship the young demon king ...

Who asked him to steal the gigantic resources of Tianzhu and robbed all the mysterious resources of the immortal, and even the mother stones that gave birth to motherhood can be taken away halfway. In short, they are still jumping. Life is too big.

Su Yan's growth history can be described as scary, and even a series of resources have been earned hard. Therefore, many people in their industry regard Su Yan as their ancestor and are highly respected!

The powerful men of all the immortal gates are extremely disdainful of the strong in this industry, but for them, the money comes quickly!

Su Yan anxiously hurried and never thought about it.

"Master Grandpa is Grandpa Grandpa, and we can't even look at our little bit of profit, otherwise we will lose blood mold and leave a pair of pants well."

These people were trembling, frightened, and there was a question: "This is a climb out of the ghost gate. I suggest celebrating, and the next time is not so good."

"I was more shocked that the young demon king left Emperor Road. What would he do?"

Someone with a look of persecution immediately sighed: "Now it's too messy outside, a group of the most terrible existence is going to fight for the ultimate treasure, the immortal heaven and the terrible creatures are running around, who can hold it, or Emperor Road Safety!"

"Even if he's crazy, he won't fight for reincarnation medicine. I think something has left."

An older monk warned: "Everything was rotten in my stomach just now. We can be lucky if we can survive. If anyone leaks the story of the young devil, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

There is no doubt that the old man is their leader and the initiator of this small group. He is still air-conditioned and shocked.

"Can't catch up ..."

Dengtian Road is extremely grand and even has 10,000 tunnel entrances.

The speed of that glorious dance was so amazing that Su Yan's strange power was difficult to lock in, and Baocai couldn't help screaming: "I said, wouldn't the fairy of Beidou step into the realm of Daluo?"

"I don't think it's possible!"

Su Yan shook his head. For only a few years, even if the first ancestors of Tianzhuyi were still alive, it was not possible to cultivate Zhuyue in Daluo in a short time. Even the disciples who were once the ancestors were in the realm of true immortals.

The Daluo realm is not so easy to break through. Some monks are trapped in the real fairyland for tens of thousands of years, and it is extremely difficult to cross it.

It has only been many years since Zhuyue entered Tianzhu's ancestor space.

If according to probability, 10,000 peak true immortals can get out of a big Luo, it is too difficult to break through the realm of Da Luo, not to mention the Supreme Spirit, and even the ancestors who look down on the world!

"Is the first ancestor of Tianzhu still alive?" Su Yan trembled suddenly and suddenly said, "If this is true, the ancestor of Tianzhu is still alive, and now returns to the immortal heaven, it should be back to the group!"

"This is a big event, let's go!"


Cai shouted and was extremely excited. It was about a major change in the once thriving group. Su Yan also wanted to take a look at it. Is it true?

In short, Zhu Yue must be very anxious to leave, Su Yan thinks the possibility of speculation is huge!

The more he wanted to get more excited, if the first ancestor of Tianzhu was still alive, maybe he could rely on its power to take away the reincarnation medicine!

Because the ancestor of the Tianzhu is the most immortal existence of the immortal heaven!

According to the gossip, it is said that the ancestor of Tianzhu once followed the ancient emperor of Heaven. It is conceivable that its relationship with the heavenly courts, and even the ancestor of Tianzhu participated in the ultimate war. If it really survived, Su Yan could also understand that What happened in World War I?

Emperor Road is the ultimate goal of Su Yan, and the place is close to Su Yan now!

Once the top 100 hegemony is over, then the ultimate land will be announced. This will be the most terrifying battlefield of Emperor Road and the most top-level fortune!

Actually, at the moment Su Yan speculated ...

That blue light has rushed out of the Emperor Road, crossing one continent after another, and the speed is horrifying.

This is across the continents, the magical power is vast, but in the places where the blue light radiates, one continent after another is plunged into panic ...

The world does not know what happened, and always feels that the invincible is traveling, passing between Dazhou and Dazhou, Weizhen Huanyu!


The huge Tianzhuzhou shook with it. The entire continent was roaring, Ruixia was billions, and the avenue was beating, as if congratulations to the return of Supreme Being!

At the entrance of Tianzhu Yimai Mountain Gate, a group of strong men entangled here are like enemies.

"who are you?"

They felt that from the sacred clearness, the women who were as bright as gods and moons were very familiar and could not help asking questions!

Zhu Yue didn't say a word, the blue light behind it was enough to suppress everything, directly restrained a group of strong men guarding the mountain gate, and blasted the mountain gate tunnel!

Green light converges into a cyan avenue, heading towards the sky of bamboo.

Zhuyue walks lightly, and ascends to the sky with the supreme posture, it is also equivalent to returning to the ancestral land!

Recalling the situation of hiding in the secret house of Su Yan and his family at that time, I really sigh a lot and feel sad!

"Zhu Yao, here I am."

Zhu Yue catches a familiar atmosphere, she is aloof, walked to the hall where Zhu Yao is, and said lightly, "Can the seeds of my heavenly bamboo method be easy to use?"


"I see the entrance."

Ascending the sky, Baocai's speed is extremely fast. To approach the entrance, his breath and Su Yan's breath are changing, shielding his energy fluctuations before, and his appearance has changed a lot.


Two figures, along Dengtian Road, left Emperor Road and rushed to the immortal heaven!

When driving to this world, Su Yan keenly discovered that the essence of this world is thinner than that of Dilu, which shows how amazing the big environment of Dilu is!

In the same way, Su Yan and Baocai were shocked, because they saw some shocking gas nearby, like a dormant dragon, thinning out the vitality of horror!

"Big Luo strong!"

Su Yan's face was startled, and at once he felt that he was extraordinarily weak. This is not Emperor Road, but Immortal Heaven. Only Da Luo is qualified to dominate the strong side!

Su Yan and Baocai are at a certain entrance of Emperor Road. They just appeared. They suddenly attracted the attention of the world's strongest.

The horror boss crosses the square, and the cold eyes pay attention to Baocai and Su Yan!

Baocai opened his mouth and spit out a token, and the group of big Luo Qiang who looked at him looked back.

Baocai once worshiped the practice of Manchuism. It is now a disciple of Manchuism. Manchuism is strong and prosperous, and its identity as a disciple is not trivial.

"So powerful, if you are not a disciple of Xianmen Taoist tradition, you will definitely be in danger!"

The 10,000 entrances are almost controlled by Xianmen Taoist School. If a monk who has a bad history really walks out of the emperor road in advance, it is estimated that he will encounter some danger, and he will peel off the skin if he does not die!

Su Yan and Baocai honestly paid, and left quickly!


Su Yan said, "Someone is following us, let's go!"

Treasures trembled in the treasures. Most of them are very far away from Manchuism. If some strong people don't give face, they may secretly use black hands to take away the good things they harvested on Emperor Road.

Emperor Road created opportunities to jealous old monsters. These young people are just immortals. If some of the big Luo powerfuls are secretly undercover, they do n’t know how many people have been hit before!

"Dare to rob us of the strongest treasure, and Mad will dare to come and find a chance to kill him!"

Treasure opened her mouth fiercely, Kyushu Tianding really hit, and the realm of Daluo would be killed alive.

Su Yan's eyes were cold. He was not only Kyushu Tianding, but also Kun Peng's corpse. If he really rushed him, Su Yan with Kun Peng's great magical power could temporarily activate Kun Peng's corpse, and it would definitely kill Da Luo.

Baocai's speed is fast, crossing in space and time, changing coordinates one after another.

They have just come out and don't want to provoke right and wrong and worry about revealing their identity.

"Still catching up!"

Su Yan's eyes were cold, and he had crossed an hour, far away from the entrance.

In the end, the other party still caught up. He had already caught, at the end of distant time and space, a horrible hand was looming, and the rules of runes were looming, and the sky was suddenly huge.

Definitely a big Luo strong, the breath is far beyond the true immortal, the vastness is infinite, the giant hand is enough to cover thousands of miles of time and space, and covers the sky with one hand toward Su Yan and the treasure. It looks like preparing a face to face to them Suppressed!

"Mad, the old things are too deceiving, and they covet the treasures on us, and I think he will kill him directly!"

Baocai made a roar of yelling, but they were only in the realm of the Sixth Innocent Fairy. Da Luo Qiang pressed it with one hand, which was enough to suffocate them, and their flesh began to burst!

There is no way, separated by an insurmountable realm.

Even if Su Yan did everything, it would not be possible to stop the big Luo powerhouse. The gap between the realms is too big. It can be seen how big the power of Da Luo has, it is no wonder that in Xianmen Taoist system, he is known as the ancestor strongman.


Suddenly, a huge breath swept through, I don't know the source, but the entire great continent was shaking violently, and the sky was gloomy with an instant, radiating the borderless territory!

"what is this?"

Su Yan's heart trembled, and the entire state was trembling and mourning. What a terrifying air force, which has far-reaching effects, like the projection of another plane, suppressing the floods of the universe!

"Should someone come to save us?"

Baocai was shocked and happy. They didn't know which big state they were in, but this unsurpassed breath was enough to fall apart. If the killing order evolved, perhaps the entire big state would cease to exist!

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