Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1662: The most terrible change!

The first ancestors of the immortal tribe are out of the gate, and the core of the immortal sky domain is the three thousand states!

"My ancestor ..."

The immortal roars up and down, and it can be said that the whole world is celebrating!

The ancestral home of Ruixia is billions, old antiques of this family who have not been born for a long time have all come out, howling!

Does the immortal have only one strong ancestor? Of course not. His Majesty's first ancestor is enough to have ten disciples. In this long time, naturally there is a Daozu level existence!

But the ancestors of the Immortal are known as the most invincible giants in the world.

After a million years of sleep, he is even more terrifying and domineering. The light of blood flowing out of the flesh shell, although it does not look rich, has actually suppressed one state after another and swept the sky!

"too horrible......"

The endless divine power blooms, as if the entire sky is down, the divine power is vast.

The heroes were trembling, and some dormant old antiques were shocked. This was the strongest Tianwei, vast and splendid, and the vast space and time were formed, forming a shocking world image that overwhelmed the beings of the universe!

Some strong men couldn't bear it at all, fell down on their knees and worshiped, as if worshipping the supreme **** in their hearts!

"Fortunately, the Emperor's Road opened, and the younger generations broke into the Emperor's Road. Otherwise, these young people will most likely be desperate when they see the ancestors of the immortal, even the strongest young demon king.

"Yeah, the influence is too great. This is the influence of Dao and Fa, which has affected the space and time of heaven, let alone the influence on the younger generation!"

Many old monsters are amazed. This invincible existence in the myth, a powerful earthquake, can affect the human heart!

The ancestors of the immortal race came from across the great state, and the foot of the immortal has already derived a avenue of immortality, as if it crosses to the extreme state of the Tao, the faint ancestral matter is manifesting, triggering the picture of time and space collapse in outer space!

"The ancestors of the immortal ..."

Su Yan, who is far away in Tianyang Prefecture, has not seen anyone yet. He has captured a huge amount of vitality and swept him. If the universe collapses, it will be powerful and incomparable!

The treasures were too fast to breathe, and the soul seemed to have encountered a trial, with a low roar: "This old monster is too terrible. Is this the most powerful creature in the world? It's too far away from us!"

Su Yan embraced Yuan Shou to ensure that he was not affected!

The pattern is getting more and more shocking. Su Yan is worried that the variables are a bit big. Once the prehistoric big brother stands out, he is afraid that it will detonate the current pattern of Immortal Heaven.


The loud noise exploded, the sky shook, and a large hand came across, magnificent and boundless!

"Oh my **** ..."

The uproar blew, and too many creatures began to exclaim when they were out of control. When they saw a big hand that covered the world, they covered the great states, and they were like a hand opened by an invincible giant, tearing the immortality. The time and space of Tianyu can be freely covered with any destination!

Shocked by Su Yan and Baocai, he looked up at the distant world and covered the big hands.

Too big and boundless!

One hand must cover the entire universe, revealing the endless source of terror, traversing the vast space and time, and starting to cover Tianyang Prefecture!


Suddenly, another group of powerful men withdrew and did not want to participate.

This is the big liquidation of the forces of heaven and the immortal. Once this pattern is involved, they are likely to be involved in cause and effect!

The immortal ancestor had a powerful world. He only covered the sky with his hand, even if it was far away, but this big hand had already pressed against Tianyang Prefecture, covering the entire sky, and there was endless order and rules that emerged, opening up the age of immortal sky!

Press down with one hand!


The terrible and invincible ancestors of the immortal family appeared, covering everything, and evolved the most invincible killing force, hitting the prehistoric big brother!

At this moment, the prehistoric big brother is a bit small, and he is like dust in the big hands.


The immortal ancestors have immense power and are extremely cold and invincible!

He wanted to obliterate the prehistoric big brother with one hand. He didn't believe that the prehistoric big brother still had the prosperous combat power of the year. A small prehistoric big brother would not be too strong. As long as he killed him, they could get millions of years ago Get everything!


The big brother's body moved suddenly, and in a moment he changed, magnificent times!

His gray hair fluttered all over his head, and his tall bronze body suddenly surged out of Xeon's vitality, accompanied by the terrible primitive weather, and with the landing of billions of laws.

At this moment, he, like the founder of the primitive avenue, has the supreme existence of Daozu than Daozu, roaring the whole space and time!


A group of strong people shivered and couldn't bear flying out.

These are supreme-level overlords, but they can't hold the worldly atmosphere of the prehistoric big brother, and vaguely they seem to see that the prehistoric big brother is creating a avenue and creating a cultivation system!

This is how the giant of the giant shore, a roar is like announcing his return, the original holy power rolled, his fists banged and flew into the endless hands that fed down!

All the people were shocked for a time. The prehistoric big brother ’s fist seal dies, as if he was bombarding the heavens of the universe. The terrible fist seal ran across the vast territory at once!

Endless creatures tremble, huge fist prints, run through one big state after another, and finally burst into a terrible crack of time and space, killing the first ancestors of the immortal!

Everyone is shocked!

This is the most powerful showdown destined to shake the universe!

The prehistoric big brother refreshed their cognition powerfully, and must belong to the most invincible existence. Standing at the top of the pyramid, you can look down on everything!

But from their ignorance of territory and distance, they can attack their opponents, we can see their invincibility, the impact of fist marks, across the vast territory, the direction of the source has been shattered, and the sky is full of debris flying!

What a terrible power this has penetrated the avenue, and a corner of space and time has collapsed!


The earth-shaking big collision, the immortal ancestors waved their fists and hit them directly, resulting in a storm that destroyed the world, and between them, there was a horrific glory rushing into the heavens and the earth, destroying a large amount of nothingness

Cosmic beings are hairy. This is the true invincible. It shakes the space and time of Heaven and Earth. The void of time and space can not bear it, and it has burst into countless large cracks!

"A World War I ...."

Endless people are scared. Ever since the end of the heavenly court a million years ago, the immortal heaven can be said to have been calm for a million years.

But no one expected that the most terrible war today is still caused by the immeasurable killings of heaven.

Su Yan's face is ugly, even if the prehistoric big brother is strong, he has two fists and four hands!

However, the pattern is not what they imagined, because the following changes are becoming more and more cruel, and the entire immortal heaven is in panic!

"Heaven is gone, and a new era is coming. This is destiny. The transgressor is dead!"

The immortal ancestors drank coldly, fluttered with hair, and the blood became more and more vast. Eventually, they burst out and covered more than a dozen states!

After a million years of dormancy, his blood was ignited once again, and his eyes were extremely crazy to kill, he wanted to slaughter this giant!

"Our ancestors are invincible. Who is fighting?"

The immortal family is boiling, the ancestors

Anger will bleed the sea of ​​blood and affect a big age, maybe it will rewrite something, or it may reverse the current pattern of immortal heaven!

For millions of years of dormancy, they look forward to the strength of the immortal ancestors, expect him to shock the world, turn into the most invincible giant, and suppress everything!

The pupils of the ancestors of the immortal family were blazing, and billions of killing thoughts flowed, watching the prehistoric big brother standing on Tianyang Prefecture!

He was sneering, what did Tianting finally take away from Emperor Road? This is a mystery that has troubled so far.

This is also related to the shocking change of the prehistoric world. As long as the prehistoric big brother can be suppressed, then everything can be figured out, and even the mysterious sky coffin can be obtained.

"The general trend of the universe cannot be violated. Xuanhuang Tianyu has been destroyed. This is the immortal Tianyu. I'll wait for the decision!"

In the distant area, an ancient figure suddenly stood up, and in the world of Megatron, he was looking down at Tianyang Prefecture.

This is an extremely terrible creature regenerating, as if the Taoist ancestor in charge of chaos regenerates, the vast immortal sky violently oscillates, and the distant land can see the figure of the Lord of Chaos Cave Heaven. .

This is the ancestor of Chaos Cave, and was also one of the initiators of the attack on the Xuanhuang universe.

The icy killing sound echoed between heaven and earth, like an endless lightning strike through the earth, swept the world, and shook countless groups.

"The new era, the new prosperous age, the dead should return to the dust, and the glorious age of the heavenly courts is long enough to give the world more opportunities!"

Another extremely scary energy frenzy erupted, sensationally immortal!

The ancient Fengtianzhou evokes the ancient atmosphere. A thin old man climbed out of the famous mountain, took charge of Fengtian's infinite map, and drove to Tianyangzhou step by step. An ancient pair of pupils also bloomed in shock!

Feng Tianjiao's ancestors came forward, and the years of living were extremely old and long. The soles of their feet gave rise to Fengtian Avenue and rushed to Tianyang Prefecture!


In this short period of time, the immortal sky three thousand big states roared violently.

One after another, the first ancestors who once dominated the world went out of the gate, and the terror and fluctuations swept the world like nine heavens and waves, spilling the supreme order and rules, one by one as the master of immortality!

It was originally a medicine for reincarnation, but the pattern changed completely. The prehistoric brother stood up, spurring prosperity in the flourishing age!

At that time, the ancestors of the immortal family, the chief of the land government, the ancestors of Qitianzong, and the three oldest ancestors teamed up to tear up the Jiudingzhou Tianting branch!

After that, Xuanhuang Tianyu was invaded by dark disasters, and the time and space of Tianyu was severely damaged. The innumerable powerhouses in Tianting were killed, so it also attracted a large number of immortal powerhouses to invade, and the Xianmen Taoism that participated in that year, There are at least a dozen.

Now these Taoist ancestors have stepped out of the ancestors. This is a big liquidation. They worry that they will be liquidated by the heavens in the future. It is also their purpose to kill the prehistoric big brother now!

The extremely depressed atmosphere swept the world, and the universe ’s beings shuddered and trembled. It was all a taboo of living in mythology.

The prehistoric elder brother stands between heaven and earth, his mouth and nose glow constantly, stealing the power of reincarnation!

Su Yan was standing behind him, and it was clear that the elder brother's breath became more ancient and vast. In the flesh, the gate of billions of treasures was hidden. After being stimulated by reincarnation medicine, it bloomed in succession, and finally outlined a magnificent Original door!

"Come on, kill you and testify!"

The breath of the prehistoric big brother is extremely wild and crazy. He has encountered more dangerous killings than he does now, killing them again and again.

His mighty power is too amazing, showing the original door, a terrible ancestral material emerges, and has caused a sensation in 3,000 states!

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