Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1693: Dong Mo!

The first supremacy of the fairy tribe suddenly broke through, which has caused a sensation all over the world!

This man once possessed a certain myth, and it was also circulated by the outside world. It is said that the immortal people had high hopes for the first supreme, and they said to the outside world that he is the emperor of the future!

This tone is a bit scary!

The emperor's road has never ended. Who dares to call himself the emperor's supreme leader? The immortal's tone is too great. The world does not know the specific combat power of the first emperor of the immortal. He was even suppressed by Su Yan in the heavens and earth's furnace. There are years.

It can be said that the first Supreme Supreme has missed a period of golden cultivation. At present, a large number of parents and children are standing at the peak of true fairyland. Can they keep up with the times in the future?

"The First Supreme of the Immortal is here, and I really want to know how strong he is? Although it is still unknown, since I am the strongest of the Immortal, I believe it will not be too weak, I am really looking forward to it!"

The space-time road was trembling violently. It was completely a figure emerged and began to be turbulent. The world did not know how strong he was. The whole person was full of shocking oppression and continued to rippling. Eventually, it stirred the entire battlefield world!

Endless souls are cold, hands and feet are cold, and my heart is cold!

Even some battle-hardened young kings trembled, catching a ray of time and space, from far to near, when the real stride came, all souls panicked, and a large number of monks were paralyzed on the ground. !!

"What a terrible first supreme, did he also step into the summit of true wonderland ..."

Too many people were horrified, trapped for several years, and missed the golden cultivation period. I did not expect that the first Supreme Master of the Immortal is still so terrible. Did he gain a great opportunity in the heaven and earth **** furnace!


Eighty-one space-time roads trembled even more violently, full of world energy whistling, the black mang covered the world, continued to undulate, and finally formed a picture of destruction of the world!

"Oh my **** ..."

A big earthquake broke out from the outside world, and the breath was too amazing. It swallowed the entire battlefield, as if the big Luo was roaring here, the horror was shocking, and the stars were roaring with it!

"Okay, hahaha!"

The people of the Immortals laughed wildly. The past few years have been really difficult. The immortality of the Immortals in Dilu is very low. They really worry that the first Supreme will miss the Emperor's hegemony. Now they are coming to an end and are really shocking. .

"My first supremacy is out, who is fighting!"

Xian Tairan and their hearts were surging, staring at the Eighty-One Space-Time Road with wide eyes, the whole road was suppressed by trembling, all spirits were terrified, the heroes fled!

This is the magical power of the world, sweeping the invincible rivals of the same generation. Xiantian Rong of the immortal people said coldly: "The first supremacy of the immortal people is not limited to the immortal people. In the future, they will become the first supreme of the emperor road. Dominate ancient and modern! "

The immortals are enthusiastically up and down, there are already war drums trembling, and the earth is shaking. Everyone emits a strong flame of expectation. It is conceivable that the emotions of the clans have exploded to what level!

"Immortal first supreme, come to war!"

The roar that shook the heavens and the earth exploded, and the tensor standing above the platform rose up. His body was very burly, and he absorbed the tensor of the eight-pin fairy's body fluid. , Also has the great power to swallow the stars!

He was full of fighting spirit, glaring at the First Supreme of the Immortal, and really wanted to know what level he was strong in!

"Dare you challenge me?"

The first supreme expression of the immortal people is cold, the whole person is surging with the light of darkness, covering the sky and the sun, so that the ancient road of eighty-first time and time is plunged into the darkness, and it also stirs up a quite magnificent ancient atmosphere!


The tensor shouted, and suddenly broke out to the limit. The immeasurable golden body was in full bloom, and the ancient scriptures also turned. It has to be said that he is very powerful and has great hope to dominate a top 100 place and sweep a battlefield!

The immortal first supreme supreme sky, the whole person is different, a big explosion occurred in the darkness, and the breath in the body was instantly terrifying. Like the King of War who created the dark universe, the power of the gods covered the first time and space!

"Come back!"

The enemies of the Emperor Yan organization exclaimed, the first supreme power of the Xian people refreshed their cognition, and it was even more shocking than expected. The terrible power of the whistling alone was enough to destroy the powerful king!

"Measureless ........"

The tensor's breath is also skyrocketing, and the scripture order is blooming in his flesh shell, all burning out an infinite amount of light, the breath has infinite power to bloom, as if to start to leap towards the realm of Da Luo!

"Kill!" Tensor yelled and broke out as hard as he could, and he knew very well that he couldn't withdraw at all. He could only stay dead and delay the steps of the first Supreme Supreme as much as possible!

Because once he leaves, the first Supreme Master of the Immortal will start with the iron roosters. Once things have progressed to this stage, it will be difficult to end, after all, Su Yan has been imprisoned by the emperor list and can't withdraw from the battle!

"Inconceivable, what scripture does he cultivate?"

The external sensation was even greater, and some of the old antiques were shocked by the strength of the tensor, and Tianting stepped out of another king.

But with the revival of the First Supreme of the Immortal, the cosmic sky trembled violently, and a huge figure appeared faintly behind his back, with the atmosphere of the vast universe, and a huge chanting sound was heard faintly!


With this single blow, the sky was falling apart, the countless storms shattered, and blood splattered and stained the sky.

The tensor flew horizontally, his half-length body was cracked, and he suffered a devastating brutal crushing. He was coughing up blood, his spirit was a little fuzzy, and his heart was full of shock!

Too strong, this is an unimaginable enemy, mastering the complete Taiyin Mother Classic, and just one face-to-face almost wiped himself out!


The fact is that the First Supreme of the Immortal was a little surprised, and he didn't slap the tensor. He commented: "The king of heaven is not weak!"

The tensor opened his eyes in anger. This was naked shame. His stubble glowed, blood in his body swelled, and he roared like a beast. He was running a shocking mystery, and the whole body turned into a golden color.

"You have no chance to shoot in front of me!"

The first Supreme Master of the Immortal raised his hand. It can be said that only one hand covers the sky, and it contains violent and extreme power. The bang burst into time and space. The terrible power came from the floor. The pores spewed out of the bone!

This slap is about to destroy all its physical and mental aspects, but the first Supreme Supreme is not proud of it. He shook his head and said, "It is a pity to kill me without killing me twice. It is better to suppress it."

He once again shot, the entire palm covered the sky hugely, descended from the sky, the palm back was like the sky, the palm was like the deep sea, the five fingers were like pillars supporting the sky, and evolved into a huge dark prison world, suppressing towards tensor!


The tensor growled, his eyes flashed decisively. He would rather hang himself than become the first and most imprisoned imprisonment of the immortal!

"Do not......."

The strong man organized by the Emperor Huang shouted in despair, and saw that the tensor raised his hand to brag, and did not want to be humiliated.

The people outside are shocked to say nothing. It is really too powerful and shocking. Does the first Supreme Supreme of the Immortal really have the potential to achieve the Supreme Supreme? A king who is super strong in the court of heaven can't lift his head, even being persecuted has to kill himself!

"Tensor ..."

At the same time, Su Yan, who was silent in the first space-time road, was awakened, and a pair of pupils watched the change of the eighty-one space-time road.

It's too late, even if Su Yan can break the imprisonment of the emperor's list, it's too late!


Su Yan yelled, killing his eyes and rolling out, the roar's penetrating power was too great, and they all blew in the 81st time and space!

"I want to slaughter all the kings in the vein of heaven. Su Yan, please stare at Diluotai with a good look!"

The immortal's first supreme expression was cold, but at the moment when the dark hands were about to suppress ........

A horrible breath erupted, the mountain collapsed, the earth and rocks rolled, and the silent eighty-first space-time road trembled again!

Outside observers were taken aback. Who came? Great power, great storm.

Many people have never seen who the killer was, they just saw a figure, like a great demon across the region, holding a dark war rifle, the speed is extremely fast, like a lightning, tearing the sky!


It's too fast, people's thinking can't keep up.

Then, with the dark war gun attacking, the terrible deterrent force bloomed, and all the spirits panicked again, and the scalp would explode.

What kind of war gun is this? Full of blood, it broke up the whole space and time and killed the first Supreme of the Immortal!

The First Supreme of the Immortal also took out a **** Tiange with lightning, and hit the dark war gun that was killed!

The two violent soldiers collided together, and the sound of the sound was shocking, and the sound of thunder was also wrapped in nine days. The eardrums of the people were shattered, and their nostrils were spurting blood!

"Extreme hegemony ..."

Such a thought flashed in their hearts, and they were all frightened. In addition to the young devil, the heavenly court had a second young supreme?


Tensor roared, tears were rolling, and he saw the face of the man. His chest was violently undulating, and he issued a series of growls, feeling particularly excited and enthusiastic.

"Dong Mo!"

Su Yan was also in shock and disappeared for decades. The critical moment rushed to the battlefield and confronted the first Supreme of the Immortal!

There is no doubt that Dong Mo's strength is unquestionable, and his conviction is also beyond absolute. It can be seen from the fact that when he was mixed in Yinyang Road, the old village chief had high hopes for Dong Mo in the end.


The two powerful men launched a shocking collision, and under the impact of the heavenly soldiers, the gas engines between them also bombed together!

For a moment, the area was stained with blood, and the big cracks were countless. The terrible force shook the Emperor Road battle platform!

"Who is it?"

The world was shocked. The first supreme **** of the immortal family and the great demon who killed him flew out at the same time, but one of them had a huge flesh shell and blood-stained sky. Obviously he suffered a strong pressure injury.

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