Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1695: End of the Top 100

The **** picture is shocking all over the world!

An East Demon who is about to penetrate into the realm of Daluo, was blown up in the head, blood splattered into the sky, and the picture was dreamy. He also calmed the minds of the people in the world and felt incredible and almost petrified.

The world is in a daze, how can this be ........

Is this too sudden? Does he have the power of the First Supreme Master to challenge a terrible big Luo strong man, if so, who can fight against the Supreme Master?

After all, Dong Mo is different. He is not an ordinary strong person. Once he enters the realm of Da Luo, he can almost go sideways in this realm. How can he measure his strength with the level of an ordinary strong person.

"Brother ......"

Tensor trembled as if he had gone mad. He couldn't believe his eyes. His eyes were screaming and he was so angry: "Brother, ah brother ..."

The trembling picture, this vast void is bursting in trembling.

The anger in the tensor's body is burning, and the whole meat shell is about to collapse, which promotes the tensor's breath soaring, and an extremely terrible infinite amount of breath bursts out!

Enough event to make the world crazy!

A young supreme persecutor can only step into the realm of Daluo to counter the enemy, but the ending is cruel, and the East Demon in Daluo's realm is killed!

"Dong Mo!"

Xuan Yuan screamed, and they couldn't believe their eyes. Although the immortal mastered the series of mystery of the sky, what kind of power is Dong Mo? Even if this crisis is really encountered, there is hope for survival?


Su Yan's furious mood calmed down, and suddenly found that the figure of Dong Mo's head was extremely blurred, and soon disappeared into the void.

The whole emperor road is a little calm, not dead? Just an afterimage of energy?

"Stop me!"

Many old monsters from the outside are sweating from the back. If the first supreme of the immortal race really kills that level of Eastern demons, this person is really invincible, and there is no need for the next emperor road to fight for hegemony.

The East Devil never slumped, his figure appeared in the distance, and the void in which it was located burst.

His expression was cold, with a drop of blood flowing from his brows, watching the first supremacy of the Immortal, with a solemn expression. This was a shocking enemy.

Immediately, huge repulsive forces were impacting the East Demon. His face was cold and he could only leave. Emperor Road would not allow the strong men in the Daluo realm to exist, and they would be removed in a short time!

"Good mind ...."

The first supreme face of the immortal family is gloomy. His level of mastery of Yun Tianyan is shocking. It is by no means comparable to that of Yan Yan when Su Yan encountered Xian Jun at the time. He has the confidence to cut off the demon's primal **** instantly!

But he underestimated Dong Mo!

Dong Mo's mind is too tough, he can keep his mind calm in the face of big fears, and move his body away in a very short period of time, otherwise he will suffer a blow of destruction even if he is not dead, and the breakthrough of Daluo Road will be announced The end!

"Brother, hahaha, I knew ..."

The tensor is very excited, and also regrets it. If Dong Mo does not leave the battlefield, maybe he can really kill the first Supreme of the Immortal.

The next moment Tensor's face changed greatly, and it was found that Dong Mo's frontal bone had cracked, dense cracks appeared, and the inner **** was quite dim.

This terrorized the tensor, and Dong Mo's Yuan Shen also suffered a heavy blow, causing his Yuan Shen to start unstable!

Dong Mo patted the shoulder of the tensor. The brothers have never recounted the past for hundreds of years. They really have too much sadness and suffering.


Dong Mo told the tensor some things, which made him tremble. The legendary Jinxian realm, and even the first Supreme of the Immortal, are not as simple as they seem on the surface, and they hide a terrible killer!

His primordial deity is too powerful. Although it is under the cover of the sky's eyes, the East Demon still catches it. The eternal sun that is rising in the midst of the overcast is terrifying and outrageous. He bears two worldly scriptures. .

Tensor's heart is heavy, and the war just now has reached such a point. The First Supreme of the Immortal is still hiding some power. Obviously the purpose is to target Su Yan and want to kill it!

The deeper the Immortal First Supreme is hiding, the more the tensor becomes more palpitated, and fortunately, the East Demon can see through the approximate first heel of the Immortal.

This matter is very important, you must inform Su Yan at the first time, and let him beware of the first supremacy of the immortal, even the legendary Jinxian is enough to make the world sensational!

"Eighty-one battlefield emperor list manifested ..."

The immortal first supreme is strong enough to get the opportunity to be reflected in the emperor's list in advance, but for the emperor's list that fell from the sky, he was extremely unwilling, his cold eyes looked through the earth, watching Su Yan in the first time and space!


He spoke, and was very sorry that what should be resolved for the top 100 hegemony should be delayed to the strongest hegemony.

The change of the golden sea area, the first supreme of the immortal family has been regarded as the greatest shame in life, although it has also harvested great opportunities, but Su Yan can be trapped in the heavens and earth for several years, how can he swallow this bad breath!

Even the first Supreme of the Xian clan seriously suspected that Su Yan was the black mist to master this, so he must die!

"Immortal First Supreme!"

Su Yan's cold eyes were also right up, even though they were separated by time and space, the two powerful men were still murderous!


The vast rivers and mountains were trembling faintly. They were stunned by the killing thoughts of the two powerful men, and all the beings shivered. This is the supreme supremacy of the two invincible overlords. Once encountered, it will inevitably be a battle of dragons and tigers.

"The legendary Jinxian really exists ..."

The storm is raging and people around the world are hotly talking about it. People of all ethnic groups are shocked. Even some Daozu giants have said that in the era of fighting for Emperor Road, there was no such abnormality!

"What the **** is Jinxian?"

There are also many people who are at a loss. This is a realm that exists in the legend. The ancient records are quite limited. They don't understand it, but the old monsters of the tribe are in a difficult mood, saying that the emperor road can be ended.

It is said that this realm is extremely special. Once it is crossed, the sublimated body has the power of Da Luo level. It is a terrible and outrageous state. It can also attack Da Luo strong against the sky!

It is even said that once the level of the Golden Immortal Realm is achieved, it is likely that in the realm of Daluo, it will rush into Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, which is a dreamlike realm, which is quite incredible.

If at the end of Emperor Road, a big Luo Jinxian is enough to sweep the entire battlefield, who will fight with it!

"Immortal First Supreme, is this going to be invincible?"

"The legendary Jinxian, we have witnessed it with our own eyes, if the young Supreme of Heaven has forced the first Supreme of Xian to fight, I don't know if he will have such an anti-Sky achievement now!"

"Looking at the entire emperor's road, whoever fights with it, if it is not for the first supremacy of the immortal, perhaps the kings of heaven will ridicule a large area!"

The immortal celestial sky set off a huge wave. The world almost recognizes the first supremacy of the immortal as the supreme emperor of the imperial clan, taking the lead. This is the supreme glory that can shake the ancient and modern future.

In the emperor roads of all ages, the emperor list is rarely determined, and the top three are almost determined every time, but the top three are not highly differentiated!

Therefore, it is too difficult to decide the Emperor List Supreme, but this time the legendary Jinxian appeared, and the imperfections will really appear.

"Hahahaha ..."

The ecstasy of the immortals is really a world-famous battle. The ancestral land of the immortals seems to have a lot of great luck. !!

"I suggest that you send out invitations to invite Dao Tongtian to participate in this rare event!"

"Why are you in a hurry? Now let ’s talk about a series of strong men in Tianting, but there is no suspense at all. The legendary Jinxian attacked, who will fight, and what ’s more, once the first supreme of our clan enters the ultimate road of Emperor Road, Is Jinxian Realm still far away? "

The immortals talked up and down, jubilantly, and sent a case to burn incense to inform the ancestors. The extent of the group's sensation is conceivable. This is the glory of supreme glory.

"Jinxian, it really exists. You can see it clearly ..."

At the same time, it is difficult for the Taishangjiao to calm down and down, and teaching the Supreme is all under pressure. No one expected that the first Supreme Supreme would have this achievement!

The storm is too prosperous, and some ancient clans and descents are preparing to carry great gifts and go to the Fairy to talk about the media. Once the Emperor Supreme is born, most of the future era will become the era of the first immortal of the Immortal.

The premise is that if the giant is not born, Daozu will be born in all emperor roads, so most of the Celestial Supreme hopes to achieve Daozu.

"If this is the case, the storm of the immortal rise is difficult to stop?"

Someone whispered, and some old antiques whispered, "Who knows that our ancestors have a hunch that the world will usher in a great change, a terrible era will come, and who knows what will happen in the future."

"The legendary Jinxian, do you say that some Dao ancestors have entered this level?"

Someone spoke, causing a lot of sensation. Yeah, it's not the time for the ultimate hegemony, and no one knows exactly what will happen in the final battle.

Maybe it really is. After all, this time is different. The giant parent and child stand up and there are likely to be hidden golden immortals, maybe not just one.

"You look down on Jinxian too much."

Some old monsters shook their heads. This involved not only their own physique, but also some great luck. Even if the grandparents did not have great luck, it was basically impossible to become a golden fairy.

Between this world, Da Hongyun is too limited!

Emperor Road is also extremely difficult to calm down, and the hegemony is coming to an end.

"On the last day, the battle for the top 100 is about to end!"

There are still a dozen emperor road battles that have not ended. The **** battle of the great emperor road battlefields, the heroes are fighting, although they are the weakest of the top 100, they can really break out!

"Coming soon!"

The immortal is very active. This family is not only one first supreme, but also the heroic top 100 heroes in the snow, and it is very deep hidden. It will be the day when the list is released. , Then the emperor list will also emerge, the name of the fairy clan!

This meaning is too general. In the past, the Tianting clan was the top. Once the immortal clan replaced it, in a sense, the immortal clan will be the strongest group in the universe, the strongest descent, and it can be said to be the overlord !!

"I'm really looking forward to this moment when my fairy family becomes the first family of the universe."

Xian Tianrong couldn't stop smiling, as if she were several years younger. The meaning was too great for them. The first group of the era, this is the supreme glory!

The top 100 list can be engraved with family names!

There will be a new list in the top 100 list, which is the ranking of the clans. Whoever gets more places will be the best!

In a sense, this is also a symbol of the glory of the group!

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