Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1702: Fortune!

From Su Yan's shot to the end, the speed is too fast, simple and rude!

Yin Yisi was shocked. Su Yan's strength shocked her, and she even turned a blind eye to the Devil Mist.

For a moment, she was a little silent. She once slept in a dragon coffin in the Snow Mountain coffin with a strangely resurrected Su Yan, a small indigenous man with a century-old growth history like a dream. To this day, she has become the supreme supremacy of Emperor Road, overlooking the world!

Looking back, the most unforgettable memory in the depths of the sea, or the university life before the earth and magic civilization, she could not help but lament that time can really change a little.

This is the age of gods and demons. It is **** and cruel, and it will encounter death threats at every turn. The stronger the test it faces, the greater the death and injury of this emperor road?

Even now, the top 100 Tianjiao are facing death threats, one after another, the overlord Tianjiao drinks hatred, and the vast universe of black holes, I don't know how many dark creatures are hidden!

"Are you ok?"

Su Yan's eyes looked at Yin Yisi, looking at this former iceberg beauty, she was shining, her figure was graceful, her ice skin and jade skin, with holy temperament, and even more overcast breath, this was a shocking motherhood!

"I worshiped under the door of a mysterious fairy, and taught me a lot of things." Yin Yisi smiled, a pair of hazy eyes misty, said: "I am fine, who can think of it, me today, you now You can stand here! "

Su Yan's mood was ups and downs, and she also recalled the time of the earth. For hundreds of years, she seemed to be almost two hundred years old and experienced too many unforgettable things.

Unlike Su Yin and Yin Yisi, he has too many mysteries.

Emperor Road has finally arrived, and he has encountered these tragic changes and learned some things, feeling extremely heavy!

The pressure from the future is too great to have much breathing time.

Immediately, Su Yan was shaken so much that Yin Yisi worshiped under the door of Dao Shuyi, and even she had seen the old leader!

The old leader got great fortune, and suspected to have inherited the inheritance of the ancient emperor Tiandi. His practice had already stepped into the realm of Daluo, so he missed the emperor's hegemony.

After getting the news of the old leader's safety, Su Yan laughed with laughter: "I did not expect that the old leader still has such an opportunity. The Taoist fairy is so special that even the mother-in-law of the yin can be teased out!"

As they walked, Su Yan was crossing to the next destination.

"I don't think there is anything she can't do in this world." Yin Yisi nodded and said, "I once asked Master's history and relationship with Heaven. Although I didn't say it explicitly, Master Fairy once followed the ancient emperor. ! "

There was a raging wave in Su Yan's heart. Who was it?

Su Yan suspects that she is the guardian of Dilu. I do n’t know how many years she has lived in Dilu. In short, the origin of Daoshu is amazing, but because of Dilu's special reasons, it is difficult for her to be born!

"Someone scoffed ...."

Yin Yisi was eclipsed, and saw a piece of waste soil along the way. After going through the war here, there were large cracks everywhere. This is a hard ancient land, which shows how amazing the war is.

Of course, any one of the top 100 cannot be ignored.

A fierce battle broke out here, and so far there is still a breath of energy, and the dead monk has dried up his skin, without any anger, and the soul has become an empty shell.

Su Yan's face was cold and his speed was accelerating. God knows how many dark creatures are still alive in this ancient land.

The vast ancient world, the vastness of the world .......

They crossed in succession, and it was difficult to sense the loss of time.

In this way, Su Yan finally approached the direction of the secret order. As he guessed, the situation here was very fierce!


One end

The silver real phoenix is ​​in the sky, with the power of the Supreme Spirit, and can spread its wings to split the sky, the bright figure glows fiercely, and strikes a dark creature!

This is a hard fight, facing the erosion of the Devil Mist!

Fortunately, in the Xuanhuang Universe that year, they had experienced this material threat and had taken precautions long ago, otherwise the iron rooster felt that it could not survive it and had died!

"Su Yan, you are here!"

The iron rooster yelled, the huge wings stretched, and the bang suddenly soared to the top of the sky. He gave the enemies in the battlefield to Su Yan. His injuries were a little serious. The body of the true phoenix was bleeding and breathing fast!


When Su Yan came, he directly launched the thunder method. His breath was terrifying, covering the sky, like a supreme golden immortal who crossed the long river of time and space. The figure crossed the space and time and killed the dark creatures.

"So strong, isn't Su Yan also a golden immortal?" The iron rooster was stunned, and was also pleasantly surprised: "Since then, how can the first Supreme of the Xian tribe be mad, hahaha ..."

Su Yan's breath is too strong, and the terrible figure shook the boundless essence and blood, forming a sea of ​​anger and flooding the space and time. The dark creatures with dark breath could not bear it, and felt that the body was about to burn!

This area generates huge ripples of energy, boiling and roaring.

From the beginning to the end of the war, it took only ten breaths, and the dark creatures were directly killed by Su Yan. No matter how the other party struggled, it seemed extremely dim in front of Jinxian.

"This is really an invincible realm. No wonder the immortals are so arrogant."

Iron **** is serious, I don't know if there are any other Jinxian strong in the top 100 list.

In short, this realm is relatively dreamy, with the highest peak combat power of True Wonderland.

"Let's go ..."

Su Yan kept racing, and rushed to other battlefields. Fortunately, there was a secret order from heaven, and they could be traced as soon as possible.

Along the way, Su Yan encountered a strong man on the top 100 list, but he was not attacked by dark creatures. This reassures Su Yan slightly. It seems that the dark creatures that survive the black holes in the universe are quite limited.

Even if it is alive, it is suppressed by the rules of Emperor Road, and it is impossible to exert the combat power of the highest peak!

Several corpses were encountered along the way. I don't know how many of Tianjiao's top 100 rankings have been decimated. The total outer world continues to be stormy, and the news of Supreme Master's succession is passed!

This incident caused a stormy sea, and the Daoist clans who were ridiculed in Tianjiao were angry and wanted to talk about it!

The Emperor Yan was angry and was looking for heaven? Before Emperor Road benefited the world, why didn't you see a few words of praise from you?

"Miscellaneous accounts, if I can master Dilu, let them come in and fart, get out!"

Qinglong was also furious, and the storm outside was very big, especially the ancestors of the Golden Turtle united a group of people to prepare for things. Although there was an agreement in advance, it could be related to the issue of inheritance of the ethnic group.

"I also want to form an alliance and besiege the universe of Xuanhuang. These clowns are really trying to kill them all!"

The blue dragon was violently thundering. The dark yellow universe was attacked by the dark disaster a million years ago. The time and space of the heavens were hit hard. A large number of top giants were killed. This is the pain of the group!

Immediately after suffering an enemy on the back, a series of clans of the Immortal tribe joined together to kill the Xuanhuang universe!

It was a **** catastrophe of the clans. Although the vein of the heavens had passed through, the clans were severely wounded, their vitality was greatly damaged, and the crisis was overwhelmed at any time.

A million years have passed, and the state of heaven has gradually improved. There are also prehistoric big brothers sitting in town.

But now they still want to do it again, and they are somewhat restless trying to join in the fun and plunder the treasures left by the ancient heaven.

Blue Dragon roars, there will be war in the future

, The grudges of millions of years ago, sooner or later to understand!

Yan Huang's face was a little dignified, but he was not worried about their union.

No one knows what is happening on Dilu now. There are successive deaths of the Great Church. Nine have been in succession, and things are getting bigger and bigger.

In fact, many old monsters of the group can't sit still, because it has been ten days and ten nights, no news and information has been passed out from the universe black hole, and even the emperor list has never been emptied again.

The problem is serious. The ultimate battle scene will appear in the past one or two days.

But it's been so many days, haven't all the emperor strongmen encountered difficulties, and if the casualties continue to occur, the entire immortal heaven will riot.

"They are very far away from us, have they gone to the ultimate battlefield?"

"I don't know. We hurry up and rush past. We have been delaying a lot of time."

The speed of Su Yan and his team was fast, and they did not encounter the attacks of dark creatures along the way. They crossed in this dilapidated world. The closer to the depth, the scarce the dilapidated land!

Soon, Su Yan felt a strong flavor of years, as if he had come to the end of the universe!

"It seems to have arrived ..."

Su Yan was shaking, and he felt that he had reached his destination.

Looking out at the vast rivers and mountains, here is full of vitality and a little sacred atmosphere.

The more he went deeper, the more Su Yan felt that the heaven and earth here were too unusual.

Suddenly, he feels that he has come to the core of the universe, because Su Yanpu has captured the rare things outside the world, Tianbao, and Longguang shot the bullfighting market!

Su Yanke has never seen such a special terrain, it is mythical, full of aura in the world, and has a pure fairy spirit!

"We have reached our destination!"

The iron rooster is excited, and Emperor Lu's strongest natural land can also be called the strongest natural land of the universe.

This is the legendary boundary, the treasure of the treasure, pure aura, purple air, and the auspicious auspicious weather on the road.

As if the region came to the fairyland ...

They used to be piercing, but now their bodies are warm and warm.

"Emperor Road is finally here."

"It was really a life of nine deaths, almost died outside."

Another group of people rushed in, apparently encountering dark creatures, and escaped after nine lives.

The creatures in the dark seemed extremely frightened of the ultimate land of Emperor Road, and never followed here.

Su Yan, they have rushed into the depths, which is equivalent to leap into a brand new world!

The oncoming shocking pattern made Su Yan breathe cold.

After all, he is a master of Qimen, and his vision is too high. This is the place where the dragon and the tiger are lying. The legendary topographic treasures can be found everywhere.

Su Yan's heart is surging, this is really the holy land for spiritual practice!

He has seen someone groping around the treasure terrain, ready to dive into it and repair it!

You know, anyone can enter the Supreme Masterland for cultivation and further study, and it will take a long time ...

Of course, this is just the outer boundary, and the deep is the place where the great congregation gathers!

"What kind of terrain is that? It gives birth to motherhood, which is unheard of."

Su Yan was so excited that he saw a huge mountain pattern, like a sanctuary, the ancient mountains glow, and there is motherhood flowing, accompanied by the vastness of the mighty power!

Iron **** are going to be insane. Is this too rich?

The strongest treasure, there is mother gas leaked, this thing is afraid that the Supreme will be jealous and crazy.

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