Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1704: Bombard

Qi Tianzong's strongest successor is very powerful, after all, it is a generation of heaven and earth!

His entire flesh shell glowed, spreading out of immense power. If you look closely, it seems that you can see the opening of a grand age, stir up the horror of glory, and emit a great power of heaven and earth, like the sky and earth are collapsing.

This is a Dao grandparent, who dares to underestimate.

Although Su Yan cut off the sage of the Little Golden Turtle, any parent or child of Dao has the invincible combat power. If they fight together, who knows what will happen.

"I don't know how powerful the young devil is ..."

The atmosphere here was depressed, and the strong men gathered here began to pay attention. Looking at Su Yan and Qi Tianzong's heirs, someone whispered: "It seems that they are going to resolve their grievances in advance, and it is almost impossible for Tianting to get three places!"

Everyone knows the strength of the young demon king, but don't forget that there is another gold fairy who stands high. Under these patterns, the odds of heaven are too low.

Of course, even if there is no Jinxian, Tianting wants to win from this pattern, there is almost no possibility.

"What are you waiting for?"

Tiandi Qiankun said coldly and proudly: "The young demon king gave it to me, and others gave it to you. Tianting delusional wants to get three places. I think the battle will end immediately and let Tianting die in advance!"

There is no doubt that he wants to unite the powers and smash a series of powerhouses in heaven!

"Are Dao's parents so amazing?" Su Yan said coldly, "Want to kill us all? Really treat myself as a spring onion!"

"Don't compare us with some waste."

Qi Tianzong's eyes are like electricity, and his murderous power is extremely strong. He yelled, "Heaven is not the former heaven. How can you kill you? What can the people behind you say?"

"I said before that you are not as good as a waste in my eyes!" Su Yan responded strongly.

"You devil, you are the first to die!"

The heaven and earth Qiankun body can't bear it anymore, there is a big energy explosion in this area, flying sand and stones, runes are densely packed, and with a terrible light, like the concentrated Qiankun world quickly zoomed in here!


Eventually, the entire space and time roared with it. The strongest state of heaven and earth broke out. Suddenly, Qi Tianzong passed down to heaven and earth, as if fused with this peerless treasure land, blooming a vast divine power.

"It is indeed the heir to Qi Tianzong ..."

Some spectators were horrified. The heavens and earth had great strength, that is, the extraordinary level of Qimen, which could reverse the combat power in a powerful environment and obtain unimaginable combat power!

For a moment, Qi Tianzong's breath was surging, and it was almost forced into the level of Da Luo. The mana in the body was like the sea, and together with the general situation of heaven and earth, it formed a pattern of destroying the heavens and the earth!

What a mighty divine power? Some of the top 100 have become hairy. Under the suppression of this pattern, how many people can handle it?

"Juvenile Demon King, come up with your strongest combat power, I would like to know whether Qimen Jiuyu is strong or my world is strong, I hope you will not let me down!"

The moment when Qi Tianzong passed down the energy resonance, the world was eclipsed, the mountains were trembling, and the whole world was darkened. With the formation of a superb heaven and earth pattern, the suppressed world would collapse!

Everyone is appalling. This physique is really against the sky. He can exert his superb combat power in a special environment. His physical body blooms like a condensed world, accompanied by the cosmic pressure of the universe, and suppresses Su Yan!


The next moment, the audience was in an uproar, seeing the Emperor's Billboard, and began to reflect the heaven and earth Qiankun body!

There is no doubt that the strongest descendant of Qi Tianzong is strong enough. The emperor's chart reflects his fighting majesty and appears on the emperor's road, letting his glory attract the attention of the world's strong men.

"It is indeed the blood of the ancestors of the Tao ..." There are those who are strong, stunned, and are considering whether to give up the top ten hegemony. After all, here are the bloodlines of the giants of various ethnic groups. Perhaps the strongest hegemons will have a large number of apoptosis!

The cruel reality made them have to recognize it, but the top ten sacred mountains are in front of them, who can give up willingly!

"Look ....."

At the same time, the immortal celestial turmoil filled with terror, the entrance of the thousands of space-time tunnels, the old generations of strong players from all sides were excited, and saw the emperor's list reflected on the emperor's road, projecting the ultimate emperor's road The picture of the ground!

"Oh my god, it's the ancestor of our ancestors!"

Qi Tianzong was ecstatic, and saw the heaven and earth Qiankun body erupting, and the amazing power of the world reflected on the emperor's list, making them cheer, and more people laughed: "My strongest heir, haha ​​ha ... ..... "

This picture also let the panic of the immortal heaven dissipate. There is no doubt that Emperor Road ’s ultimate hegemony has begun. Although a dozen people have died, it is not as bad as imagined.

"My family's heaven and earth are fighting against each other!"

An old ancestor of Qitianzong replied coldly: "I can really look forward to it, but he is the strongest heir of our tribe. The first lineage of the old ancestors, especially in the ultimate fortune of Emperor Road, can exert a strong fighting force. , I believe it will not be inferior to Jinxian! "

No one will underestimate the power of the Jinxian. People all over the world are watching the heaven and earth, and watching him kill the young demon king!


In the stormy world, Qi Tianzong's strongest handed down is the most powerful and domineering, screaming the power of Qiankun, covering the sky and the sun, and flooding the sky and the earth.

Su Yan looks a little weak and thin.

"Is it over?"

The chaotic domineering whispered, his cold eyes were like knives, watching Su Yan, and said, "If you don't care about your face, you really want to join forces to kill the young devil and smash it!"

They all have a long history, and their words and deeds are enough to represent the entire Xianmen Confucianism.

Join forces to suppress the young demon king, they really can't do something, they can't make it through their face, of course, there is also an important reason, one by one with the belief of invincibility!


The heaven and earth Qiankun body stood at the peak of the era, and it has already promoted the heaven and earth Qiankun, cooperating with its ancient physique, evolved a pattern of repression, comprehensively covering Su Yan!

Suddenly, Su Yan was confronted with great coercion, as if he was carrying Gu Xinghai, and wanted to crush his entire flesh shell!

Daozu parent-child, no one can be ignored!

羿 Yuan and their dignified faces, watching wars from a close distance can gain insight into the terrible and transcendent levels of this type of people.

All of Su Yanzhi didn't try to let Tie Baocai see clearly how powerful the ultimate combat power of Real Wonderland is. In fact, the little golden turtle sages have really reached their limits and extremes. It is difficult to kill.

Unless, Su Yan is also a golden fairy ...

The constant boiling world, the onlookers were a bit shocked, Su Yan was unharmed, and allowed the rule of thousands of thousands to rest on the flesh shell, he was always unharmed!


Jin Tianchi yelled and saw Su ruthlessly broke out!

At the same time, the silent Supreme's first supremacy, cold eyes shining coldly, almost fell on Su Yan's body almost instantly.

But he was too late to stop ...


Su Yan shouted in the sky, her long black hair danced, and she carried the body of the ancient Xinghai.


The world exploded, the sun sinking and the moon sinking, a picture that captured the soul, as if the sleeping invincible king returned, the heavens and earth trembled, and the rules of Qiankun collapsed!


Shocked, so shocked!

The scalp of Qi Tianzong's strongest descendant exploded, and his heart was filled with terror. His heaven and earth were hanged again. To be precise, he was bombarded by a supreme Jinxian!

There is nothing to say. Once such people wake up, they will fight against the sky, weep the ghosts and gods, and the power of light and flutter will smash the world and shock a group of people to fly out, and their blood will tremble.

They were scared. What was this?

They are the top 100 of the emperor list, and they can't afford Su Yan's leaked air!

Is this the Supreme Immortal? The ultimate sublimation recovery, shocked the universe starry sky, blood and sky, majestic shore!


He waved his fist, wrapped in nine days of thunder, and shattered the earth!


Su Yan yelled, this blow he forbeared for a long time, and finally let out the most invincible power, wild and overbearing, containing the great magical power of Xun Peng, and just hit it!

"No, my brother saves me ..."

Qi Tianzong is the strongest feared person. Goosebumps are all up, and their hair is full of sweat!

He was really frightened. He wanted to immediately spur the blood, bless his own combat power, and put himself in the undefeated field.

But he has no chance ...

Su Yan's movements were too rapid. From awakening to eruption to slamming, it was all done in an instant ...

Some people's minds can't keep up, they just feel that the heaven and earth fairy furnace is burning enough to destroy the world!

Anyone can think of Su Yan in a short time and have the power of Da Luo!


A **** punch punched through the chest of heaven and earth, penetrated his flesh shell, and burst into a blood cave!

The whole person was penetrated by lightning, and it is conceivable how cruel the blow was.

Moreover, Kun Peng's power has been extended, evolved into hundreds of millions of manuscripts, transpired Su Yan's Jinxian power, and soon spread to Qi Tianzong's strongest handed down whole body!


He yelled heartbreakingly, feeling that the whole man was exploding, and the vitality in his body was wiped out.

He was desperate, never desperate!

Too fierce!

A punch punched through his flesh shell, exploding the vitality in his body, the flesh was bursting, and the bones in the body were broken in all directions.

He didn't even have time to recover a series of details, and was directly killed by Su Yan, his residual body burst!

Immediately afterwards, a foot fell from the sky, like the sole emperor of the heaven and earth. He trampled the terrible body of heaven and earth under his feet, and with the terrible restraint, he interrupted all his hopes for a series of inner recovery. !!

"Qi Tianzong is the strongest person to pass down, but you are not as good as a turtle!"

Su Yan bowed his head and looked down at him. The majestic surging majestic, shocked the universe, like an emperor star rising, the emperor road shining bright!

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