Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1709: Belonging to Su Yan

The first supreme head of the fairy tribe exploded, the blood glowed, the broken bones were flying.

The shocking picture is horrifying, and some are uncontrollable and start to tremble. If the immortal Jinxian is really killed, then in this heyday, Su Yan is the only supreme and emperor list!

"Immortal First Supreme, was killed!"

Someone yelled, panicked, their heads were blasted, can this survive?

It was completely unexpected. Just now, at the most critical moment of the confrontation, Su Yan's arm was torn off. Everyone really thought that the young demon king was unable to return to heaven!

But no one expected that Su Yan had survived, madly, and the most terrifying combat power was recovered from the physical body. The first Supreme of the Xianzu did not even have time to recover the black mist defense!

The first Supreme of the Immortal is even more miserable, and the entire head was blown up!

How can this be?

诛 天 眼 is powerful, expensive for the ten secret series of 秘 天!

However, this secret technique is also a huge loss for the first Supreme Master of the Immortals, but he did not expect that Su Yan could survive it, and finally did his best to resurrect the physical body, and punched his skull with a punch!

The whole world is boiling, and the immortal sky is bursting into the sky!

This picture is extremely shocking. Zhu Qiang is a little bit afraid to believe his eyes.

"How could it be, how could our Supreme Supreme be ridiculed, how could he be defeated by Su Yan!"

A group of ancestors of the Immortal roared, their eyes were crazed, and they all wanted to be enchanted.

They don't want to believe the pictures they see. They would rather believe that the first Supreme loses, but they don't want to believe that he will really die. This is Jinxian. How can he die?

The whole world is uproar. If this battle really ends like this, Su Yan will be invincible.

"Of course, this mystery is powerful, but it also has a serious impact on itself." Only Dong Mo knew that when he encountered the first supremacy of the immortal, he almost lost his life under the eyes of his god!

The strong are fighting, and the victory is just a flash.

Dong Mo's mind is hard, but after all, he was also affected, and he successfully avoided the first supreme frontier of the fairy.

It shows that this mystery is not perfect for real fairyland, otherwise the first supremacy of the immortal family at that time can completely use his moment of disappointment to kill the Eastern demon's body.

But he didn't do it, which shows that under the eyes of Tian Tian, ​​it is very difficult for the first Supreme of the Immortal to erupt the physical power for a short time, otherwise Su Yan was killed.

Indirectly, it also shows that the mysterious series of the Tiantian series has quite dreamy colors!

"No, you guys look ..."

Xian Tianrong made a roar of exhaustion, his eyes were red, he was really scared. If the first supreme ridiculed, then the ancestor's plan would be empty!


The fragmented battlefield explodes with black light!

Skull fragments of the first Supreme Supreme blast burst suddenly and thinly rolled over the script, shaking their ears.

This is the Taiyin mother scripture running. The scripture is wrapped around his exploded skull fragments, and the crushed void is bursting!

His head is being reshaped, mainly because the first supreme elementary **** of the immortal family has the sun mother's body guard. Do you really think that the two world-famous bodyguards are papery? The two Scriptures run, and the first supremacy of the immortal tribe is pulled back from above the death line!

"What kind of scripture is this? Will my skull be able to survive if it bursts? This is too bad. Is it a revival?"

The old antiques from the outside world were stunned. Only a few Taoist ancestors saw the clue. This is the legendary two great achievements of the Tai Yin and the Sun!

"This boy has a lot of good luck. The two mothers are protecting their bodies, which is the most powerful creature in ancient times."

The Qinglongs are stunned, and the two mothers of heaven and earth converge on the first Supreme Master of the Xian clan, showing how strong he is, and of course it is enough to illustrate Su Yan's terrible level!

Yan Huang's face is also very dignified. The two great ancestors protect the body. The first supremacy of the immortal is really a monster carrying a great luck. If such people do not die, the future is bound to be the most terrible Taoist ancestor in the world.


The first supreme body of the immortal remodeled, his head was stained with blood, and it was quite miserable. He yelled in the sky, it was a shame and shame, he was blasted by the head, even he did n’t really think that Su Yan ’s Yuan Shen would be like this powerful!

Yun Tianyan can survive it. The power of this enemy really shocked him. It is too difficult to get rid of it!

"Su Yan, you want to kill me, you still can't!"

The first Extreme Fist of the Immortal clenched tightly, like a **** demon standing between heaven and earth, angrily: "I am undefeated, you can't fight me at all, as long as the body is immortal, what else do you take with me? Fight? Sooner or later it will run out! "

"Om!" His blood-stained body, quickly steaming with a billowing black mist, this material is quite scary and mysterious, and it is wrapped around its remains, constantly remodeling!

Even without the Taiyin Mother Sutra, he can rely on black matter to reshape the stubble. In short, he is invincible, and there is no suspense for the Supreme List.

"I can beat you the first time, and I can beat you the second time!"

Su Yan's face was a bit cold, he gasped heavily, lost a lot of money, and his arms were torn off!

He is about the same as the First Supreme of the Immortal, with severe losses and decay, and began to fall from the state of Jinxian, but the current state of each other is still strong and vigorous, whistling full of the world's energy source!

"Look, Su Yan's broken arm is growing again ..."

Some people are exclaiming: "This is Jinxian. In theory, they have Da Luo's abnormal recovery ability. Moreover, they also master the Supreme Secret of the recovery type. They can reshape the war in a short time. They are all too strong! "

Su Yan reshaped his arm with the power of supplementing the heavens. In the process, he lost even more. Fortunately, he has accumulated enough knowledge over the years, otherwise this battle will be difficult to persist to the present!


Su Yan's flesh and blood body glowed, greedily absorbed the world's energy source, and began to recover towards the peak. Relying on the sky stealing technique, I believe that it can be restored in a short time.

"Which goes on, who can win this battle? They are all supernatural, I'm afraid it's difficult to decide a life or death!"

Some people are amazed that this is a close match. If you keep burning your life to fight, it is likely that the foundation will be greatly damaged, and you will definitely lose more than you get.

"Do you think that if another golden fairy is born in heaven, will this battle continue to be used?"

Someone cried out, Long Dasheng and Zixia Fairy joined forces to monopolize the seven invincible powerhouses. After fighting for such a long time, the two powerhouses still maintained a strong posture, which is enough to show their extraordinaryness.

Even the longer the delay, the faster the evolution of Long Dasheng, and the third powerful Jinxian will be born if there is no guarantee. By then, the two golden immortals will join together in the vein of heaven.


The roar of the Dragon Sage shook the sky, and the yin and yang road map covered by the celestial spirit cover must be merged into its flesh shell. It was full of heat and it burned down the void, and felt that the source of life would burst!

The final Dragon King has become a little scary. In the thick and full of blood, more and more golden immortals have been born. They have crowded the sky, with the ancient dragon's breath looming and powerful.


The Seven Invincible Kings exhibited a series of great magical powers, and they fell down together to shake the Dragon King!

Fairy Zixia looked solemnly, soaring up all of a sudden, her petite and exquisite body glowed, as if turning into a sleeping bone sword!

The endless sword stalks thin, the purple fairy seems to be the carrier of the sword, and the rules of the endless sword marks are densely packed!

The ancestor of the sword ancestor looked trembling, saying, "This is ... this is the world of the legendary sword. Did she get the most powerful fortune of the sword mound?"

The Zixia Fairy is like a condensed sword mound. There are hundreds of millions of swords in the body. Among them, there are hundreds of millions of sword mound Taoists. When wielding the sword seal, it is engraved in the body of the Zixia fairy, and it becomes an immortal sword seal!

The ancestor of Jianzong was shocked. A world of swords was burning. Under the supreme pressure of the resonance of the seven kings, a chaotic sword tire was born in the world of swords, flowing endlessly immortal light!

"Wanjian returns to the school!"

Zixia Fairy spread her arms, she was like Zixia Sword Fairy, and there was a billowing chaos of chaos!

Fan Jian's heart caused a great shock. The sword tyres he was carrying were trembling, and some were uncontrolled to fly out.

The Sword King is born, Wanjian worships!

"Chaos Kendo, Chop Sky, Chop Ground, Chop Soul ..."

The breath of the Zixia Fairy is too amazing, just like the legendary Chaos Sword Fairy came out, it started to evolve towards the Jinxian faintly!

"Third Golden Immortal ..."

The seven kings are going crazy, and there is really a third golden immortal. If the three golden immortals are born in the vein of heaven, who is still qualified to compete for the top ten.

"Kill him, quickly ..."

The samsara are yelling. This era is really crazy. This is Jinxian, but four people have appeared in this life. What kind of era is this? Is it a prosperous world with a great outbreak?

If the first Supreme Master of the Xian clan still couldn't kill Su Yan, they would simply withdraw and forget, there would be no point in fighting, and there would only be a dead end to stay!

"Hahaha, the three golden immortals ..."

The first supreme scream of the immortal clan: "Su Yan, it can be over. Your clan should not exist, shouldn't!"


He rushed up, burning the strongest combat power, fighting Su Yan!

The strongest battlefield opened again, and the two powerful men launched a terrible collision like **** comets.


Heaven and earth collapsed once again, and each other released the most amazing force to kill.

Dragons and tigers fighting, blood-stained sky!

The time and space they killed once again disillusioned, and the ripples and destruction were destroyed. All of them would form a vortex of energy, and the vast battlefields would cause huge waves, and the ultimate treasures of killing would be full of war!

"I don't believe you can't die!"

Su Yan shouted in the sky, his blood-stained body was filled with horror vitality, like the supreme war **** who crosses the **** sea of ​​the corpses, banging against the first supremacy of the immortal, and pushing his most terrible fighting power!

The fight is crueler than the last time, the energy is turbulent, all kinds of magical powers come out, and the world is boiling ...

"It's getting scarier and their lives are too tenacious ..."

"Jinxian is really invincible. In fact, even if such people enter the realm of Daluo, they will not soar on the basis of Jinxian.

"The breakthrough is directly Daluo Jinxian, and it has taken thousands of years. You cannot use common sense to calculate. Once you cross the Daluo Jinxian realm, will the Supreme be far away?"

The spectators from afar are terrified. Some people think that the first Supreme of the Immortal is going to be driven crazy. Both Zixia Fairy and Long Dasheng have a little gold immortal power. Once the Tianting camp time is given, this battle will have a terrible reversal!

The fierce battle, it can be said that the boxing saw blood, the two top peaks, Jinxian, died in the end, the sky shuddered, and the battlefield was roaring.

Gradually Su Yan found that it was very difficult to get rid of him if the black mist was not resolved.

Then there is hope only if he cuts off his Yuan Shen!


Su Yan's forehead is bright, and Yuanshen's killings continue to shake, and he rushes towards the immortal Supreme Sea of ​​Knowledge!

Although Su Yan's Yuanshen is powerful, the first supremacy of the Xian people has the sun mother's body guard, which constantly blocks Su Yan's Yuanshen suppression!

The war has reached this stage, and it is no longer important who is seriously injured.

The two strong men are both physically ruptured and scarred, and the Jinxian realm is once again difficult to maintain, and they must fall down!


Su Yan was screaming with rage. My body was revived again, and the power of thousands of gods and monsters flowed out, bringing together the most terrible power.

"It's useless ..." The first Supreme Supreme sneered sneer: "I won't give you a second chance to blow my head!"

This made Su Yan angry. This is his material. It is really evil and against the sky. Perhaps Jinxian is difficult to dig out the strongest effect of the two materials. Although the white mist and Su Yan Yuanshen are fused, he thinks the material is still There is great potential to tap!

"Without this substance, you would have been ridiculed!"

"This is your life!"

The immortal Supreme said coldly: "I have already fought now, how can you help me? Now I am physically indestructible, this battle continues, and it is you who loses!"

"If there is a hole card, we can't stop it ..."

They were anxious about reincarnation. They thought that there was only one Su Yan in heaven. Who knew there were so many perverts.

The first supreme cold eyes of the immortal family looked at Long Dasheng and the Zixia Fairy, and found that their progress in the field of Jinxian was accelerating. I don't know where it hurts! "

"It's just you who want to blow up the heavens?" Su Yan sneered: "Is there any hole card I can use!"

"as you wish!"

The immortal first supreme Yangtian roared. In the shocking eyes around him, his flesh broke, as if he was destroying himself.

"What is he doing?"

The world was shocked. The first Supreme Body of the Xian tribe was broken and covered with large cracks. It can be said that there were so many holes and black mist sputtered ...

In the end, the rolling black mist blended in the void, like a black true dragon that traverses the past and the future!

"You are really brave ....."

Su Yan was a little dazed, and the black mist rushed towards him!

Obviously, the first Supreme of the Immortal has no hole cards. In fact, if there was no black mist, he would have been killed by Su Yan!

Now, the first Supreme of the Xian people wants to use the power of the black mist to wipe out Su Yan!

Su Yan's physical body can't help shuddering, as if she lost her long years of life and is returning ...

(Brothers finally returned, a big chapter!)

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