Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1713: Invincible Su Yan!

Blazing figure, cold eyes, Supreme Heavenly Power!

Su Yan is too domineering, enough to suppress the hearts of the Kings of Heaven.

He stands in the thunder sea, and stands on the bones of the kings, powerful and worldly!

His physical body roars with appalling energy ripples, the boulevards are like the sea, the blood and blood are magnificent, and they blend together, and truly become the carrier of the universe, covering the entire battlefield, and imprisoning the entire Leihai!

The body of Su Yan's flesh glowed, and the triple Gai scriptures operated, and the Tian Ling Gai sprayed out a splendid brilliance of energy.


The huge thunder sea, like the abyss of the avenue turning, could not bear the light of blood from Su Yantian Linggai at this moment, and it suddenly collapsed!

Hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts shattered and exploded into ashes.

Who can achieve this level in Kulai?

His own calamity could not hold back Su Yan who was breaking through, but the entire thunder sea was shaking, and the huge calamity had begun to divert!

Su Yan's own blood was too intense. He slammed into Lei Hai and turned into the master of Tianjie. The powerful Da Luo Tianjie couldn't stop Su Yan's invincible majesty!


Between the heavens and the earth, various miserable sorrows were echoed. The strongest heirs of the six peak religions were killed by Su Yan in a short time. The broken thunder sea was stained with blood. This picture looks like it has the supreme shock Sex!

People all over the world are stagnant, shaking from the soul, pointing to the **** Lei Hai, shaking all over, unable to say a word.

The neutral powerhouses of the Supreme Lady are also embarrassed. They are full of cold, and there is a panic in their hearts. They also capture the invincible trend emanating from Su Yan's body, like a flood of history, which cannot be rewritten!


Some of the top 100 kings, with their legs softened, almost fell to the ground.

A group of people were also embarrassed, pale, difficult to breathe, and desperately depressed, almost roared out, and even had a kind of **** horror figure facing the land of thunder, worshiping worship!

What is invincible!

Su Yan is totally writing the supreme glory and legend and hitting the top six heroes. What level of combat power is this? Basically rewritten the world's perception of the limit of combat power!

At the same time, the kings were desperate. Is there really only one Supreme in this world?

The world was eclipsed, and began to tremble because of Su Yan .......


Beyond Lei Hai, there were also strong men screaming. They watched the **** picture inside Lei Hai. They were distracted. In a short time, the people of Zixia Fairy launched a killing ring and killed a lot!

The **** pattern continued to worsen, God was crying, and the devil was mourning!

The heavenly kings battled the sky in blood, the heavens and earth killed, the kings drank hatred, and this vein released a terrible light of glory, which shook the heavens of the universe and shook the entire immortal heaven!

In the picture reflected in the emperor's list, many old monsters of the group feel that they are dazzling. Is this too unreal?

"how is this possible......."

Some of the supreme powerhouses have scalp numbness, and the top six heroes have been blown up in a short time. How could such an outrageous thing happen?

Is it true that once the legendary Jinxian breaks through, he will gain the invincible combat power? Otherwise, how to explain the **** and cruel picture in Thunder Sea now!


In the same world, the immortal world roars, and large states are trembling. This is a group of horrifying creatures going mad, emitting the order of Supreme Avenue, evolving a horrendous killing and sweeping the world!

"Ah, kill!"

A group of scary creatures really want to go crazy, growling skyward, the whole state is trembling, the infinity cracks are dense, and they are about to collapse!

This is a group of powerful and unchanged Dao ancestors. They have lived for a long time, and they are going to be mad at this moment.

They can't suppress the flame in their hearts. If their descendants are killed in the battle for hegemony, they will not say anything, and their skills are not as good as what one can say.

But now, the six top talents were completely brutally blasted. This is a shame and shame. Daozu was trembling with anger, the light of the soul was shaking, and a sound of heartbreaking roar was made, shaking. World!

In a short time, the immortal sky roared around, like the boundless blood shining down from the sky, drowning the earth.

"It's crazy enough, this world is going to be messy!"

The world is trembling and catches all the major areas. A group of terrible creatures emit anger that swallows the sky. The pictures reflected by the emperor's chart are difficult for them to bear. The roar keeps coming.

"Is Su Yan invincible?"

The world was sensational, the six kings were killed in a short time, or in the process of marching into Daluo.

So who can stop Su Yan!

"My first supremacy, will you lose?"

The immortal people also have some doubts about life. There is no way. Reincarnation. They are very powerful. But since they have been blown up by Su Yan and blood-washed a group of the strongest, who can match it?


There are old antiques roaring: "The first Supreme of the Immortals is also going through the customs. I am looking forward to this battle more and more, I don't know who will win!"

The strong men of this series of tribes rushed to the crown in anger, and now it means nothing to say who wins.

The younger generation of the clans are dying, this is the biggest loss of the clan, their hearts are full of anger, and they can't wait to call an army immediately and settle the entire heaven!


The land of the broken thunder sea rushed out of a figure. The Xianzu first respected the new and stood up, opened the way to breakthrough, and the overall breath was soaring.

"Su Yan, kill!"

The immortal supreme Yangtianxiao, such as the strong demon unsealing, the yin and the sun mingling with the flesh shell, promoted his body to bloom an endless tide of waves, all must form a vast Yin and Yang road map, suppress the heaven and earth!

There is no doubt that Lei Hai is even more shocking and shocking. The two golden immortals broke through and a picture that was even crueler than the sky crumbled!

The breath of the supreme immortal is becoming more and more shocking. The overcast and the sun are turning. He is evolving toward the level of Da Luo, and at the same time it is impacting towards Su Yan.

If this enemy cannot be slaughtered, once Su Yan is given the opportunity to step into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, it will be a big problem who will win and who will die!

"What is arrogant? Kill you!"

Su Yan had a majestic expression, standing in the thunder sea, and drinking and roaring, the world's energy surged towards his flesh. He has not yet used all kinds of resources to evolve, and waited for the lack of details before using a series of background shocks!

Seeing the immortal Supreme who rushed over, Su Yan directly killed him. In the body world where the triple scriptures coexisted, suddenly there were infinite sacred powers, the universe was flooded, and the immortal Supreme immortal was covered in an instant!

The world is shocked, Su Yan is more powerful, and seems to surpass the first Supreme of the Immortal!

Is this battle really Su Yan going to win?


The first Supreme of the Immortal shouted, and his breakthrough speed was also very shocking. The four spirit holy arts once again emerged, and the four holy beasts manifested in the air, as if they were transformed into real fighting creatures, and the breath was terrifying!

The terrible Thunder Sea couldn't restrain them, and a shocking collision started again!

"what is that?"

The next moment, people from all over the world were shocked. Seeing the opposition of the four sacred beasts, the four sacred beasts also appeared!

what's the situation?

Two big four spirits showdown? When has Su Yan mastered this amazing killing technique!


The land of the thunder sea trembled, bursting out of the cosmic black hole, the two invincible holy arts turned, destroyed the sky and the earth, both blasted through the vast thunder sea, tearing the billowing lightning!


Su Yan yelled, and the power of the Four Spirits propelled was like being entangled in the magnificent universe, wrapped in immutable power and divine power, and thus descended from the sky, destroying everything!


Xuanwu cracked, true dragon cracked, Suzaku bleed blood, and white tiger mourned.

The four sacred beasts were all killed by Su Yan. Su Yan seemed to promote the power of the universe. The crushed fairy tribe shivered, and the flesh was bursting!


The Immortal Supreme is going crazy. He understands that Su Yan has merged the black mist and has obtained a series of his inheritance!

"Split the gods palm, kill!"

Su Yan's majestic shores, his palms turned into an axe to open the world, this is a supreme blow, the huge thunder sea was cut off, as if the heavens and earth were split!

"Ahhh ...."

The first supreme scream of the immortal family, Tian Linggai was cut out of a crack, his pupils were red, and his hair was dancing like a waterfall. Su Yan obtained his series of mystery skills and a series of great magical powers of the immortal group!

Strange shame!

"Why, why!"

The people of the immortal are going crazy. What happened?

When did Su Yan steal a series of great magical powers of the clan? Not only do we split the palms of the heavens, but there are also dozens of ancient arts Su Yan also mastered. They are all the townships of the immortal family. Only the core disciples of the family are eligible to contact.

But even the core disciples are not qualified to master these.

However, Su Yan mastered all of them and countered the first supremacy of the immortal. At the same time, his enemies would even evolve a stronger means. It is conceivable that this battle has made the world crazy!

In short, Su Yan's breath is too horrible. His body is like the universe.

He fisted up with a fist, the fist turned into a carrier of the universe, containing the power of the triple scriptures, the first supreme body of the immortal tribe burst into a blood cave!

After all, he lost the black mist guard and lost the strongest means. Su Yan can break his physical defense at any time!

In this state, Su Yan even mastered more than half of the enemy's peerless and supernatural powers.

It can be imagined how cruel this battle is, one punch after another, Su Yan's moves are widened and closed, and they are suppressed!


Su Yan also killed red eyes, the first supreme tremor of the Xianzu who was hit with every punch, the flesh cracked!

Had it not been for Da Luo, he would have been killed by Su Yan.

In this way, Su Yan punched dozens in a row, the first Supreme Body of the immortal Fairy was full of sores, and the whole person burst.

The final Su Yan shook the world. In the complete state of the universe, the yin and yang coexist, all things emerge, with the light that opens up the world, and embraces the source of endless destruction!

Lei Hai collapsed once more, the sky was also torn, and the stars were blown down!

Su Yan brought endless power, and Lei Hai, who was fisted with a fist, seemed to be steamed. This fist was too invincible. Together with the broken body of the first supremacy of the Xian clan, they began to crack, and his terrible blow exploded his physical body!

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