Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1717: Five golden immortals!

"Dilu, will it end sooner?"

Endless people trembled, and the entire emperor road was completely sensational. The first Supreme Master of the Xian clan died like this, which is really a dream!

As for all the kings of the hostile camp, except for a few who have escaped into the cosmic black hole, all the other strong men have bleed into the sky!

Ultimately, blood stained!

The killing force is still tumultuous and full of blood, showing on the emperor list, it is also an extremely horrible picture!

The entire immortal celestial realm seemed to be shaking, a group of horrible creatures in the world were furious, and the states were booming, similar to the end of the universe, and some areas of the world were exploding, and the terrible murderous energy was constantly permeating.

The ancestral creatures of Mantiandao are furious, and the world suspects that if the peak battle of Tianyangzhou is not over, the rules are set, and it is estimated that the immortal heaven will detonate the terrible decisive battle!

"Heaven, when the plant ..."

Some terrible giants couldn't bear the idea of ​​killing in their hearts, shouted from the sky, the sky was bursting with big cracks, the endless earth was also cracking, the smoke was rolling, killing the surging, among them there were terrible creatures wanting to attack the heavens!

You know, some of the dead strong are descendants of mad creatures!

"Miscellaneous, when did my family suffer such humiliation, even in the heyday of the heavens, this kind of thing never happened ..."

"It's ridiculous to end it all!"

The Lord of the Land Government angered and rushed to the crown. He attached importance to the samsara body and nourished it with the remnants of samsara medicine. He should have been a supreme golden immortal, but he was more miserable than the first supremacy of the immortal.

Strange and shameful, dozens of ancient peaks and clans teamed up to fall into this tragic situation.

The peak battle has been lost, and now the younger generation of Emperor Road has lost again. He has struck twice in succession to make the immortal heaven and earth's major areas turn out the wrath of the giants. Some terrible creatures are shaking with anger!

The strong men of all the major forces are trembling, and Emperor Road is defeated fiercely. This batch of scary creatures is really crazy, and it is necessary to start the peak showdown again!


In Jiudingzhou, a loud roar exploded and shattered the sky. There were various cracks of destruction between heaven and earth. There is no doubt that this is the Supreme Master of Immortal teaching, and it is only one step away from Daozu!

His eyes were red, and he roared like wild beasts: "Waiting for the end of Emperor Road is the death of heaven. On that day, I will step into the realm of Daozu in Jiudingzhou, a shame before the snow!"

Thousands of teachings were sensational and loud.

After all, there are too many dead people, and they belong to the same camp. Things have terrifying shock!

Many people look at the emperor's list, looking at the figure on the emperor's list, some vague, some terrible, some mysterious, and some horrible. They are also shocking, like the **** of war living in myth!

Is an invincible big Luo strong still far from the Supreme? In the future, what level will Su Yan in Heaven grow to? It is really hard to imagine!

"It ’s crazy enough that all the strong in these camps of the Immortals are completely destroyed. Jinxian is killed. The reincarnation also opens up the potential of Jinxian. Two Jinxian are killed. Diluco has never been so terrible. Great event! "

"It's really crazy. How many times can we get out of this kind of cruel scum? Are you really not afraid of the world?"

Some people trembled and stunned the people, leaving a dozen ancient clans to lose their faces. Who can spare him lightly, once the emperor's road is over and declared closed, between this world and Su Yan's body? Land?

"Heaven is really doing this, but Su Yan's strength is too scary. With this group of young kings, how can the clans fail to rise, but will the clans give them time?"

"I have serious doubts now that Tianting already knew Su Yan's potential. Therefore, reaching an agreement with the major groups is to win decades of peace!"

Many people agreed with this statement, and some still sneered: "What's the point in decades? Suddenly it was Su Yan's century. Can he step into the realm of Dao ancestors? On the contrary, I feel that the heavenly court is looking for death, and it completely angers all The big peak group also tears off the last line of defense. The heavens in the future will endure. These groups endless flame of anger! "

In short, the immortal sky has set off a terrible storm, some of the ancestors of the peak group are bursting with anger!

Shameless, although the emperor list has not yet been released, the three places are already on the table, maybe there are more than just three places!

Emperor Road has also set off a horror storm. The figure above Emperor List is bright and radiant, emitting the glory that only I have, reflecting the universe of Xinghai, has become, Emperor Road is now the only supreme overlord!

Su Yan stands between heaven and earth, and the ten holy mountains suddenly resonate!

Each sacred mountain emits a terrible amount of attraction. It is guiding Su Yan and stepping into the sacred mountain for cultivation!

"He got the quota directly, he didn't need the Holy Mountain trials at all!"

They are astonished that they are jealous of the creation of the top ten sacred mountains. Each sacred mountain is the world ’s only treasured place in the universe. Once it is buried in the cultivation, it will get great benefits.

Especially for Su Yan, who has just stepped into the field of Da Luo Jinxian, it is estimated that in the next time, it will grow rapidly enough to save thousands of years and even thousands of years!

The practice speed of Daluo Realm is quite slow. The requirements of this area for the heaven and earth environment are also very high. However, the assistance of the holy mountain is completely different. Even Daluo Jinxian will receive amazing help.

Today, Su Yan stands within the top ten sacred mountains, and also has a terrible confinement force, binding Su Yan!

Su Yan's eyes looked like electricity. He had been recognized by the emperor list and would not allow him to continue to kill.

Emperor Road is a place to cultivate Tianjiao. Although there are also blood and killings, there are certain restrictions. If Emperor List does not suppress Su Yan, then his combat power is enough to sweep the entire battlefield, and the top ten courts will also get the top 10. Places.

Of course this is simply not possible!

Otherwise, the emperor list that came out of the emperor roads of all ages is enough to dominate the emperor road, and the rest will not get any help at all!


Suddenly, the silent Emperor Road finally exudes war-like intent.

Jin Tian, ​​who had been calm, stood up and stood up, all of them have the ambition to swallow the rivers and mountains, wanting to dominate the Holy Land.

Su Yan's eyes flashed a cold electricity. Although he didn't say a word, this treasure place suddenly boiled up, and endless coercion began to be born. During the table, he ranked all the strong in the top 100!

Endless majesty, terrifying vitality, cold eyes!

In the places where the eyes passed, the heroes were trembling, this is a big Luo Jinxian, powerful and powerful enough to look down on the Supreme Emperor Supreme Supreme Supreme, who can withstand his coercion, one by one from the head to the foot.

Even if Su Yan can't take the shot, the deterrence is too scary.

"Dear friends, I am now withered in heaven, and in the words of your clans, it is an abolition ...."

Su Yan's words have not finished, a group of people are going to be mad, abolished?

Tianting has three golden immortals in his veins, and one king after another standing at the summit level, he is so embarrassed to say that Tianting is an abandoned race.

Some people think that Su Yan is too unscrupulous, this is warning them, naked warning!

"Poor my heaven, there is nothing in it, and there is no good land." Su Yan sighed, "However, the Taoist clans are powerful and prosperous, how can heaven be comparable."

Jin Tianxi was so angry that he would spit out blood, one by one, the ancestors of the heavenly courts, one after another. This family is no longer the heavenly courts of that year. Moreover, the three places on the emperor's list have been secured, and the era of heaven's return to Jiudingzhou has arrived!

"Who dare not give me the face of my brother, so do not hesitate to fight for hegemony ..."

Someone wiped the cold sweat away, and said that there are now two strong men in Jinting who are exploring Jinxian Road, who dare to mess up.

In short, some people are fortunate that Dilu suppressed Su Yan and did not let the demon continue to participate. Otherwise, he really dare not keep up, dominate the ten places, and do not leave a soup for foreigners!

"Dear friends!"

Jin Tianyu suddenly said: "We can go to this step today, we have gone through layers of selection, experienced life and death dangers, it is not easy, and some people have died in the dark universe, I see the next hegemony , It's better to be safe! "

"The words of Daoyou are exactly what I want." Taishang Virgin gave her a slight whisper: "Ultimately, it is goodness. It is too much to lose the life of hegemony. Of course, if anyone thinks that he can open gold like reincarnation. The immortal potential, despite the fight, still have to say one more thing, the immortal road is long, you can save your life to go to a stronger realm! "

More than a dozen peak group people have died, a blood lesson, nothing is left when they die!

The war broke out in this way, and the top ten competition for the emperor list began.

Su Yan sat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. This battle fought day after day, and all the kings participated in the battle. They faced each other on the holy mountain, and the battle was extremely fierce!

Less blood, less cruelty.

In this battle, some old antiques felt that it was too much meaning. The Emperor's Supreme had already decided, and there was nothing new to look at.

There are only a dozen or so ancient peak religions who are all bruised and silent.

This battle lasted for ten days and ten nights, and near the end, Su Yan was shocked.

Tie Baocai and Taishang Virgin fought for a day and night, but they still haven't decided!

This makes the Supreme Virgin feel aggrieved!

Tianting already has three big golden immortals, can't she even control the No. 4 strong in Tianting?

In short, the ever-changing art of treasures is magical, and he is in charge of the ancestral mystery of the ancestors.

"The a priori body is really terrible. This is the great murderer of heaven. I don't know what creature it is. Can you fight to this point with her?"

The outside onlookers were in a state of excitement, and the terrible battle lasted day after day!

Almost all the other sacred mountains are settled. Only the battlefield of the Supreme Avenue and the sky are still undergoing fierce fighting!


The **** battle lasted three days and three nights, and the treasures were exhausted.

Eventually it was released, and the blood-stained flesh spewed out with horrible blood, which is enough to make the old antique face green, there are too many good things in the treasure, the endless healing power of the nirvana solution, and the massive sunfish fry Essence of substance!

It burned in the polar realm and opened Jinxian Road ...

"Oh my god!"

The whole world was a sensation, and a golden fairy was born in heaven!


What's even more shocking is that the Supreme Lady is also transformed. After all, she is a generation of congenital body. The symbol of billions of avenues blooms in the body of Xue Baijiao. When they blend together, they turn into purple immortals, shaking the breath of golden fairy !!

It is the birth of two golden immortals again!

The world is trembling, unimaginable events, this world has produced one golden immortal after another, this is also an event that has never occurred in the history of Emperor Road!

"It's incredible!"

The endless people were shocked, and some people took a hard breath and yelled, "I think this is good. After all, the three golden immortals of Tianting have appeared in the sky. You must know that Emperor Road has been given six places before, But it never happened, the era of dominating the top three! "

"Yeah, the power of the Virgin of Ethereum, her a priori body, at the very least, should be ranked second, and no less than third!"

The world's hot debate, the Supreme Master of the Supreme Master of Education smiled: "Very good, I finally saved some face, as long as it is not the top three kings of the heavenly kings, and the potential of the virgin is not difficult."

"Yeah, this day is really worthy of celebration for us too teachers. At this moment, this scene is enough to comfort the ancestors!"

The names of Tai Shangjiao all laughed. In the history of Tai Shangjiao, there has only been one Emperor Gao Tianjiao.

Now it has appeared again. In general, once the ranking of the emperor has been determined, it is enough for the entire emperor to celebrate.

As for the grievances between the two camps, what does it have to do with their peak groups, such as being too religious or immortal?

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