Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1738: Kneel!

King Lunwa beckoned, and suddenly a dozen followers rushed quickly.

"Pass me an order to seal the demon world. No one is allowed to go in and out at will, and the offender is cut!"

The minds of these followers were shocked. The King of the Heavens gave his princely seal to them, and it was obvious that the prince was qualified to seal the world and had great authority!

"Go now, I don't want to let things continue to expand, and I don't want to let the devil and the world happen today, spread the slightest!"

King Luntian's expression was indifferent. This not only involved the battle of hegemons and demons in the world, but the resurgence of the human world was too big. It must be kept strictly confidential and no leakage was allowed.

The situation in the immortal realm is not as simple as the world thinks, the struggle is very complicated, and the reincarnation monarchs are difficult to influence the world. Once it is spread, it will cause a terrible storm, even related to the taboo history of a long time!

So in any case, things in the human world cannot be spread out, and all news stops in the demon world.

Moreover, once the seal of the prince seals the demon world, no one can leave, although this will cause a small storm, the reincarnation king of the reincarnation tribe has ordered it, and each tribe will give face without asking too much.

After doing all this, Lun Tianwang's cold eyes stared at Su Yan, even if he won, even if he really penetrated the strongest battlefield?

Moreover, his son-in-law is extremely strong, although there is still a certain gap with the heroic heroes of the clan who will come to fight for hegemony, it is believed that once Peng Peng takes the shot, even if it is really impossible to suppress Su Yan, it is still possible to curb his clearance speed.

It concerns the human world. He may not be so sloppy, maybe through Su Yan, he can learn the history of the human world.

At this moment, the audience's eyes were all watching the strongest battlefield. Lun Peng had already entered the battlefield, stood in Su Yan's pair, and said coldly: "The descendants of fiends, you are really crazy, here you dare to break! "

"No matter what, go ahead!"

Su Yan's cold eyes stared at Lu Peng. This year, the reincarnation emperor who had dealt with him belonged to the same camp. Su Yan's body was surging.

Lun Peng is extremely powerful and extraordinary. The flesh covered with golden scales is filled with the light of horror and blood, and a somewhat obscure door of reincarnation appears behind him. He stands among them, like a young prince who masters reincarnation!

"You are so confident." Lu Peng said coldly, "Reassured that the enemy you are facing is not me, and a strong person from our tribe will come quickly and take off your head."

"Go away if you are afraid, don't be crooked here anymore, endlessly!" Su Yan snorted.

"Bold!" Lu Peng was furious. He was young and had the majesty of a prince, like a **** of war on the sky. He looked down at Su Yan and drank: "Dare I be rude to the reincarnation of the emperor. I really don't know how to write the dead words. of!"

"What is the reincarnation emperor?"

With Su Yan's words, Lu Peng's face was so cold that no one had the power of God, who dare to offend!

The people nearby were also frightened and stunned. This man was really brutal. The reincarnation of the reincarnation clan dared to humiliate, and was really not afraid to get big goods.

"Look for something!"

The King of the Heavens is also angry, and permeates the spirit of the King of the Holy Spirit, which is awe-inspiring throughout the battlefield of gods and demons, who dares to offend the power of the emperor, let alone satire and derogation, this is already a great sin, even in the heyday of the fairyland The royal family, at all times, will suffer the disaster of extinction!

The emperor must not be insulted, and all the world must share respect.

There are very few emperors in the fairyland, but every emperor's power has a world warrior who is the emperor, and is extremely powerful and has a world power!


Even if you are the reincarnation of Huo Ping, you can't escape! Lu Peng was furious, the world shook and the terror energy ripples were released, and they had to run through the entire battlefield.

"Hoping is also your name? The reincarnation of the monarchs is mean!"

Su Yan scolded: "Playing secretly in the dark, challenge the rules of the battlefield of Gods and Demons, kill Huo Ping, dare not recognize!"

"Jack, bullshit!"

The king of lunatics was furious, and his pupils dreaded a terrible kill.

The whole world is also uproar. What's the situation?

Some old antiques were stunned. Did Huo Ping fight and die?

"Do you dare to humiliate the King of Heaven?" Outside, a group of defeated people were emotional and shouted, "The devil of the Nether, your courage is too big. What evidence do you have to question the emperor, and what evidence do you suspect of the King ? "

The Heavenly Demon King of immortality possesses supreme glory and brilliance. Now some people stand up and question the World War I.

"You really don't know how to die!"

Lu Peng pointed at Su Yan and yelled, "Huoping has already died in battle and was killed by my grandfather, leaving only a pile of broken bones to pollute the air in the battlefield of Gods and Demons. Now you use a dead person to slander my clan. I think you are really crazy It's up! "

"This is a public case. In the future, I will let your family kneel in front of his grave and admit their mistakes!"

Su Yan's words stunned the world ’s powerful men, and they were all dumbfounded. What kind of confidence is there to say this sentence, what kind of group is the emperor, even if it is really wrong, but a little ant can challenge?

Mu Xin was also in a daze, and his brain made up some of the Devil King kneeling in front of Huo Ping's grave. This picture is really not too beautiful.

"Cut him off!"

King Luntian was completely angry, and a little devil dare to disrespect the emperor. Who gave him courage? If it was placed outside, it would have been thrown out with a slap and hit Su Yan.

Lu Peng was also furious, and wanted to yell at the sky. Has the times changed? The people in the Nether were so mad that they dared to let the emperor bow their heads.


Lun Peng's breath erupted instantly, and the golden flesh shell bloomed with fiery reincarnation. It filled the whole space and time, especially the reincarnation gate court that appeared behind it.

"Xiaopeng Wang is invincible!"

The whole world resounded with exclaimed voices, and some people were shaking their flags, hoping to see the picture of Xiaopeng Wang hitting the madmen with one blow!

I have to say that Lun Peng's combat power is superb, the imperial scriptures are running, the samsara reincarnation is released, and when he has done his best to erupt, he seems to be a saint of samsara, and the mighty power of the world!

"Crazy, don't kneel and bow down!"

Lun Peng yelled and pushed the animation supernatural power to release a terrible blow. This time and space have sunk. Various reincarnation radiances have been released, drowning everything, and almost cannot find Su Yan's figure.

"Well, Xiaopeng Wang is invincible. It has not yet begun!"

Many people yelled, and their blood was boiling. This was an elite shot from the emperor. It was extremely powerful and mighty.

Mu Xin felt that Su Yan was not so weak, and she must be qualified to compete with the elite of the emperor. He really raised the rune of hundreds of millions of deities in the land covered by light and rain, like another outer Huoping resurrected, standing in the most In a strong battlefield!


Su Yan blasted out with a fist, the gods fluttered and the killing force was leaked, which was unparalleled.

The reincarnation light rain of the sky is bursting, and the terrible fist wrapped in the gas world power that swallowed the long river, banging on the portal of reincarnation, making a shocking sound!

The people in the field were shocked,

The strong man from the lower realm really is not the idle generation, directing the magical power source of Xiaopeng Wang.

It can be seen that the figure standing in the reincarnation gate court was shocked, although it seemed unharmed, but everyone knew the confrontation just now, and Lu Peng fell into the downwind, and Su Yan shook his body.

"If not, stop as much as possible ..."

At this moment, the ancient will of Lun Tianwang was passed on, and he awoke Lun Peng in a shocked state.

His father's words made him feel humiliated. Couldn't the elite of his grand emperor still suppress a fiend that rushed up from the Nether?


Lun Peng yelled from the sky, the spirit of spirit was once again violent, and the breath was obviously strengthened and strengthened again, releasing the most prosperous combat power, and the battlefield of the gods and demons shook constantly!


He rushed over, his murderous gas leaked, and rolled like a sky knife to tear the sky, and his eyebrows opened his eyes.

Everyone knows that this is the strongest form of the reincarnation emperor. The eyes of the reincarnation shine, and the power of the reincarnation is spilled, covering the flesh shell of Lun Peng!

"The demon head of the Nether is too much, standing still, this is contempt of King Xiaopeng, who immediately suppressed him."

Some people yelled, their emotions were out of control, and they felt that Su Yan was humiliating Lu Peng.

After all, Lu Peng's murderous spirits came slamming across, Su Yan stood still, with mysterious brilliance and color, looking very tall and heroic.

Suddenly, the strongest battlefield changed!

There was blood splashing, it was very rich, and it fell down and stained half of the sky.

All onlookers were petrified ...

Bloody pungent, who left the blood?

The next moment, they all saw that Lu Peng, who was constantly killing and boiling, trembled physically during the impact of Su Yan.

Even if he used the reincarnation genius to suppress the injury of the flesh shell, it could be severely damaged and could not be suppressed. He felt that the whole person was about to burst.


In the end, he coughed up blood, fell down along the way, and his flesh was torn apart. This is a kind of demon dance power that is violent to destroy the world. He is destroying his flesh, and even the bones in his body are broken in all directions!

The picture was too horrible. He couldn't survive Su Yan's punch. His injuries continued to worsen and his flesh rotted.

The physical body is broken and terrible.


He made a roar, and wanted to get up and rebuild his combat power against Su Yan.

Even playing dozens of rounds is far better than losing this stigma.

But he had no chance, his body was constantly cracking, his knees fell to the ground, and he couldn't get up. He felt very weak. Just now Su Yan's fist broke his vitality, and it was too domineering and extreme!

"I am Emperor Yingjie, my tribe is invincible!"

Lu Peng roared, climbing up again and again, and could not kneel in front of Su Yan.

But again and again, he failed to stand up.

"Kneeling me for what?"

Su Yan lifted her feet and flew round Peng.

The blood-stained Lu Peng threw himself to kneel in front of Huo Ping's grave.


Lu Peng was screaming like crazy, his eyes were screaming and screaming.

Amazingly shameful, kneeling in front of the Demon King's glorious monument, facing the ruined graveyard, hung his proud head, and bowed his head.

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