Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1751: Immortal Ancestor's Wrath

Outside, there was silence.

The world speculates that a major problem has occurred in the ancestral family of the Xian clan, otherwise Daozu would not hesitate to take the shot, and sure enough, the ancestors of the Xian clan could not even care about Tao, and rushed to the ancestral court and opened the closed gate court.

The ancestral family is very important to a group. The ancestral family of all the Immortals is the root of the group and the source of the strongest power!

The ancestral family of the immortal family is naturally terrifying, and it is also the place where the first ancestors of the immortal family sit.

The immortal ancestors are full of majesty, very terrifying and powerful, and the breath is released, which overwhelms the entire land of Xianzhou, and even spreads and spreads to surrounding large states. It is difficult to imagine at what level the most powerful ancestors of the immortal peoples are.

You know, since the disappearance of Emperor Road, the ancestors of the Xian people have obviously grown a little bit, but now, his terrible and majestic body is shivering slightly.

Even though the ancestors of the Xian people tried their best to control their emotions, they still couldn't help shaking, and his cold pupils shone with a radiant gloss, and the picture that came into their eyes was really unacceptable.

The immortal palm teaches extreme drinking and hatred. On the way back, the immortal ancestors have thought of the worst things, but they did not expect it to be so bad!

The ancestral court was invaded. Since the time when the Immortals established the religion, such an outrageous thing has happened. The world outside the ancestral court is dead and silent. One after another, the Daozu giants sleeping in the life fountain of Dazhou have died. ...

Their primordial gods are extinguished and their bodies die.

Here is not only Daozu strongman, but also one who approves Daozu, these group strongmen have a long life, and have been sleeping in the ancestral court.

But now, there are hundreds of powerful people who have no interest and the Yuan God is gone!


The ancestors of the immortal clan yelled at the sky, and an untold tragedy happened in the ancestral court, killing some of the top powers of the immortal. This is an unbearable pain. You must know that most of these people are his disciples!

Now that the Yuan Shen is gone, it is obvious that the strong one who touched in directly killed the Yuan Shen.


The land of Xianzhou trembled violently, all the territories blasted with the celestial **** sound, and drowned the state with boundless killings, and the space and time outside the region exploded.

A terrible giant hair frenzy, the picture should not be too scary.

This is an endless misfortune. In the eyes of the immortal clans, all people are shaking, hatred, and the eyes burst into blood.

Who did it and who?

Who mixed in the ancestral court and who killed the immortal power of the immortal family, the means are too ruthless. Some people think that the **** revenge of these heavenly courts, otherwise, who in the whole world can have such a great feud with the immortal family.

Su Yan all wiped out a cold sweat, and their blow to the Xian people was far worse than the tragic disaster of the ancestral family.

Even a Taoist ancestral hatred is an extremely heavy loss for the clans, let alone what forces are the clans? The family's heritage is so strong that it is unthinkable.

The ancestral court was breached, and the forces of utter power were slaughtered. The ancestors of the immortal family could not bear it. They went all the way to the depths of the ancestral court. The original world of the ancestral court was brilliant and the treasures of the heavens were endless.


He growled and opened his eyes with anger, suspecting that the prehistoric elder brother had come in and broke into the ancestral courts to revenge the immortal.

At that time, they stormed the Jiutingzhou Tianting branch, and also formed this kind of supreme killing, but the cause and effect cycle has now fallen into this group.

"Who did it?"

The first ancestors of the immortal roared and danced in a shudder. These superb powers were silent in the fountain of life, and there were no battle fluctuations here!

This shows that the mixed people are very powerful, killing silently, and secretly cutting off the gods of all the immortal strongmen, which makes the immortal ancestors unbearable, too shameful, and shameful!

At the same time, the clans of Difu were frightened!

They were fortunate that the Celestial side chose the Immortal, otherwise, their tribe's ancestral family would suffer a great disaster!

"This old monster is going crazy ..."

Su Yan's eyes were a bit cold. How rude was the ancestor of the immortal family at that time, together with the Lord of the Land and the ancestors of Qitianzong, killed the Tianting branch and created a **** catastrophe. Now he is full of angry flames. To kill the world.

The old leader was also shocked. If it wasn't for Dao Shuyi's battle, they would be forced to marry the imperial clan, who would want to get such a scary background about the existence of the fairy clan.

"Su Yan, hurry up!" The old leader's clearance is about to be completed, but the ancestral tree must find a way to take it away.

In fact, even if Tao Shuyi is the descendant of the ancient emperor, powerful and unforgettable, don't forget that the immortal heaven has the environment to suppress it!

Su Yan was also very anxious. She tried her hard to feed her milk. By all means, she couldn't approach Dao Zushu!

Even the harder Su Yan suppressed, the more powerful the power of Daozu was, the endless immortal ancestors were branded in resurrection, turned into guardian **** light, and isolated Su Yan's power!

"I understand......"

There are old antiques outside to see the clues, and exclaimed: "The first ancestor of the immortal family put his own brand on the tree of the ancestor Tao. He wants to use this tree to go further in the future!"

The leaves of the Daozu tree are useless to the immortal ancestors. He is already the limit of Daozu realm. No more Daozu tree leaves are useful.

But if the whole tree is used by him, it is likely to have a terrible effect!

This is a terrible event. After all, the growth environment of this world is stronger. Once the ancestors of the immortal seize the opportunity and go further, it is difficult to imagine how scary he will be in the future!

Once the cosmic environment returns, who knows what the future will look like.

In short, if that day comes, someone really stepped in first, and the impact of this incident would be too great.

"not good......."

Su Yan's face was slightly heavier, and he faintly caught that the distant Dazhou had a series of ancestral breath shocks. It was definitely not as simple as one or two. There were dozens of old monsters rushing in. They were getting closer and closer to the land of Xianzhou. Already.

Su Yan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Originally, the immortal people wanted to hold the footsteps of the immortal ancestors, but they did not expect that the Lord of the Land Government would return!

Just when Su Yan just caught this breath, the land of Xianzhou has begun to be turbulent .......


Su Yan made a decision instantly, and the funeral canister rumbling turned suddenly and rushed towards him.

At the same time, the strongest ancestral land of the immortal ancestors was resurrected. Together with the huge ancestral land, the ancestral land was extremely vigorous. Once the inner lands lost the suppression of the funeral cans, the immortal will enter the strongest era, and the ancestral land bloomed with hundreds of millions of immortals!

"Is he crazy? The strongest state of the ancestral ancestral land can stop Daozu, for this lunatic can't care about Daozu."

"What do you know? The Lord of the Lands have all returned, and they are infinitely close to the land of Xianzhou. Without the treasure, the two Taoist ancestors in Heaven cannot escape!"

The storm caused by the outside world is getting more and more shocking. Dozens of Daozu giants cross one big state after another, and the horrifying creatures are rampant!

This movement is definitely more terrible than a few decades ago. The core 3,000 states are filled with giant killings everywhere, sweeping the cosmic starry sky, making the land of Xianzhou trembling more and more violently!

"Cut me down the clans!" The old ancestor of the Xian clan yelled, and there was a big problem in the family's ancestral court.

However, the ancestors of the Xian clan have already solved it. They cannot give Su Yan and the old leader any vitality. They must lead the giants of the earth to enter the Xian clan and kill Su Yan!


At the same time, the ancestral land of the Xian people exploded with a loud bang. Under the impetus of Su Yan, the funeral canister broke out in an all-round way. It was not like a jar, but rather a huge cosmic wormhole, covering the sky!


The blood-colored jar is pressed down, and the ancient jar flashes the endless funeral symbol, which has the original power to radiate, causing Su Yan's meat shell to roar!

Su Yan was pleasantly surprised.

As a 33rd-generation disciple of Burial Cave, Su Yan's physique was completely released and blended with the Burial Tank. The jar became a little scary when he could not live. He was devouring the corners of the stars and buried the river for years!

"Do not......"

The immortal clan yelled in despair, seeing the ancestral mark on the ancestor tree dim like lightning, and the funeral pot was about to swallow the ancestor tree!

They are bleeding in their hearts. This is the ultimate medicine. It has long been mature and complete and of infinite value!

"It is this evil barrier, he has become a climate, and he has a certain strength of Taoism!"

At this moment, the land of Xianzhou was roaring violently, and the roar of all places continued!

All the beings in the universe are shivering, and a large number of strong people are paralyzed on the ground and trembling. This is the transit of horrific creatures across the sky, forming a sense of supreme oppression, sweeping across the state, and dying.

Dozens of Daozus rushed in, the land of Xianzhou was suppressed, and the suffocating wave swept hundreds of big states, flooding the space and time outside the region.

Endless life trembled, and felt that the land of Xianzhou would sink!

"Little brother's disciple, kill my son-in-law, I'm going to frustrate you!"

The earliest ancestors of the tortoise roared. It's unbelievable that it's only been decades. Su Yan dare to attack the immortal and eat the emperor's courage?


There was also a trembling sound from the giant hair. I saw a holy tree about to be swallowed by the funeral pot, which is the legendary Taozu tree!

The world is shaking, the sun is falling!

Dozens of ancestral creatures' eyes were red and about to hit Su Yan, they were taken aback, their eyes gazed at the ancestral hall of the ancestral hall at the same time!

The immortal ancestral court is extremely magnificent, magnificent and magnificent.

Although the outside world seems to be a palace, the palace is too grand, densely covered with endless laws, and the anger of the immortal ancestors illuminated the slightly dark world of the ancestral court, and the whole person rushed to the deepest place.

He also saw a woman with big sleeves standing on a huge platform!

Although the battle array is full of scars, there are still inexplicable spatio-temporal forces, and the diffuse breath of the entire battle array is heavy and suffocating, as if the walls of the universe are pressed here!

"You ruined the cross-border platform, you should kill ..."

The ancestors of the immortal roar, and the platform connected to the immortal world is destroyed!

This is the greatest treasure of the ancestral court. This is the cross-border platform. The emperor has to spend a fortune to forge. However, the cross-border platform is almost sinking with Tao Shuyi's scars.

Similarly, the cross-border platform is very hard, and as powerful as a Taoist instrument, it cannot be completely destroyed.


The ancestors of the immortal cried out, and the breath filled the entire ancestral world, and rushed to Dao Shuyi!

Dao Shuyi looked up, and Gu Bo's unflinching eyes looked at the ancestors of the immortal.

Her move was a bit scary, raising her arms, her sleeves fluttering, and she banged forward.

A corner of the sleeve was pressed down to suppress the immortal ancestors!

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