Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1756: Prestige

The emperor is in the world, the ancient and modern times!

Heaven and earth are all in silence, and the vast starry sky is also in darkness. Only the figure standing on the land of Xianzhou reflects the sky of heaven and earth, overlooking the immortal heaven.

This is a magnificent breath blooming, and all the saints will tremble!

Countless souls fell to their knees on the ground, their wills were hollow, as if the light of the Yuan **** had extinguished.

Even the strong of the immortals, supreme, quasi-daozu, Qi Qiba, all kneeled down. They lost their will. This is not a question of willingness and unwillingness. This kind of divine power is too terrible to swallow the immortal heaven. , Terrible!

The world's living creatures are shaking, even the powerful Lord of the Land, they are sweating, their faces are pale, and they are shaking.

They can also barely keep their will, barely hold on to their knees, in fact, their trembling bodies have betrayed them, one by one, they are like weak ants, and dare not look directly into the emperor's Taoist rituals!


The ancestors of the Immortal are screaming, and their terrible body is also shaking. If he was not given the power by the fuzzy projection of the immortal plane, he would really kneel here, after all, this Emperor is mainly targeting himself!

The world is silent, and all religions are silent.

Some old antiques trembled and whispered: "Emperor ..."

Too dreamy, right? Did n’t you say there is no emperor in the world? Why is there such a terrible existence, shouldn't this world environment be born with characters of this level? Why can it come out again!

You know, the world is always silent, all roads are at her feet, and she is transformed into the most invincible being.

Even with the overlaid projection of the immortal plane, they all roared violently. No matter the momentum from this corner of the fuzzy plane is strong, it always distorts in the face of the emperor, and it seems to collapse with it!

People all over the world are terrified, and the Lord of the Lands will be desperate. The true emperor came out in the air. Who can match and how?

Regarding the realm of the emperor, the statement is too vague, and no one knows at what level it is. The immortal world needs to be emperor, but how did the emperor in this world be born?

"No, he is not Emperor ..."

The first ancestor of Qitianzong came to the first reaction and found vaguely that this Emperor Wei was not emitted from the Tao Shuyi body, but came from the Tao and Fa presented behind him!

Hundreds of millions of books lined up, recite the voice of the Avenue of the Heavens!

Suddenly, in the land of hundreds of millions of books, there is a figure, just a back view, and it is also equipped with the world-famous Gediwei, which shakes the long river and sensation of the blurred plane projection of the immortal world!

The fuzzy back, if it does not exist, is extremely unreal, and it stands as if standing in the long stream of history!

But even if the back conveyed a hint of power, it also caused a sensation in the heavens.

Some things are untouchable, some monks are not overbearing, and some are imperial to judge.

Even the projection of the immortal plane, even the origin of the will of the immortal world, once suppressed, will inevitably startle some terrible things, the blood in the Tao Shuyi body is boiling, the ancient blood of the ancient emperor is turning!

She was obviously different. Even the vision evolved from the bloodline and the avenue brought Diwei and shocked the world.

Next, the ancestors of the immortal tribe lost their sight.

He found that the vague plane of fairyland was clearer, self-evident, autonomous emergence, and he must fight against the existence of the will of fairyland!

This is an uncontrollable change. The land of Xianzhou is sinking, magnificent to an unattainable level. Although it still looks so vague, it can really sink and kill the strong against the immortal world!


On top of the land of Xianzhou, blood caves crumbled one after another, and the endless blood rain poured down, indicating the arrival of a great disaster!

All beings shudder, and human life is like a mustard.

The great world will collapse, and all living things will die. This is the judgment that originated from the heavens. It is difficult to violate and rewrite!


Dao Shuyi's hands suddenly lifted up. In a flash of time, the terrible outer space and time, suddenly closed!

"Emperor Road ..."

The ancestor of Jianzong was shocked and saw a blurred road manifestation, which cut across the heavens and blocked the projection of the immortal plane.

Then he looked horrified. The woman was the guardian of Emperor Road, and it was so scary.

"The suppression in this world is really serious."

Dao Shuyi's face was a little pale, and he completely carried the world environment and shot it, which was a great loss.

The world is also restored as usual. The series of pictures just now are like a dream.

Next, the people outside were shocked and speechless.

The land of Xianzhou subsided and shattered. Obviously, the impact just now was too strong. This big state could hardly bear it. Waiting for the breath to dissipate, after all, it couldn't help sinking.

Even with the ancestral land of the immortal, it collapsed more than half.

Endless people's hair is upright, the land of Xianzhou is really broken, and the ancestral land is completely destroyed. The loss of the immortal is too great. If the first ancestor is still alive, how much difference is there from the extermination?

The ancestors of the immortal ancestors had violent chest undulations, and their eyes were red and ruined, and the land of Xianzhou was destroyed!

"What to see?"

Dao Shuyi stands between the heavens and the earth, and is still glorious. Yu pointed to a series of people and yelled, "You, you or you, let ’s all do it!"

The Lord of the Lands was trembling, and the power shown by Tao Shuyi was too strong.

However, the ancestor of Qitianzong whispered: "Don't worry, she ca n’t show her current state. The environment in the world is suppressed. Even if she is strong and invincible, she will be suppressed by the environment. I will not lose if I join forces. ! "

Although this woman is too demon, but they ca n’t believe that the book instrument can still go against the sky, and kill them, the most powerful Taoist ancestors!

Besides, it's not clear who wins.

Things have come to this stage, and if you decide to die, I will say, how can they be willing!

"Is it over? The fairyland plane projection has disappeared!"

Su Yan, who had crossed the Dazhou, had an insight into the changes in the land of Xianzhou. He was a little quieter. After all, Dao Shuyi was the descendant of the ancient emperor, and was not so confrontational.

"These dog skin plasters are really troublesome, we rush out as soon as possible!"

The old leader whispered, and dozens of horror leaders were chasing and killing them. There was a violent storm along the way. All states were difficult to calm down.

"Stop me ..."

Feng Tianjiao they joined forces, sacrificed the power of killing, and attacked Su Yan and the old leader.

Even if they are far apart, Su Yan can still feel behind him. This is how amazing the forces of a group of horror bosses have teamed up, and their funeral canisters are shaking.

But this jar is amazing. Most of its real power is not like this. If it is not suppressed by the heaven and earth environment, the funeral jar should be able to inspire even more terrible power.

"The old beasts are really crazy!"

Su Yan was furious, and the power of a group of terrible creatures to revive formed a picture of destruction.

The endless territory trembled violently, and countless creatures exploded!


Da Luo Qiang screamed, his body was cracked, his eyes were red, and when he saw the bones and flesh all over the ground, a city burst and the dead were incalculable!


The old leader was also furious, and they took no action at all to destroy a large state and slaughter billions of souls.

Su Yan fluttered and fluttered, and her pupils were killed, she really wished to kill them in the past.

"Well, Su Yan, they all died because of you!"

The first ancestor of the Golden Turtle, Leng Sensen, said: "You run again, no matter what area you go to, you can't escape. On the contrary, the more times we take a shot, the more people die!"

The cruel words shook the world, the endless areas were shaking, and sentient beings were in despair.

Once the Dao ancestors went mad, they didn't know how many souls would die, it was all the **** doomsday drowning the world.

"You old turtle!"

Su Yan was furious and angered: "When you give birth to raise your purpose, you are not as good as a beast!"

The face of the ancestor of the Golden Turtle was extremely gloomy, his eyes looked too scary, the overall energy resonated, and the sea of ​​blood drifted away in an instant!

The world is full of cracks and countless dead monks.

All major religions have been implicated in leaving, and the ancestral land has fallen into more than half. The living strongmen growled and screamed too much, and they bullied others. They ran into such a disaster for nothing!

"Jack, tooth for tooth, blood for blood, kill!"

The old leader was roaring, the holy force was burning and burning, and burst out in an instant, and combined in the void, evolved a terrible fist, traversed a large state, and blasted towards a distant place!

"I dare you!"

The ancestors of Feng Tianjiao are dying, because the source direction is the territory of Feng Tianjiao!

But it ’s too late to say, the old leader ’s punches have already exploded. This blow is too scary, killing across the state!


Fengtianjiao calm, a stone stirred up thousands of waves.

The strong men of the clans turned wild, and the world was still clear and distant, suddenly horrifying, and a terrible fist came!

"An enemy attack!"

The strong man of Feng Tianjiao never roared out, smashed by the horrible fist marks, and broke open the ancestral land of Feng Tianjiao, blasting a huge blood cave, accompanied by a group of strong men who guarded the mountain gate. Physical!

The picture is too scary. The strong men in Feng Tianjiao are frightened, and the ancestral land is broken into a blood cave?


Su Yan's funeral canister also spurted a billowing energy frenzy, a large amount of funeral force blasted in along the blood cave, the Fengtianjiao ancestral land was torn apart, the death and injury were severe, and the blood was rushing to the sky!

"Who, who!" The old antique of the clan snarled, his eyes were red and his eyes cracked.

The ancestral land is sinking, destroying too many things, and causing heavy casualties.

Whoever they provoke, they were punched for no reason. Who did it and who did it!

"Good fight!"

"This group of old beasts can't hold back Su Yan, kill us to vent their hatred, it's too jerk!"

"Kill, just do it!"

In the big state of bloodshed, some people growled in their hearts and should just do it like this, blood for blood, and tooth for tooth.

Moreover, Su Yan and they belong to heaven, but the ancestors of the golden tortoise belong to the immortal heaven domain. It is really hateful to kill the local souls and vent their hatred!

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