Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1778: The Forbidden King

The Golden Rule, the Most Holy of Gods.

The breath of this thing is somewhat similar to the gate of the fairyland, flowing with light and rain, and magnificent!

"Suppress me!"

Wonderland wrath and whistling, the silent golden decree unfolds in an instant, and the boundless energy is transpired in an instant.

The order and rules of the sky are roaring, and the bang is burning, and the sky and the earth are destroyed, the sky bursts into big cracks, and the whole sea of ​​stars is trembling.

The golden rule of law stirs up the mighty divine power, and the moment it is pushed forward, the majestic and vastness is almost covering the entire black universe.

"What is the purpose of this law? The strong person who forges the purpose of the law? Does the strong person belong to any field surpass the Taoist ancestors? ..."

Baocai's complexion changed greatly. They were closest to each other. With the decree blooming, immeasurable blooming, they really couldn't breathe!

The breath emanating from this golden act is a bit scary, with unbearable power to suppress them!

This dictum is so arrogant, it is difficult to imagine what the big men in Fairyland are in. At this moment, they are deeply aware that Fairyland really is an extremely shocking stage.

"Come on!"

Dong Mo's face was also heavy, and the three powerful men retreated quickly away from the land where the decree bloomed!

"No one can go!"

Wonderland's ideas are powerful, but it has never been imagined that it will be so strong. The heavens and the environment cannot restrain the power of the golden law from blooming. The rules of the universe are as broken as they are.

Wonderland laughed and pushed the breath of the golden law to the extreme state, and even more shocking air flowed out, which sensationalized the heavens!

For a moment, the black universe was shaken by the power of the golden law!

The universe ’s beings trembled, and the endless monks panicked, feeling that the end of the universe was coming, and some areas were bursting. The seas and oceans were all sensation, and the sun and the moon would fall.

The frenzy of destruction is about to press down into the universe of Xuanhuang!

At this moment, the Emperor Yan did everything they could to recover, one after another Daozu broke out, and did their best to explode the most prosperous force. The sky was spreading with supreme order and rules.


The blue dragon roared, the whole body was presented, it was huge and infinite. It penetrated the ancient Xinghai and lay on the Xuanhuang universe. At this moment, it turned into a blue dragon **** of war, guarding the Xuanhuang universe and guarding billions of souls!

The old village chief, the elderly Tianyang, the Emperor Yan, the old leader, one after the other, the ancestors have reversed their combat power. Their breath is resonating with each other, and they form an orderly ocean, crossing the front, resisting the power of the golden law!


The heavens and earth trembled violently, and an energy explosion occurred outside the world!

The terror waves continue to bloom and destroy the world. This battle is fortunate to be outside the world, otherwise, it will cause great disaster!

"A group of evil enemies, dare to block the will of the fairyland, desecrate the fairyland law, be a strain!"

The Wonderland whistled, the golden law was becoming more and more fierce, and the terrible light was sprayed out, tearing the layers of orderly barriers, and the stronger the golden law was, the more the outbreak of the ancient law was spreading!


In the end, the decree of the law is like opening up the world, flashing out ancient and complicated text, giving birth to a vague emperor, overlooking the heavens, dominating the world!

Although this figure is a bit vague and somewhat mysterious, it can emit a terrible breath, and it has broken the sky and the earth, like the Xeon Tianwei that emerged over a long time!

"not good!"

Yan Huang's face changed suddenly. What kind of power is this?

Even though the order was distant, Su Yan was upright and sweaty. This law was too perverted and completely exceeded their level of cognition.

I think this is the emergence of super ancestral power, quite scary and incredible. Is this the fairy strong? A decree refined at will is so amazing!

"Hahaha, none can go away!"

Wonderland laughed wildly: "Raging the will of the fairyland, don't kneel and bow down!"

He pushed the law to move forward. If he turned into a messenger of the immortal world and took control of the supreme power of Tianwei, he would suppress a series of extremely powerful men in the Xuanhuang universe!

The order was broken, the terror strike was about to come down, and the Xuanhuang universe was directly collapsed into a blood cave.

In short, Wonderland beats completely regardless of the consequences, and feels that by its own power, it is enough to wash the world and kill the entire Xuanhuang family!

"Blasphemy, you will die, hahahaha!"

Wonderland is very crazy, want to kill Xuanhuang.


At this moment, in the sleeping place of mysterious bones, a moment to be cut off during the thinning of Jianmang was quietly extinguished.


what is that? A large bronze-colored hand stretches out directly from the ancestor star, and it is extremely magnificent, covering the entire outer universe and covering all the energy orders emitted by the golden rule!

And this dilapidated place is also calm, and the bronze-colored hands are quite shocking, suppressing the floods of the universe.

"Brother is out ..."

Su Yan was pleasantly surprised. During this time, the prehistoric big brother has been half asleep, and now he is finally closed. This big bronze-colored hand arrived in the outer universe, full of amazing power!


Wonderland's face changed suddenly. Is there a big monster in Xuanhuang Universe that even resists the power of the fairyland law? This bronzed hand that suddenly came out is quite strong. It looks like it is going to suppress the law directly!

Wonderland did not dare to have any doubt at all and quickly retreated.

But he just turned around and his face suddenly became ugly. Opposite him, an old man with a machete stood up and was staring at him with cold eyes!

In Wonderland, he has lost a lot of time, and he has no qualification to be mad.

"evil creature!"

The old village chief roared. If it wasn't for the prehistoric old brother sitting on the black Xuanhuang, he would really encounter an unpredictable disaster!


For a moment, the hatchet he carried was unsheathed, and the sky was shining brightly.

It also looks like a large galaxy, blocking the top of the sky, the knife gas leaking, billions of strands radiating, as vast as the nine-day galaxy, falling down!

The blow was quite terrifying. The old village chief was even more domineering. His body also turned into a skyknife, cracking the sky and earth, splitting in an instant, tearing the order of the heavenly energy, and chopping with a hatchet.

"not good......"

Wonderland was terrified and furiously resisted, but it was useless. His loss was too great to match and stop.

Encountered by a terrible slash, I just felt my legs were cold.

"Do not!"

Wonderland is bewildering, his heart is filled with terror, his legs are cut off, and his legs are split with just one stroke. He is really desperate, ca n’t escape, and ca n’t escape anymore. !!

The old village chief used a hatchet to suppress Wonderland and never directly killed him.

At the same time, he stared at the golden decree intently. This decree was changed during the suppression of bronze hands. The decree flashed out ancient and dense text, flowing out on its own, running through the fuzzy figure sitting above the decree!

Suddenly, his figure became a little clearer, filled with the light of taboo, and really like the supreme emperor, the order of heaven and earth was shaking, and it was about to burst!


At the same time, the vague and ancient figure shouted and shouted a huge word of "town", which was outlined by taboo-like order and rules. At the moment when it flew out, the big universe roared and boundless breath rushed towards Prehistoric Big Brother.

"What kind of character is this?"

Su Yan was terrified, the world was blurred, everything seemed to cease to exist, the vastness and power swept across the universe, the majestic Liuhebahuang, the wording followed the general, the order of the heavens and the earth manifested independently, and the resurrection pressed against the prehistoric brother!

What a terrible energy body this is?

But the elder brother is not afraid. The bronze-colored hands run through the Xinghai, dominate the heavens and earth, and faintly burst out. Tianwei, which runs through the years and rivers, seems to come across along a long time and space road, and the breath soon begins to be terrifying. !!

"Big Brother is Big Brother!"

The old man in Tianyang laughed and admired the prehistoric elder brother. Even if he had stood in the same stage in the past, he also expressed his admiration from the heart.

Nowadays, the prehistoric big brother with big bronze hands shakes the heavens, the huge fonts are shattered, and the huge palms are covered, covering the decree, and the figures sitting above the decree are shaking.


Suddenly, the terrible emperor above the decree opened his pupils suddenly, as if the sun exploded, and the light was terrifying, and instantly saw, the source of the big hand, a prehistoric big brother who fluttered loosely.

He was frightened and very disturbed!

In his pupils, the prehistoric elder brother has changed, like the elder brother from the future, standing in the river of years, standing upright, and the power of mana will affect the river of history.

"Immortal King is gone!"

He was horrified, the body of the law trembled suddenly, the next moment the people around the world were stunned, the supreme emperor was torn apart, the laws of the body were broken in disorder, and the whole body was also bursting!


Wonderland Strike

The corpse trembled and fell to the ground, and he was frightened.

The decree of the advent of the immortal world manifested a terrible figure and disintegrated directly. Was it frightened or was it because of the power of the prehistoric brother?

In short anyway, there are giants dormant in the Xuanhuang universe, and the law of the immortal world says that it will be destroyed if it is destroyed, which is enough to show their confidence!

Su Yan's blood was so hot that the prehistoric elder brother didn't seem so simple on the surface. Now that he is here, the heavenly court also has the Dinghaishen needle.

"Kill ..."

The next moment, Baocai rushed over again.

Wonderland has lost its fighting spirit and lost its soul. Originally, it was thought that relying on the laws of the fairy world, it could balance the heavens.

As a result, it seems that it is not that simple at all. He thinks that most of the big events will happen next, and the impact must be particularly scary.

"Old thing, get up and fight!"

Baocai, they are very war-fighting, seeing that Wonderland's legs have been cut off, and it is difficult for a long time to give birth to a new body.


Wonderland is just like crazy, shouting: "The fairyland is insultable, you will pay the price."

"Old thing, you weren't very arrogant just now, and I want to give you a drink of fairy tea, and you are giving me a look of arrogance. It won't kill you."

Baocai raised his paw and patted Wonderland's head.

Wonderland's breath is so extreme that he really has to wait for himself to blame himself immediately. This is totally naked humiliation. Is he still a ancestor? A group of juniors dared to hit him in the head, making him embarrassed.


Wonderland attacked in the roar, burning his strongest source of life, he was fighting, he didn't want to continue, he didn't want to continue to be humiliated!

The blow was very scary. The Daozu weapons under the leadership of the three strong were trembling and were about to be shocked.

When Daozu burned his life, Baocai could deeply understand what kind of level the ultimate power that the earth and earth could bear.

At this moment, Su Yan was holding on to the golden decree. Although she lost a lot of divine power, there was still a certain order of energy in this decree. Once it was sacrificed, it was also a big killer.

The war is over.

Xuanhuang universe sentient beings feel like they are dreaming. The previous scene is quite shocking. The sky is full of meteor showers, the waves are rough, and they are spectacular and majestic.

In fact, this is the reason why the old leaders defended them. Otherwise, the outer universe would blast down many destructive storms and attack the Xuanhuang universe.

At this moment, the prehistoric elder brother stepped out of the retreat and stepped out of the country step by step, depending on the situation, he will go on an expedition!

Su Yan followed them, and Dao Shuyi also went.

"Go, look over."

Although the three of Baocai were seriously injured, they did not want to miss the show.

It can be said that in the following period, anything can threaten the life and death of heaven.

Xuanhuang Universe ended, and the heroes sailed towards the immortal realm.

"It's me again?" The old village head was black. The world needs the strong to guard it. The old village head and Qinglong both smiled hard. This job is not easy to do. Various cruel situations!

"Will heaven come?"

"Anyway, the immortal world has issued a legal order. Don't violate it. Wait. The heavenly courts will definitely come, just do not know what will happen next. Do you say that heavenly court is really a great evil?

"I don't believe, otherwise there must be some misunderstandings about how to explain the disaster of Xuanhuang Universe."

The immortal sky is not calm now, and it is hotly debated all over the place.

The immortal world has to blame the heavens. This is too big. Although most people are doubtful, they still want to see a result!

"There are waves of Daozu from outside space and time, but there is a lot of breath. It seems that the whole heaven is coming!"

At this moment, gathered under the immortal gate, the place where almost all the universe's powerful religions gathered, was shocked, I did not expect to bring a group of the most powerful men in heaven with the immortal law!

The first ancestor of Jianzong was frightened, and the prehistoric brother came. What is this?

The immortal realm will ask for sins, and let all the powerful men in heaven come.

But the prehistoric big brother came directly to the Xuanhuang Universe, and he had to face the immortal world under the premise of annihilating the two ambassadors!

"Did they come?"

Qi Tianzong's ancestor said coldly: "I have felt the breath of a group of wanted criminals in the Xuanhuang universe. Wait, everything can be checked!"

(Big chapter)

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