Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1780: Confession!

Within Xianmen, all creatures tremble, whether it is these princely wizards and nobles who pretend to be superior, or the terror creatures dormant in chaos.

They were all frightened, and felt that the gates of the fairyland were shaking, and they were about to explode!

Who did they offend? Why is it such a terrible change, the gates of the fairyland cannot be kept, why is it so outrageous?

They just said casually that they were going to condemn the ancient emperor, but they did not expect that it would cause such a terrible change.


The whole world of the heavens is moving, how vast the world is, covering the universe of endless size, to the utmost extent.

But now it's all because of the sound of footsteps, the resonance of the heavens, the prehistoric environment is recovering, and major rivers of history are emerging!

The creatures all over the world were trembling, the endless beings worshiped and worshipped from the heart.

This breath is terrifying and terrifying. It is even more horrible than the great power presented by the fairyland, which can only be described by the great shore.

And this kind of breath does not have any killing thoughts, and no energy is leaked. Only the breath is emerging, making the heavens sensation, Ruixia radiate, and heaven and earth resonance. This is the congratulations of the entire heavenly world!

"Is the ancient emperor back?"

The old leader was agitated, his blood was boiling, his blood was violent, and it was going to burn.

He also growled and burst into tears. This is a myth that belongs to their heaven. At that time, they went to trace the source of darkness, traced a series of terror changes, and disappeared in the years.

Someone is now convicting him and quietly waking him up!

The breath that belongs to him is emerging, the heavens and the universe resonate, the aura of auspiciousness is everywhere, and the prehistoric atmosphere is really violent!

"Heavenly ..."

In the universe of Xuanhuang, the old villager screamed, and a mark appeared in his eyebrows resonated with him. The mark on his body did not belong to the Emperor Dao, but was the follower of the heavenly court. Since the imprint of his eyebrow can flash, it must be Dao Tiandi ’s. Breath is presenting.


In the Xuanhuang Universe, Emperor Wei is rippling, so that all the rivers and mountains are roaring, and one after another, the immortal mountains are glowing with it. They must rush out of the Xuanhuang Universe and fly into the heavenly world to be integrated.

What a terrible change it has, affecting the whole heavenly world!

Thousands of souls trembled in the immortal heaven. This is the existence of the road to create the emperor.

The ancestor of Jianzong suddenly yelled, "If Heaven Emperor is guilty, who can survive, who can!"

Xianmen is shaking and shaking, and the dark sheltered place is twisting and shaking, conveying the voice of howling ghosts of all ghosts, just that his breath has manifested, and it has made a sensation all over the world!

"Why not say that, dumb?"

Dao Shuyi glared at Xianmen and yelled, "One more thing, let me hear, who do you want to judge and who do you condemn!"


The fairy gate roared, and a series of terrible creatures went mad. They didn't believe that the person was alive. They didn't believe that the existence could return, and they didn't even believe that that existence existed in the world of the heavens!

"Buzz ..."

In an instant, more than a dozen powerful men leaked the essence of life and penetrated into Xianmen. This irritating Xianmen was so dazzling that it flashed countless ancient words, revealing the most powerful celestial deity of God's holiest. !!

Even in the immortal gate, there was a succession of Diwei, which was followed by a terrible imprint on the fire, and eventually the bang awakened!

Shocking pictures, there is the imprint of terrible existence on Xianmen, one after another is very old, as if it existed for hundreds of millions of years.

Nowadays, this group of creatures uses the source of their blood and blood to stimulate the burning of Xianmen.

This book has revived the strongest background!

One after another, the ancient and vague branding, permeated the waves that run through the past and the future, stiffly crossing the influence of Emperor Daotian!

The women in Xiayi are all excited, because the marks left on them are the oldest ancestors of the tribe, the giants who created the fairy tale myth, terrible and transcendent. Once the imprint of this group of life is resurrected, the world will be respected, Worship, order the heavens, do everything!

The strong man with three eyebrows stood out suddenly. He was the King of the Heavens and yelled, "Who dares to contend with the power of my fairyland, who dares to despise my fairyland laws? No matter who they are, they must be annihilated. Kill it, tag it with sinners, and inscribe it in the blood of sin! "

It's not just the King of the Heavens, there is a group of terrible princes who are shouting and shouting. They represent the immortal world under the control of Xianmen. How can you yield and bow your head!

"Heaven is guilty, destroy the nine!"

In the end, more than a dozen princes shouted, standing in the immortal gate with terrible majesty, and convicted heaven!


Suddenly, the world is trembling, the heavens are roaring, the world is upside down, and a long river of history emerges!

The heavens have changed, God is crying, the devil is roaring, all realms are about to collapse, and the years will be reversed!

For a moment, the heavens became very scary. The rivers of history that appeared one after another flashed out one after another, the terrible divine power, permeating the power of the world, and the majestic Three Realms!

What kind of picture is this? Turbulent and majestic, covering the heavens, one figure after another really came out, although very vague, although very mysterious, but step by step, walked towards Xianmen!


The strong men in Xianmen have some big heads, but they have to sprint forward daringly, resurrecting the strength of Xianmen and want to compete!

But who knows, that one figure after another, mingling in the steps, as if billions of figures merge into one, turning into a horrible figure, walking on the top of the heavens, stepping into the world of fairy gate!

This step ignores any influence and order, no one can stop, no one can intercept!

The figure was so huge that the Saints were shivering and paralyzed uncontrollably on the ground.

"how is this possible?"

The kings of the rounds were scared, and the terrible figures appearing on the immortal gate, but all originated from the old ancestors of the imperial tribe, the invincible giants who made great achievements, and the imperial power of the imperial fairyland!

Now, one after another, all are dim and blurry!

In short, the breath of the ancient emperor is too powerful and the influence is terrifying.

Is it just here?

Of course not. The gate of the fairyland is the gate of the realm that guards the fairyland. It is the only way to the fairyland.

Now when the gate of Fairyland is trembling violently, in the magnificent fairyland world, a certain place is roaring, trembling, and the mountains and rivers are sinking!

This is the place where the emperor suppresses. A series of top characters of the tribe are shocked, as if something is climbing and rushing towards the fairyland.

People have not yet come down, the invincible atmosphere is rippling, and the emperor's prestige is pervasive. This emperor's clan is roaring and it is almost going to explode.

"What is it like?"

From this moment on, a series of imperial clan in immortal world, horrible giants, and sleeping old monsters were all awakened, their expressions were horrified, and their breath was somewhat familiar.

Some thought of something, all of them goosebumps, screaming in panic: "What happened? I feel the breath of the man in the legend, is he back? Who offended him!"

There was a big shock in the fairyland, the immortal gate was completely unstoppable, the breath of invincible world continued to spread, causing the waves to become more and more shocking, and one of the imperial clan in the fairyland was roaring, and the ancestral land was cracking.

Fairyland, great changes to Xianmen!

The women in Xiayi are almost scared, what do they see?

"how is this possible!"

They yelled in horror, and saw the glorious imprint of existence above the immortal gate, disappearing in the gloom!

The emperors conceded, they will not fight!

Is this the king of the emperors? Wherever they pass, the emperors retreat, and the gates of the fairyland will explode and destroy, and the world is full of wailing sounds!


One powerful prince fell to his knees, they were frightened, the emperors retreated, they did not want to face them, and even the Emperor Weiwei fell down. They felt like a group of little ants were shaking!

The King of the Heavens also kneels on the ground, shivering, filled with great fear!

The emperors retreated. If the legendary man was still alive, he knew how serious the consequences would be if he questioned Heaven and even sinned against him.

Although he had limited knowledge of the taboo history of that year, he clearly knew that the reincarnation monarch was almost removed from the name!

"The junior was wrong, the junior was wrong ..."

King Luntian yelled in horror, desperately scratched his head, and really smashed his head, smashing the ground, slamming the ground, screaming in fear: "The younger generation should not listen to the words, wrong, really wrong, the seniors spare their lives!"

In the process, the King of the Heavens was physically and mentally cracked, and the flesh collapsed one after another!

This is not due to the punishment of the ancient emperor, otherwise he would have died a long time ago, and he would not be able to live now. He had major problems, disordered energy, and collapsed order, and he was going directly to destruction!

"Heavenly lives!"

King Luntian kept nodding, strictly speaking, he was not afraid of death, but the ancient emperor was shocking, and it was difficult to die.

All the creatures in the immortal celestial stagnation are still immortals, or is this the cosmic dimension above all else?

However, they can admit their mistakes, and the coercion of the ancient emperor is still spreading.

A group of princes were killed, and eventually the prince trembled, "Heaven is angry, no one dares to blaspheme for your merit, no one dares to forget, and no one dares to question. I waited until I knew I was guilty.

"Heavenly seals the heavens and earth and blocks the evils of darkness. This is a great merit. I was really wrong when I waited."

"The Emperor is angry, angry ...."

They yelled, panicked, and sorrowed in despair. They were praising the superiority of the ancient emperor, hoping that the emperor could stop the war, otherwise all their clans would be implicated.

This matter is too big, once the immortal gate collapses, all the imperial clan in fairyland will not spare them.

The people all over the world were stupid and stunned.

They are all in the palm of their own hands. These are all great people in the immortal world, and now their mouths are blurred.

As for the Xia Yi women, they were totally speechless, as if they were dead, kneeling on the ground, their buttocks were very high, and there was no previous majesty.

"How dare they plant the frame like this!"

"The facts are the same as those of the Emperor Road in those days. The immortals are too hateful."

Many people were trembling, completely angry.

Did n’t you say that there is a great sin in heaven? Isn't the immortal people asking for heaven?

Why now, it's like this ...

The ancestors of the immortal family looked as if they were dead. They originally thought that they could use the power of the immortal realm to completely make the heavenly courts never look forward.

As a result, now he has shot himself in the foot and lost all.

Even now, it is likely to be involved in a great calamity, they angered the ancient emperor, the consequences must be very serious, not easy to be good!

In fact, there has been a big shock in the fairyland, and the unpredictable strong is hitting the fairyland.

An emperor was doing everything he could to suppress it, and the emperors flew out piece by piece to prevent the ancestral land from completely breaking down.

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