Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1793: Turn over completely

The fiery majesty and world-wide breath exudes a world-wide light!

The prehistoric brother's breath is too terrible. His pupils are more dazzling than the endless scorching sun, sending out a strong rolling killing thought, like the world-fighting **** of war who broke the shackles, roaring the whole world!

The gates of the immortal world began to roar, as if the endless thunder town was in their hearts, they were all terrified and felt that the flesh was about to burst.

There is no need to question at all. If there is no guardian of the power of the gate of the fairyland, they will be shouted directly. This is a terrible demon. If you kill the sky, you can destroy the world and destroy all the power of the gate of the fairyland. By!

"Stop him ..."

In the gate of the fairyland, the young generation's strong hairs are fully blown up. This is almost a prehistoric beast erupting, step by step towards the gate of the fairyland. The gate that is imposingly impacted is roaring and shaking!

"The Five Elements Ring can't hold it. How strong is this person?"

The King of Luntian was terrified. One after another, the princes who were hit hard, were guilty. They were shocked not by the prehistoric big brother's combat power, but by the energy fluctuations in his body, which shook the gate of the fairyland!

The power of letting the king of heaven and the king of immortal exert their power is strong, and they can't hold back the big brother of prehistoric.

He really wanted to kill him. In the process, the breath of the gate of the fairyland became more and more magnificent. The silent and immortal marks before him also began to shine, and he wanted to resurrect again!

At the same time, the vast expanse of Xianwei spread, which was terrifying and outrageous. This is the gate of the fairyland, which represents the will of the fairyland. It cannot be profaned or violated. Once someone storms it, it will emit a terrible force to stop it.

The King of Heaven and the King of Emperor Wu have dignified faces, and they have chosen to resurrect the power of Xianmen to hold down the prehistoric big brother. However, at the moment when the gate of the fairy realm is about to recover to its strongest state, this ancient portal shakes!

This is the infinite awakening of the breath of the prehistoric brother. Of course, it is not that his breath completely shakes the gate of the fairyland, but that there is a figure of someone in his breath, which contains a terrible influence, which promotes the supremacy of the gate of the fairyland. Brand, silenced again in the recovery!

"not good!"

The face of the King of Emperor Wu changed greatly, and this man was related to the ancient emperor, and it shocked the gate of the immortal world!

"How can this happen?" The young man was terrified, and the gate of the fairyland was defeated again. In what field was the ancient Emperor Tian powerful? The strong man who left the defense force at the gate of the fairyland was unwilling to face it!


The prehistoric elder brother was majestic and imposing, step by step, the tall bronze body was filled with a terrible magic and shocking killing thoughts. In the end, a punch broke out, the punch was immense, bound with endless power!

This is the invincible fist seal of the world, which broke everything and blasted to the gate of the fairyland, strong and invincible.

In fact, if there is not a powerful force at the gate of the fairy gate, which suppresses the Qiji issued by the fist seal, otherwise this fist is enough to form a terrible disaster in the gate of the fairy land, I don't know how many strong people will die!

But even so, the fist seal is like the resurrection of the immortal king, and the taboo order bursts along the way, destroying the body of one prince after another.


The screams continued, and Xianmen was stained with blood!

This is one prince after another. They have hit hard before. Now they are facing the fist prints of the prehistoric big brother. They can't control the trembling. The flesh shells are torn apart and burst into blood.

Suddenly, the three kings died, and the gates of the fairyland became bloody.

The King of Heaven was terrified. He wouldn't be able to live without standing next to the King of Heaven.

The prehistoric big brother's fist is not aimed at the Devil King, but it is the Xianwu King who broke the rules before.

"Big brother is so powerful." Su Yan is boiling with blood. Is this the most invincible combat power of prehistoric big brother?

Immortal Heaven has been completely silent. Numerous zealous eyes are gathered on the body of the prehistoric elder brother. He is bombarding the gate of the paradise of immortality, and the magnificent stone gate that he hit is shaking.

How deep is the water in the heavens, and are there other strong ones?


The immortal king roared, knowing that he had encountered an unpredictable enemy, and tried his best to promote the strongest combat power, confronting it and blocking the power of the prehistoric big brother.

He really didn't believe it, the other party killed him with a fist in it!

There is no doubt that the power of the fairy king is also famous in the fairy world. The overall martial arts atmosphere is magnificent, such as a fighting warrior emperor, with a terrifying breath, and the state of full recovery can crack the stars and seas!

Unfortunately, he encountered the prehistoric elder brother, the bronze fist print, immortality, and the moment when it was fully pressed, the soul of the immortal king throbbed and the sea of ​​knowledge was about to explode!

Suddenly, he seemed to see a fairy king standing in a terrible world, wielding a world-wide punch, to destroy himself and destroy everything!

The immortal king feared, who is this person? He seemed to see the immortal king erupting. Has this person touched the immortal kingdom?

The prehistoric elder brother intentionally obscured, and the Detective King didn't see his condition carefully. If you know that this body is only the immortal king's loss, you won't be so afraid and frightened.


Blood splattered, and Xianmen was red with blood, and one arm of the Emperor Xianwu exploded, and with his terrible body collapsed by more than half, the blood was also splintered out of the bones, leaving the world outside with blood.

Horrible creatures want to drink hate, forming a vision of the end of the days.

"how is this possible......"

The young people in Xianmen are almost frightened. This is the king of Xianwu. He couldn't take a shot with all his strength and was destroyed. What kind of combat power is this? Is it the overlord who swallowed the flood?

In short, the Emperor Xianwu suffered a heavy blow, but the physical disability is not comparable to the crushing of the soul!

He was almost dying, painful and desperate, and saw an immortal king who looked down on the past and the future, as powerful as he can only shiver, and growled, "Hurry, call, call!"

He felt it was going to explode, the prehistoric big brother was going to punch him, and that was the price of disturbing the battlefield!

In fact, without his shouting, there is already a huge roar, with imposing majesty, rushing to the immortal gate, pressing out of the realm, all must cover the immortal heaven!

Deceptor was shocked, there was a powerful lower world in the immortal world, and in the process of the majesty of the Xeon, a figure stood up and stood at the end of time and space.

He was sitting in chaos, filled with the supreme immortal power, and a pair of cold pupils that gradually opened up exuding the terrible laws and the light of order and disaster!

King Luntian almost knelt on the ground. It must be extremely terrible. He shot in an extremely distant area and blocked the prehistoric big brother!

Immediately after the shot, it is a great magical power. The endless chaotic lightnings fall down and fall down, billions and billions of heavy spills, just like the power of the origins that fell along the fairyland. Horror and horror, the vastness have formed the chaotic lightning ocean!


The world was trembling, and endless cracks formed in the outside world.

The Chaos and Lightning Pentium also accompanied a terrible big hand to step up and suppress the prehistoric big brother!

The prehistoric big brother was irritated, and fluttered and fluttered. In the course of his breath, the world was opened like a torn piece of paper, completely ruined!

He was still so strong and domineering, with a fist up, the Chaos lightning flashed out of the sky, and the incomparable fist marks hit the chaotic hands.


The prehistoric elder brother God Weige, like the supreme immortal, the fist print emits the light of reincarnation, as if the door to the world of reincarnation was opened, and the vast weather was scattered, destroying the big hand in chaos!

Su Yan, their blood is boiling, is the elder brother invincible? Crushing the King of Immortals, now facing the big figures in the Nether, they directly smashed the chaotic hands!

The direction of the source of chaos also collapsed, but he didn't see his body, which was shocking. This was not the body, but it was pressed by one hand. I wanted to suppress the prehistoric big brother, but it broke the arm. !!

For a strong man at that level, his arms exploded, and the absolute details were greatly damaged. He would need to use up endless treasures to recover!


The low roar exploded, originating from the owner of the chaotic master, making a sound of anger, but did not expect to be hit hard just after the shot.

His body was too far away from the gate of the fairyland, and he could not cross over in a short time. He also conveyed a vast warning scene and shocked them.

"Close the gate to the fairyland!"

An ancient prince flashed in the Devil's eyebrows, which moved the gate of the fairyland to prevent the prehistoric big brother from really breaking into it.


Dense ancient characters flashed on the stone gate, and the bangs burst into flames, which came out with the grand sound of chanting.

This blazing fairy gate is not attacking, but it is gradually closing!

The King of Emperor Wu was severely wounded, with only half of his body left, with extremely miserable blood, and the huge blood-stained face was reflected on the fairy gate. He said angrily, "I disturbed the battlefield, you hit me now, and write off ! "

After speaking, the king of Xianwu's eyes stared at Su Yan, and suddenly said coldly: "Now, I give the final warning. If you don't come to the fairy world, this world will be completely slaughtered by the evil of darkness, and no grass will be born!"

Su Yan's eyes were stunned by cold light, and his black hair was dancing all over his head. The whole man seemed to be endlessly oppressed, and he was suffocated.

He endured the flames of angry fury, burning the flames of the fighting in the flesh, burning down the heavens and the earth, and the starry sky was steaming into a **** hole in the universe.

People all over the world are stagnant.

Endless eyes fell on Su Yan, silent.

"Fuck your mother!"

Baocai screamed, it was really violent, threatening Su Yan with the life of the entire universe, it was really despicable to the extreme!

Some people think that Xianwu Wang is crazy.

Even the young elites in the gates of the fairyland are stupid.

The majestic princes of the imperial family hold on to endless life and death and persecute a young man?

However, some people are sneering. The nether is wasteland, it is an abandoned place, and it exists or does not exist. What is the difference between them?

"Don't doubt my words, it's only one chance!"

"If you don't come, this world will die clean, and no one alive will survive, including you."

The Emperor Wu of Leng Sensen spoke, the time was limited, he had no desire to persecute Su Yan so much as a last resort, and now he had no choice but to go.

"It's getting too much!"

At the same time, mysterious bones were awakened in the Xuanhuang Universe.

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