Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1908: The strongest treasure in the human world!

"Alas ..."

The Great Saint roared, and the nine fuzzy dragons orbited around the Great Saint, causing a mountain of ancestor dragons to roar violently, emitting an extremely strong storm and summoning power, which is a lot more terrible than Mu Xin!

There is no doubt that Zaohua Mountain rushed to lead Dasheng to the road immediately, came to accept the trial, picked up the biochemicals deposited on his body, gave strong cultivation, and cultivated the worldly arrogance for the human world!

Zixia Fairy smiled very happily. She also resonated with a mountain. This mountain looks quite special. Just like the terrible sword tyres traversing the heavens and the earth, the flowing sword is magnificent and boundless, and the sword waves will sweep away all eternity!

The mysterious skeleton's emotions fluctuated, because this mountain is related to him, and it can be regarded as the good land he left. He once shot to transform this good mountain, placed it in the funeral cave, and gave the strongest sword repair guidance.

Now his only disciple is climbing, which makes mysterious bones laugh old.

Jianshan glowed, spreading down a Jianmang Avenue, leading to the climbing of Zixia Fairy.

The mysterious skeleton has never chosen to go up. This road must be made by her own. She will not give any guidance. Any bitter fruit must be suffered by the fairy Xixia alone, and she can stand on her own in the future!

"The sky is so heavenly!"

The mysterious skeleton looks at Taketsuki, and she is also climbing. The mountain chosen is as big as the ancient starry sky, deep and extreme, and the dark weather is looming. It contains the collapse of the starry sky and replaces the deterrent power of the heavens!

"Senior, this is the Peerless series?" Su Yan stared at the giant mountain where Zhu Yue was approaching, and said, "It was so shocking and unexpected for me. I did not expect that the strongest precious wealth in the human world still exists. It is really our human world. Great luck! "

"How can racial rejuvenation lack the backing of the bottom line?"

The mysterious bones recall a period of history: "The old man who buried the sky built the sky cave, and a series of top ethics in the human world supported it, and eventually created 108 fortune mountains, which were listed as the most terrifying wealth in the human world!"

The funeral cave of the year was the fairy cave.

Therefore, to create a world of inferior immortal caves, 108 forged mountains are the pillars.

Obviously, there are only more than thirty here, which shows that only half of the most precious wealth in the human world is left. This is racial injury!


The violent storm stirred up Su Yan who was silent. Baocai was climbing a mountain. This mountain was scary. With only a little energy and light rain spattering, it was full of worldly power.

The mega-million giant mountain is fiery and surrounds the law of order. There are true dragons rolling across the sky, Peng Peng soaring into the sky, and the beast upright ... The momentum is too vast.

Su Yan was surging, and they all went to the corresponding good land.

The mysterious bones have been said, as long as they can reach the peak, it is enough to be called the world's proud, and invincible!

At that time, Tianjiao and Xianrendong Wizards competed in the funeral cave. Anyone who came up from the funeral cave was the one who reached the peak of one hundred and eight inheritance mountains. Each one had an invincible spirit that swept the same generation!

Someone wins, somebody loses.

Anyway, as long as he can stand on the top of the mountain, his future achievements are limitless. Now Su Yan is choosing, and he is qualified to climb a lot of nature-making mountains. At the moment, what kind of nature-making mountains he chooses to go to makes Su Yan a headache.

Each natural mountain has a unique heritage, with terrible trials and trials.

"That mountain ..."

Gradually, Su Yan's eyes converged on a mountain that had the greatest influence on him. This mountain, unlike other good fortune mountains, seemed very quiet.

It is very tall, a million feet high, and the entire dark mountain. Although the breath is not leaked, but the depressing life is overwhelming in human souls and given the power of judgment.

"There is a sense of reincarnation!"

Su Yan's secret words, the dark giant mountain, is full of Xinghai, towering and vast, with millions of steps, the end area is not clear.

This mountain made Su Yan's chest slightly warm, and the reincarnation villain who was silent in it sprayed Qinghui. He faintly formed a special induction with the giant mountain, which seemed to have a strong resonance!

"It's him!"

Su Yan's fists were clenched tightly. He did not lack the magical powers. He had a peerless skill!

He now needs a powerful trial so that he can climb to the summit of the Great Holy Spirit in a short time. Su Yan emits an infinite amount of holy light as a whole, stepping forward, walking up to the sky, and walking towards the dark mountains!


The moment when he stood on top of it, the world was roaring, like a kind of drinking, and the anger and blood in Su Yan's body was tumbling.

His body stood very stable, without any trembling, like a straight mountain peak, standing upright, looking at the unreachable mountain peak, taking a step forward directly, hiking!


The world shivered, and the storm that swept Su Yan was even more frightening.

The sky seemed to be split open, and a dazzling and sharp sword Mangshan was chopped down and smashed firmly against Su Yan's heavenly cover.

In the process, Su Yan couldn't compete, because his body was imprisoned. This was a horrendous killing. He must split Su Yan's Yuan Shen and split him as a whole .....

Su Yan shouted, clenched his fists, and his body was full of light.

He resisted, Dao Mang was suddenly horrible, and he could not break the cover of the heavenly spirit of Su Yan. He walked heavily and moved forward again.

At every step, there is a sword and slash, attacking Su Yan's flesh and blood!

Any inch of skin, any piece of bone, even hair, pores, are chopped.

One after another, Dao Mang, drowned Su Yan, he was in the sea of ​​swords, his body was still so vigorous, his figure was still so heroic, he darted through the sea of ​​swords, and black hair fluttered!

This is a cruel road ...

Su Yan walked for ten days and ten nights and crossed over 100,000 feet of stone steps!

He didn't stop along the way. He withstood 100,000 times of slashing and pressing, and finally Su Yan stopped at this moment. His flesh and blood flew out of the body, which was very abrupt.

It was covered with blood, some broken bones, some broken meat, and some hair.

The dark world, the dark mountains, set Su Yan as a **** demon.

His body glowed, and the body seemed to show nine rounds of the sun, exuding the exquisite energy of the immortal king and densely wounded flesh and blood.


He seemed to turn into a round of sun, and the light emitted was too bright. This was bathed in the blood of the immortal king and baptized the flesh!

Even this was a kind of torture and torment. Su Yan's body was red and looked a little transparent. The blood of the immortal king gave him a strong temper in the process of nourishing Su Yan's body.

The body was a little itchy, the temperature was rolling, the exhaust gas was sprayed thinly, and waste blood flowed out from the pores.

After a day and a night, Su Yan was full of energy, and his blood was completely scattered, revealing a strong and powerful bronze body, tall and deceptive, looking invincible!


Su Yan took another step forward, breaking through the black giant mountain.

The vast scalpel pressure body, the pain of Su Yan's skin was painful, and half a month passed. Every day, it was subjected to terrible coercion, like a silent volcano about to be violent.

Su Yan walked up another 100,000 steps.

At the last moment, he encountered the killing of the sky and sword, and rushed down ten thousand times, just like the sea of ​​swords sinking!


Su Yan shouted, thundered step by step, the flesh exuding divine power, tearing the sky's swordman, he realized a avenue killing, a horrible reincarnation swordman purgatory!


At this moment, Su Yan only confirmed that the Black Giant Mountain was a trial place for practicing the reincarnation of the Heavenly Path. It was carried in the form of a knife gas and evolved a killing force.

He has not yet touched on the important inheritance of the Tao. He is still forging the body in front of him, forging the Xeon War Body, to carry the reincarnation sword, and to carry the power of the sky.

Difficult trials, treasures they are all going on.

Their speed is not as fast as Su Yan. Su Yan has already climbed 500,000 steps and it took three months.

At this moment, Su Yan started the charge. The three-month forging consumed a lot of the blood of the immortal king. He almost smashed Su Yan and destroyed it. He charged towards the top of the mountain!


The sky is full of swordsman, full of swell.

The higher you climb, the more terrifying the sword is, and there are thousands of swords and chopped down, which contains the horror of the avenue!

It is like chopping the road, to split Su Yan's flesh and blood and destroy his body road!

"Reincarnation is heaven!"

Su Yan screamed, and the light of reincarnation burst out of his body. He wanted to take the opportunity to forge the magical powers of the Hetian series he mastered.

When Su Yan broke through the 700,000 steps, the sky was dazzling, bright and fiery, and it could be said to be horrible. Any slash on the body would leave terrible scars.

This is the sword mang, which contains the power of reincarnation of the heavens, the edge is superb, Su Yan resists with the flesh and blood, and realizes the existence of the samsara in the samsara.

The next road is a bit difficult, killing every step.

The 700,000 steps spanned to 800,000. He was bruised all over, his mouth was constantly bleeding, and he suffered severe internal injuries.

If Su Yan didn't suppress it with great mana, his body would be cracked like ceramic at any time.

The blood of his immortal king nourishes and deepens the physical body. This sitting is three days and three nights. Su Yan broke through and stepped into the sixth heaven of the great sanctuary. The divine power was surging, and the physical body was even more shocking and terrible!

The 800,000 steps to 900,000 are a bit abnormal. The sky knife is presented in the form of Tao. The sky is the way of order. Bombing Su Yan's flesh is like a million stars suppressing him!

It took him two months to reach 900,000 steps.

The mysterious bones are amazing, Su Yan's speed is a bit outrageous, how long is this?

The most important thing is that he didn't stay. He just rested and took a break. Even in the past, Tianjiao in the human world needed a long stay to temper himself and become stronger.

This shows that Su Yan is enough against the sky, and now Baocai they are still at the foot of the mountain, and they are moving very slowly.


The final step of 100,000 feet made Su Yan feel hairy, which is equivalent to a step!

Step forward and leap 100,000 feet!


As if the sword of the war immortal fell down, it was huge and terrifying, filled with the sky, and like a dark sky knife split down, Su Yan realized death.

This knife is too big, big and powerful, and cruel!

Su Yan growled and gathered the strongest strength to fight.

The heavens and the earth exploded and the heavens and the earth collapsed!

Su Yan's Tian Ling Gai collapsed into a crack, almost tearing off his flesh and blood.

He survived it, withstood the strongest test, and climbed to the top!

Su Yan was covered with blood, opened his eyes and looked forward.

At first glance, the endless gloom, when a vocal sound emerges, the darkness bursts, and the reincarnation breath spreads and dances, as if it cuts out a huge world of reincarnation, and it is in Su Yan's eyes.

He was a little sluggish because he saw the Supreme Being after another and sat in the reincarnation tunnel.

This seems to be a real creature, men and women of all ages, including the vicissitudes of ancient times, sitting in the reincarnation, the breath is extremely terrifying, like a group of invincible!

Su Yan also realized the strong years of breath, they have precipitated hundreds of millions of years.

"Into samsara, you will have eternal life!"

Suddenly, the sound of Henggu echoed from his ear, and bombarded Su Yan's soul.

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