Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1913: Emperor's scripture!

boom! "

The faint weather is reverberating in Su Yan's ears, and the world is magnificent, accompanied by the vast weather!

The world is trembling, and the chanting of Scriptures is too influential. It traces back to the origin of all beings, torrents and torrents are flowing, sweeping the rivers and rivers, and passing on to this life, piercing people's eyes to bleed.

This is an indescribable energy, containing great power and great wisdom, as the Three Realms are making a sensation. Su Yan has lost all resistance and must worship.

Su Yan was creepy. What world did he come to?

Is it the eyes of the Supreme Being? Su Yan's expression was a little embarrassing, and in this strange world, there was this creature, stained with blood, tattered, wearing a dragon robe, sitting in the air in a cross.

I don't know how many years it has been sitting here in the chassis. He is rotten and exuding extreme ancient coercion. I don't know how powerful it is!


His blood-stained and ragged chest was blazing, filled with weak waves of the sky, and invading Su Yan's spiritual consciousness, enough to realize the majesty that transcended time and space, and came forth immensely, sketching a vague figure!

"What power is this?"

Su Yan was horrified. It was just a small faint wave transmitted from his chest, and formed an irresistible majesty.

Is this invincible? Or the old man buried in the sky, he thinks that this tyrant who suppresses the emperor who buried Tianhai is even more terrible. Is there even more power between the heavens and the earth? The end point of spiritual practice is not the three realms?


Suddenly, the shadowy figure glowed, and the fonts were scattered into pieces, one after another, shaking the earth.

The picture of acquaintances, with billions of souls manifesting, shouting to the emperor, worshipping, passing on the ancient and modern Geshi Tianwei, from person to emperor, blasting Geshi Tianwei, has an unparalleled order of power blooming from the fuzzy creature body ,roar.

"Fengdi? Fenghuang?"

Su Yan was suddenly in a heavy mood. Who was seizing them?

This emperor is not the emperor in the realm of cultivation, but the supreme emperor, the emperor in the emperor!

The vast scriptures, like the sea of ​​the universe, are beautiful in color, flashing in Su Yan's heart, and the words are like thunder. There is no doubt that this is a heavenly power that shook the ancient times, but it is the strongest scripture in the human world. !!

But is this really a scripture? similar

Yu Kaitian Lei Jing is similar to a shocking great magical power, while Renhuang Jing is more special and mysterious. The sky ’s text is distributed and presented. Su Yan can see the whole picture!

He was excited. This was a great opportunity, and he touched the strongest treasure in the human world, the Emperor's Canon.

But Su Yan was a little confused, what was the creature sitting in front of him? He seems to have died for a long time, and his torn body is wearing a dragon robe, which is also quite special. He has embroidered nine true dragons with different colors.

Jiulongpao is only qualified for such costumes if it is absolutely transcendent and sacred. Most people really cannot afford it.

"Is he an old funeral?"

Su Yan secretly whispered in his heart, he felt like a creature born in a world of pioneering times!

The more he guessed, the bigger his head was. He didn't dare to guess wildly. He always felt that this one was still alive. Once he desecrated and disrespected, it would inevitably lead to a fatal disaster!

"No matter, let's realize this scripture now."

Su Yan is silent in the vast scriptures. This is a large and profound scripture chapter, carrying the mystery of Xeon order. Even when he was reading and watching, Su Yan came into contact with a brand new road.

"Life evolution ...."

Su Yan whispered, his body was strong, his body was almost invincible, but when he read the Emperor's Canon, he found himself humble, small and insignificant.

Is this a difference in the nature of life?

In short, this is an extremely old and special scripture

The change of human life is infinitely mysterious, which is equivalent to the chapter of the evolution of universe life. The mystery involved is too grand.

Su Yan looked fascinated, silent in the ocean of scriptures, watching People's Avenue, and could not help himself ...

"I don't know what Su Yan will get?"

The mysterious skeleton secret words have doubts about the identity of the burial old man.

In fact, for the mysterious bones now, I just want to watch Su Yan grow up, watch Bao Cai they rise, a person who bears the strongest inheritance in the human world and will become a powerful man in the future!

"Will Su Yan go to the Fairy and Magic Battle?"

In the third battlefield, Dong Mo's mood was difficult to harmonize, and he looked at the war books issued by the dark world.

On the battle books, there are engraved names of one after another who are astonishingly talented, similar to the Emperor and the Fairy King. Their years of existence are quite old, and they have never participated in the Fairy and Magic Battlefield many times.

Now, the dark world has written down the names of these people, and Dong Mo saw Su Yan on it!

In the out-of-bounds battlefield of the human world that year, Su Yan killed a dark beast in the dark world. Dong Mo did not expect that the impact was so great. This is enough to show that the dark beast that confronted Su Yan was extremely important high.

The immortal world has already made a big sensation, and the movement has caused too much noise.

In the ten battlefields, the battlefields of the sky are dancing and rolling, carrying the killing ideas of the younger generation in the dark world, they must be pressed against the fairy world!

This is the power that belongs to the dark realm, and shakes the fairy realm.

"What does the dark world mean? It's too arrogant, shouting hundreds of names, all are the most brilliant seeds of God of War in our world, what do they want to do?"

Many popular ancient cities are hotly debated, and Wang Cheng is no exception. After all, the war books caused a great uproar.

After all, some Tianjiao who hadn't appeared in several silent universe eras were spotted. They had blood debts in their hands and in the dark world. This time the dark world spoke directly, which is enough to illustrate the seriousness of the situation!

Although in the past fairy wars, the fairy world won less and lost more, but some people are worthy of admiration. At the critical moment, they played a role in turning the tide. They have blood debts on their hands!

This kind of people, the Tianjiao of the dark world have to serve, the war of immortals and demons of all ages has begun, and they must be more alert to these people!

But nowadays, it has been shouted out in its entirety. It is conceivable that the spirit of the dark world is born. Is this world born of the invincible generation of the world's soul, or the son of the ancestor **** who returned to the bloodline?

"The dark world is too arrogant, and a list is also listed. They are all worldly heroes with a head and face. Most of them have defeated the Tianjiao overlord in the dark world. What qualifications do they have to list the war books?"

"Yeah, and Shaodi has stepped into the fairy kingdom. The dark world will not be unclear. This is totally provoking the entire fairy world!" Someone cried angrily.

"Wrong, what's this guy named Su Yan?"

Some people are particularly surprised, saying far away that the King of Heavenly Forces has made a world of prestige, and its prestige has spread throughout the ages of the universe. They are all role models for the younger generation.

It is said recently that there are also Tianwu Kings who have risen in a strong way. Shenwei is extremely shocking. They are first-class superpowers. Any one can be dispatched to support the scene.

Who is Su Yan?

No title, but is lined up inside? This is amazing!

"Su Yan, who is the strongest person in the world who beat the Star King in the King City?" Someone suddenly exclaimed: "How can it be, King Qitian Sheng? Is he playing against the strongest in the dark world, otherwise the strong in the dark world? Why does the person know his name! "

Many people do not understand what Su Yan is about, but the incident of hitting the princes of the sky is not small, which has caused heated discussions. Su Yan's identity has also been dug up. It is very shocking. He even killed the King of Thunder. Brothers!

Even this one, rejected the invitation from Xianrendong, many people were messed up. This boy is so arrogant, what's the point?

"It's ridiculous, what gold is this list

the amount? Even though Su Yan broke the Star King, he has not participated in the Fairy Demon Battlefield, and what qualifications are among them! "Some people of the immortal were angry and questioned.

Because they regard the list players issued by the dark world as a symbol of glory, but what is a Su Yan in it? It is totally a grass chicken falling into the Phoenix group!

You know, the emperor and the daughter have all killed the worldly Gao Tianjiao in the dark world, one by one, the majesty is extremely high. Su Yan just broke the star king, and is not qualified to be listed here!

"It's weird. A demon who hasn't even participated in the battlefield of immortals, He Dehe can be listed on the battle books." Someone shook his head and sneered: "Is the intelligence department in the dark world eating rice? It ’s ridiculous that the King of Thunder is not above the war books! "

"If you don't say I have forgotten, how can Su Yan be equal to the King of Thunder, what qualifications does he have on the battlefield? If not, just go and die in it."

A strong man from the Starry Emperor stood up and said bad things: "This son is too arrogant. My star King can only discuss with him, but he can kill if he kills. The vigor is too strong, and he even rejected the invitation of Xianrendong. Too arrogant! "


The horrible older generation of powerful men accused: "The Monkey King has let go, who dare to question!"

Some people's hearts trembled, and the powerful men who spoke from the Starry Emperor flinched their necks, afraid to talk nonsense.

"Also, what does it mean to die in it? I believe Su Yan's presence in the war books is enough to show that he also has blood debts in the dark world!"

The old strong man angrily reprimanded: "The war between immortals and demons is the strongest hegemony between the immortal world and the dark world. It is about the strongest honor and shame in our world. How can you wait for arbitrary discussion!"

The strong man of the starry emperor smiled bitterly, but he just said casually that he did not expect to arouse the reprimand of a strong man.

That ’s right, Su Yan is not qualified to participate at all. After all, no matter what influences and factors can not disturb the layout of the Fairy Demon War, you must ensure that the powerful and powerful God of War participates in the war!

The immortal world is turbulent, and the elderly home is ready for major discussions.

This time it ’s no small matter, the dark world is coming menacingly. After all, this fairy war is a top priority, and everything is based on the honor and shame of the fairy world!

At this stage, the selection of candidates is a big problem that deserves a headache.

The time from the start of the Fairy and Magic War is extremely close.

"I propose to open the first mountain in the world and give the Wizards some opportunities!" Some questions were raised by Xianlao, which caused a high-level sensation in the senior home of Xianlaoyuan. The heated discussions continued, and it was difficult for the king to decide.

The first mountain in the world, very few ancient climbs.

Someone found that the question raised was the pulse of the King of Thunder, and he immediately understood that the King of Thunder was not on the war books. Most of this pulse was already angry, and Su Yan who beat Xiao Lei Wang was on the war books!

After all, the King of Thunder has not participated in the Fairy Demon War, and it is not surprising that his name is in the dark world.

But the problem is coming. If Tianlei King's arrival in the world is really a big event that has caused a sensation in the immortal world, after all, only the world ’s heroes have been qualified to stand on top of the world and look down at the world. !!

The ancient world near the burial realm, some secretly waiting for the strong to sigh.

After so many years, I couldn't wait for Su Yan!

Xian Qing died in the third re-enclosed world, originally hopeful, waiting for the rabbits and waiting for Su Yan to arrive, but disappointed.

But what they don't know is that it only took a few days from leaving Wangcheng to entering the funeral realm, without giving them too much layout time!

Triple Sealed Realm, Emperor Tibetan Road Cave.

The land of Qianlong Tengyuan, one after another on the top of the Fortune Mountain, is full of extraordinary vitality.

Baocai completed their comprehensive mountaineering, absorbing the most valuable wealth in the human world, and became the heirs.

Day after day, year after year ...

(Chapter Three, ask for a monthly pass!)

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