Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1919: Kill the fairy king!

The blood rushed to the Xiaohan, and the billowing nose, like the lava sea erupting, affected the blood of dozens of ancient worlds.

"How many people have died?"

The older generation is shuddering, the ancient world at the source is drifting in blood and sea. This is a picture of bloodshed in the world formed by the disappearance of a large number of people. The world has been stained with blood, and it is obvious that an extremely terrible event has occurred!

"The reincarnation emperor seems to have been washed by blood ..."

Some strong men opened Tianmu to observe some truths. His scalp was numb, and he trembled, "It seems that it was done by an immortal king. Is the emperor fighting? The stone king they dug out is so scary, which triggers the emperor. Rush! "

The immense immortal world, the majesty of the emperor, the majesty of the world, is difficult to encounter a major event of the emperor's bloodshed for millions of years. Once this happens, it will definitely involve interests.

On the contrary, if it is not the emperor, who dares to wash the strong blood of a cycle?

After all, there are too many dead people, the sky is red with blood, and dozens of ancient worlds are full of blood.

And there are extremely horrible killing thoughts leaking out, like a supreme Holy Spirit that straddled the ancient times, roaring the universe, killing thoughts released, and billions of souls burst into flames.

This is the wrath of the immortal king. It is necessary to slaughter the world and let the ancient world of gods and mines enter the era of bloodshed!


In the blasted ancient mining area, the cosmic stones bloomed in the order of billions of laws, Xeon to Xaba, as if the concentrated immortal world is presented here, the sky is sacred, and they have covered a lot of **** visions!

This is the cosmic stone. With the birth of the fairyland, it has precipitated hundreds of millions of years of time and absorbed the endless power of the fairyland order. The price is higher than the sky. Once things pass out, the fairyland emperors will blaze!

This thing is of great value to the existence of the emperor. This thing can be called the strongest Xianzhen, and the value will not be inferior to the emperor medicine!


This cosmic stone is so glorious that it is about to tear the blockade of the town's furnace and smash it out.

"Jin Ye came to suppress it ..." Baocai screamed: "The strong men in this vein have been slaughtered by you, and there are no enemies for the time being. The treasure will be suppressed."

Dajin's flame of anger slightly converged. After venting just now, the sadness and anger that had settled in his heart had dissipated a lot. A pair of golden pupils restored their clarity, and their eyes were also staring at the cosmic stone, which was very surprised.

This is not an ordinary thing. How can it be unclear about the cosmic stone? This thing is more valuable than the gold bucket masterbatch. It is a natural and natural thing, and it takes a long time to settle.

There is no need for large gold shots. Su Yan's quiet nine-inch high fairy tower in the sea can't bear it anymore. It rushes out and hits the cosmic stone!


This cosmic stone is wailing, as if it was hit by a Xeon strike. The nine-inch-tall stone tower looks plain, but it contains extremely powerful power. The cosmic stone that smashed quickly faded.

"What kind of treasure is Su Yan? Is it the weapon forged by the emperor and the rules of Emperor Tao?" Mu Xin was taken aback. The cosmic stone that could not be suppressed by the furnace in the town was blown out by Su Yanmei's heart. A small stone tower shocked.

Su Yan also did not know the origin of the small stone tower, but this is the treasure of the heavenly court, which moved the treasures. Is it the artifact left by the ancient emperor?

The nine-inch-tall small stone tower is extremely overbearing and sits directly on the cosmic stone.

It also began to turn, and each time the cosmic stone was shaking, nine consecutive turns, the little tower was full of light and spirit, and stirred the horror fairy power, suddenly turned into

A huge immortal tower is going to suppress nine days and ten places!

Su Yan knew that the small tower was powerful, but he did not expect that the mighty metamorphosis had reached this point.

Baocai are stunned, can this thing kill the fairy king? And it seems to have the will of the ego, when it turns, the cosmic stones are disintegrating!


Treasure roared, the beast pupil was blood red, and it even destroyed the cosmic stone.

"This treasure was hit hard and repaired with the help of cosmic stones."

At this moment, the mysterious skeletal old words came: "Most opportunities will be harvested."

Su Yan was shocked. The nine-inch-tall small stone tower was in a state of great damage. How strong was he in his heyday? Especially after swallowing the cosmic stone, most of them will complete an extremely transcendent evolution. Can we go further?

Will it turn into an invincible weapon in the future? This made Su Yan's heart surging. Nowadays, the cosmic stones are constantly cracking, and the small stone tower emits its engulfing power during the light emission process, causing its layer after layer to fall off.


It is like chewing the cosmic stone, the process is not fast or slow, the cosmic stone is gradually shrinking, but its vitality has not weakened, and it is surrounded by billions of rule runes, all of which are blooming between heaven and earth.

"Swallowed the stone and preserved the essence liquid."

The mysterious bones laughed broadly: "This is a province you have taken pains to refine."

"Isn't it better that the cosmic stone is hammered into a one-sided treasure?" The fairy Zixia asked.

"Good is good, but for you, how many years do you need to complete the training?" Mysterious bones responded: "It is better to directly refine and extract the essence of the cosmic stone, which is formed with the immortal realm, and the inner universe treasure is the enlightened treasure In the future, if you step into the essence of the emperor bathing in the universe, you will get great benefits. "

This thing has a great help to the fairy king, let alone break through the emperor.

Even if this thing is in the fairy cave, even if it is divided, Gaishi Tianjiao may not get a few drops. It is too rare and rare, and it is enough to foretell the great fortune to come!


Suddenly, a dull breath swept through this blood-stained ancient world.

The strong men in the distant world were horrified and saw the appearance of a giant space-time gate, opened in the blood-stained ancient world, and one strong one after another was shocked, and each one emitted a radiant reincarnation!

Shifangjie trembled, the emperor Tianwei spread, swept the world.

"Who, who did it?"

More than a dozen powerful characters crossed the parties, and their faces were mad. The strong men who were entangled here were slaughtered. No one was left alive. Who did it? The means were too cruel!

"Duck, what area is the enemy in, and which group is it?"

There were taboos who shouted, their faces were blue, all the people were stunned, the whole ancient world was bleeding, he was trembling with anger, and anxious to dig out the enemy immediately.

One more point, where did the pseudo-immortal king of the family go? Is it also killed!

In short, they want madness, screaming all over the sky, the whole ancient world is shaking, people from the reincarnation of the reincarnation are mad, and some strong are screaming: "Inform the family immediately, no matter who it is, if you find it, you will destroy it!"

Their eyes were red, showing endless madness.

The ancient world was stained with red blood. This is a huge calamity. Even strong people have bad feelings. The family is afraid of missing the treasure. The stone king must have a great relationship. Otherwise, it will not lead

Make such a strong robbery.

After all, they reincarnate the emperor, looking down on the immortal world, Weizhen Huanyu, who dare to provoke it since ancient times?

Su Yan, they dormant in secret, never acted arrogantly, waiting for the reincarnation of the imperial fairy king to come!

In the end, a terrible existence emerged across the gate of the field, the energy breath emanating was too terrifying, tearing the **** Xiaohan, and sinking the boundless ancient realm.

"Immortal King!"

"The reincarnation of the imperial king of the emperor is coming. God, is it really going to cause the emperor to fight?"

The strong men in the ancient world nearby retreated. This is a big thing. Once the immortal king goes crazy and causes fighting, the large ancient world will collapse and the distant world will be affected.

On the bleeding earth, more than a dozen people in the reincarnation family looked dull.

The immortal king of this family is fuzzy and horrible. Looking down at the vast river and mountains, a pair of pupils also emit the coldest killing thoughts!


The immortal god's thoughts swept the world, and also did not find any survivors of the clan, the means were too cruel.

Cutting the grass and removing the roots, leaving no clues, the person who shot should not be the emperor, otherwise there is no need to cover up like this!

The immortal king roared and swept across the ancient world, sweeping the killing thoughts.


As hundreds of millions of thunders came down, the reincarnation of the immortal king of the reincarnation shouted: "Looking at the entire immortal world, who dares to provoke me to reincarnation?"

The horror creature is mad, and makes the heavenly creatures tremble.

Suddenly, the vast sky shook violently.

An earth-shattering shadow emerged, the vastness of blood, drowned the world.

He rushed to the reincarnation reincarnation emperor fairy king at a very fast speed, angered: "Jin Ye dares to mess with, even dare to kill!"

The whole ancient world was filled with smoke and dust, like a golden emperor star sinking and killing the reincarnation of the fairy king.


The immortal king of the reincarnation family is furious, the breath is infinitely turbulent, the order of the Xeon is transpiring, and he is angry: "Kill!"

Too stubborn, slaughtered the reincarnation people and even stayed away, killing the fairy king!

What's this for? Challenge the whole reincarnation family? Challenge the oldest emperor in fairyland?


The reincarnation of the immortal king roared, his hands raised, boundless and immense, and patted Tianyu to kill the big gold!

"You're all going to die, Grandpa Jin wants your fate!"

The big gold is invincible, the golden fist prints glow, the bangs are slamming down, and the immortal power is burning. This piece of land is fragmented, together with the dozen or so big men near the reincarnation emperor king, screaming, shaking!

"Do not......."

They screamed in fear. The power of the big gold was not directed at them. The leaked gold energy made them hot as if they were grilled in an oven. The flesh and blood flew into pieces and exploded into a large blood.

The shocking picture, the punches hit, the world is born!

The arms of the reincarnation emperor's fairy king were broken, and the large gold looked like a humanoid super killer. With his arms out, he encircled the waist of the fairy king, and hurled up with a hug, throwing the fairy king to the top of the sky!

"Miscellaneous fish, let's meet ..."

The big gold roared and hurled to the big universe. The strongest combat force was unblocked. The sky was filled with gold blood, one after the other, just like the billions of mountains, blasting the immortal king of the reincarnation.

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