Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1925: The first mountain opens!

The movement of Baocai's exit was a little big, the beast blood in the body was surging, and a faint breath of beast **** flowed out!


The sacred artifact Ding couldn't bear the impact of the power and began to fall apart. Baocai snarled out, taking heavy steps, spraying the light of all beasts with nose and mouth.

"Are they quasi-beast gods?"

Su Yan whispered that the treasure has changed a lot, and the Emperor's Blood gave him super help. The mysterious bones have also said before that the way of this vein is quite tyrannical, it is extremely difficult to practice, and it is easy to smelt himself into a disability. .

The evolutionary path of the beast-sindo system that rushes through the mountains to correct the treasure. Now that the emperor's blood is out, the light of all beasts really needs to blend together, looming a shadow of a prehistoric beast filled the sky, representing the vein of the beast **** !!


Baocai probed out the big claws, tearing the void, and the entire claws flowed with dazzling brightness, like the fall of the beast, and turned into a true dragon disc, Jinpeng spread wings, white tiger roar, dragon snake ...

The killing force is shaking the world, destroying all kinds of methods, and it is powerful and shocking. This strike really possesses the style of some beast gods.

Dajin took the shot and found that Baocai's road was almost gone, but it was still a little bit worse. Since the bathing of the emperor's blood came out, this road will be less difficult in the future. I believe that Baocai can break out.

Both Zhuyue's practice has entered the fifth heaven of the Great Sacred Realm. The two women are utterly beautiful, one is surrounded by the light of a thousand swords, and the other is a deterrent to the universe. They all have a sense of extinction.

"It would be great if Dasheng exited the gate earlier." Su Yan whispered in his heart, and did not know how much Dasheng had gained in the mountain of funeral creation. A ten-changing true dragon has great hope to awaken the power of previous lives.

In fact, Long Dasheng's way of being stronger is easier than Su Yan. Long Dasheng has hope for the emperor in the future!

At that time, Long Dasheng swallowed hundreds of emperor's blood one after another to make up for the loss, and it was suspected that Dengdi Road had been hunted and almost died.

At that time, the Dragon King should be the immortal king, a nine-turned true dragon, a terrible fierce monster!

Similarly, Hengchen's mysterious dragon coffin above the snowy mountain, Long Dasheng is the guardian. Once he awakens the memory of previous lives, Su Yan can also figure out what the coffin is.

He can't forget, in the past, he used the strange soil to help Long Dasheng complete a super metamorphosis.

What is the origin of those dirt? Su Yan has not been able to figure out so far. The origin may be larger than the nine-color soil, but unfortunately, this soil is too special to know how to use it.

Even the fairy of Xia Xia, she slumped, leaving behind an incarnation, burying herself in the dirt, and living!

This soil is so amazing that it is bound to be a treasure soil of heaven and earth. It is absolutely amazing. It contains the effect of resurrection and can be called a great soil of reincarnation.

"Hurry up and head for the first mountain."

Su Yan urged them to rush into action. The fairy war was started. This was the only opportunity to compete for the place in the war. He could not miss it.

Fairy Cave gave up three places to give the world the strongest opportunity, but climbing the first mountain in the world is as difficult as climbing to the sky, and all those who are qualified to climb up are Tianjiao overlords!

Similarly, Su Yan did not want any of them to participate in the war. The death rate was too large. Suddenly, the treasure and the perfection of the beast god's way can be called the world's proud, but the immortal wars over the years, the world's heroes will also Fight to death!

"What? The teleportation team is gone?"

Su Yan stared. This time it took a long time to bathe the emperor's blood. I thought it would be okay in three or five days. Who knew that nine days and nine nights had passed.

"Yes, you need to wait. There are too many monks to watch the battle at the First Mountain." The person in charge of a cross-border teleportation team, Xiao Yan, explained that the business has been too hot these days, and counting money is soft.

"It will be tomorrow night at the latest." Baocai stared. Isn't this delaying another day and night? According to the information obtained, the first mountain has been opened for less than two days.

Mu Xin asked other places. The situation was almost the same. The fastest one had to wait for a whole day. However, the destination of the cross-border transport array was not the first mountain at all, and it was necessary to continue to hurry.

"Moji Moji."

The old man scratched his beard and laughed: "The opening of the first mountain in the world is now the biggest event in the fairyland. Although you can see the heroes of all ethnic groups, how difficult it is to climb the first mountain, in fact, one or two days later It was nothing in the past, you can definitely admire the style of the kings of the world. "

"What admiration?" Baocaiyu cried: "They are admiring the beast **** almost!"

The old man glared with beard, this cowhide is too big? If these people really have their origins and status, why bother with their teleportation team?

"If you go late, you are not eligible for climbing."

Mu Xin nervously said: "The delay is long, and you will definitely miss the opportunity. This time there are only three places. Xianrendong is estimated to have a lot of strong players to participate in. Once you miss it, you will lose your qualification to participate in the fairy war."

"Don't hold back, hurry up, we still have time."

Su Yan and they left in a hurry. This is the first mountain in the world, separated by thousands of elders. By their speed, the daylily must be cold.

"This gang of neuropathy, neuropathy."

The old man almost turned blue and patted the table in front of him, shouting: "Crazy? It seems like you can all climb to the top. Do you know where the first mountain is? It is estimated that another group of poor mountains is running out of the water The barbaric man, Qisha old man, still wants to go to the war of immortals and demons, is that true? "

The people around me also smiled bitterly, and really felt like a group of neuropathy.

Su Yan and them quickly gathered in a large-scale teleportation array merchant, and spent a large price to open a cross-border array, shortening the distance by half.

"Mu Xin, I can rely on you next. Dajin's injuries have not been healed. Moreover, he is not suitable for shots. Next, you have to go all out, and you must rush to the first mountain before the first mountain opens."

"Understand." Mu Xin Qiao's face tightened, and she felt the task was arduous. "Look, okay, under the rapid speed of Xianhuang wings, you must reach the first mountain as fast as possible."


As soon as she rushed out of the city, Mu Xin's breath was infinitely powerful, her wings spread behind her, and the bang suddenly crossed to the end of the horizon.

"What the hell?"

Some mountains were overturned, and people passing by failed to see exactly what creatures were crossing the sky.

Almost equal to the speed of the fairy king, Su Yan along the way, they continued to use their pure power to maintain Mu Xin's peak status, ensuring that she can maintain the peak speed to cross the ancient world!

The giant wings traversed the sky, tearing large cracks in time and space, Mu Xin's speed kept rising, his face was flushed with redness, the strongest force broke out, and he crashed wildly towards the first mountain.

Fairyland, the first mountain in the world!

Its magnificence is unimaginable!

This mountain may not be opened once in millions of years. Some of the taboo strong who have lived for most of their lives have seen the original appearance of the first mountain for the first time.

But the sudden gathering of hundreds of thousands of souls here, in front of the first mountain in fairyland, also seems a little insignificant.

"Why is it so high?"

People are in a daze. The mountain is too magnificent. The sky, the sun, the moon and the stars are like dust, flowing around halfway up the mountain, it is really a galaxy like sand.

Looking up, you can't see the peak of the first mountain at all, towering into the universe, and can't see the end.

The first mountain of all ages has opened, and it is completely rare to qualify for the peak.

Without the invincible peak fighting power of the same generation, climbing to the top is tantamount to foolish dreaming.

"It's too big. This is a miracle of life. I think this mountain has life!"

Some people are big, they are part of a drop of the sea, and the overall silver mountain covers a million miles by diameter alone!

The mountain is so big that it is incredible. It goes straight into the sky and never sees the end. Even if the strong man opens the sky and looks away, he is a little dizzy and has a great influence.

There are also some legends that are fantastic compared to the old ones. Some people say that the first mountain in the world is actually a weapon!

In this legend, the fairy king will not choose to believe it, it is too fake!

What kind of weapon is so huge and magnificent? Even the immortal king cannot carry it up as a weapon.


After a long time, a huge wave radiated, the flowing power was too amazing, and the world shook with it!

A figure gradually emerged, and at first it seemed very calm. Slowly, the world was dark and chaotic, showing an ancient figure, like a **** of heaven, exuding great power.

"The fairy king ..."

The world is shocked. This is the immortal king, but even so, the immortal king is still not enough to see before the influence of the first mountain.

So how amazing is this mountain? It is said that this mountain is a miracle of life. With the beginning of the fairyland, it is likely to give birth to rare treasures, which are unimaginable.

"Chaos fairy old!"

Some members of the strong clan, even the emperor clan, have lost their identities and status, and are saluting one after another.

There was an uproar around, and the immortal body of Xianlaoyuan came down, wearing a black robe, and the vast space and time were darkened.

This long-time post in Xianlaoyuan is a guest of honor in any emperor's clan. He can't see his specific appearance, and sends out a huge soul wave, which spreads through time and space.

"Crossing to the middle of the mountain can enter Xianren Cave for ten years of study. The periphery of the four major purgatory can become disciples in the outer area of ​​Xianrendong. Seeds, reward millions! "

Heaven and earth seemed to explode, and the world resounded with cheers.

"Million points, Fairy Cave has lost its blood this time!"

This time, a group of fairies Dongtianjiao came to participate. Million points made them tremble. This is a million points, a horrible number that made them tremble.

The Tianjiao of Xianren Cave is too clear. With millions of points and huge wealth, you can exchange massive treasures at Xianren Cave, because the opposite is a million catties of Xianyuan!

Even points cannot be bought by Xianyuan!

Fairy Cave gathers the strongest heritage in the fairy realm. The treasure house contains the treasures of the heavens, so as long as you have a lot of points in the Fairy Cave, you can trade the treasures that the world dreams of!

This is an amazing resource for the emperors. As long as they can climb to the top, they can get millions of points.

But some people just shook their heads and sighed. How many people have climbed up since ancient times?

Every time I open the top sky one or two, it may be the Tianjiao of Xianrendong.

The strong man in Tianlei Wang's vein smiled. This time, the first mountain was opened by Lei Xianlao. The picture is the son who made him most proud, became famous in World War I, spread throughout the immortal world, and turned into the world's proud.

There is even one more point, this mountain is likely to be born with the immortal world, contains the supremacy of heaven, and there may be a shocking inheritance.

There are many legends about this mountain, but none have been proved.

It is not only the first mountain of fairyland, the standard place to measure the Wizards of the world, but also full of mystery and legend. So far, no strong person has discovered the secret of the first mountain!

For example, the Emperor Tibetan Cave in the burial realm, there are always some things that are difficult for the emperor to understand and explore.

"Go on!"

The chaos fairy waved his hand, the first mountain in the world roared, as if the sleeping world **** was erupting, this mountain exudes endless power, the trembling heavens are shaking, the universe is shaking, and it radiates the whole world. remote!

"First mountain!"

Su Yan and they were approaching, each one stunned.

Is this too big? Like a sleeping giant of heaven and earth, magnificent!

I thought the million-million-tall giant mountain in the funeral world was outrageous, but here in the fairyland, there is a giant mountain that is difficult to measure, magnificent and extreme, like the backbone of the fairyland, it seems to lead to the ultimate land.

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