Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1933: Physical treasure

The savage war **** is burly, overly robust, and the bronze-colored muscular body is hazy with a sense of fierce power, and his arms and arms are exuding explosive power!

This tribe has an ancient heritage. The ancestors majored in the flesh, crossed the immortal world, and once walked out of the feudal giant.

Unfortunately, the path of the ancestors was too difficult to go, so that the barbaric people were gradually declining, and they were about to withdraw from the royal stage.

This is a new generation of young war gods of the barbaric race. The biggest purpose of his visit to the first mountain is also the ultimate test!

At that time, the barbarians had a passer, known as the most terrible young war **** of the barbarians. Once he landed on the top!

Although returning down the mountain, no inheritance has been harvested, but in the future, the barbaric War Gods will rise strongly and embark on an extremely glorious road, even opening the emperor's feudal battlefield and failing.

The new generation of barbaric war gods went back to their old ways. Even if they really failed, they could give him valuable experience, which would have a significant impact on his growth history.

Of course, the premise is that the young war **** of the barbaric can return alive!

The King of Thunder is also qualified to be tested by the ultimate land, but he knows that this Jedi will not get anything when he goes, and will be threatened with his life.

"time to go."

Tian Lei Wang Yingzi burst forth with sacred and solemn temperament. Lightning shot from his pupils.


On the top of the world's first mountain, a blazing figure rises, as if in a sea of ​​chaos and thunder, emitting an unparalleled power, completely overlooking the world and developing the belief of the first person in this universe era!

"The king of thunder came down ..."

A large number of creatures were amazed. Tianlei King was the second hegemon. Wouldn't he feel lost? Why a sacred smile?

Some people think that King Tianlei has a broad mind, which is the unique style of the strong.

Some people also began to frown. Su Yan killed Xiao Lei. Although it was a fair showdown, after all, Su Yan took off Xiao Lei's head. How could Tian Lei Wang swallow the evil even if his chest was wide.

"What did he find out? Exploring the treasures of the human body and catching the strongest mystery?"

"At that time, the **** of war on my ancestors was explored. Taking the ancestral path to glory, has a great relationship with the ultimate trial land!"

The tone of the barbaric God of War reveals excitement and enthusiasm. This road is specifically aimed at the physical body, and excavating the supreme mystery in the treasures of the human body. This is the ultimate path pursued by the physical training!

Gradually, he discovered that Su Yan's physical body was changing, suddenly zooming in, like a big universe coiled between heaven and earth, tearing the laws of heaven and earth order!

This is a mystery and quite amazing.

Su Yan's physical treasures roared and boiled, and her breath was fierce. She grasped the power of the physical treasures and raised her fists to bombard the golden fingerprints!


Looks like a thunderous thunder, and tumbling down!

With a strong blow, Su Yan ’s golden fist was torn apart, and he suddenly mastered such a powerful force to kill the felling, but the result was still terrible, and there was endless power to cover it. Su Yan ’s body shook, and the universe was roaring. Like instability, disintegration!

Su Yan growled and suddenly gave birth to anxiety, restlessness, and irritability!

The golden palm print slammed Su Yan's body firmly, which caused the supreme mystery of his operation, and caused big problems, defects and flaws, and it was extremely difficult to carry.

In the midst, he caught the destruction, and there were some problems in the way of exploration, the order of the inner universe road was unstable, and it was about to collapse.

Su Yan successively coughed up blood, exuding her shawl, and seemed to be suffering from a road injury.


Su Yan growled, and the mysteries of the scriptures of the initial sutras appeared, like the initial text spilled over the sky, engraved in the body of Su Yan, and the body to be destroyed is like the mystery of the universe.

Can be deduced and improved, Su Yan's state is getting worse and worse, some cracks in his body collapse, spilled blood, and stained the ground!

His body seemed to be rotten, and it was extremely dangerous ...

Su Yan mastered the mystery and wanted to promote it in one go, but the problem occurred as soon as this road was explored, and the human treasure in the imagination could not be stabilized.

"Supreme mystery is untouchable, otherwise you will die yourself." The wild **** of war is anxious for Su Yan.

Su Yan naturally knows the strongest mystery in the initial scriptures. Who is this for? By no means can Su Yan touch, even if he really realizes it, it is not something he can practice, otherwise he will really die himself.

Just like the rune of funeral heaven, there is a supreme mystery of the feudal titan. Su Yan is quite small in front of this mystery. Although he can reach for strength, he can absolutely not use himself to temper himself.

Of course he can't die, but this state is difficult to continue to be tested, is it necessary to withdraw?

It was found that Su Yan's problem was getting more and more serious, and the burly giant who was wearing animal skin was also anxious, turning around in situ, and then he said, "Simplify the complexity and simplify the world."

This word vaguely exudes a terrible demon, sweeping Su Yan's body and mind, he vaguely sees the invincible war **** of the barbaric tribe manifested in the air, exuding boundless power, like opening the three thousand universes, the gods Turn with it!

You can let the invincible war **** who stands at the core of the heavens and earth be strong, overlook the past and the future, steal all the material, and use it for him. He is like the master of all things, and can reach the sky.

Su Yan was awake, his body glowed, and the voice of Dragon Yin was passed on by himself, roaring the world!

The barbaric War God is frightened. Su Yan's flesh is really outrageous. The flesh roars and the dragons are bursting. This is only in the records of the barbarians who have tapped the potential of the flesh to the extreme. At this moment, he knew that Su Yan had to save the mountain Got strength!


Su Yan's mind combed the mystery of the heavens and the earth and the rivers and rivers. He compared the physical body to the universe and combed it with the power of the heavens and the earth.

Position the sun, moon, rivers and mountains, everything in the universe, and arrange the power of the human body by the method of nine strokes.

In the end, Su Yan was no longer affected, and he got rid of the obstacles of spiritual practice, and even became stronger himself. The sound of breathing was rolling like a galaxy, blood was erupting like the sea, and the hair on his head was like turning into a 100,000 killing sword.

Although this is a failed product, it is not complete!

Ke Suyan became more powerful, his body turned into a huge living body, shining, grabbing the power of heaven and earth, and erupted in an instant, which can open up the treasures of the human body and attack all enemies.

"Thank you for your advice!"

Su Yan laughed. If he hadn't said it just now, most of this trouble would not survive.

"I said casually, did you really realize it?" The barbaric young God of War was a little embarrassed, and just now in a hurry, he called out the supreme mystery outline of the tribe's Tiangong, and did not want to bring significant help to Su Yan .

At this moment, the fourth blow came in full bombardment.

Su Yan has done everything he can to counteract, especially now that Su Yan, peeking into the supreme mystery of the initial scriptures, has a subtle insight that this alternative test tests the mystery of the physical treasure, a test that Su Yan has never accepted. !!

"Be sure to rush over!"

Su Yan's eyes widened to meet the test.

This is a place of inheritance, not a place of death. Open up the Tongtian Avenue, boil out the treasures of the human body, and lay the foundation for the future of the strong!

"Nine strikes, you can climb."

"If you have something to gain, you can stay and enlighten. Trials will not interfere."

The **** of war of the barbaric tribe started to remind him that this surprised Su Yan. Has the tribe of the tribe ever visited this mountain?

He didn't have time to follow up, because the fifth strike was coming soon ...

The next test was stronger and more perverted than a single blow. Su Yan, who had a golden palm print, was covered with cracks. Fortunately, he had swallowed up a large amount of divine treasure essence before that.

Now he is leaking, his wounds are recovering quickly, standing at the peak, shaking the rules of order, and whistling with the blood, facing the test of the palm print.

"It's the sixth strike, and he may really be able to get on."

"My ancestors reportedly spent a few months here before climbing up."

"But I think that in his state, maybe I don't need time to realize it, I can go straight up."

The heart of the wild war **** is so turbulent, looking at Su Yan that is getting stronger and stronger, it is difficult to imagine that a great saint has burst out, raising his hands and feet, all blood rushing to the sky.

The sky is devastating, and the order of the avenues has evolved into a wave of destruction, causing the world to change color. Divine power is like a torrent!

In the seventh blow, Su Yan was shivering and felt that he had lost half his life.

It is really too perverted. It needs a strong enough physical body to survive, and to master the treasures of the human body, it is equal to the body and the Tao. It can easily run the same invincible combat power.

The wild war **** widened his eyes and became more and more distressed. Then he also had to face it, some doubting whether he could survive?

"I can do it!" He growled, exuding a strong fighting spirit. Although it is a place of ten deaths, as long as he can survive it, he can inspire his powerful potential. This is the dream of the barbaric war god.

Although there is a land of potential dragons in the heavens and earth that also stimulates potential, Supreme Mystery cannot be given by any good land.


At the eighth coming, Su Yan shouted, fluttered, body like the universe, and the fist marks rising up were all reflected in the mountains and rivers, the universe and the stars, and you can imagine how amazing the power of the world is!


This area exploded and blood was blooming all over the sky.

Su Yan yelled, his flesh was like a burst, he was mad in blood, and the sacred treasures stored in his body kept leaking out. Even the essence stored in the blood of the former emperor was leaked out, which made Su Yan's body bright and torn. The dark sky!


Su Yan's pores were full of blood and blood, and the entire person was bathed in Dixuejing, and the inner universe resonated. This was during the baptism of divine blood. The flesh and blood seemed to have faded a layer of old skin, exposing its radiant body and exuding it. The breath made the void shudder in full, and it was daunting.

"The last blow can trap 99% of the passers. Can he rush up? He seemed to be bathed in the essence of Emperor Blood just now. The background of this one is too amazing. His strength has been further improved. He is a monster. He even returned No climb to the summit! "

The wild **** of war is very frightened, so what scene is Su Yan Ruruo standing on the top of the Great Holy Mountain and rushing to the first mountain?

Su Yan's black hair is like a waterfall, her body is flowing with crystal luster, and her body is powerful and terrible. At this moment, he feels that raising his hand can pick up the stars and catch the moon, and breaking the drink can roar the universe!

This is not an illusion, it is a true manifestation.

Su Yan's physical transformation is too amazing, exuding boundless domineering, the splendid blood of the splendor of the heavenly cover, accompanied by the mountains and the earth, the vision of the cosmic starry sky will appear, showing the abnormality of the physical way!


Su Yan broke out, the world's unparalleled fist prints hit, and they blasted to the top of the mountain. They wanted to visit the land of creation and witness the inheritance that no one had ever harvested!

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