Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1938: Three Axes!

"Is this clear?"

Su Yan's mood was difficult, and a magical journey ended like this.

He slowly stood up, shawl with long black hair, remembering the mysteries of the nine palm prints, the paramount inheritance gradually blurred, disappeared in Su Yan's memory ...

As if never appeared, never got, dream bubble!

Gradually, a smile bloomed on Su Yan's face, not forcing or thinking.

Because all the ways are already familiar with the heart, he doesn't need to be able to deliberately enlighten, remember it deliberately, and forget it.

"Don't deliberately force it. When the time comes, you will have a major gain."

The barefoot farmer appeared next to Su Yan. This inherited palm law has the supreme mystery that moves the heavens. All the ways are hidden between heaven and earth, waiting for Su Yan to explore and dig.

"The juniors already know that they will practice diligently in the future and strive to bring out the mystery of Yuntian Palm."

Su Yan's fist was slightly clenched, and the inheritance of the Bronze Hall is the supreme secret of Zhen Gu Shuo Jin. He just opened the door to the treasure. How to dig in the future is still a big obstacle!

"You are now a named disciple of Jieshan, so you don't need to be kind," said the barefoot farmer.

"Dare to ask the seniors, what is Jieshan?" Su Yan frowned. "Dare to ask, what is the vein of the sky? Whose tradition and heritage have I got? The younger is very confused, and I hope the seniors can give me answers."

"The coming of Jieshan will be known when you become a disciple of the inheritance." The barefoot farmer wakes up Su Yan: "The day you master Yuntian Palm is the day you become a disciple of the Jieshan. Now you just have a key. How to open the treasure will depend on your own efforts! "

"The juniors are clear." Su Yan regretted, and didn't ask much, and didn't get any answer after asking.

Moreover, the first mountain is about to open for three years, Su Yan said goodbye and said: "The junior still has some things to do, so I will go down the mountain first. One day, I will master Yuntian Palm. How should I climb?"

"What, hurry?"

The barefoot farmer laughed: "Being a named disciple of Jieshan, although he is not a disciple, Jieshan deserves to give you some treatment."

"Haha, thank you senior."

Su Yan's expression was pleasantly surprised. This invincible place has an unimaginable invincible giant behind it. It is absolutely amazing to give yourself some resources!

"Come with me."

The barefoot farmer waved his hand, and the axe in his hand split forward, opening a new crack in time and space.

Su Yan is full of expectations, what will be gained next?

inherited? Mystery? Magical power? Or something else.

Entering the big crack in time and space, Su Yan was startled and caught the breath of the ancient soldiers.

"I didn't expect to give me a treasure!"

Su Yan was so excited that he really needed the sword at hand.

The mysterious ancient world is full of treasures!

A huge axe followed by a bite, black, purple, blood, and gold ...

Every bite of the axe spreads from the beginning to the beginning of the world, like the natural treasure, although you can't see how strong it is, but the leaked peerless edge seems to cut the body of the fairy king!

"Senior, give me all the treasures inside?" Su Yan's mouth was dry, and he felt that any **** axe was the most precious thing in the world.

"Thinking a lot." The barefoot farmer shook his head and laughed, pointing at these **** axes. "Any axe is created from the heavens and the earth, strong and weak. In short, choose the **** axe that suits you best. You can take it! "

"Take it? Am I not qualified to pick up these treasures?"

Su Yan didn't believe in evil, and instantly activated the human form, but what surprised Su Yan was that his physical body was already strong enough. Even the emperor in the realm of Huangdao could not increase the combat power, which also confirmed that Su Yan's physical body was too powerful.

Su Yan's body was boiling with energy, the strongest combat force was unblocked, fierce and fierce, and she could penetrate the world at every turn.

"Is this golden axe the strongest?"

Su Yan's big hand instantly fell on the golden axe. Who knew that the golden axe was resurrected instantly and stirred up unparalleled fierce power!

The earth and earth broke apart, and a big crack burst, like a sweeping cave in Liting, to crack the big universe!

The peerless edge was leaked, Su Yan's palms were torn apart, and the entire body was destroyed with it!


Su Yan spit out a large amount of blood, and flew out of the body, fell to the ground, and climbed for a long time.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

He was aggressive, looking at the broken palm. This ax was too overbearing. He could not carry the slightly resurrected might!

Even Su Yan was unable to pick it up after exhausting his power and was almost hacked. This axe is much more horrible than the town furnace. It contains indescribable heaven and earth power. Although there is no order law, it has supreme power!

Physical training is extremely precious!

Su Yan concluded that this was a super killer and he was not qualified to master it.

"Hurry up, be quick. Three years is coming."

Su Yan quickly healed, and his eyes were also hot. This is a rare opportunity that must be grasped. Once in charge of the super axe, it will be even more powerful!

He did not continue to try other axes. These treasures were too scary. They could have a devastating blow to himself. Even if Su Yan had the power to take it away, he could not run it. It was a waste iron when he was beside him.

"This ax ..."

At this time, Su Yan's eyes narrowed, his eyes fell on a humble axe, there was no color, and the axe blade did not have any sharp edges.

A small stone axe that looks as big as a fist today!

Su Yan inspected the small stone axe, and in a pair of deep eyes, the dense golden dense pattern was faintly displayed. The insight was horrible, and he could explore the mysteries of the universe and the treasures of heaven and earth!

what is this?

This is Su Yan's three years of hard work and the supreme mysterious dense grain pattern harvested in the bronze hall, directly insight into the extraordinaryness of the small axe.

The ancient small stone axe is really born with natural aura, and the simple and unadorned axe flashes some imprints!

Su Yan counted, there are three big marks, very ordinary marks, looks like the simplest martial arts trick, chop, chop, chop, but under the reflection of Su Yan's pupils, the world changed, and the small stone axe stirred The Power of Weeping Ghosts!

The resurrection of the three major imprints, the moon and the moon, the sky and the sea, cut off the universe, divided the world, and formed a terrible spiritual shock!

"Three axes in the sky ..."

Vaguely, the dull sound exploded, the three major marks glowed, turned into a chaos giant, waved a small stone axe, three moves to kill, seemingly simple, but in fact reduced to complex, condensed Supreme killing mystery, evolved The Power of Three Axes!

The barefoot farmer was a bit surprised. Su Yan would not have identified the small stone axe, and saw the mystery of the small stone axe. This is not only a terrible treasure, but also a great magical power!

Su Yan's body stood between heaven and earth, her eyes closed slightly, and her black hair fluttered loosely.

His spiritual will was silent in the Kaitian Three Axes, and his quiet body gradually moved. With the martial arts of Kaitian Three Axes, he waved his palm.

"It's been three years. Su Yan hasn't gone down yet?"

There are many discussions around the world. The first mountain in the world is about to close. The five strongest men have reached the summit. So far, Su Yan has not returned to the mountain!

Baocai asked anxiously: "Chaos immortal, Su Yan said when he came, he will definitely participate in the war of immortals, can this delay time be one or two."

The shadow of the Chaos immortal is ancient and full of heart-wrenching fluctuations. He nodded slightly: "I see Su Yan's strength as the main member who participated in this battle of immortals. Even if it is delayed for one year, there is no what is the problem!"

Baocai was pleasantly surprised. Thanks quickly, Chao Chaoxian also paid great attention to Baocai, otherwise he would not bother to answer.


Three days later, the day when the closing time of the first mountain came, one after another, the vastness to the extreme, suddenly overwhelmed!

For a moment, sentient beings shuddered, like falling to the death of the Jedi.


Baocai stared, and the power emanating from it was too shocking. Suddenly facing the imperial titan without God, the power that is now turned on is horrible than the immortal king smashed by big gold!

It was a horrible figure, infinitely blazing and brilliant, and magnificent to the extreme, and the vast universe was darkened with it. With the sound of muffled thunder, the world's strong men were horrified and felt that a great disaster was coming.

"Old Lei Xian!"

Someone was trembling in words, and the power he radiated contained the light of thunder that destroyed the sky, as the horrors of the doomsday doomed, letting the strong be shivering like thunder and purgatory, and the powerful ones shivered!

Baocai are near Chaoxian Lao, so they are not affected, but their faces are not good-looking.

"It was his old man."

Wanjiao strong exclaimed constantly, saluting a large number of forwards.

"What is he doing here? Still on this knot!"

Baocai's face was uncertain, and his vengeance came to the door, but his son Xiaolei was cut off by Su Yan.

Lei Xian's figure crosses the horizon. He and Tian Lei Wang Yingwu have a slightly different face. This figure is very thin, wearing a lightning robe, and shed silver energy rays, looming openly!

Baocai whispered in his heart, is King Tianlei really his son? After all, he is too thin.

"I didn't expect to shock Lei Xianlao, Tian Lei Wang is extraordinary, and his future achievements are limitless." Chaos Xianlao smiled lightly.

"The chaos fairy is a bit harsh, my unwieldy parent-child is only second."

Lei Xian's old look was cold, lingering in the thunder and lightning, the sky was filled with the roar of thunder, and it was set off like the Xeon Thunder God of War!

"Unfortunately, before my son Tian Lei went, but just after the performance was finished, the Great Holy Realm had not yet touched the peak."

This sentence aroused the alarm of many powerful men.

The Thunder King has not stood in the realm of the sacred realm. This news is too amazing, right? So like Tianlei Wang standing on the peak of the charge, who this time dominates can't say for sure!

"self boasting."

Baocai scolded in his heart, why not just say, your son Tianlei is invincible? Not inferior to Su Yan at all.

"That's really congratulations."

Chaos Xian Lao has a calm tone, and the figure is in the chaotic ocean. The power is not inferior to that of Lei Xian Lao, and he responds, "Why do you run all the way?"

In short, the two powerful men seem calm, but in fact, the might of the heavens is violent, the immortal king's breath spreads, the power of destroying the immortal path is full, the world's powerful men are trembling in shock, the atmosphere dare not pant!

The immortal king is the immortal king. He has the best fighting power and is extremely powerful. He is above all beings.

"Chaos immortal, the immortal war is about to start, but it is a top priority for my immortal world. In order to prepare for the immortal war, the loss of immortal caves is not small."

Lei Xian said indifferently: "The first mountain in the world has been closed for an hour. After all, wasting a day is a major loss to the fairy world. I believe that the mountain will be closed now!"

"This old thing!"

Zhuyue was furious. Once the mountain was closed, Su Yan would stay in the first mountain forever.

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