Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1949: Su Yan accepted the apprentice?

One blow!

Heaven and earth, silence is excessive.

I thought the king of heaven could come to teach Su Yan, who knew that once he went mad, the king of heaven could not carry a punch.

How could it be so outrageous?

The core members of Xianrendong shuddered, and goosebumps were all up. How could it be so outrageous? These combat powers are enough to rank among the strongest in Xianrendong!

The king of heaven was ruptured and covered with blood. He got up from the pool of blood and stared at Su Yan for a moment.

"Do you want to continue?"

Su Yan strolled on the battlefield. He had the belief of invincible world, the ups and downs of the mountains, the bronze hall, and realized the essence of physical training. Once the big treasure of the human body erupts, I will be invincible!

This is truly invincible. Otherwise, the inheritance of the first mountain in the world will not be harvested for a long time, and it is dedicated to the path of physical cultivation. The king of heaven is just in the strongest state of Su Yan.


The King of Heaven screamed, the blood-stained flesh exuded a strong demon, like he crawled out of hell, and he would fight again!

The physique of this man was unblocked for a moment, and the rolling energy whistled out of the wind, each of which was grossly peerless, as if it could restrain the real dragon, and gave birth to a monstrous squall storm with a killing force of 100,000 feet!

This is the power that Tianwang is proud of. Once activated, the combat power will skyrocket, and it can be said that it will be crazy in a short time.

I have to say that the immortal overlords of Xianrendong are extremely powerful. The Heavenly King ’s practice in the physical field is really good. If we can realize the pulse of physical cultivation, there will be great achievements in the future.


The boundlessness of anger is bound to form a sea of ​​oceans, the order of the oppressed world is shaking, and the world is deforming!

"Come again!"

The roar of the king of heaven was really extremely brave. The wind of the heavens was fully covered, and it was set off like a supreme overlord. His palms were smashed down in the attitude of Mount Tai, and there were vaguely large hands breaking the starry sky. Start glandling!

Suddenly, Su Yan's human body burst into energy, like a dormant ancient dragon, making the whole world a little fuzzy and dark. He seemed to be the **** of war who came to the world, overlooking the world.

"That is?"

Zhu Qiang shuddered, some dare not look directly at Su Yan, what is this power? They shuddered fiercely, as if they met a king in life.

At this moment, Su Yan's blood, gold, and mighty mighty, like the return of the deceased emperor, raised his big hand to collapse the storm of anger, and shot it firmly on the body of the king of heaven!

"Uh ..."

The king's footsteps stepped backwards, blasting back dozens of steps.

The people around were stagnation, and the King of Heaven was again shocked by Zhenfei?

The strongest warfare was unblocked, but they were still easily shaken, which shows that they are not a level strongman at all.

How they dream is the same, this is the King of Heaven, this is a series of fierce defeats. King Qitian Sheng is far more terrible than they imagined. Is this to become an invincible body?

"This is not easy."

"Invincible posture, unimaginable!"

A group of elders in the distance had a serious look. Although Su Yan had just erupted just now, they still saw some features, tearing up Tianyu with horror. If it was not for his mercy, the King of Heaven would be killed directly.

Fairy Cave, Emperor Star!

In a chaotic temple suspended above nine days, the weather is majestic, and chaos pervades, just like the palaces of the emperors. It is hazy, one after another, terrible figures, looming in the chaos!

The King of the Phoenix and the old monkey are very hot. Su Yan's achievements are too high. However, some fairy olds still push Su Yan to participate in the war of immortals.

Moreover, Lei Xian always called for a group of foreign aid. These forces of the Xian clan came one after another.

In short, the reincarnation of the emperor is hard, and they do n’t want Su Yan to be too risky.

Head, once you have laid down the glorious glory, the future wants to be as difficult as possible.

At this time, a strong man rushed out of the hall and said a word, making the King of Phoenix and the old monkey laugh.

"The king of heaven was severely hit with a punch!" An old fairy believed that Su Yan lacked the power of great magical powers, and now his face was shocked. He defeated the king of heaven in a boxing. This is not ordinary combat power, and he ranks among the strongest in the fairy cave Approved combat power.

There was a lot of discussion in the hall. After all, most of the immortals still took the war of immortals as their top priority. Su Yan's fighting ability made them pay attention. Some immortals changed their tone and began to support Su Yan.


Lei Xianlao's face was more gloomy. Su Yan killed his son. He can only blame Su Yan. It is difficult to suppress Su Yan's growth in the face. But this one is getting stronger!

You have to know that once the fairy demon is defeated, all the participants will get amazing rewards. Even if Su Yan is not in the fairy cave, he will also be rewarded with huge resources, and the points alone will be tens of millions.

At this moment, the king of heaven, the king of heaven, shivered, kneeling on the ground with one knee, he looked at Su Yan with a frantic look, and said, "You ... Do you really break the ultimate trial land?"

Many people don't believe that Su Yan has really broken. In fact, there are some prejudices in their hearts. They don't think that people in the human world can break the difficulty test of the first nightmare. After all, very little has been done in the past.

"If you have been there before, you should know." Su Yan responded.

The Emperor Tiandi smiled bitterly. He did go. He survived because of his own reasons, but no one knows about it. This is the most shameful thing of Emperor Tianlian, because the time spent in the mountains is less than ten breaths. ...

That incident dealt a heavy blow to the King of Heaven, so we paid particular attention to the players who broke the strongest trial ground.

But did Su Yan pass? This is a problem. If there is no old Lei Xian who can suppress, things have gone crazy!


Some people were shocked, and some elders couldn't sit still.

Would like to say, tian wang, will you go? Don't be ashamed here anymore, you represent the core area and fight against Su Yan, the result is a fiasco .....

The King of Heaven came to Su Yan and approached him, solemnly saying, "I ... can I follow you?"

Speaking of which is too insufficient, the voice is also very low, and it is a bit shameful to say it. I clearly wanted to suppress Su Yan, but now I choose to follow Su Yan directly.

People nearby are stupid ...

Many people twitch their faces and don't know what to say.

Some people feel ashamed of the King of Heaven. What is this, Nima?

In particular, please ask the Emperor Tian Yan who taught Su Yan, his face is swollen, and I ca n’t wait to find a place to drill in.

As a disciple focused on the cultivation of Xianren Cave, the King of Heaven has chosen to follow Su Yan who is temporarily living in Xianren Cave. If it is passed out, the sensation will be spectacular.

In fact, the King of Heaven is very clear!

The competition of Xianren Cave is cruel. He once participated in the Fairy Demon War, but he never won. If it was not for the impact of the last event, Tianhua King would have left Xianren Cave long ago!

Fairy Cave is a hegemon who will not allow the potential to continue to grow, and stays in Fairy Cave to waste resources.

This is a cruel fact that I have to accept, especially for the peerless characters such as the King of Heaven, there is no strong tribe behind him to support, once it is unable to continue to grow its potential, it is destined to be eliminated.

In the history of Xianrendong, there are many things like this. Once the growth of people reaches the limit, they can't progress, but they can't win in the Fairy Demon.

"You are not suitable." Su Yan was also surprised and shook his head to refuse.

The King of Heaven, scratching his head in haste, he is also a tendon, specializing in body building, but he can not touch the treasure of the human body.

Su Yan has it. In the mind of the King of Heaven, Su Yan is more important than the guidance given by the immortal old man in Xianrendong!

"I'm working very hard!" The seven-foot-tall man Tiantian Wang blushed, and didn't disappoint him.

Some elders almost fell to the ground, almost scolding their mother, the dog king of the day, can you be a little boned? I didn't see Su Yan rejected it just now.

"We can usually discuss one or two." Su Yan saw that he was thirsty and refused to refuse. He had a much better impression of the King of Heaven, and instead of resentment, he chose to work hard.

In short, this is much stronger than the arrogant generation he encountered.

"Well, at that time, I hope Brother Xi Su would like to enlighten me ....." Tian Tian Wang laughed excitedly, leaving the people around him speechless. They really don't know what to say. Some people really want to say, Tian Tian Wang. Face?

It's like a farce.

Similarly, with Su Yan's extreme level, most people will not challenge it next time, once you lose it, you will lose it!

"When do you think we started?" The King of Heaven was anxious.

Su Yan glanced at him obliquely, and said, "What's the matter, tell me something about Tianlong Realm. I'm going to break through!"

Some monks who were about to leave were shocked, and Su Yan was going to Tianlong World?

This is the strongest hurdle of Xianren Cave. It is specifically aimed at the physical body. In the history of Xianren Cave, the strongest who broke the dragon world is really one of the few!

"You said, it will take Su Yan many times to break the dragon world?"

Someone asked with a low voice, not thinking that Su Yan could not go to the dragon world, because the king of heaven was very close to clearing the dragon world!

So Su Yan doesn't have much difficulty?

"Say bad, there are a lot of rewards for breaking the Dragon World." Some people are eager. Su Yan already has millions of points. Once breaking the Dragon World, the reward points are enough!

Even faster, the more points you get.

After all, this is one of the most powerful test sites in Xianrendong. The points given through customs clearance are massive, and even if they fail, they can get a certain point reward for the breakthrough process.

According to legend, once the breakthrough record of Tianlong Realm is broken, the points will be ridiculously 2 million, which is really scary. Who can do it for generations? You must know the breakthrough record of Tianlong Realm, but left by the emperor!

"Su Yan, what are you going to do in the dragon world?"

At this time, a magnificent shadow struck, and the nearby elders became disillusioned and saluted one after another.

The Chaos immortal is old. This is a heavyweight. He looks at Su Yan with his dim and chaotic eyes. With the potential of Su Yan, there is no need to waste on the trial ground. Instead, he should go to the Chuan Gong Temple to practice a series of world-wide Great magical power!

The battle of immortals and demons is about to start. Most of Su Yan has not mastered too many peak secrets. He should cherish the next time.

"Return to the old Chaos immortal." Su Yan arched, "The strong man at Chuan Gong Temple said that I must clear the Dragon World to be qualified to practice Supreme Dragon Technique!"

Chaosian Lao's face was gloomy, and then he asked, "You didn't tell Chuan Gong Dian Lord, what authority did I give you?"

Baocai rushed straight out and fangs said: "The old Chaoxian said that you were negligent for a while, and the treatment given to Su Yan did not conform to the rules. Oh yes, he is not the master of Chuan Gong. "

"what did you say?"

The face of Chaos Xianlao changed greatly, which made Su Yan's expressions more wonderful .......

A little deputy, dare to disobey yourself?

"Who is Xuan Zhe Sheng ...? What kind of dog is that?"

The Chaos immortal was furious. This area was trembling indefinitely. He believed that Treasure would not lie.

(Four more sent!)

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