Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1952: World Surgery!

"The dark world has dispatched a large number of soldiers and horses. They are going crazy. We will accompany them to the end and kill!"

Ten battlefields, dead seas of blood, crumbling corpses, blood seas drifting.

The Great Saint whistled, and the emperor fought, crying and killing the ghosts and gods.

This is a **** battle between races. There is no retreat, only to move forward and kill the enemy!

The immortal world dispatched various armies to help, and the offensive in the dark world became more and more amazing. It exceeded the predictions of the chiefs of the immortal gates, and years passed. The dark world did not give them any breathing time!

The fallen soldiers and horses are incalculable. Every piece of the magnificent battlefield world is destroyed. There is no place of peace. The boundless sky is stained with blood. The bones of the ground are piled up like mountains!

The East Demon is scarred. He has battled for more than ten years, and his realm has already climbed to the field of Dasheng long ago. He has become one of the leading powers of the Xianhuang Legion. His original Majesty had only a thousand soldiers and horses. In the third battlefield, the martial arts was magnificent, and many Youyong soldiers came here to participate in the East Demon!

Fan Jian is also strong and prosperous, attracting many admirers to participate.

Gradually, the army under His Majesty had 5,000 troops!

This made the veterans of the Xianhuang Legion extremely happy. The Phoenix King was fought step by step. In the battlefield for ten thousand years, it was the gods of heaven and man, invincible and invincible. The heyday brought together hundreds of millions of troops!

The East Demon exudes a terrible demon, with a majestic appearance, holding a spear with blood dripping, his eyes are like nine purgatory purgatory.

Fan Jian now wants to vomit when he sees the corpse. He had been fighting for more than ten years. He wanted to go back to cultivation and attend the first mountain event. However, there were too many enemy forces in the dark world and he had to stay to fight!

"good news!"

Yang Hui looked excited and yelled, "Brothers, listen, Su Yan dominates the top of the first mountain, and dominates the top of the first mountain ..."

He yelled in succession, making many soldiers of the Immortal Phoenix Legion frighten, and then shouted in unison, roaring, tearing the blood-stained starry sky, and making this **** battlefield roar and tremble.

"Ha ha ha, Su Yan dominates the top of the first mountain, Baocai is the first mountain and the fourth!"

Dong Mo laughed at the sky. This is really a good thing. Ten years have passed, and Su Yan is always worried about them, not only him, Tie Baocai has also reached the top of the first mountain.

In other words, Su Yan already has the qualifications to participate in the fairy war!

But Fan Jian's strange thing is, what about Zixia?

And Zhu Yue, got the fairy king Tao fruit, the two of them are so silent!

Of course, these are secondary. The main thing is the dragon monster, disappeared?

Dong Mo thinks that this is to hide its strength and hide the shadows. People in the human world cannot be too aggressive. They must hide, or the fairy world will doubt that they have the super essence behind them.

"Go back and tell the dark world, Su Yan will definitely participate in the war, he will!"

The fighting spirit of the Xianhuang Legion was burning, the army was rushing all the way, and the spirit of killing swept through millions of miles. You must know that during these times, the dark world sent out strong dissatisfaction and anger towards the top ten contestants issued by the Xianlaoyuan!

This completely angered the immortal world, and the dark world was too arrogant, saying that only one dragon girl was put on the stage, and the rest were not in sight.

These words were learned by the chief commanders of Xianmen, and they were all furious. They were also uneasy in the heart, and the dark world was fierce. Most of them had unbelievable peak overlords, otherwise they would not ask the emperor and the daughter to join them one after another!

Is this to swallow all the final seeds of Fairy Cave in one breath?

"What is a Su Yan? It's just one of the king beasts in my realm to hunt. Its target is not Su Yan, it is the peak power of Tianli Wang!"

The strong in the dark world responded coldly: "Tell the fairy world, don't think that my dark world is joking, otherwise there will be ten defeats. I don't think you will participate in the fairy war in the fairy world in the future, just give in!"

"Things that don't make sense, let's meet ..."

The East Devil yelled, and his fierce anger was released. He was incomparable, released an infinite amount of divine power, swept across the wild, and killed all the way. He led the army of the Immortal Phoenix Army to launch a powerful counterattack and killed them arrogantly. .

"Kill, invincible!"

"Kill, you can attack!"

"Kill, invincible!"

The blockbuster soldiers yelled, blood was boiling, and the people in the nearby legions were astonished.

In fact!

Fairyland, Wizards, Fairy Cave, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

In the top ten battlefields, rare overlords are fighting, and once they appear, they will be hunted in the dark world!

Therefore, in the third battlefield, Dong Mo is famous and is a generation of war kings.

Riots in ten battlefields ...

The dark world is too arrogant, and the news is not good!

Because they don't know what is the hole card in the dark world? This is an outrageous thing that has never happened before. This is to make the strongest accumulation of the fairy tales accumulated over the years.

In the era when the Fairy and Demon Wars started, once the emperor and the daughter participated in the battle, they were a major threat to the dark world, but the dark world couldn't wait to let them participate in the battle, indicating the seriousness of the problem.

The storm was so turbulent, and once it was really defeated, it would be a heavy blow to the fairyland.

Fairy hole, pass Gongdian.

The Chaos immortal boss is so adamant that he does not leave any face to the master of the Chuan Gong Palace, and directly appoints a new dean of the Chuan Gong Palace, who is also his own disciple and also holds an important position in the Xian Lao Yuan.

Zhuan Gongdian only smiled bitterly. He had something wrong before him. He couldn't say a word.

"Song Guo, take Su Yan to accept the inheritance of Supreme Dragon Fighting."

Chaos Xianlao knows this supreme body technique, and the immortal hole masters this body technique very little. With Su Yan's physical attainments, once mastered, it will inevitably increase the wings.

Song Guo is tall and wears a black robe. He is not angry and arrogant. He has got many inheritances of the Chaos immortal. If there is no chaos spreading all over his body, this is a peak taboo!

His eyes looked at Su Yan, who could be valued by Chao Chaoxian. This one must be extraordinary.

"Thank you, Mr. Chaos.

Su Yan hesitated for a moment, saying, "The junior wants to wait for tomorrow's finals."

Hearing the words, Chaos immortal smiled, and said, "You don't need to worry. Immortals who supported you at the meeting just now are not in the minority. After all, the king of heaven is not a weak one!"

Once the fairy war is started, once it is started, it is the first thing in the fairy world. Once the reward is won, it is horrible. Ten million points are nothing. The most important thing is that you can use any Supreme Cave in Xianren Cave and try it!

In addition, you can also give great concessions to practicing all kinds of great magical powers in Xianren Cave. Supreme Master Dragon Art is not the most expensive. There are hundreds of amazing great magical powers in Xianren Cave. Some terrible mysterious skills are needed. Hundreds of thousands of points can be cultivated for one day.

This also led to the beginning of the war of immortals and demons in the past. Many confident young overlords would compete for participation. Although the risks are huge, once they win, they will be amazing. If you can get a group of immortal support, it is not difficult to participate.

Song Guo frowned slightly. Is Su Yan's energy too great?

You should know that the top ten players participating in the Fairy Demon War, the Heavenly Kings, are all first-class powerhouses, among the strongest in the fairy world.

Of course, he also appreciated Su Yan's determination to participate in the war, and developed an invincible belief that the road of the strong will go smoothly in the future.


At this moment, Song Guo mastered the token of the deputy hall of Chuan Gong Dian, and opened the secret practice of Supreme Dragon Fighting.

"Just two?"

Song Guo is a little speechless. The two tokens are worth 200,000 points. He suggested that Su Yan continue to redeem a few.

"It's all spent ..." Song Guo was speechless, too lazy to explain with Su Yan, he knew that the fastest dragon dragon skill was the fastest dragon girl, and it took six days.

However, the Dragon Girl is a strong dragon, after all, it is very suitable for practicing the Supreme Dragon Technique. On the contrary, Su Yan wants to accomplish it. It is estimated that at least millions of points are required. This is a terrible wealth.

Su Yan is here, stepping into the dusty ancient stone hall!

The door was closed, Su Yan's black shawl, and the power of Chaos, the elder, dispersed autonomously. He recovered as usual, and felt a tremendous pressure in an instant!

There is a strong sense of oppression in the stone hall, not from the stone hall itself, but a dark and tall metal man standing inside!

Su Yan's eyes flashed a strange color.

The dark metal man is tall and looks like a black magic mountain standing in front of him.

This deterrence alone is enough to shock the world. Su Yan walked forward to pay close attention. His sky was full of eyes, and he quickly learned that the black metal man's body flashed with dense symbols on the surface, piece by piece. , Full of destruction frenzy!

Su Yan had an instant insight into the energy of the metal man. The dense pattern of the sky covered it, and it was super complicated. It took a long time for the strong to contact the Supreme Dragon.

But Su Yan is different. He has gained a huge opportunity in the Bronze Hall. The mystery of the existence of the ferrous metal man, Su Yan directly learned!

This is definitely the costly mind of the strong

It is no wonder that the blood engraved requires 100,000 points to observe a day. After all, the observation process consumes the inimitable power of inscription, and every day is extremely important.

When Su Yan watched the whole picture, the black metal man changed, just like the supreme demon of the world and the world, exuding supreme strength, he could destroy the universes at every turn!


Su Yan realized the terrible danger of death, like the dormant lord in the area rushing through the barrier, making the world tremble with power, and endless deterrence swept Su Yan's body and mind.

No wonder you need to clear the dragon world to be able to practice the Supreme Dragon Technique. This Supreme Body technique, the physical weakness is not qualified to explore!

"So strong mystery ..."

Su Yan's eyes flashed a shock, this is the body surgery? A terrible qi broke out in the flesh.

"Supreme Dragon Fighting Style 1!"

The metal man's body is full of supreme power, and the dense pattern covering the flesh shell stirs up his most primitive divine power. The heavens and the earth are in turmoil, as if they were completely destroyed, the pressure is trembling.

If Su Yan had no physical strength, he would have a hard time standing still.

And in his pupils, the black metal man and the demon body are scary, crowding the world of heaven and earth, and with a roar, Tianyu will collapse, and the boundless earth will also collapse!

This is almost a state of madness, derived from the divine power given to him by the body art uprising!

"Supreme Dragon Fighting, second style!"

In an instant, the world changed dramatically, the slaughtering breath bloomed, and the killing power was unlimited. This is an infinite force that even the true dragon can slaughter and let the Gods penetrate!

The black metal man yelled, the energy frenzy in his body, one layer after another rising up, like a 100,000 tsunami resonance, rushed to the outer universe!


This kind of horror scene is like returning to the prehistoric years and coming to the time and space of chaos.

The black **** of war roars the world, the indestructible body is like a super killer, the sky is strong, the body of the dragon is broken, the body of the real dragon is broken, it can be said that nothing is broken, and by his indestructible body, everything can be crushed!

"Supreme Dragon Fighting, this is the third style!"

Su Yan whispered word by word, his blood was surging, he saw a peerless demon statue, his figure was flourishing, there were huge figures behind him, overlooking the vast universe!

The third type, the murderous spirit is more intense, filling the whole world, the people shivering!

Su Yan yelled, without fear of deterrence, but started fighting with the war sent by Supreme Dragon Fighting!


This man is yelling, the world resonates, and the whole world oscillates against him. If it is placed outside, like the roar of the universe, the world and the world rotate through his body, and the tyrannical combat power has soared!

With each hit, he waved incomprehensible coercion, spreading, and eventually fell down, making Su Yan feel asphyxiated!

This is the great power contained in the human body. It pushes all the enemies, bleeds the heavens and the earth, mourns the avenue, and the real dragon is falling, as if driving on the immortal world. This is a truly inexhaustible magical power!

Between heaven and earth, the destruction of destruction gradually extinguished ...

The black metal man is gradually returning to a state of silence. Each day, there is only one chance to evolve the supreme dragon fighting technique, and the rest depends on himself to enlighten.

Supreme Dragon Fighting has three types of killings. The first type is directed against the power of the physical body. In fact, practicing the first layer of the physical body will be amazingly improved. After all, this is matched with the mysterious power of the physical skill to combine the treasures of the human body. The power comes out.

This is not the first time Su Yan has been exposed to the somatic tradition, but the Yuntian Palm is too transcendent, and it contains the supreme mystery of operating the heavens. Speaking of Su Yan, he has not yet cultivated any type of somatic surgery.

It's just that Su Yan is already familiar with the mysteries of physical skills. The bronze temple's three-year income has changed part of the future direction of Su Yan's strong!


His eyes were glowing, his eyes were looking at the metal goblet, and the densely grained figure on the body surface, one after another, seemed to be a life-like **** after war in the sidelines.

The one who engraved the supreme dragon-stroke technique must be the most powerful one. Waiting and seeing a great deal of coercion will also explain the mystery of the human treasures and promote the blood and blood in Su Yan's body.

Su Yanpan sat between the heavens and the earth, his figure glowed from time to time, his body was sometimes full of blood and blood, and the flesh of the flesh sometimes flashed a bright texture.

If someone is shocked to see this scene, Su Yan is just beginning to observe and has sorted out some mysteries, which is naturally closely related to the inheritance of the bronze temple, which has laid a super strong foundation for Su Yan!

Another big chapter!

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