Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1964: Emperor

"Noisy, noisy?"

Tianli Wang was annoyed, pointing at him and scolding, "Why are you arguing, baby? Who said Tianli Wang would participate?"


Xianchen's brain is stiff, this strange young man with a big back, calling himself a baby?

"The rehearsal is big enough, is the fairy king invincible?" Tianlong girl also sneered.

What did the young emperor mean by this move?

To show their achievements to them, banquet invitations to all parties in the form of law and order? And the call for the entire Xianrendong peak hero to participate in a banquet, the posture is too high.

If Daxian Lao sits on the principal, he will reprimand the young emperor for being too high-profile. Xianren Cave is the place where the world's heroes gather, but it is not a place for personal heroes to prevail!

"A fly, nothing worth mentioning, please please." How could Su Yan participate in the banquet held by the Immortal Clan, and Tianli Wang and Tianlong Nu are now his noble guests.

Xianchen's face was ugly, and the young emperor came and held a banquet.

Many people have asked him to go through the back door, one by one expecting very much, wanting to admire the style of the young emperor, but everyone who has received the invitation fully agreed, repeatedly confirming the time and place, I believe that Tianli King will not refuse.

Can Su Yan be better, just refuse?

And he has never seen this man and a woman, and he even disrespected himself one after another, which is too unpredictable!


At the next moment, Xianchen screamed. He didn't know what the ghost came from. He slapped Xianchen with a slap and smashed it on the distant mountain, almost colliding with others.

Xianchen groaned in pain, his beaten head broke blood, and almost died.

"Crying non-stop." Big Jin Jin snorted. He slapped the Immortal Chen with a slap. The big Jin Jin has been moldy all these years, and he wants to move his muscles.

"Brother Su doesn't know, this king is not a good bird."

Tianli King's resentment is very big, and he can't hold his mouth, and his character is careless. In the past, they and the young emperor were both strong players at the same level. Yes, sometimes the angry King Tianli is very annoyed.

Peer fellow, what do you do?

Although the world respects the emperor tribe, but the young emperor can improve his identity, Tianli King is very unhappy.

King Tianli was prejudiced against the young emperor and secretly gave him a nickname called Niubi Wang.

However, the power of the young emperor is undoubtedly. At that time, the fairy demon battlefield won three battles and entered the fairy land of the king, gaining the opportunity to oppose the sky, and the strong man was on the road!

Although the young emperor is worthy of admiration, the Tianli King said that they are not all the way, and relying on their identity, they always want to be the leader among them!

"Three battles and three victories on the fairy demon battlefield, this young emperor is not easy." Su Yan Shen Sheng asked.

"It is unquestionable to be powerful." Tianli Wang did not deny this and said: "If you talk about life-saving cards, it is difficult for the same generation to find out which can be out of the question. After all, the fairy family, the heaven family, the reincarnation emperor, the three The emperor's family passed on ancient times! "

Moreover, the three emperor families have mastered the three books on the opening of the heaven, the opening of the heaven, the opening of the reincarnation, and the opening of the immortals!

"However, three wins and three wins requires a lot of luck." Tianli Wang said with a black face: "The young emperor went to **** luck and put on the finals. As a result, the strongest groups in the dark world all fought to death, leaving the young emperor to fight. ending."

Su Yan is speechless. Will she be lucky then?

"Wow, Tianlong female sister ..."

Xiao Muxin is here, the big-eyed beauties scream in excitement, and they also have silver hair full of hair, and their waists are as silver as the Dragon Dragon.

Su Yan felt weird in her heart and suspected that they had discussed the hairstyle.

"Xiao Muxin." Tianlong girl always smiled on her serious cheek.

"It turns out so."

Su Yan's heart is full of weirdness. Who is Brother Huang's brother?

In the past, Xiao Muxin said, give them a surprise, saying that the brother of the Phoenix King is also in Xianren Cave, and now it seems to be a dragon girl!

"Why didn't you come early?" Mu Xin was a little unhappy and lipped her lips. She had a good relationship with the Dragon Girl.

It should be noted that the Tianlong girl and the emperor were originally sealed in a Dao cave, and the last fairy demon war was over, which was to make the Tianlong girl the next leader. Therefore, the seal of the Tianlong girl is not strict, and sometimes it can come out Walk around one or two.

"Weak period is too long." Tianlong female shrugged, Tianli Wang has just passed the weak period, and they should be soon!

After speaking, Tianlong Girl snorted: "Did anyone trouble you during this time, please tell me if you have any!"

Some domineering, like a big sister, is very caring about Mu Xin, can come forward for her anytime, anywhere.

Mu Xin grinned, and the grievances disappeared in his heart, holding Tianlong girl intimately and whispering.

One dragon and one phoenix, the relationship itself is very intimate, smiled and entered Mu Xin's boudoir, as if to say three days and three nights.

Tianlong girl had just left, Tianli Wang's eyes looked like gold lanterns, patrolling the big gold, and wiped her saliva extremely vainly!

Dajin was a little hairy in his eyes, and his face was black: "Young man, Lord Jin doesn't like men. Stay away from me and go."

Dajin feels that he is too powerful, and should converge. Do n’t be fooled by others. If you lose your virginity, you wo n’t be worth it.

Tianli Wang's face almost collapsed, and then his face was full of smiles, and he threw himself up and hugged the thighs of big gold, crying: "Golden Master, you must help me!"

Big Gold Diaphragm should yell, dog day holding his feet and groping for a while, what kind of system.

Su Yan was shocked. What the **** is this?

"Su Yan is coming, he is **** me, fast ..."

Big Gold was frightened, covered in goose bumps, full of cold, and felt that he had no strength on his body, which was frightened.

Su Yan's face was so hell, he quickly retreated and wanted to live a good life away from the King of Heaven.

"Su Yan, fast ..." Big Gold's legs and feet are a little soft, why have you seen such a battle.

"Really Jindou masterbatch!"

Tianli Wang's eyes are blood red, his face is full of insignificant smiles, a pair of rough big hands, like touching the delicate skin of a woman, touching the thighs of big gold ....... wearing a robe.

This is Jindou masterbatch, which is too wealthy, and made of Jindou masterbatch into a robe. If it is passed out, the fairy king will be jealous.

Su Yan sighed with relief. It turned out that Tianli Wang saw the big gold robe. It seemed to have been misunderstood. After all, as Tianli Wang, how many men do you want? Waiting in line to wait for him to pick.

After all, it is the king of Tianli, the power is endless, and the operation is as fierce as a tiger!

"Mixed boy!" Da Jinjin glared, hitting Feitianli Wang with one sleeve, and dared to pay attention to him.

Tianli King climbed up and said with great fanaticism: "Golden Master, sell me a little, I am willing to pay any price, even the body does not care!"

"Go away." Big Gold roared, and all broke.

"Golden Master, I'm serious, as long as you open a price tag, or trade with valuable materials of equal value." Tianli Wang busy said, seeing Big Gold staring at him with fierce evil spirits, looking like he had no room for negotiation.

Tianli Wang was anxious and said to Su Yan: "Brother Su, I said to him, I need Jindou masterbatch. I have gathered more than four pounds for a long time, but it is still a little bit. This is my strongest breakthrough in the royal road. Resources! "

"Break through the Emperor's Road?" Su Yan was surprised and asked, "Brother Li, you can

Break through and leave the fairy cave? "

"Naturally can." Tianli Wang said anxiously: "I have waited for a long time, but Jindou masterbatch is too scarce, and some heaven and earth masterbatch is almost extinct. I can't find a few or two for many years!"

With the potential of the King of Heaven, once it breaks through, it will inevitably have the strongest clearance conditions, which can perfectly excite him.

He has already won enough times in the fairy demon war, and he is qualified to leave the fairy cave. If it is not to find the golden master batch, it is estimated that the current Tianli king is already standing in a very amazing field!

Su Yan glanced at the big gold and found that this pair had no room for negotiation.

Tianli Wang was very anxious and took out a lot of good things, some of which are resources that are hard to find in the world. This shocked Su Yan very much. It is worthy of being invincible and arrogant. The accumulation is really shocking.

"Bronze fairy crystal!"

At the next moment, Su Yan's eyes flashed with a frenzy, and saw a piece of bronze fairy material about Mo fist, the whole crystal clear.

This is the treasure that Su Yan dreamed of.

Su Yan also came to beg for big gold, give him a little.

Big Gold is very annoyed and always likes his manners. After all, he is the door **** who buried the old man. He is well dressed and must not lose his manners.

I can think of Su Yan's puppet, the big gold is silent, and the puppet has been repaired. If you are melting bronze fairy crystals, you can forge a maximum of a few months, the strongest puppet in the field of the fairy king!

"That's it."

Big Gold shook his head, cut off the sleeve of an angle, and handed it to King Tianli.

Tianli Wang shouted in excitement, waiting for a long time, finally got together.

Waiting for him to participate in the war of immortals, he will directly start the challenge and step into the realm of imperialism!

Big gold had a black face, and he couldn't catch any good with him.

Tian Liwang was so excited that he had a bear hug with Su Yan. He lived here for the next few days, and he spent the whole day discussing with Su Yan to exchange experiences. Soon, the Dragon Lady also joined their study camp.

Three days later, the dazzling Emperor Star transpired into huge fluctuations, and the energy fluctuations were extremely dramatic.

"what is that?"

Su Yan was surprised, pushed the door and went out, looking at the source area, just like the split of the Xianyuan Cave House, a shocking figure manifested, the recovery of the unparalleled divine power, also caused a huge change in the world, vaguely and vaguely outlined!

Just like a supreme emperor, she is invincible in the world, looking down on the heavens and the earth!


The fairy cave was boiling, and the sky was uproarious, and the emperor was out of the customs and passed the period of weakness!

It is a pity that this breath is only slightly visible, disappearing without a trace ...

Many young strong men thinking of paying tribute to the emperor's style, stared at the stars.

Xianchenbaoxiang is solemn and completely different from the way it broke a few days ago. The young emperor calculated the time, and tomorrow is the day when the banquet opens.

He walked step by step as if he were making a pilgrimage. He respectfully took out the invitation forged with masterbatch and handed it to the empress.

When I heard that the Emperor and Daughter would attend the banquet, Xianchen, as a burden, finally completed the top priority.

He immediately thought about it, his face was ugly, and Su Yan was also concerned by the young emperor, but the kid didn't know how to raise it, and he didn't come at all.

However, the banquet will open tomorrow morning, and one less Su Yan is worth mentioning.

As soon as Xianchen left, Tianyang Bing came.

"Su Yan, the burial of the sky, the burial of the elderly, the burial world."

In the upper palace of the upper cave, the figure of the emperor is looming, she is alive and dead, her hair is golden and splendid, like a goddess of life bred by the sun, murmured: "I know, I will go find him now.

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