Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1967: Young emperor

Starry sky hole, among the demon chessboard!

Su Yan's figure is majestic and huge. In the state of Zhentianshu operation, the body is as heavy as the heavens, containing twelve points of suppressive force, sweeping the space of the gods and demon chessboards, full of supreme oppressive power.

"This scripture ..."

Tie Baocai's eyes gleamed with surprise. This is the legendary Kaitian Emperor's Scripture. The emperor girl practiced it to the level of fascinating and enchanting. The moment the scriptures turned deeply, the world and the earth had undergone great changes!

As if manifesting the spirits of the heavens, worshiping the emperor

This scripture contains magic. Speaking of it, Su Yan is the first time that he has encountered the complete Kaitian scriptures. The ancient emperor who is asleep is awakened from the years, and the order of the vast sky is terrifying. The terrifying time and space are trembling!

In a flash, Su Yan's figure trembled slightly, and Zhentianshu seemed to collapse.

After all, this is the first chapter of Zhendishu. Although Zhentianshu is powerful enough, don't forget that Zhentianshu is just an introduction to practicing Zhendishu. In general, Su Yan has never mastered Zhendishu!

This esoteric study is not something that the Great Saint can understand. Perhaps waiting for Su Yan to step into the imperial hierarchy in the future.

"Su Yan is going to be suppressed?"

Tianli King's eyes widened. After all, it was the Emperor Kaitian, which was not acceptable. Some people said that this is the strongest of the Ten Great Kaitian Books, so this scripture is basically the most invincible scripture in the fairy world.

A different color flashed in the eyes of Baocai. Among the bracelets that Su Yan got, did there exist the Emperor Kaitian?

If it really is, aren't they getting rich? Looking for an opportunity to suppress a big clan, maybe you can open the seal of the bracelet, thinking that the heart of Baocai could not bear it.


The light rain on the Mantian Avenue is swayed, containing the power of mysterious self-prediction, just like the hundreds of millions of meteor showers, falling down together and about to drown Su Yan!


Su Yan stepped on the sky and his clothes hunted. In this storm, his left and right hands squeezed punches at the same time!

The left hand is scorching monstrous, the right hand is black and ink, and the two big fist prints represent the two mother scriptures of Taiyin and the sun. The moment the two supreme mother scriptures run, the world trembles and the world seems to collapse!

"Luminous Sun!"

Tianli Wang was shocked, Su Yan still hides such a big killer? Can he gather the power of the overcast sun?


In an instant, Su Yan rose from the ground, the two fist seals oscillated out at the same time, collapsed into the sky, bombarded into the order of Mantian Avenue, and vaguely plowed out two huge caves, indicating that the Kaitian Emperor's Sutra was broken power!

"This scripture is strong, but the strongest scripture in the human world is the Emperor Jing."

The emperor whispered, standing high and standing in the void, and the rules of order to open the heavenly emperor's scriptures once again gathered together, forming ripples in the sky, as if the peak emperor was whistling, accompanied by irresistible divinity!

This is the emperor, powerful and invincible.

Su Yan looked calm, did not respond, did not refuse, did not speak, and did not know whether he had grasped it.

The emperor's magnificent beauty, dressed in golden sky emperor armor, curvy figure, hazy golden glory, as a sun goddess captures the glory of heaven and earth, exudes irrepressible divine power, and the heart of the pressure is terrified!

At the next moment, the sky and earth shook violently, and the light of the gods shook the mountains and the sea, and the galaxy shook.

This is simply a power that can wash the world. The whole world has lost its original order of law, reduced to the energy material of the Heavenly Emperor's Sutra, and swallowed up the entire divine chessboard. It must be suppressed together with Su Yan.

"This woman is too strong?" Baocai was shocked. The original Tianli Wang and Tianlong girl were actually amazing enough, but they were really inferior to the emperor girl. This woman contained a terrible power, just like the reincarnation of the emperor!

In an instant, the earth trembles, the vast laws of order are covered, and the violent eruption also contains the invincible one.

With the power of cutting, by virtue of power, it can explode everything and destroy everything. This is the belief of the emperor.


Suddenly, a loud noise exploded, and Su Yan, who stood on the ground, rose to the ground, the body's big treasure broke out, and at the moment of roar, the source of power that made all the saints in the sky tremble!

This is the Great Saint? It's like a rebirth!

But this is not the operation of the Imperial Book of Man, but actually the release of Su Yan's inner universe. His body reflected the mountains and rivers of the universe, the wild world, and the world's heavenly prestige, like a sleeping invincible in recovery!

A completely different way of Taoism, a completely different way of learning!

The power of the emperor woman comes from the heavens and the earth, and the power of Su Yan comes from itself. The initial scripture is running, wrapped in the lunar sun, the impact of the world is torn apart, and the sky is torn apart alive!


Su Yan's big hand protruded, flapping forward, and the double palm prints broke out, still the overcast sky and the sun, and the sky and sky between the sky and the sky suddenly roared, swept, and seemed to tremble.

The combination of the three classics and the evolved form of the universe scripture, in conjunction with the supreme mystery that Su Yan learned, at this moment Su Yan is extremely powerful, and the mystery of the Kaitian Emperor Sutra, which is about to cover the body in the sky, is completely collapsed and cannot be close to Su Yan.

Su Yan rose from the ground and stood opposite the emperor.

The moment the two powerful men stared at each other, the world was suddenly bright and dark, and the terrifying field was confronting each other. Fortunately, it was on the board of the gods and demons. Otherwise, God would know how much storm it would cause.

Tianlong girl was shocked, how strong is Su Yan?

After all, it is not an enemy of life and death, there is no need to spell out all the details, but some of the contests between the scriptures just now can not see the strength.

"What scripture is this?"

The emperor was surprised that this was not the emperor's scriptures of the human world at all. She had witnessed the emperor's scriptures, but Su Yan's scriptures were very strange.

"Book of Heavenly Court."

Su Yan responded and said, "The Kaitian Emperor's Sutra is really a trivial matter. Just now you haven't done your best."

"You are not the same." Emperor's light whisper, Wufa fluttering, awe-inspiring, said: "This seems to be the road of physical training. Your physical body is very strong, which can break the strongest difficulty of the Tianlong Realm!"

"is it?"

Su Yan smiled. He didn't practice the initial scriptures in an all-round way. The strongman road also cultivates the overcast sun. In the future, he still wants to open up his own big road, but his accumulation and precipitation are too far apart. Moment.

"However, I am very educated, the emperor of the human world." The emperor whispered, and there was little expression on the beautiful cheeks.

"This scripture may not suit me." Su Yan responded.

"Have you laughed? You are the body of a generation of burial." The emperor is obviously unbelieving. As the strongest physique in the human world, perhaps the most suitable is the King of Man?

In fact, the emperor can find out that Su Yan cultivated not the Emperor's Scriptures, but the inheritance of his body is based on the original scriptures.

"When I was alive, the human world has long ceased to exist." Su Yan shook his head and said, "The inheritance has never been obtained."

"It's a pity." The emperor sighed softly, and then asked: "The burial world left by the old man buried in the sky is the most powerful Emperor Zangdao Cave in the fairy world. You should take a look at it, maybe there is hope to get."

Tie Baocai was surprised. This emperor came to test Su Yan?

It is estimated that Tianyang Bing helped Su Yan at that time, also in order to establish a good relationship in advance. After all, the emperor's emperor giant of this family fell into the sea, but the emperor's emperor giant of this family died more than ten years ago!

After all, it is the existence of the emperor emperor, and the clan must be obsessed with it. Now that the emperor is coming, it should be for the emperor to emperor.

"Emperor girl, you have scared me with this sentence." King Tianli smiled and said: "The Emperor Zangdao Cave, which attracted all the emperors to attack, Brother Su, you have to be careful."

Su Yan laughed and said: "The Emperor Zangdao Cave, the fairy king will fall to the ground, am I going to die?"

At this moment, in the distant area, pay attention to the

Tianyang Bing, a little anxious, does not know when it will be talked about, after all, the Shao Di Banquet has already started!

That's right, now that the highest-standard Xianwang Tower in the Imperial City, the VIPs are like clouds, and the young generation's heyday characters are coming, the major families of pearls are smiling, and although the eyes are higher than the top, what is the occasion? No young man is an ordinary man!

The princes of heaven can be seen everywhere, and there are a large number of outstanding people in the peak of Xianren Cave.

And most of them are above the seats outside the hall ...

As for the inside of the hall, anyone can feel that the terrifying life of extreme life, like the ancient dragon breathing, a little majestic emanating from them, made them all startled.

How strong is the young emperor? No one knows.

Now that he has come out to the Imperial City, I don't know if he will go to the battlefield of the Three Realms.

There are hundreds of seats in the main hall of the Xianwang Tower. If any disciple of Xianren Cave comes inside, it is shocked. The Tianyanjuewang, Xianjun, Tianzunwang, Tiandaowang ... this series of terrible overlords, all Are in it.

Even the King of Thunder was in it, dumb and drinking, without saying a word!

The youngest generation's peak event, the appeal of the young emperor is too strong, boarding the realm of the fairy king, and entertaining the brothers and sisters of the year.

It was one less than the main position, and there was only one young emperor whose figure was slightly blurred. It was not too real, but it had a deterrent power.

"King of Thunder, why don't you say a few words, you are too dull?"

The young emperor chuckled a little, which made the King of Thunder drank a lot of fists. Although he was replaced by Su Yan, the strength of this one is self-evident. The pupil is like a lightning abyss and emits an endless source of terror!

You know, the King of Thunder is practicing the Thunder King, who will underestimate him!

They all shook their heads, and King Lei Xian was imprisoned in the sea of ​​hell. They already knew that King Tian Lei could be happy.


The young emperor whispered, the fairy waiting outside the temple hurriedly arrived, respectfully said: "Young emperor, what did you tell me?"

The young emperor looked at King Tianlei and said indifferently: "Let Su Yan come in."

Xianchen was shocked, why did the young emperor suddenly point out Su Yan?

After all, Su Yan has no weight in the main hall, even if he comes, he will arrange it in the corner.

The thunderous cold flashed in the eyes of Heavenly Thunder King. He didn't expect Su Yan to replace himself. Waiting for him to get out of this, everything would go back!

He really wanted to go back in time. On that day, he made a strong move to suppress Su Yan, and he would not be implicated in Lei Xianlao, but no one would think that that event would eventually cause Daxian Lao!

"Heaven King, you can rest assured that I will make the decision for you, we are all my family!"

The words of the young emperor were like thunder, echoed inside the main hall, which made the King of Heaven Dao secretly smile. This sentence from his family directly excluded Su Yan. After all, he did not belong to the fairy world.

After all, the current achievements of Su Yan are also candidates for the fairy demon war. Is it difficult to have a seat in the main hall? Naturally not.

"Leading for me?"

Heavenly Thunder King frowned slightly, and felt that Emperor Shao's tone was a little bit bigger. Even if they lacked Lei Xianlao in this vein, they had a very powerful voice in Xianren Cave!

But Daxian Lao is Daxian Lao after all, and since the suppression of Lei Xianlao, this pulse is very low-key.

"Xianrendong should coexist peacefully. The internal friction is still the strength of the fairyland."

The words of the young emperor revealed some dissatisfaction and said, "The old immortal is too, and a bowl of water should be leveled. This matter is somewhat unfair to the King of Thunder. Xianchen, you let Su Yan come to the main hall and give the King Thunder a cup of honor. Liquor, this matter is over! "

In the seats of the main hall, some young men and women flashed a different color in their eyes. Did n’t the young emperor dare to comment on Daxian Lao?

However, with the weight of the young emperor, he would naturally not pay attention. Has Su Yan ever come? He is concerned about why the emperor has not come yet?

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