Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1969: The miserable king of heaven!

"The emperor will not be too anxious to wait?" Su Yan asked again with a smile.

"My family has been waiting for so many years, it is not too short of this time."

The emperor's magnificent beauty, her black hair fell down her waist, and a pair of autumn eyes looked at Su Yan, solemnly saying: "Since the Taoist friends are sincere, I can guarantee on behalf of the Tian clan that I will not touch any treasure in the Emperor Zang Dao Cave. You are the Lord, our family only needs to take away the corpses of our ancestors and return to the group. "

With the identity and status of the emperor, it can naturally represent the Tian clan, which surprised the treasured eavesdropper. What is inside the bracelet? Let the Tianzu pay so much attention?

After all, the emperor had just come out and visited in the dark, just for this matter, how could she not be able to measure the will of the Tian clan.

It is estimated that the relationship is not trivial. Perhaps there are the treasures lost by the clan, or the ancestral scriptures. In short, the heaven clan let the emperor come, and the specifications are already very high.

The more this is, the more Su Yan can't hand over the bracelet. At the critical moment, Tian Clan can stand up to help himself. In short, if Tian Clan really has full sincerity and will not secretly hand under the black hand, he will consider returning the bracelet.

"Haha, now that I've said it, I don't think I'll be idle anymore, continue the battle!"

Tianli Wang took the lead and rushed towards the emperor. He knew that the emperor's banquet had already begun. He was about to hold the emperor away from her. At that time, the emperor's face was definitely ugly.

Although this will affect Su Yan ...

However, Su Yan and the Xian clan already had an unsolvable hatred. Even if they did not provoke the young emperor, this one would target Su Yan in the future.

"Dragon Girl, why don't we show up?"

Su Yan also laughed boldly. These three are the pinnacles, almost all have the invincible means of the saints, and can exchange experience with such people all day, which is of vital help to Su Yan.

Su Yan has never encountered a hard battle in the growth of the Holy One. Nowadays, almost everything is perfect, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in confrontation with the invincible of the same generation.

"Su Yan, see me not hitting you!"

Tianlong you move up instantly, the jade hand rises, the dragon is like the sea, and the top of the sky shows a huge dragon claw!

Grabbing the sky, this is the real dragon's claws. The silver dragon claws can pick the stars and catch the moon at every turn. The magical power is vast, and it falls down like lightning.


Su Yan laughed, his long black hair scattered, his figure was flaming, and the ultimate fighting power broke out in the state of supreme beat dragon. The dragon claws roared and trembling.

"This guy is really unfathomable." The goddess of Tianlong is serious, and the power of Su Yan's physical treasure is like an abyss, and it is like the ocean of the universe.

"It's starting again ..."

The king of Tiangang shouted excitedly. On the chessboard of gods and demons, the spirit of the fairy king was killed. The four top peaks and heroes collided fiercely. You come and go and collide with each other.

"Tianwu King ..."

There was a riot in the Emperor Star, didn't the Young Emperor's Banquet start? Why is Xianwu King here?

He is extremely tall and majestic, with a vast body of blood evaporating in his body, which can easily penetrate the sky, as if the immortal **** furnace is burning, with cold killing thoughts and cold bones.

Horror, what happened?

"It's really troublesome ..."

Tianyang Bing frowned. He could guess the origin of King Tianwu. Emperor Road went to Su Yan's Dong Man. He didn't return overnight. He was curious what happened.

After all, Xing Kongdong is the top secret palace of Emperor Xing. There are all kinds of killing guards, and Tianyang Bing can't watch what happened inside.

"Tianwu King went to the starry sky cave!"

Someone was horrified and said: "Is it for the emperor? The emperor has been in Suyan's Dongfu all night, do you say it happened?

Anything else? "

"Don't talk nonsense, beware of the disaster!"

Some people have big heads, and they naturally want to know the first time. It is important to know that the emperor has not left overnight, and it is almost noon. Once this matter is spread, it is not a trivial matter.

Tian Wuwang's expression was ruthless, and the martial arts fluctuated from all over him. He heard some gossip and words along the way, and his face suddenly became angry.

What is Su Yan? Even if there is no young emperor, why should the emperor stay in Suyan's cave house for one night!

King Tianwu was already angry. The emperor was the first woman in Immortal Realm. Who did n’t want to be close to him, but a Su Yan who had just come to Immortal Cave could become a fine?

"Tianwu King, what are you doing here?"

Tiangang King's face was dull. He stood outside the courtyard, and saw the unscrupulous Tianwu King, as well as many followers of various races.

"Go tell Su Yan, I'm here, let him out."

Tianwu Wang drank coldly, with unquestionable tone.

"Are you ordering me?" King Tiangang's face was cold, and his expression was very bad. He is also a generation of princes, and he is the same identity as King Tianwu. Although he admits that he is not as good as King Tianwu, he commands like a minion. For himself, this annoyed King Tiangang.

"Aren't you Su Yan's follower?"

Heavenly King Wu's words were hard to hear, naked humiliation, and said indifferently: "Since you are looking at the door, you can still wrong you when you enter a message?"

For a time, King Tiangang was furious, and his anger blew out. He shouted, "Tianwu King, don't go too far!"

"Why, do you still want to take action against me?" Tianwu Wang smiled and looked down at him from the top, like a martial **** who only respected the world, coldly said: "You are really not qualified, and you don't hit you to give Su Yan a face, Let him out immediately! "

Tianwu King's breath was infinitely turbulent, and his body was flaming, and he became an immortal Xianwu real body, full of endless masculinity and domineering breath, which gave Tiangang King heavy oppression.

"so what?"

The king of Tiangang rose from the ground, his breath soared to the peak, and he sneered: "Also, Su Yan still has big things to do, there is no time to care about you, where to go back and forth."

"Hahaha, you little Tiangang king, dare to face me with Su Yan."

Tianwu Wang was furious, full of blood and blood, condensed into the martial law of heaven, powerful suffocation, sneered: "Do you still know what your surname is?"

As soon as this statement came out, the world resonated!

The heavenly martial arts breath whistled, the king of heaven seemed to be a peerless **** of war, the sky was infinitely gloomy, and the terrifying breath made the void tremble.

To the naked eye, even if the strength of the Tiangang King has soared these days, it is extremely difficult to withstand the power of the Tianwu King, and his own storm of gang gas collapsed in all directions.

"So strong martial arts breath ..."

"It is worthy of being the pinnacle of the powerful players participating in the fairy demon war!"

The powerful man who trailed the future was frightened, and the air of the martial arts roared in the sky, which was more violent than the ocean.

The body of King Tiangang trembled slightly, almost coughing up a bit of blood.

He forbeared his heart and blood, and suddenly sneered, "Are you sure, you want to break through the stars?"

"Xianren Cave has rules since ancient times, it is not as good as people, and it is not qualified to occupy the first-class hole."

The words of King Tianwu were like thunder, and they exploded between heaven and earth.

But what is particularly surprising is that the King Tiangang took the initiative to make way.

"now it's right."

Tianwu King Shenwei is majestic, and his momentum is getting stronger and stronger. He also wants to see and see. Su Yan, which is so turbulent these days, weighs a few pounds or two.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Tiangang Wang suddenly smiled evilly: "It is not a small matter to break into his cave house without Su Yan's permission!"

Onlookers full

Dazzling, what does that mean?

Could Su Yan still beat the Tianwu King? After all, they are all top talents, and it is difficult to decide a victory or defeat, let alone make the King Tianwu injured.

"Don't he dare to go to the Young Emperor's banquet. This is even bigger. I want to take a look. How hard is it for him to be Su Yan?"

There was a cold light in the eyes of King Tianwu, and he didn't look at King Tiangang.

In fact, King Tiangang wanted to say that the emperor did not return overnight, is this the bigger thing? But he didn't dare to say it.

"Really, go to Suyandong Mansion."

All the onlookers were terrified. In a short time, the Heavenly Saint Kings came to them one after another, their faces gloomy, and they were about to step into the Suyandong Mansion.

But King Tiangang came and said a word, Wu Hong they were silent.

Su Yan had many friends in Xianren Cave. Once something went wrong, Wu Hong could not sit still and rushed to the town.

Nowadays, the King of Heavenly Martial Arts is really brave and enters the Tao with martial arts. The well-deserved young God of War exudes a stronger and stronger martial atmosphere.

He was also very strong, raised his feet and stepped directly into the courtyard, which was a humiliation to Su Yan.

However, the whole body of King Wu came to the courtyard in a moment.

He was shocked and could be said to be a little dizzy.

On the chessboard of the demon, the spirit of the fairy king was killed and bloomed, such as falling into the death jedi, so that the king of heaven could be cold all over the body.

Immediately afterwards, in the entire courtyard, killing light like the sea roared.

This is completely different from the seemingly peaceful courtyard outside. On the chessboard of the gods and demons, the four top peak heroes compete for hegemony. The sky is dark and the sun is moonless!

"No, it's the pinnacle of killing, Tiangang Wang you pit me ..."

Heavenly King Wu looked ugly and foreseen a great crisis. The grief in it was too strong. There were vaguely giant beasts appearing in the gray space and time, roaring the sky!


The **** tiger's lower realm, killing the vast light, blazing and roaring, the roaring heart is split.

Tianlong turned out, is this a real dragon? Thousands of fierce anger, pervaded by the quake-like dragon and prestige, wanting to destroy the human flesh and blood, and destroy the flesh shell of King Tianwu!

Of course, it is not only these. The sky and rain of the sky are swaying, as if to outline a vague and mysterious ancient emperor, exuding the invincible power of the world, the crushing King of Heaven almost fell to the ground!

The tiger roared, and the real dragon turned out.

The terrible killing and the land of war, the battlefield of the four pinnacles, once the idlers step into it, they will encounter death threats every time.

And now the King Wu came in today, which caused the four great heroes to be angry.

"Dare to take a punch!"

Tianlong female domineering boundlessly, waved the dragon fist to kill.

The Tianwu King roared and broke out the strongest fighting power, but the Tianlong girl was still the Tianlong girl. The same generation had invincible combat power. The fairy body of the Tianwu King was not enough to look at. The body protection light exploded and the shadow of death enveloped him!

"Are you qualified to participate in the war?"

The king of Tianli broke off with a cry, full of divine power, and the king of Tianwu who thundered suddenly flew out.

Tianwu King is going crazy, what's the matter?

In particular, the law of the order of the road that falls in the sky, just like the stars falling down in full, is a force that can kill them!


Tianwu King shouted and tried his best to contend.

But what does this mean?

Under the anger of the four pinnacles, who can match it? Even the young emperor of the young age will be green.

Eventually, Su Yan slammed and kicked up, kicking the body of King Tianwu bent into shrimps, and all the tears were in pain.


He coughed up blood, split his mind and body, almost died, flew out fiercely, and smashed outside the courtyard.

(Eruption erupted ... roar!)

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