Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1978: Xianwu Zhenshen!

"If you lose."

Su Yan stood between the heavens and the earth, and was not affected by the power of the King of Heaven. He said coldly: "Xianwu Yin handed over!"

Xian Weihuan's face is ugly, this kid is really not afraid of death, the treasure of the fairy family dares to remember.

"Ninth Immortal Elder, how do you think?" Chaos Immortal Elder smiled, it seems that it was not a duel of life and death, and could not satisfy the King of Heaven.

Xian Weihuan glanced at the chaotic fairy elder, and then said coldly: "He lost the return to the town furnace, if the King of Heaven defeated, give Su Yan the equivalent of fairy source!"

Chaos fairy elder shock, this gambling battle is a bit big, the fairy king weapon is priceless, the fairy family will not bet against the fairy king weapon.

"If I lose, what other face will stay in Xianren Cave!"

The king of Tianwu was extremely murderous and burst into roar: "Su Yan, since my gambling is unsuccessful, if I lose, I will accumulate 11.3 million points for you. If you lose, I will add another 500 to the town furnace. Ten thousand points! "

After all, the Phoenix King erased the mark on the town furnace, so the value of the town furnace was greatly reduced.

As soon as this remark came out, like a thunderstorm, the disciples of Xianrendong exclaimed, which was too awesome, and bet more than 10 million points!

"It's such a shocking gambling that it's really a big pleasure in life, why not!"

Su Yan laughed in the sky and was full of arrogance, which caused a sensation in all parties in the imperial city. More than 10 million points. It was the Tianwu King who had accumulated a long time and even took out the gamble directly.

Immortal elders are stunned, and King Tianwu is really crazy enough. It seems that Su Yan's head cut off has been regarded as the greatest shame in life.

Xian Weihuan is a little bit big and gambles too much. Once lost, the reputation of the King of Heavenly King is small, and the blow to the Xian Clan will be quite heavy.

"Su Yan is about to make a fortune." Tianli Wang was jealous. With more than 10 million points, he could exchange for a complete and indecent fairy weapon. With Su Yan's accumulation, he might be breaking through the rest. The two major barriers will accumulate over 20 million.

"Tianli King, don't go underestimate the fairy clan." Tianlong female frowned slightly, said: "Although you hate the fairy clan, don't forget the heyday of the fairy clan, the king of the Tianwu is the descendant of the emperor Xianwu. Don't underestimate. "

Tianli Wang admitted that Tianwu Wang was not weak, but he even believed in Su Yan's strength and heyday.

"Su Yan, come to fight!"

King Tianwu rose from the ground and banged forward. In this short period of time, he was full of divine light, and the Xianwu scriptures were blooming. The whole person was like being in the golden ocean, and the breath of martial arts penetrated the nineth heaven!

Just like a generation of Emperor Wu emperor came to the world, chanting sounds like the sea broke out, he said that Taishan pressed the top posture, stepped on the wild land, the thick and huge golden foot, it can be said to cover the whole ring!

"God ..."

The holy saints are horrified. This is the power that makes them fall to the ground. It is quite unbelievable. It covers Su Yan indefinitely, as if they were being crushed as ants and insects!

"Xianwu's footsteps!"

Tianwu King Changxiao, majestic and magnificent shore, stepping on the heavens, just like a generation of Emperor Wu stepping on the sky, contains the domineering of who we are!

The elders have moved, and the peak means directly broke out. It is said that the Emperor Xianwu once created the 36th style of Xianwu, which is one of them.

He suppressed Su Yan in this way, showing the hatred between the two.

Su Yan's body revealed an immense amount of Holy Light, which turned into an immortal Holy Spirit, immensely immense, and the shadow seemed to fill the world of the battlefield.

"Boom boom ..."

He stepped forward, the endless fierce power, the mystery of the sky, the release of the great treasures of the human body, just like the supreme invincible world is stepping, when the moment Xianwu stepping on the foot of the sky is fed down, Su Yan is completely different!

He roared the starry sky, full of blood and blood, and his courage to die. His pores burst out of a hundred thousand gold tsunami, tearing the universe, and bursting the huge gold foot!

"This blood ..."

The group of men is horrified, it is too incredible, it is worthy of the emperor's flesh, powerful and outrageous, terrible.

The breath is like a cosmic dragon in the breath, giving people oppression on the soul!

Su Yan's dominance of the world seems to have turned into a world war fairy and glanced at the world.

He quickly reached out his big hand and came down to suppress the Emperor Tianwu who was like the Emperor Wu.


Tianwu King roared, the body of flesh and gold was shining brightly, the pores were thin with divine light, accompanied by the gold font flying across the sky, the world of scriptures evolved in an instant, revealing the power of immortal martial arts!

"Xianwu thirty-six style ..."

I have to say that King Tianwu is so powerful that he suppresses Su Yan's palm power. The whole body is full of light, and the scriptures of the sky outline a person and a life-like villain!

Watch carefully, there are 36 in total ...

"Xianwu fists the earth, Xianwu dominates the sky, Xianwu cracks the sky, Xianwu covers the ground ..."

On the grand ring, the sound of a loud roar was heard, like the emperor Wu Xian who was sleeping in the ancient world awakened from his deep sleep, roaring the 36-style Xian Wu's peerlessness, let the huge ring of millions of feet, breath Then violent!

"This is the thirty-six style of the immortal Xianwu. The King Tianwu has a true biography of Xianwu Emperor, which is equal to the successor of the emperor!"

People from all over the world exclaimed that some old antiques in the Imperial City nodded frequently. No wonder that the Xian tribe regarded the Tianwu King as the strongest **** of war. He had a strong background and realized the essence of the Xianwu 36-style!


The scene in the ring has changed greatly, and the Xianwu Jing has evolved thirty-six unique skills, which are packed with the sky and come towards the assassination.

"Can't see clearly ..."

Someone made a trembling noise, couldn't see anything clearly, their eyes stung, and tears were coming out.

One after another, the fierce and invincible God of War, down the realm, slaying Su Yan, killing the boiling and stirring, enough to smash the human soul!

"Look at it ..."

Some people exclaimed that the picture was a little shocking. In this world of immortal martial arts, a figure emerged, blazing like an endless blazing sun, like a supreme **** looking down on the world and coming across time and space!

The world trembles, the sun and the moon have no light, and it looks like the world's devil is astonishing the heavens and the earth. The terrible shadow raises his hand and raises his feet.

"Third Super Supremacy ..."

In the fairy elders 'court, all the fairy elders were shocked, how long did he Su Yan step into the fairy elders' home? It is actually the third level to realize the complete supremacy dragon technique.

The great treasures of the human body are in full bloom, and the evolution is killing!


Su Yan shouted, brave and invincible, how about the young Wudi killed in the sky?

He was full of majesty, full of martial arts masters, and the sky was full of horror energy. With Su Yan ’s awakening, he rushed to the 36th form of Xianwu.


The ring trembled, and the thirty-six Xianwu Gods of War had a tendency to be unable to control Zhen Fei.

What power is this? Infinite and prosperous, contains the mystery of the supreme Bolong killing, and at the moment of full bloom, pushing all enemies horizontally, the thirty-six styles of fighting Xianwu will be disintegrated accordingly!


Heavenly King Wu roared, unmatched forces rushed, and never defeated Heavenly King Wu ’s invincible belief!

He seemed to be insane, the body of flesh and blood was infinitely flaming, the sound of the recitation of the Xianwu scriptures was even more powerful, giving Xianwu 36 supreme mysteries, and suppressing the terrible power of Su Yan in a short time!


Tianwu King roared, his eyes wide open, and the invincible combat power was released.


Su Yan stepped on the sky and his clothes hunted for thunder. At this moment, he was magnificent and his moves were wide open!

The more violent fighting power awakened, the universe scriptures were in operation, and Su Yan suddenly changed, just like turning into the universe sea, grasping the lunar sun, holding the supreme mystery, and suddenly a terrible horror!

The barbarian shouted, this is the supreme mystery Su Yan realized in the final trial.

Once it really broke out, the gods blocked the killing gods, the madness of the fighting force was suffocating, the world and the world exploded, and the terrible gas machine pressed against the king of heaven.

"not good!"

Xian Weihuan's complexion changed, and he found that Tianwu King's nose and nose were bleeding, his body was almost unsteady, and there was a dangerous danger that Su Yan was exploded.


He growled, his hair fluttered and his eyes were red.

"what is that?"

People's hearts twitched, and the King of Heavenly Warrior seemed to be mad. Thirty-six lifelike figures of the Emperor Wu, one by one, clap their palms and fist ... All-round escape into his flesh and blood!

The terrible breath of the collapsed air in the trembling of the void is derived, and the stars in the universe are trembling.

What power is this? It can be said that the peak emperor is roaring, destroying the world, and like a sleeping emperor awakening, exuding the power of the world!

"Xianwu thirty-six style, Xianwu real body!"

Xian Weihuan was ecstatic, and King Tianwu had become the ultimate master of Xianwu Emperor. It was equal to the body protection of the Emperor's Order, and it was full of immortality and immortality, violent and violent!

"Invincible, Invincible King Tianwu!"

A series of monks admiring the King of Heaven, shouted fanatically.

This is the hidden killer of King Tianwu, preparing to shine in this fairy demon war, but he was not forced to be forced out by Su Yan.

Tianli Wang was surprised and a little surprised.

Really, the immortal family should not be underestimated, the foundation is shocking, and the thirty-six styles of Xianwu alone are already invincible!

Once the thirty-six types of bliss merged with one another, the King of Heaven seemed to have gained a new life, and roared the world of Wei Zhen, the whole ring roared and shivered, and it seemed to burst!

"Su Yan, don't kneel and bow your head!"

At this moment, the King of Heaven, confidence burst, covered with gold and blood roaring, tearing the sky!

Too powerful, all the saints in the sky are all hairy, feel that if they are beaten by the blood discharged from the body of the King of Heaven, they will die!

What is invincible combat power?

Is this the holy limit? Once the real body of Xianwu is condensed, the tyrants are shocked, and the coldness makes the world tremble. For example, the young emperor dominates the world, and the Wuding world is like an invincible person who dominates the battlefield.

Powerful and invincible, Tianjiao of the same generation is trembling, which is also too arrogant.

Xian Weihuan was excited, and there were some followers of the Xian clan, young emperor and Xianjun. I believe that this generation of King Tianwu will become the leader of a new generation of Xianren Cave!

"A defeated man!"

Su Yan's body swooped in an instant, with a terrifying brilliance, and the speed was so horrible that it made it difficult for the taboo to look straight ahead. It seemed to span hundreds of millions of miles in a short time, and to cross an ancient world!



Heavenly King Wu roared, but there was a shout of killing sound, which was more shocking than Heavenly King Wu.

Su Yan leaped across, and the speed was so fast that in the state of the three links between heaven, earth, and earth, Shenzutong worked, just like Dapeng spreading its wings.

He screamed and broke out.

His figure was vast, and in a flash he was packed with stars.

Just like a grain of sand, the lightning-like breath is violent, turning into a cosmic emperor star!

"Dharma and heaven!"

Su Yanru turned into the supreme god, pushing the universe into the sky. With his arms protruding, the starry sky was vast and full of grand and ancient majesty!

This is the supreme law, the tee of heaven and earth!

This scene is particularly shocking. The entire platform is swaying, and it can't bear the huge figure of Su Yan. The huge arm is like the giant hand of the Promise Galaxy, squeezing the big universe, suppressing it downward!

This is the weather that shocked the onlookers in the Imperial City. This is too domineering. What about the real body of Xianwu? The worlds of the heavens are like turning into Su Yan's arms. With the roar and rotation, they are enough to suppress the vast world!

(There is no electricity in the morning, the update is late, many brothers are anxious to mention the knife to see me, they are a little flustered, and they must add a chapter.)

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