Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1981: Three Realms Tianhe!

The Daxian old mansion is not in the Emperor Star.

Chao Xian Lao took Su Yan to the bright starry sky, and one of the silver and white stars was the cave mansion of Da Xian Lao.

"Go, Su Yan."

Chao Xian Lao stayed nearby and waited. This area belonged to the restricted area. Without his leadership, Su Yan could not enter or leave at all.

Su Yan took a deep breath and depressed her mood swings.

This silver star does not look too big from the outside, but actually crosses into it. It is standing in a magnificent time and space, the rivers and mountains are magnificent, and the sound of the falling waterfall echoes in the ear.

The air here is pure, without any oppression of the big environment, it is difficult to imagine that this is the cave house of the emperor and powerful, the splendid world, the birds and flowers, the flying birds and animals, can be seen everywhere.

Su Yan walked all the way and saw a lake.

The small silver lake, the water is rippling, Su Yan did not pay attention at first, flew across the lake and walked towards it.


Su Yan was amazed, with her deep pupils, staring at the silver lake. This lake is somewhat unusual. The rippling silver lake water, one after another, looks very small, but in fact has a difficult to describe mood.

"this is?"

Su Yan's eyes suddenly opened, and Tianyantong opened. This is the heavenly supernatural power of the three links between heaven, earth, and people. He can spy on the Nine Nether Purgatory, and look at the sun, moon and starry sky!

Su Yan's eyes are bright, looking at the silver lake, it still looks so plain, but it is precisely because of this that Su Yan's expression is amazed, and his heavenly eyes can't see the whole picture of the silver lake.

Su Yan reached out and tried to grab the lake, but the lake was like an illusion.

Su Yan's face was serious. He felt that this was the greatest treasure of the old immortal.

However, Su Yan found that he was not allowed to step forward and could never cross the silver lake, as if he had been standing at the origin.

He even had the magical power, and he still couldn't cross it. Su Yan marveled. What the **** is this? The same big fairy is here with a lake, is it a test for him?

Thinking of this, Su Yan calmed down. He stood in front of the silver lake, his eyes were restrained, his heart shone, and he felt the silver lake with his heart.


Su Yan sharply caught, a faint wave of time and space, at first very calm, gradually violent eruption, vast and boundless, terrifying and terrifying, so that Su Yan completely lost his resistance and his body was a little soft.

At the next moment, his mental tremors consciously, and his experience was a bit outrageous. It seemed like a huge explosion of years and years of light. Under the influence of this long time and space, Su Yan was worthless, and even the dust was not worth mentioning!


Su Yan's primordial **** suddenly burst into light, breaking away from the singular energy coverage, otherwise staying in a special time and space for a long time will affect Su Yan's strongman's road!

His body was full of light and radiance, like a terrible demon roaring the world, the moment the Yuanshen and the flesh and blood body merged, he was more arrogant and shocked the influence of strange time and space.

Su Yan returned to Qingming, but once again went to watch the silver lake.

He has changed, ancient and magnificent, the waves on the lake, one after another, each one is enough to sweep the time and space, open the **** hole in time, destroy the universe, and arrogantly indescribable!

At this moment, Su Yan has a feeling of facing the sea of ​​burial. You must know that these waves have at least hundreds of millions of strands, but any one of them seems to have irreversible years and time and space. It is invincible and can hit the fairy king!

Su Yan dumbfounded, what is this treasure? This is too perverted, is this the emperor of the emperor?

"It will react so quickly, and the spirit will be very strong."

Daxian Lao is coming, he is old and decayed, he is full of twilight, he does not have the prestige of the heyday, he comes on the waves, just like traveling in the years and time, from far to near, the breath is horrible


At this moment, he is the Emperor of Time and Space, suddenly declining, still the divine power, the whole world is the majesty of majesty.

"Senior Su Yan, I have seen Daxian Lao!" Su Yan walked forward to give a big gift and said: "Thank you Daxian Lao for care these days, Su Yan has no teeth to forget."

"Come here ..."

Daxian Lao raised his hand and moved Su Yan above the silver lake.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth is even more violent. Silver lakes are like sky and sea at the same time, like a long river of fate, Su Yan's ears are full of roaring sounds of time and time.

Su Yan's mind and body are split, this silver lake is too horrible, it looks very small, but it is too big, like the sea eyes of the years are turning, letting all the heavens and the universe stars start around the awakening of the silver lake Burst!

You know, this involves the power of time, space and time. Once it spreads, it will cause unimaginable consequences. Perhaps Su Yan will grow old in a flash.

Su Yan's scalp is numb. Unless Daxian's power protects Su Yan, it is difficult to imagine what kind of catastrophe will be encountered, and there is simply no way to stop it. Most of the fairy kings who fall into it will die directly.

"Da Xian Lao, is this the ultimate treasure?" Su Yan exclaimed, deeply shocked by the power of this lake, is this the strongest treasure?

"Neither is it."

Daxian Lao proudly said: "This set of my treasures is not only a treasure. I accidentally left Dayun, and dug out a wreckage of the boundary wall in the remnants of Sanjie Mountain in the Battlefield of the Three Realms. ! "

The great treasure of Daxian Lao is Tianhe Tianhe, and the silver lake was named Sanhe Tianhe by him.

"Remnants of the boundary wall?" Su Yan was surprised, not knowing what treasure it was.

"The Three Realms are bounded by walls. This is the membrane of the universe. It contains the law of order!" Daxian Lao rarely smiled with pride and said, "In the past, I asked a lot of powerful people to help me refine, and finally forge the Tianhe Tianhe. , This treasure belongs to the first-class treasure in the fairyland, I believe that it is enough to rank in the top three in the field of space and time! "

Su Yan hairy, is this the strongest treasure?

The dark universe, the immortal world, and the corner of the human universe are all smelted into the time and space in the Tianhe!

No wonder this set of treasures is so perverted and outrageous. This is also the treasure that Daxian Lao is proud of, because because of the time and space, he can sit on par with the three ancestors of the fairy family!

With the terrible time and space emperor, if this kind of treasure is helpful, it will naturally become more powerful.

"Dare to ask Daxian Lao, what is the emperor?" Su Yan coldly asked, the emperor of the fairy world is naturally different from the human world.

At the same time, he was amazed that the battlefields of the Three Realms have celestial fate, there are great fortunes and opportunities. For people like Daxian Lao, this world can be called celestial fate, which is really too scarce!

"A road to the extreme, breaking the mystery of the supreme rule, may be called the emperor." Daxian Lao whispered: "Come with me."

Daxian Lao took Su Yan to cross the Tianhe River in time and space, and came to the depths of Dongfu, a bamboo forest filled with fairy mist. This is the place where Daxian Lao was repaired.

He motioned to Su Yan to sit down, the atmosphere was a little quiet.

"Su Yan, you come from the human world." Daxian old sat cross-legged and said softly: "It's not easy to live in the fairy world these years."

"Let Daxian Lao worry." Su Yan looked calm and said, "Some forces want my life. If it wasn't for the Huang King, he didn't know where he is now, and senior Tianhou Wang spoke for the younger generation. Otherwise, Immortal World is afraid that there is no place for me. "

Daxian Lao is a highly respected generation in the fairyland, and a big figure in the core of the fairyland. He looked at Su Yan and sighed: "Thirty million years ago? At that time, the Lord of the Heavenly Court hit the fairyland, and the immortal clan and the reincarnation emperor almost disintegrated! "

"Now, you are standing in the fairy world, bearing these causes and consequences. You can walk to the present, which is enough to see that your strength is not weak." Daxian old looked at the sky, his tone was low, and said: "For so many years, Su Yan you say heaven

Lord of the court, how is it now? "

"The juniors don't know." Su Yan shook his head, and then said in a deep voice: "The descendants of the heavenly emperor are still alive. At that time, the immortal and reincarnated emperors came to the human world through the immortal gate and wanted to try the heaven.

"Almost annihilating the clan, how can they be good? The fairy and reincarnation emperors inherited a long ancient history. At that time, the master of the heaven court chased and killed the king of heaven to come to the fairy world, causing a period of historical disaster."

Daxian Lao marveled: "After many years, I longed to think of the Lord of the Heaven Court, and killed the dark realm. The dark realm was badly wounded. Only then did he have tens of millions of years of cultivation in the realm of the realm. He has a great contribution to the realm of the realm!"

For the Daxian Lao, the Lord of Heaven is worthy of admiration and admiration, but for the forces of the Xian Clan, it is naturally resentful.

How can the hatred in this be easily resolved, he looked at Su Yan and asked, "You came from heaven and were targeted by the imperial tribe, but really participated in the fairy demon war?"

"If the juniors are doing their best to serve the fairy world, the elders will naturally not believe it." Su Yan showed a breathtaking breath and said: "The juniors are determined to participate in the war, what they do is the fairy king."

"Haha ... hahahaha ..."

Daxian Lao laughed in the sky, his gray hair was fluttering, and the whole person exuded pride and arrogance. He had not seen him for many years, so a direct and confident young man!

If these forces of the Xian clan know, Su Yan's thoughts, and do not know how they will feel, maybe think this is a lunatic.

Daxian, who understands Su Yan ’s combat strength, does n’t think he ’s talking about dreams. He looks at Su Yan and looks forward with expectation: “Go, cultivate for a few days, go to the sea of ​​hell. If you perform well, I might as well give you a show Great opportunity! "

At the next moment, Su Yan's figure appeared in the outside world.

Chao Xian Lao wondered what Su Yan had talked to Su Yan about.

"Chaotic fairy, is the sea of ​​hell difficult to break through?" Su Yan asked.

"Hell Sea?" Chao Xian Lao smiled: "This is going to prepare to break through. Hell Sea is naturally difficult. The disciples of Xianren Cave are cleared. The strongest record is the thirty-two checkpoint. Su Yan uses your spiritual will , Standing at the thirty-two Tianguan may have great hope! "

Su Yan was a little curious. Daxian Lao let him go to the sea of ​​hell, but he didn't say he would break into a few days before giving himself a chance.

Su Yan was very worried and returned to the starry sky.

Zhuyue is standing in the courtyard, her skin is radiant, her starry eyes are splendid, her temperament is dignified and noble.

The sky is full of stars and the moon shines, and the bamboo goddess shines like bamboo stars. She looks at Su Yan's cheeks with a smile on her cheeks, which looks bright and gentle.

"Su Yan, the King of Heavenly Wu is defeated, the fairy family will not be willing to give up." Zhu Yue walked, holding Su Yan's arm, and said sadly: "I always feel not very quiet, especially when I am going to the Three Realms battlefield. what."

"If I die in battle, it's a big pity in my life if I don't leave a heir." Su Yan looked at Zhu Yue's white and delicate profile and couldn't help asking.

"Crow's mouth."

Zhuyue hammered Su Yan fiercely, but when talking about bloodline descendants, Zhuyue was a little anxious. She didn't see her stomach moving for so long.

She also knows that the stronger the practice, the lower the probability of birth of heirs. Su Yan has been in the Great Sacred Realm for a long time. If there are no children, it will be more difficult for Su Yan to enter the royal realm in the future.

"Bamboo Moon, what are you thinking?"

Su Yan looked at the missing Zhuyue and suddenly smiled evilly.

Zhuyue's cheeks were slightly reddish and suddenly asked: "I just saw the emperor girl. It's really handsome. It's worthy of being the first woman in fairy world. Su Yan's current identity and status. There are many women who admire you in fairy world. Right? "

Su Yan defeated King Tianwu. On the way back, many shocking and brilliant women in Xianren Cave are talking about Su Yan, which makes Zhu Yue feel a little upset.

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