Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1991: Rage and blood boiling!

"Dragon Girl ..."

The emperor city made a sensation into a film, but this is an invincible hero, with supreme dignity in the fairy world, and glory.

The heart of the elder fairy king can't stand it, and his eyes are red, how can this be? The king beast completely returned to the ancestor is equivalent to the first generation of the imperial family!

If the dragon girl fell, this would be a terrible blow to the fairy world!

Zhuyue's eyes are reddened and cruel, and the invincible fairy of the fairy world will face the danger of defeat. On the battle of the fairy and demon, there is no emotion, only to kill, only to move forward, or die or win!


Above the fairy demon battlefield, a silver real dragon's body cracked, almost breaking into pieces, spilling down the rich dragon blood and staining the ground.


Su Yan's eyes ignited a fierce fire, and his whole body was terrible, and his chest was violently undulating.

Completely returning to his ancestors, Tianli Wang was well aware of the difficulties faced by the Dragon Dragon Girl. He thumped his chest hard and forced himself to calm down. He and the Dragon Dragon Girl had too much friendship. Once he failed, he would not dare to imagine.

"Ji ..."

The Golden King Beast sneered, step by step, and forced the Tianlong Girl step by step. Every step of the way, the world and earth shivered heavily, and the violent majesty swept toward the Tianlong Girl, wanting to tear it into shatters!

The empress women were furious and had friendship with the dragon girl. If this battle died, the loss of Xianren Cave was too great.

But no one can stop the fairy demon battlefield. The fairy soldiers all over the world roared, and the stunningly beautiful woman, a real dragon, was to drink hatred and be defeated!

"Hahaha, what a real dragon, but an ant insect!"

The Black Heaven King sneered: "I said before, this time our world will slaughter all of you. If it is not hindered by the rules of the battlefield, you can only fight three wars. Otherwise, the Dark King Beast of my family alone is enough to slaughter the top ten. The strong, kill all the veins of the fairy cave. "

Xianjun, they were all furious, and these words were too arrogant, and they also had to be shocked. If the Heavenly Dragon Girl had a fiasco, then even if they took the stage, they would be of no avail, and they would never win.

Even if the fairy monarchs are more tyrannical than the Tianlong women, but how strong are they?

At this time, their eyes were focused on the emperor girl. This crown is ancient and has mastered the Kaitian Emperor. It is also a super blood of the Celestial Clan. It has the power to fight the Dark King Beast!

But this is just the beginning. Isn't Immortal Realm going to hit the killer?

Once the emperor took the stage, the fairy world lost half!


The strong yelled, watching the blood-stained dragon body, she was burning, releasing the dragon body potential, and there was silver dragon blood overflowing, wrapping the whole residual body, and suddenly began to lightning from death and decay resurrection.


The roar exploded, the earth shattered, and the silver remnant dragons were united, bursting into a radiant glory, tearing the whole time and space!

"Ants, kill town!"

The Golden King Beast could not give the Sky Dragon Girl a chance, and his expression was extremely ruthless. It was full of divine light, and the gold mouth opened suddenly, just like a blazing golden universe.

The dark orc, who trespasses into the changes of time and space, and the clan's natural magical powers, can devour heaven and earth, especially this king beast that has completely returned to its ancestor, its mouth is open, the sky is exploded, and the stars are all exploded Swallowed in one breath.

The frightened group of men, such a shocking world-class combat power, who will compete with each other!

The dragon girl trembles, and the dragon's body is uncontrolled to fly out and fall into the mouth of the golden king beast!

"Ah kill ..."

The dragon's eyes are red, the silver dragon's body is burning, and it is against the terrible engulfing power between the world and the sky. At the same time, the whole dragon's body has turned into a lightning, and turned into ten real dragons like lightning!

"Ten Dragon Pan days."

Su Yan's eyes gleamed with surprise, so is the strong man who created the Dragon Realm the Master of the Dragon Dragon, the elder brother of the Phoenix King?

The female dragon drew angrily, and the ten dragons carried its power. At the moment of extreme burning, the ten dragons turned into the sky, creating the field of the ten dragon pantians, and immediately engulfed the engulfing power.

At the same time, the ten dragon pan dances, great magical powers bloom, and the more horror of the scene, it has evolved into an intact Taikoo Dragon Realm.

"It's useless to you, you can't stop me unless the ancestors of the dragon clan come to kill."

The king beast, who has completely returned to his ancestors, is invincible, and the flesh can be called the ultimate realm. The four big claws suddenly danced, tearing the sky and the sea apart.


The golden king beast roared, and his body was full of light, and it exuded a vast energy frenzy, which was enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, and every time it swung its claws, it contained infinite power. !


The dragon dragon screamed, the ten dragons burned, the natal dragon yuan awakened, and the ten ambiguous real dragons turned into substantive real dragons. They suddenly fell down, and each real dragon was shocking, one by one, hard to carry The power of the golden king beast has locked its huge body!

"Don't ..." Tianli King roared out of control, but this is the strongest killer of the dragon dragon. Ten dragons lock the sky. Once it runs, it needs to consume the dragon yuan in his body. This is fighting. She is likely to consume. Exhausted.

For the Celestial Dragon Girl, she suddenly died in battle, and she must also hit the Golden King Beast. Otherwise, this enemy is in front of you. Once the Emperor is on the stage, the Celestial Realm finale will disappear!


The golden king beast roared, his terrible body was sprinkling blood, and a real dragon seemed to cut off his flesh!

The process is very painful. Ten dragons are like chains, one by one, so that its flesh is cracked and its bones are broken. It is necessary to tear its entire flesh and blood.

This is to die with yourself!

Anyone can see that the dragon girl is aging, the longer the state is maintained, the faster it will decay, and the dragon element in the body will soon be completely exhausted.

"Useless, break me!"

The golden king beast roared exhaustively, four large paws pressed against the ground, the body shuddered, and the whole body roared out of the weather waves, tearing the sky!

The golden king beast is mad, and the source of life is also burning, which is more shocking than the dragon girl. After all, it is the king beast of the ancestor, and the potential is the world!


One dragon after another, began to burst and smash!

The ten dragons lock the sky, the ten true dragons collapsed, a **** silver true dragon flew out, the dragon's body was torn apart again, and the power of aging qi and blood was destroying!

Did the young emperor shake his head, thinking he was all himself?

He used to win three battles and three victories on the fairy demon battlefield, what a glory, but it was useless by the despise of the elders, even the Heavenly Dragon Girl and Heavenly King did not submit to themselves!

"Sister Tianlong ..." Mu Xin's big eyes were red, her petite body was trembling, and her heart was bleeding. The world was a bit gloomy, and Mu Xin was almost breathless.


The celestial dragon screamed, she was directly held by the big paws of the Dark King Beast, like holding a worm.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be able to force me to this step and hurt me, but you are not weak."

The Dark King Beast was covered with cracks, and it also suffered a heavy blow. Leng Sensen said: "Unfortunately, it is still worse, so if a real dragon is eaten, it can also supplement the decayed blood in my body!"

Su Yan's eyes widened, her black hair fluttering and flew into the battlefield.

"Su Yan!"

The cold eyes of the Dark King Beast fell on him and shouted: "Anger

Is that right? Are you angry? What a pity, I can only retreat after completing three battles! "

"Under defeat, you will die in the fairy demon battlefield!"

Su Yan's eyes widened, and her pores burst out with bright symbols, full of earth-shattering power.

Dark King Beast's face was completely gloomy. In the end, he wanted to compete with the emperor and defeat the fantasy of Xian Realm. But Su Yan's words annoyed him, and he called himself a defeated man?

"You make me angry!"

The Dark King beast sneered: "If you are on the stage now, I let this worm go and give you a happy, let you recognize the reality!"

"Don't!" Black Heavenly King's face was cold and said, "Kill her immediately, with the overall situation as the priority."


The dragon's body burned by herself, she was burning herself.

"wanna die?"

The Dark King Beast hesitated suddenly with the big claws imprisoning the self-immolating Tianlong girl, sneered: "It seems that you don't want Su Yan to take the stage, the more you are, the more I want him to take the stage, Su Yan, As long as you dare to come, I will spare the Dragon Girl! "

"Don't come, don't ..." Tianlong girl yelled, this king beast that was completely returned to the ancestor was too strong, and only the emperor's shot would win.

"Senior, I'm going on stage!" Su Yan asked again.

Ye Lingyun struggled for a while, and gritted his teeth fiercely, a king beast who had completely returned to his ancestors should be the dark card.


The Uranus of the Starry Family stood up and frowned: "Once we lose again, we lost three games, and the hope of restoring the victory is too slim to lose."

This remark is a bit cruel. Give up the dragon girl and let the emperor play.


Su Yan said furiously: "Do you want to see the Heavenly Dragon Girl fall?"

"Su Yan, what does it mean to watch the Heavenly Dragon Girl fall?" The young emperor frowned: "Now it should be the big picture, how can you be selfish? At this moment, the emperor will stand up and face the Golden King Beast!"

The emperor was silent and never spoke.

Can Su Yan go up, can he count his life for life?

"Yes, the young emperor is right in saying this." The star king of the starry sky said in a deep voice: "Can't lose anymore!"

"A person who wears a sin, what is the right to speak here!"

Su Yan shouted angrily: "What does it mean to lose? You don't have the confidence to take the stage, it doesn't mean I don't!"

"Su Yan you wanton ..."

The face of the young emperor is a little bit ugly. Su Yan was directly shouted out.

His breath faintly threatened Su Yan.

But Ye Lingyun waved his hand, resisting the power of the young emperor, and said coldly: "What do you want to do? Rebel?"

The young emperor's face was ugly, and he thought of how prestige he was at that time. Now the second immortal of Xianrendong dares to rebuke himself, and even he can't refute it. After all, Ye Lingyun's position in the battlefield of the Three Realms is too high.

The King of the Starry Sky has a gloomy face and says, "This is based on the overall situation, not without confidence."

"Don't say it, Su Yan, please go on stage."

Ye Lingyun nodded and agreed, which made them all amazed, but think about it carefully, standing in the perspective of the second fairy elder anxiety problem, in exchange for Su Yan's life in exchange for Tianlong girl's life, it is worth it!

The Dragon Girl was defeated, and no one thought he could win.

"and many more."

The young Emperor raised his hand fiercely, and at the moment when he wanted to speak, Su Yan scolded: "You don't speak, no one thinks you are dead!"

"Fuck, Su Yan, you stop me!"

The young emperor was furious, pointing at him and shouting, "Su Yan, you can't go up like this, leaving your treasures on the battlefield of Denglin Immortal Demon, otherwise you are in enemy hands!"

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