Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1998: The big picture matters!

The world roars, the blood shines like a waterfall!

Su Yan's black hair dances wildly, **** and mad, a tall figure covered with cracks, swallowing the star sea, and brave the world!

His breath was so fierce that he killed the golden king beast that had completely returned to his ancestors. The crown covered the ancient and the modern, full of the invincible belief of the world, and the terrible let all the saints tremble!

"Su Yan, I didn't expect to lose to you ..."

The fairy battlefield trembles, the moment when the golden king beast finally evaporates, there is no resentment, and there is not much resentment. It loses, it loses completely.

It is no match for Su Yan, and there is a certain disparity between the two forces.

"Hahahaha ..."

The king beast roared, his tone was low, and the moment it ended, he said coldly: "The fairy demon battlefield, our world will win this time. This is an unstoppable historical torrent and the beginning of the destruction of the fairy world. Fight, you ca n’t live, you will die! "


The golden king beast completely disappeared, and the words left behind made Su Yan look indifferent. It is not the strongest killer. This one is enough to go against the sky and horror. So how strong is the ultimate killer in the dark world this time?

"Win, win ..."

Cheers all over the world, too shocking, too spectacular, the blood of the fairy army is roaring, the roar is rolling, and there is endless admiration and worship in the eyes. Some people shouted: "Su Yan is invincible, invincible, invincible!"


The whole army roared, the storm swept through the universe, and the turbulence made time and space tremble.

The wall of immortals that traverses hundreds of millions of miles, suddenly the light of the gods is fierce, the walls made of blood and bones, the land where the heroes are buried, the endless bright texture flashes, and it shows the billions of gods and demons. The dark zone has a big crack!


In the dark camp, one after another, the roar of the immortal king, his eyes red, murderous, and lost, the king beast who was completely returned to his ancestor was killed, and the supreme existence that should have dominated the world was just killed!

"How can it be....."

The Black Heavenly King roared, and he couldn't believe his eyes. To know that this time the Dark World came out in a big way, because the emperor's head, but Su Yan, a human world, could turn the tide.

The gods of war in the dark are silent, what can they say? The **** battle between the inferior skill, the golden king beast and Su Yan, they were shocked to see, Su Yan's terrible also squeezed them trembling, they could not lift their heads!

"A draw, ha ha ha ha!"

Tianli Wang shouted: "Su Yan, doing a beautiful job, has already drawn, you are winning the next game, which is three wins, three battles and three wins!"

Three battles and three wins, three battles and three wins .......

The majestic momentum, the roaring roar, and the cruelty all have to crush the stars and the sea. This contains some kind of magic, which sweeps the hearts of all people. This is a supreme glory, a supreme legend. Once it is done, it will be an immortal. Time and space.

The Dragon Girl burst into tears and won, and this round hit the arrogance of the dark world fiercely, setting an invincible example for the fairy world!

Who said that Xianrendong relied on only the empresses, and Su Yan ’s birth came out, breaking all this!

The young emperor's face was cold and he could never allow Su Yan to win three battles and three victories, otherwise he could go to the fairy king's fortune, and he could enter the fairy king's realm within a short period of a hundred years.

After all, once such people step into the realm of immortal king, there is great hope for the throne in the future.

Su Yan coughed up blood and tried his best to explode. His body was weak, but it was covered with cracks. It looked terrible, but this was a glorious wound, more brilliant and extraordinary, and caused a sensation in the Imperial City.


The old fairy king's scalp is numb, blood is surging, and roaring bursts:

"Victory, exploded the king beast who completely returned to the ancestor, and removed a peerless enemy for my fairy world!"

Who dares to underestimate the Golden King Beast, and is the next young emperor, maybe even more shocking than the young emperor. Once such people achieve the fairy king realm, it is a huge hidden danger for the fairy world.

"Qingtian Saint King, a Qitian Saint King, hahaha!"

"Now the fairy demon war has been drawn. With Su Yan's power, it is not difficult to win the third game. Perhaps the dark world has no strong players to play!"

"This is a great thing for Tianda, a Su Yan, a Qitian Saint King, is Yu Tianping Qi? Good!"

"This event is worthy of the celebration of the fairyland, and our world has born another invincible of the same generation, among the strongest series!"

The storm in the imperial city was fierce. Many people thumped their chests, but they hated not going to the battlefields of the Three Realms in person. Although they can also watch the battle in the imperial city, there is absolutely no direct pleasure to observe the coming.

This is an earthquake that will shake the world of immortals, sweep through hundreds of millions of ancient worlds, and honor the title of Su Yan, the invincible **** of war!

Immortal battlefield, fierceness does not halve.

The dark camp raged violently, and the pressure of ruining the world was exploding, and the heart of the fairy king was bleeding.

"You must get rid of him, please ask the son of the ancestor and goddess of the snow to go out and kill him!" There is a roar of the fairy king, and it is almost out of control. If Su Yan cannot be abolished, the future will be a big disaster.

Even this time, the fairy demon war must be won!

After all, under the influence of the Great Fortune, whoever wins will usher in the strongest era. The dark world of this campaign is fierce and must be won.

There is a fairy king who keeps calm, Su Yan's combat power is obvious to all. Even if the son of the ancestor who really has snow can go out, can he really win this battle?

"I have my own decision!"

The Black Heavenly King forced to calm down, and their ultimate killer had not yet moved out, but they thought that the Golden King Beast could sweep the battlefield, kill the emperor girl, and let the fairy world surrender voluntarily, but never thought that this time such a big variable happened!

At this time, the fairy demon battlefield roared violently, covered with blood Su Yan, was led down.

"I have to fight again!" Su Yan is so fierce, he hasn't stepped into the holy realm, and the Golden King Beast has not given Su Yan the most terrible pressure. He wants to take the opportunity to break through in the cruelest environment. Break through and reach the pinnacle of Holy Realm!

Although the Golden King Beast is the strongest killer, this makes Su Yan look forward to, and also wants to witness the strongest young supreme in the dark world, to what level can it be outrageous?

"Naturally can fight again!"

Ye Lingyun laughed, Su Yan won two games in a row. As long as he won the next game, it would be three wins in three games. The fairy world also won three games. Then there are the emperors and women. Then there is almost no suspense in this victory. .

"Su Yan, your injury is too serious."

At this time, a terrifying Dacheng fairy king came down from the sky, wearing a galaxy robe, a middle-aged man, the blood and blood of the body were wrapped with chaotic qi, vaguely projecting a huge chaotic star field!

If the complete universe of the star sea includes rotation in the body, the pressed world is somewhat distorted and deformed.

"This injury does not hinder, just raise a raise." Su Yan responded, he prepared the fairy king regeneration pill, with this pill's effect, Su Yan can return to the peak in a short time.

"That's true."

This is a middle-aged man with a majestic expression, and said lightly: "Soon send Su Yan to my cave house to cultivate. Two Immortals, you decide the next candidate as soon as possible, striking the darkness of the majesty of the dark world, and striking them before the arrogance."

Ye Lingyun frowned slightly, Su Yan had to fight again.

"What do seniors say?" Su Yan realized that the strong man who spoke out came from the starry sky emperor. He said: "I said, I want to fight again!"

"Su Yan." The middle-aged man raised his hand and suppressed his next words.

After all, it is a Daxian fairy king, Shen said: "You have been strong enough to give others some performance opportunities, and your injury is not a short-term care!"

"If you remember well, every battle is over, even a year of cultivation is nothing!" Su Yan's face was slightly cold, and the tone was a little cold, saying: "Moreover, I have priority to participate!"

Xing Kongyun's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the breath of his whole body was faintly scary, as if the heavens meteorite fell and fell beside him.

"I said Su Yan, you just talked to Xing Kongyun?" The young emperor came calmly and said indifferently: "Xingkong Yun has kept the Three Realms battlefield for thousands of years and made a contribution to the fairy realm. Why is there no awe at all? Even if it is I am standing in the field of Dacheng Immortal King, and I have to honor the seniors of the starry sky cloud! "

"Dai Xian Lao's great achievements for Xian Realm, I don't say that the world knows it well." Su Yanchi laughed: "But why not even a trace of awe, dare to use force against Da Xian Lao!"

Tianli Wang laughed, this counterattack was too sharp, and hit his face directly.

The young emperor's face was ugly and he was about to attack, but he was really afraid of it!

Now Su Yan's prestige is too horrible, once he shot against Su Yan, once this matter spread, the influence is very bad.

"Su Yan, the fairy demon war is the most important thing in the fairy world. It's your turn to dominate. Let you go down and cultivate to keep you at your peak state. This is love for you. Why don't you appreciate it?" Unhappy.

"I said that the starry sky clouds, you are a little wider." Ye Lingyun sneered: "Su Yan is in the third battle, there is no problem!"

Chao Xian Lao came directly, took out a fairy king regenerated pill, and gave it to Su Yan.

"Chaotic Immortal Old!" Xing Kong Yun burst into rage and said: "This is the Immortal King Regeneration Pill, each one is the most valuable strategic material. In what name do you take it out to Su Yan?"

"Xing Kong Yun, do you mean that Su Yan is not qualified to recuperate with Immortal King?"

The chaotic fairy elder was very calm and asked in a cold voice: "Dare you dare to say this again in front of the world!"


Xing Kongyun's face was cold and cold, Su Yan was a hero, and once the fairy wars of the past years started, they would prepare some fairy king regeneration pill to renew their lives.

At this time, the young emperor spoke again to some nearby fairy kings: "Everyone, Su Yan comes from the human realm after all. If the three wars and three victories in the fairy demon war, how does the dark realm view our fairy realm? Guan Xianjie's glory and humiliation is the top priority. Then the dark world will say, we rely on the lower realm! "

This remark made a sensation in the world!

The impact caused by the words of the young emperor was a little shocking. Several fairy kings came out suddenly. Someone suggested: "Young emperor, you have made some remarks. Su Yan has already made a great contribution to the fairy world. You can say that you can turn the tide, but your words are not without. In truth, I think Su Yan will be rewarded with 30 million points. Su Yan has the right to do three games and three wins, leaving the opportunity to some of us in Xianjie! "

"Su Yan, what do you think?" Another old fairy came out from the reincarnation of the emperor tribe, with a distressed look on his face, and sighed: "Although it is unfair to you, it is about the honor and disgrace of the fairy world. , Otherwise the impact is not so good! "

"The impact is not good?" Su Yan laughed, can he still find a more absurd excuse?

But on the contrary, Su Yan became more and more calm.

He smiled in his heart. Really thought he could win the battle?

The strongest killer in the dark world has not yet moved out!

"Young people should take the big picture as the priority!" The young emperor said again: "It's a matter of honor and disgrace in my fairy world. Su Yan, go down and recuperate!"

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