Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 803: One gasification three clear!

The world of the demon world, the clouds are surging, and the waves are ups and downs.

There is a powerful and powerful beast looking at Su Yan and his party, and there are rare rare birds passing by.

This is a world that belongs to the group demon. It is also often swaying with the horror of the gods and beasts, and wants to crush the rivers and mountains.

A large Yuelu stands between the heavens and the earth, sinking into the mountains, and within the Shanmen Dongfu, there are all kinds of wild and savage beasts. This is just the outer world of the demon, but it is already magnificent enough.

Su Yan, their group of people browsed around and enjoyed the scenery inside the demon court. After all, most of them were in the Taoist disciples, and all the acquaintances were accompanied by the demon.

Su Yan's breath is more and more calm, and the sense of sensation has been raised to the extreme. It seems to be combined with the whole world of the demon domain. It is released involuntarily, and the dragon and tiger weather!

what is this?

This is Longhu Avenue. When Su Yan dreamed back to the land of Xianxing, he went to the Dragon and Tiger Road to study the Taoist method. The repair was the Dragon and Tiger Avenue.

This dragon and tiger Taozun, the fusion of the endless demon sacred mystery, the integration, the evolution of the Dragon and Tiger Avenue, the attacking power is unparalleled.

Su Yan is a martial arts, gathering the inner universe, and now he is under the influence of the world of the enchanting world, involuntarily releasing the dragon and the tiger!

This also led to the infinite enhancement of the relationship between Su Yan and the world of the demon, and the spiritual consciousness was elevated to the extreme. The outsiders did not know that he was a demon.

Su Yan has a calm and steady atmosphere. At this moment, he has already observed that there are secret eyes staring at them. It should be the strongest of the demon domain to pay attention to it, so that Su Yan has increased his vigilance. Now no matter what happens, he can't act without authorization.


Now that he has arrived, infinitely close to the destination, Su Yan’s heart has calmed down, and the moment blends with the demon’s land, and realizes the horror and prosperity of the demon court. Su Yan laments, wants to make waves in this world, come one The gods are not qualified.

He is also thinking, how strong is the ancestral home in the era of the prosperous family?

As the night is full, wait for the moment of darkness to come.

The weather of the entire demon court is completely different. The stars and moons of the sky hang down, like the nine days of the Milky Way, let the whole demon world, the group of demon dances, the scenes!


Among the mountains, there is a slap in the face of the beast, so that the world of the demon world is turbulent, and the endless mountains are shaking.

Then, one after another, one after another, the shadow of the starry sky emerged, swallowing the moon and whistling, swallowing the sky and the moon, and the more powerful violent volatility spread from the depths of the enchanting court, separated by millions of them. Can detect the scene of the destruction of the earth!

The night of the demon, the devil rushing to the Han, terrible to the extreme!

He Shengjie, the heroes of these temples, were shocked. They were like the floods and the suffocating, letting them suffocate and tremble. The goose bumps all got up. This is a feeling of sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

There is no doubt that the demon court is too strong, it is the gathering place of the strong, and the various horrible energy bodies make them tremble.

But at this moment, their minds recalled that the old leader who was killed in the ancestral hall of the ancestral hall, the ancestral court was definitely stronger than the demon court, but the old lord was alone in the ancestral court and destroyed a large piece. In the territory, you have lost countless talents, and even retired from the whole body, killing power!

What kind of style and power is that, so that they will be shocked when they think about it, and they are too strong. They can only stand in this realm.

Even the Supreme of the Heavens is so, the power of the mighty power is doubtful, and it is good to have a great power to stand out from the crowd.

"The demon domain is not a peak group!"

He Shengjie's voice of praise, let Shen Lei laugh, especially the strong people of the Northern Demon family are very proud, after all, after a period of time, Wan Yao a total respect, the Northern demon will become the demon domain!

That power and glory, if it is really terrifying, the Northern Demon will definitely become the most terrible power of the same generation!

"Young people are still struggling!"

Zixia Fairy is shaking his head slightly, and the North Demon is too anxious. With his current strength and age, even if he has all this envy in advance, will he not be lost?

At this time, Shen Xiangming took Anzhi and they went to the already arranged palace. As for this banquet, they are waiting for the North Demon to go out. They are holding it together with them. Anyway, they are not in a hurry for this two days. At that time, there must be other peaks. The hero of the family came to the demon domain.

"You are honest, you should not go out in these few days!"

Zixia Fairy didn't feel relieved, and gave it to Su Yan. He said, "I will give you a good investment. Remember, you owe me a favor, but the future will be changed." I!"

"this is......"

Su Yan solemnly accepts, slightly pierced the content, the heart trembles and waves!

“A gasification of Sanqing?”

The content of the opening, really shocked Su Yan, a gasification of Sanqing, belongs to the mythical mystery in the earth myth, but the secret technique that Zixia fairy gave him, the opening name is written in a gasification Sanqing?

"Do you know that gasification is clear?"

Zixia Fairy’s suspicious eyes aimed at Su Yan, and asked in an uncertain tone: “Do you master this secret?”

"No, I just heard of a gasification of Sanqing." Su Yan shook his head, he asked: "Is this the secret technique of your temple?"

Wen Yan, Zixia Fairy was slightly disappointed, and immediately she whispered: "It is no wonder that you are a tribe of the funeral family. I know that I am not surprised by the gasification of Sanqing. The age of this magical power is very old. Some people will Call it one of the strongest nine supernatural powers in history!"

“One of the nine great supernatural powers in history?”

Su Yan’s eyes are round and really shocked. After all, these magical powers are so amazing that they are one of the strongest nine supernatural powers in history.

The strongest nine supernatural powers in history, Su Yan currently has an initial fist!

However, Su Yan’s current combat power is impossible to play the strongest fighting power of the initial boxing. The road that needs to be Su Yan must be scary enough. The initial boxing will grow with the growth of Su Yan!

For example, Futianfu, the gods are qualified to practice, such as the realm of Su Yan, even if it is the strongest magical power in history, it is impossible to break out the charm of its heyday!

Only strong enough to support this mystery, the initial form of fist that Su Yan mastered is a Shentong seed, which will grow with Su Yan and eventually become a vast tree.

Su Yan has also been exposed to the ancestral secrets of the ancestors, but unfortunately it is only a piece of debris.

"You don't think this is the strongest supernatural power in history." Zixia Fairy said to Su Yan: "One gasification Sanqing, I saw a detailed description in the ancient books of Daodian, it is said that this Once the magical power of the door is evolved, the three incarnations and the three incarnations have the strongest power of the ontology!"

If this magical mystery is really spread out, it will really scare people. It is equal to repairing three Suyan and attacking the enemy at the same time. It is hard to imagine how bad it is.

Su Yan swallowed a mouthful of water, which is too against the sky. If this kind of foundation is mastered, can it be invincible!

"What I am giving you is a simplified version of the secret law. It will only have 50% of your body's strength, and even a big loss to your body!" Zixia Fairy carries a jade hand and is proud of her body. She said: "This The mystery is called the meta-body, a mystery of our temple collection, and it is extremely amazing!"

"It is very amazing, equal to half a life!"

Su Yan moved and asked: "Do you have a temple that is the most powerful magic in the history of Sanqing?"


Zixia Fairy hesitated for a while, but he reluctantly said: "This kind of history is supernatural, and there are too many lost. Our Taoist temple does indeed contain a gasification of Sanqing, but it is only a dismemberment, it is not a complete chapter, if it is really complete. The chapter, estimated that the North demon they have long gone to the temple!"

"The strongest in history, the nine great supernatural powers, each of which has won the heavens and the earth, and has become an invincible foundation for the future. Do you know if anyone in the world can build nine?"

Zixia Fairy is just sighing, this is simply impossible!

This gasification of Sanqing, they are only a remnant of the collection of the temple, but not the average person can cultivate, and the debris is flawed, but has the power of the body of 80%!

But this is enough to go against the sky!

"If one day you enter the hall, you may be eligible to produce a gasification of Sanqing, but it is also very difficult. Not all disciples are qualified to practice, they are all prestige, and they can practice this remnant!"

Even if it is 80 to 90% of the combat power, it is enough to take the avatar out of the adventure, the body stays in the Taoist temple, which is equal to one more life!

"In telling you one thing, the ancestral hall should also master the cruel article!"

The eyes of Zixia Fairy are a little feverish, and they whispered: "Even with our Taoist temple, it should not be the same. If you kill the ancestors in the future, you will be rewarded if you give me the cruel article!"

Su Yan is black, but his heart is also hot, and the remnants of the temple and the fragments of the ancestral hall can be a complete chapter?

"Hey, I just said, don't take it seriously, the power of the ancestors is unquestionable. In every era, it is an invincible young giant. Even if you really beat him, it is basically impossible. It’s killing!”

Zixia Fairy said and found Su Yan straight hooked on himself...

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Isn't it owing?" Zixia Fairy's body is shining, radiant, and the white figure is like the avenue of horror.

"I was thinking, are you angry with Sanqing and become an incarnation!" Su Yan smiled.

"No, don't play with you!"

Zixia fairy turned into a smoky blue smoke disappeared, which made Su Yan suspicious, was it really said by her? If this is just the incarnation of Zixia Fairy, how strong is her body?

Su Yan laughed, and he took the secret of "Yuan Shou" and took it seriously.

Reading in the middle of the night, Su Yan has a bigger grasp of the plan to rescue Baocai!

After all, he doesn't need to be in danger, even if he is really in danger, he will not give up the avatar.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about it, you can’t give up, or you will clean up the snake.

Su Yan handed over the secret to Luo.

Then Su Yan sat cross-legged and whispered in his heart: "Explore the specific traces of Baocai, I will start the action as soon as possible!"

Su Yan's figure is a bit fuzzy, he uses the skill of the disabled to work hard and communicate with the disabled who are far away from a million miles away. At the same time, with the power of the future, through time and space, quietly rushing to the destination!

With the power of the future, coupled with the Su Yan Jing Tong Qi secret technique, you can completely cross the sea, and the world of the world of the demon world, even the king of God can not find Su Yan as a subtle Yuanshen fluctuation!

In this way, Su Yan’s mind is undulating from the source, getting closer and closer..........

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