Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 806: Meet the North Demon!

"Be honest!"

Su Yan just thought about it and did not provoke any right and wrong, approaching the dragon's land.

In the middle of the night, Su Yan was approaching the position of Baocai. He took a deep breath and continued to follow the underground veins to explore the trail of the Dragon Road.


At the moment of approaching the destination, Su Yan found that the dragon totem had signs of recovery, which made his face glow with joy, which shows that the land of the dragons and dragons really helped the dragon totem.

Su Yan is very much looking forward to returning to the dragon totem in this field, how powerful it is!

"It's coming, it's ahead."

The surrounding space exudes repressed fluctuations, mainly because the demon is too strong. He definitely came to the core of the demon court, and he could vaguely feel that the old monster with breath and horror above the ground was in retreat!

Su Yan was careful and once again checked his own situation before he was relieved to continue to cross.

After all, Su Yan masters the yin and yang compass, which can gather the world's general trend and cover up the atmosphere of his own. As long as it is not the power to suddenly look at it, there will be no leakage.

When the richness of the space is fast and can't be opened, Su Yan knows that he has reached the destination. In this space, the breath is repressed, like a sea of ​​anger falling from the sky!

The dragon's avenue dragon is powerful, and if Su Yan directly breaks in, it will definitely be stunned by the source of horror energy!

Now he is still on the edge, Su Yan holds his breath, patiently explores the terrain here, remembers the direction of the veins, today Su Yan is to explore the road, do not want to get anything. ,

In this purple world, there are horrific figures in the vagueness. It must be the core of the world of the demon world, and the essence of the dragons of the Tu Na Avenue. Unfortunately, these people have never found a human strong nearby. stay.

"The dragon's dragon veins are really scary, and they have accumulated a long time. The energy stored in it is called the earthquake!"

The dragon's avenue dragon veins occupy a huge space, no less than ten thousand miles. Su Yan wandered around the edge for several hours, and generally grasped the terrain trend here.

When he looked up at the moment above, as if he saw the nine-day star sea gathering, the purple ocean was roaring, and the seas of the heavens were surging. It was really spectacular and horrible, gathering an unimaginable demon scene.

Su Yan’s face has changed, and the pattern here is too amazing.

However, Su Yan stood very unusually small here, just like the ants are looking up at the sky, there is a feeling of no way to start.

“It’s hard to go in, you have to find an opportunity.”

Su Yan bitter smile, demon court dragon pulse, 岂 can easily be cracked, the demon domain must be arranged here in various seals, afraid that it is extremely difficult to open this dragon's land!

This is equal to the land of the devil's court, the horror of the world, the ups and downs here, like the demon gods who want to awaken, bursting with billions of rays of light, full of the fluctuations of the sentient beings!

But Su Yan is not in a hurry, he is waiting here!

Time by bit, in the past, the strongmen who have been submerged near the demon dragon's pulse, concentrate on absorbing the essence of the dragon veins, and know that they can practice here, the status of the demon court is very high.

These energy essences are also leaked from the dragon veins. This dragon vein is the place to feed the land of the demon court. Once an accident occurs, the land of the demon court will be hit hard!

"coming soon!"

Su Yan’s nephew is slightly bright, and it is faintly aware that the Avenue Dragon Wave is about to scream!


Really, the dull sound exploded, deafening, like a sunny day, awakened the demon domain strong who is practicing here.

More than a dozen strong people emerged, making Su Yan's face ugly, and there are too many strong guardians here. There are more than a dozen gods, and even a **** king secretly guards.

Even if the avenue is important, but the demon domain is really unnecessary, let these strong people stay here?

At the time of Su Yan’s headache, the magnificent dragons and dragons re-twisted, and the infinite array of methods that guarded it burned, and at this moment some cracks emerged and began to spew out, and the golden glow of boundlessness!

For a time, it was like a group of dragons coming out into the sea, shining brightly, and a golden light passed through the sky and radiated to the demon domain.

"It really is!"

And Su Yan speculated that if you want to enter the Dragon Pulse, you can only enter it at the moment when you spray your own energy essence, and there is not much time left for Su Yan, you must mix it in a short time!

However, the strong guardians here, it is too difficult to mix in.


Suddenly, the **** of the crouching in the darkness began to let Su Yan’s mind tighten, did he leak it?

Then he discovered that the **** king only covered his hand and covered thousands of golden dragon vein essences. This is the essence of the avenue dragon vein, which is called a rare treasure medicine, very valuable.

The **** king took a lot of essence, and his big hand waved and pushed to the space coordinates!

"That is?"

Su Yan’s nephew suddenly shrank, and the space roared and exploded, revealing a terrible figure, standing on the ground, like a demon king who opened the sky!

This shadow is the ultimate, really like a golden day to suppress the world burning, his body is densely covered with golden scales, like a dragon scale, this person looks like a little northern demon.

Is it...

But the only difference from the little northern demon is that his eyebrows have a closed vertical eye!

"Northern demon!"

Su Yan confirmed that he is definitely a northern demon, relying solely on the source of his blood in the body of horror, and the demon of the demon god, Su Yan can be sure.

The Northern Demon has long been a god, and now he stands here, the pores swallow a large number of dragon vein essence, this energy is naturally a big complement, helping the Northern Demon to strengthen his demon god.

The peak group is the peak group, and the owner of this future demon domain has already begun to enjoy the treatment in advance. It is too extravagant to stand in the Dragon Road to intercept the dragon vein essence. Even the **** king does not have this treatment.

"His eyes..."

Su Yan frowned, found that the northern demon's vertical eyes are very strange, never opened.

But a lot of purple essence runs through his vertical eyes, more than his body absorbs. Is the scaryness of the northern demon lies in his eyes?

"In the future, the North Demon Temple will open its eyes, and who will fight for it!"

The battle of the Northern Demon is under discussion and was heard by Su Yan. This is a major clue. The most terrible killer of the Northern Demon is his eyebrows!

This is very important. There are no rumors in the outside world, which is enough to illustrate the importance of this day.

"Why don't you see the discovery of Jiulong Baoji!"

There are also strong people who are annoyed: "Is it difficult to recognize the North Demon!"

"Made Jiulong Baoji!"

Su Yan’s eyes are red, and the world’s first rumored demon domain is the legendary Jiulong Baoji, which has not been seen by this treasure.

The ancient rumor ate the Kowloon treasure, which is equal to the real dragon regeneration!

It can be said that the value of Jiulong Baoyao is similar to that of Beidou Shenyao, but Jiulong Baoyao is scary enough, especially the strong demon of the demon court. The Jiulong Treasure Medicine is the essence of the demon domain. The demon domain is the first treasure!

Since they are here, it shows that Jiulong Baoyao is in the Dragon Road. It is very difficult to find Jiulongbao from the Dragon Road. First, the Dragon Road is terrible. In an energy that is too strong, they cannot stay for a long time. In the Dragon Road.

"Don't worry, the head can quickly smelt and die. When the Highness is in charge of the Wan Yao flag, the Kowloon treasure medicine has to succumb to the foot of His Royal Highness!"

Su Yan got a lot of information from their words.

The Northern Demon is already strong enough, but if he got the Wan Yaoqi, he forced the suppression of Jiulong Baoji, and the Northern Demon was really against the sky.

From the beginning to the end, the North Demon is ruthless and ruthless, standing between the heavens and the earth, bathing the dragon vein essence!

The magicians of the land of the demon squad are absorbing the essence of the avenue, but the northern demon can absorb the refining and refining in such a big way. I don’t know if they know what the mind will do.

Since ancient times, no one can go to the Avenue Dragon Pulse to practice, especially the power!

The Dragon Vein is the land of the rise and prosperity of the demon court, and it is also a continuation of the clan of the clan. It will not let the strongmen enter the practice. They must ensure that the avenues of the dragons will last forever!

"Wan Yaoqi, I am also looking forward to it!"

After a long time, the northern demon has a cold and secluded opening. There are very few things in the world that can attract it. For the Wan Yaoqi, it is naturally necessary. With this in hand, you can master the whole world of the demon, and he will also be unable to get the world. The roots of imagination!

The atmosphere of the northern demon is more and more horrible and hegemony. The golden scales creak and the crushed space collapses!

In this scene, the gods who guarded the northern demon sighed: "Those old things still say that Baocai is orthodox, **** nowhere, how can the little miscellaneous fish compare with the northern demon? The power of the northern demon is enough for them to subvert life!"

"Yes, even the brother of Su Baoyan, who is a member of Tiebaocai, can only look up to the back of the North Demon, not qualified to face-to-face dialogue with the Northern Demon!"

"The future of the northern demon, you can definitely be invincible!"

The warriors under the northern enchantment are quite admired for the northern demon, and the gods and kings are sighed and praised. The northern demon who claims to be the future must surpass Qiu Ming and become the unique demon king in the universe.

After all, the Northern Demon is strong enough, but if he gets the Wan Yaoqi and the Kowloon Treasure, it is really against the sky, even the young giants in the chaotic ruins feel that they are bleak compared with the Northern Demon!

"The tone is really big enough, I still want to be invincible!"

"Is the Wan Yaoqi so big to the Northern Demon?"

Su Yan has been hiding in the space, and dare not act rashly. For their conversation, Su Yan sneered in his heart: "Only one million demon flag can be invincible, then it is not the demon domain called the universe, and What are they in the temple?"

At this time, the northern demon's body shape began to blur, because the time of the road to the dragon's pulse has arrived, the entire dragon pulse autonomous seal!

Su Yan found a problem, they seem to be unable to break into the demon dragon, this seal should not be associated with Wan Yaoqiu?

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