Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 823: Fierce

Su Yan boxing Tianzhu, the sound of the dragon and the tiger is clear between the world!

At this moment, Su Yan released the fierceness of the world, as if the demon road was coming out, it was full of dragons and tigers, and the sea was broken!

People think that once he smashes the avenue of the road, he will be able to blow the stars and shake the sky, a kind of power that runs through the gods!

This is the dragon and tiger avenue boxing, a fist burst, the real dragon and the sky, Hu Xiaoshan forest!

Su Yan’s fist is wrapped in endless divine power, and the dragon and tiger avenues evolved into a boxing method!

Su Yan is well versed in the law, and it is enough to use the avenue as the basis to deduct the world's law, and to evolve an endless battle!

Many old antiques have lost their color. This is a strong avenue. Even they can't see the road of Su Yan's cultivation. However, some people are suspicious, there is no avenue, but there is no avenue, this should not be!

Is Su Yan still not in the realm of the realm? But this idea just emerged, he felt extremely ridiculous, how could this be!

The avenue is equal to planting the next avenue seed. This seed can take root in the future, and the future evolves into the avenue tree level, just like the supernatural seed grows up.

Su Yan has raised a million roads and planted thousands of major seeds. The future is the foundation of Su Yan!

But the problem is coming!

Once you rush to choose some kind of chaotic roots, then you will break the peerless potential of Su Yan in the avenue!

He must be in charge of a thousand things, must find a strange material, plant thousands of seeds, in the future ride the wind and waves, pull up the ground, evolve the power of the avenue, run through the sky, straight into the kingdom, the pressure of the universe, standing on the road!

God's kingdom, can be called the humane field, if it is further, it is the power to change the world, the giants who call for the rain!

Among them, the three major areas of the divine environment can also be said to correspond to the essence of the people, and finally ignite all the connotations, and return to the realm of the king of God!

The strength of the king of God really depends on how strong the fruits they planted in advance, one after another, and closely related!

What is the king of the gods?

It is an extremely terrible hero, the future can run through the supremacy of power, Ye Lingtian is the king of the world, and even the ancestral home of the ancestral temple is the existence of this secret!

However, Ye Lingtian absorbed the mother liquor of the universe, which is equal to the essence of a universe, nourishing their kingdom accumulation, which is equal to catching up with the previous foundation. It is equal to the continuous sublimation in humanity. You say that it is not strong!

However, the rare material of the cosmic mother liquor can not be found in the world, but there is a whole mother's cosmic liquid in the dead universe. It is really a great opportunity for the sky. Once it is dug out, it will be the foundation of the burial domain. !

Therefore, it is too rare and terrible to say that the gods of the world are so rare. This kind of people has great hopes to enter the powerful realm in the future. After all, it is necessary to accumulate the world's best in the realm of the gods!

Nowadays, the major peak groups are doing their best to train the youngest generation.

It is not for them to accumulate in the realm of the gods, after all, the purpose of the peak group is to cultivate the power, not the strong king of the realm of the king.

For example, Qiu Ming, who has such a terrible prestige, is because he is known as the invincible god, but the invincible existence of the king of God, truly belongs to the peak of the peak!

The potential of such a person is too scary, and the rare mother of the universe is probably not difficult to find for Qiu Ming!

Su Yan really wants to make a solemn choice. He can become a **** at any time, but he is waiting for an opportunity!

Only by obtaining the peculiar material of the world can you fully inspire the profound potential that he has accumulated at this stage. Once this day comes, then

What is Su Yan's mana!

So now, the strongest people of all the great peaks are staring at Su Yan, and I really want to know what road he has built!

Su Yan's breath is changeable, and now it is a kind of dragon and tiger avenue that has never evolved, shocking the world!


The terrible dragon and tiger's prestige, just want to tear the entire sky, bursting out of the endless energy source!

On the same day, Peng’s claws were blown by Su Yan’s fist, which shocked the world. Just a punch, he blew the Tianpeng claws, and even the huge body of Peng Kun, who was bombarded, cracked in the trembling, and sprinkled down the rain!


Peng Kun screamed and was thrown out by Su Yan.

"Peng Kun!"

The strong demon of the entire demon domain, the eyes are full of gloom, that is Peng Kun, the young overlord of the demon domain, the future talents who are qualified to enter the king of the gods, but now suffered a heavy blow, was suddenly killed by Su Yan a fist!

This is terrible, which means that Su Yan’s mana is superb, and he is really qualified to fight with the Northern Demon!


Peng Kun, who flew out, made a loud scream, and the blood-stained body burned, full of shocking light, like the demon in the purgatory, filled with the power of tearing the sea.

"Come back!" The Peng family stunned the king of God with anger and sorrow.

The spirit of Peng Kun is getting more and more fierce. If even Su Yan can't stop it, why talk about the king!

"Peng family regeneration!"

Peng Kun's wounded body emerged as a source of powerful life, nourishing its remnants, and its decaying breath began to skyrocket and emerged into a top state.

This is the taboo secret of the Peng people. The Peng family regenerative technique is equal to the secret technique of returning to life!

However, once this secret technique is displayed, it needs to burn Ping Pengkun's Shouyuan. Of course, it can also cure the wounded body for a short time and even let Peng Kun's combat power increase. It is the secret of the Peng family.

"Su Yan, you give it to you!"

Peng Kun breathes in the sky, and his blood-stained claws squatting on a square painting, and there is a mad-like force in it. I really can't believe that it can not hurt Su Yan!

It waved Fang Tian's paintings, this treasure is extremely powerful, just fiercely hegemony, and it can suppress the shackles, releasing the power of the gods, and shocking to Su Yan!

Everyday is an energy storm. This kind of conquest is extremely fierce. Peng Kun is directly fighting!

"You want to die and I will fulfill you!"

Su Yan’s black long hair danced, and the big mountains and ridges exploded!

The devil is moving, the horror is horrible!


A sturdy sacred iron rod was shaken by Su Yan, and the whole world shook with it, and the eyes of the thorns were bleeding!


The same generation of strong people suffocated, many people have been shaken off!

He Shengjie, they are all eclipsed, the world is full of shackles, really like thousands of real dragons cut through the sky, exudes the power of the dragon, the mountains and rivers are banging!

"Fulong stick!"

Su Yan shouted, this stick hit out, the sky was cracked, the endless remnants of the world gathered together, stirring the universe, he held the fairy iron sticks, direct to the sky!


The face of the Peng nationality is stunned. This is a great skill. The moment when the stalwart giant column hits, the avenue screams, the vast territory trembles, the hard ground is torn apart, and the square collapses directly!

The shocking picture, people see Su Yan bravely peerless, a stick of Fang Tian paintings burst, the inexplicable source of energy has not touched Peng Kun's moment, it is already under Su Yan's stick, Fry into blood fog!

"Peng Kun, Ah Pengkun!"

The Peng king of God is almost crazy, the strongest rising star of the family, hit by a stick of Su Yan


The family is stunned, and many old antiques are discolored!

This is too overbearing, a stick killed Peng Kun, and even in the land of the demon court, exploding the young hegemon of the demon.

"This madman"

An Zhi was shocked. Who would dare to follow Su Yan? Under this pattern, he dared to kill Peng Kun with a stick and kill the future hope of the Peng people!


In the world where blood rain is scattered, one of the Peng people and one strong person exudes a heartbreaking giant, and then one after another, rushing to kill Su Yan, revenge and hate!

"Haha, can't you afford to lose? Peng people are just like this!"

Su Yan smiled, and his heroic spirits were strong. He looked down on the vast land and finally stared at the Northern Demon. "Can you still sit still?"

"Give me a battle!"

The northern demon's cold and secluded opening: "The strong people of the Peng family are assured, I will personally take off the head of Su Yan and pay tribute to Peng Kun's friends!"

The onlookers are expecting a lot of money, will the peak battle be broken?

In the end, can the Su madman fight with the Supreme of the Heavens, and this time he will compete with the Northern Demon!

"Give this birdman to me!"

However, the low embarrassment of Tie Baocai came: "I want to kill this little grandson and take its head as a chamber pot!"

The audience was silent, and the heavenly gods were supreme. Now they are rushing to conquer. Is this the world changed? Are the Heavenly Supremes worthless?

Baocai recovered very quickly, and this anti-day medicine of Jiulong Baoji is about to pull Baocai back from the death line. It is looking at the Northern Demon with a ferocious scorpion, and hate it for the Northern Demon!

It has been tempted for two months, suffering and suffering, and the body began to sizzle and chill.

"Death and life, this is a rebirth!"

They are shocked by the fact that they think that Bao Cai will complete a transformation and feel stronger than before. In fact, they are also very much looking forward to how strong Iron Baocai is because it combines the essence of Jiulong Baoji!

"You two can go together!"

The Northern Demon is responding, and the depths of the demon's court are also swaying with ancient warfare. There is a vast expanse of the battlefield that begins to separate from the sky and space and is about to overwhelm the world!


Under the gaze of intense attention throughout the audience, the chaos collapsed and it was destroyed by the sun!

The supreme beings who have been sitting in chaos have suddenly become obsessed with his shots. His figure shines, the light shines on the heavens, and the supreme gods are powerful!

For a moment, Su Yan, they are eager to die, and the liver and gallbladder are broken. This is the powerful killing of the mind, and he will be directly killed.


The old man was furious and stretched out a huge mountain hoof, raging in the sky!

The two great powers, awakened from the slumber in an instant, a little spewed blood in the pores, shaking the world, so that the entire demon court earth will tremble!

The two powers recovered in this way, and they were very sudden and overbearing. The breath slammed together and formed an incomparable whirlpool!

"Small beast, give me life!"

Zu Fu snorted, running through the battlefield, playing a channel in the mighty confrontation, straight into Su Yan!

"Old scorpion, you bully me weak, press me with a high realm!"

Su Yan is like a lightning bolt, the blood of the body is boiling, and the clothes are split, revealing a strong body!

The real dragon arm glows, Su Yan swallows the stars, and shouts: "I will be invincible one day sooner or later, even now, I can crush you with a fist!"

:. :

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