Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 861: The Milky Way chaos!

Outside the courtyard, Liang Yaan stopped her footsteps. Her original cheeks glowed brightly, and a soft smile appeared, beautiful and holy.

Her sleeves stretched out of the white palms, slender and delicate, and picked up a jade bottle hanging in front of her.

Liang Yaan looked at the curiously for a while, that is, the jade bottle was opened, but after the opening, the horrible chaos that rushed out inside, let Liang Ya'an lose color, and quickly sealed the jade bottle.

Her heart and liver thumped and thundered, and a pair of autumn water scorpions swayed with a little shock, which is the best source of chaos, endless value!

This thing, even the power of the peak group, can not be easily taken out, looking at the entire universe of the world of cultivation, how many talents are eligible to use this thing? But now it is in the hands of Liang Ya'an, she did not think that she would become a **** one day, will use such a valuable treasure!

Even the entire Liang family has been inherited for a long time. Since ancient times, no one has used such resources.

If this thing is really thrown into the auction, it really belongs to the priceless thing, and no one really will come up with the auction. The best source of gas is already a treasure of extreme horror. Of course, the chaos of the former **** city has its roots. How many more things in the world?

"Su Yan......."

She twisted her head, her hair was black and soft, and Miao Man’s body had a light spirit, and wanted to go with the wind.

Her bright eyes looked at the closed door and wanted to go and return things to Su Yan.

But she lifted her foot and Liang Ya'an finally stopped. She took the jade bottle and left the area.

She is also quick to achieve the realm of the gods. Liang Ya'an's talent is extremely high. If there is really the help of the best chaotic roots, then the future Liang Ya'an is also a strong man, and the strength is enhanced in the field of refining. On, will also progress to a very high field!

"I don't know what will go through in the ruins of chaos!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart, and at the same time he appeared in his hand, a faint source of Jinhui, although it evolved into the field of seven products, but in the **** battle of the sea, the seven-source pen is also seriously depleted!

Among the chaotic ruins, the squad will become a hot profession!

The originator of the most faculty, the stranger, will play an amazing effect, which is also a valuable part of the Han family.

Su Yan frowned, before he was in a desperate situation, he self-destructed the seven-source pen, and lost a lot of life essence of the source pen. After such a long time, the recovery speed of the source pen is very slow.

Su Yan thought a lot of ways, but it was too late to solve it, which made him a headache. Nowadays, the seven-pin source pen has been extremely difficult to play a few points!

"It seems that the essence of the treasures that have been bred in the world is needed to restore the source pen."

Su Yan thinks in his heart. He estimates that the time when the chaotic ruins will open is also in these months. Even the time may be faster. Now the universe is preparing, and there is no end to the cost. Block the strong one!

Chaos ruins, the land of creation!

This era of hegemony, including the world's rare treasures, a little captured, may hit a big opportunity.

In today's universe, the heroes are coming together, the younger generation of strong people are frequently born, and the stars of the major stars are supreme, and they come out from the retreat.

The whole universe is full of a kind of terrible mood fluctuations. This is a kind of horrible generality burning, all stretching in one direction, it is simply a billion-dollar real dragon impact together, launching a terrible big showdown!

"Hai Na Baichuan, endless wizards fight, who can make a great impact, the era is invincible!"

"It is difficult, even if it is now the ancestral temple of the ancestors, do not dare to say that the deserved world is the first, even in the chaos of ruins, but also the arrogance of the sky, the generation of people, all have the ultimate fighting power, once encountered, it is absolutely Dragon fights!"

"In fact, we must also look at this time, the chaotic ruins, how many secrets will surface, how many broken universes are revealed!"

The excitement of the universe, once had a generation of people, attacking a broken universe, bringing endless resources and glory to the entire group!

There used to be heavenly supreme, and hate in some Jedi.

There are also monks who have smashed into big opportunities, riding the wind and breaking the waves, and marching into the realm of the gods overnight, eventually overwhelming the starry sky, achieving great power, leaving many legends.

There are also strong people who have harvested prehistoric heritage in their adventures, obtained the secrets of the gods left over from prehistoric times, and even got the inheritance of a terrible great religion.

These once sensational events were recorded by ancient groups in ancient books. Even they knew the peaks and groups. Now they have some terrible secrets. At the end of each era, the family will go to the secrets and seize the weather. !

In general, the peak group is really Henggu Hengqiang!

The vast universe, the splendid brilliance of the moment, is extremely magnificent!

The star field shines brightly, and in the process, there are horrible bangs that blast open, shaking the rivers of the years, passing through the distant regions, and screaming in the cultivation world!

Even in Su Yan of Danyu, he can vaguely see the end of the universe, chaos and chaos, huge waves rolling, a wave can destroy a god!

This is a terrible sky, shaking the earth, causing the strong people of the United States to be amazed, this is too unbelievable, the chaotic ruins in the process of unsealing, the spread of power is becoming more and more overbearing!

In the end, the Xinghai Sea began to shake, and resonated with the ruins of Chaos!

In the process of unraveling the chaotic ruins, the universe's secrets of the epoch are illuminated, as if they were hidden in chaos, although they are very vague, you can see some general scenes.

"God medicine!"

There are strong people who are screaming and roaring. In the peerless mystery of seeing the universe, there is only one medicine, which is absolutely radiant and glowing!

What is this terrible manifestation, a cosmic secret, to develop a magical medicine!

So how strong is this drug in the end, is it a fairy medicine? This kind of creation is really difficult to imagine. A cosmic secretion develops a medicine, which is equivalent to the energy of a long period of a star field, and nourishes a medicine.

The strong people of the Fengfeng group are moving, and they have to use their means to lock in the general orientation!

But unfortunately, in the process of hundreds of millions of chaotic waves, no one can see where these secrets come from.

"It’s terrible, a chaotic ruin!"

Su Yan’s mood is stirring. He sees a grand dojo, like a smash, but the dojo still exists, claiming to be a heaven and earth, nourishing a supreme sacred soldier!

These are all blurry images projected in chaos, which are terrible and amazing.

There is even an ancient to the extreme, the magnificent resurgence of the breath of the world, just like a big universe emerges, blooming brilliantly, reflecting the three thousand gods, Megatron ancient and modern future!

This is breath!

This is the ruin of the incomplete universe, it is terrible and shocking, and it can be crushed and destroyed.

The various ethnic groups in this scene have been moved and made a surprising speculation. Now it is only the process of opening the chaotic ruins, but so soon there is a broken universe out of bondage?

This is something that has never happened before. It can only explain one problem. That is, this time the chaotic ruins are opened. It is very likely that there will be unprecedented glory, and the endless creations will float out and wait for the world to go picking!

"There is gold everywhere!"

Many people can't control you, I really want to kill them now, pick and make!

"With strength, you can get everything!"

The picture of the chaotic ruins is also inspiring the fighting spirit of the younger generation. As long as you have the strength, you can get everything!

In the looming, the torrent of the torrent in the universe, a terrible horror, this is the flame of fighting spirit, let the vast cultivation of the world, always smashing the battle!

"You can take it so well, and everything must be done with care!"

Su Yan is slowly recovering from the excitement. Zhu Yue is telling himself in the jade slip, the chaotic ruins are not so good, and the opportunity is accompanied by big risks!

Many of the land of creation are crouching in the depths of chaos, in some life and the land.

There are also some cosmic secrets. The last cosmic era was picked clean, but the treasures were reborn in chaos. However, most of these cosmic secrets have been locked in orientation. Is it really so good?

The chaotic ruins, the opening and the movement are more and more magnificent, always shaking the universe.

"When the time, Teacher Yuan, they should all come, but how did they leave the galaxy?"

Su Yan frowned, the family of the burial domain was scattered in the past, and the family of the major stars returned to the ancestors. The younger generation had many celestial figures, but they were not too good in the eyes of the peak group, but after the most tried-and-tested Forging, Su Yan believes that they will be reborn!

However, these groups of ancestral temples have blocked the entire galaxy. It is really a big problem to leave.

Su Yan was also powerless. Suddenly he stepped into the realm of the gods and could not change the current situation.

Then only the old leader has a strong shot, and there is hope that they will send them out!

While he was meditating, there was a particularly bad premonition in his heart.

"problem occurs!"

Su Yan believes in his instincts. He looks at the stars. Is there an accident in the Milky Way?

Su Yan’s heart is uneasy, and the chaotic ruins will soon be opened. Is it necessary for the ancestral temples to directly penetrate the Milky Way before the chaotic ruins are opened?

"Look at you!"

However, the universe is rippling, and there is a storm of horror!

In the depths of the distant universe, all kinds of boundless brilliance broke out, and the mighty, radiating one universe after another!


The endless life shivered, it was one after another, the power of swallowing the big field, recovering from the sleep!

This is definitely not one, but one after another, the supreme existence in the universe is deeply awakened, crushing the sea of ​​stars, overlooking the world!

"Three great powers!"

The sentient beings are stunned. When this breath really erupts, even when it is ignited to the extreme, the stars are blasting, and if the world is going to death, this is the three horrible strongmen who are recovering!

"The breath is against the galaxy!"

Concerned about the total eclipse of the strong families of the funeral domain, they finally couldn’t help but start. The three great powers joined forces to fight against the galaxy, and the attitude of a group of people who had turned over the entire funeral area shocked the large groups of people. The big event is to destroy a once-powerful giant.

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