Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 865: Go to the chaos ruins

This topic has been brought out, He Shengjie, they are all hot, the nine great Xianshan, the years of inheritance are very old and long, it is said that each of the mountains is hidden in infinite creation.

There are also rumors in the practice world. It is said that the chaotic ruins open the era, among the top ten chaotic mountains, there is a chaotic fairy mountain, which is one of the nine great mountains. It is rumored that as long as it is on the chaotic fairy mountain, chaotic fairy mountain runs through chaos, it will cultivate to a In the field of infinite horror!

Of course, this legend is extremely difficult to prove. Even if there is a group of people who break through the Chaoshan Mountain, it will not leak the news. So far, it is extremely difficult to confirm this!

"The rumors of the nine great Xianshan mountains are related to the burial domain. This group is really old and mysterious."

"Yeah, it has been passed down for a long time, but unfortunately the decline is too serious. Nowadays, only the younger generation of Su Yan can stand alone. This family has really decayed to the extreme. If it is not without great power, it will be ruined before the family is completely ruined. ”

The He family is certainly a famous strong family of chaotic ruins. It is only under the giant dominance, but they are not qualified to degrade the funeral domain. The family is certainly declining, but the power of the tribe is a fact. Can be killed by the old leader!

This family is fierce, but the current situation is extremely unfavorable for the family of the burial domain. The three peak families want to shoot and smash the burial domain.

Especially nowadays, the young wizards of the various avenues come frequently. The lightning kings are swallowing the stars and want to challenge Su Yan. No one feels that the funeral family has a rising trend. Even leaving the galaxy is a big problem!

"Little friend, I don't care who you are, but your life is saved by Ya'an. I hope that you don't want to harm her. Ya'an is a kind-hearted child. I don't want her to be hurt!"

Yu Chuhui suddenly spoke to Su Yan. Before she secretly asked the disciple of the drug valley about the origin of Su Yan, she did not expect that the man who came to Yaogu a few months ago, which made Yu Chuhui think that he and Liang Ya'an are closely related. .

"Predecessors laughed, I can be a ungrateful villain!" Su Yan responded.

"If you can say this, I will be relieved. After waiting for the chaos, I believe you should know this!"

Yu Chuhui hopes that Liang Ya'an will have a good future in the future. The potential of Shengtian God of War is beyond doubt. She does not hope that because of Su Yan, the Holy God of War will have some unpleasant things about Liang Ya'an.

After all, there is no such man, allowing the woman in her relationship to be as close as a man.

Su Yan shrugged helplessly. In fact, Yu Chuhui was very curious about Su Yan’s identity. Even she wondered if the best chaotic roots would be Su Yan’s? But just thinking about her shaking her head, it is impossible, that thing is so expensive, who will be willing to give away.

"Okay, we should also set off. As far as I know, the time when the chaotic ruins are open is in this month, we have to hurry, don't continue to delay the time!"

The king of the Hejia family opened, and the big sleeves were smashed. An amazing battle boat was located in the medicine valley. The quaint warships flowed in chaos and light, radiating powerful power, and they could cross the mountains and rivers.

The group entered the battle boat and began to depart for the edge of the universe. This journey is very far away. It is not a simple day to come to the destination!

"They are gone!"

The drug valley is cold, these women gather together, looking at the direction of the battle boat leaving, someone prayed: "I really hope that the sister can have a good home, regardless of the Holy God of War, the big cousin or not, I hope this sister Life will be smooth and smooth."


They all nod, and I hope that Liang Ya'an will be safe in the future without any harm.

“Why is it a big cousin?” A woman was curious and shouted: “Is he not the brother of Ya’an sister? There is blood relationship!”

"Do you believe this?" Someone turned a blind eye and said: "I see that big cousin, the origin is not simple, don't forget that Grandpa Ya'an came six months ago, and complained that there is no high-standard source! ”

These women suddenly realized that the thing is likely to be taken out by the big cousin, but the strongest person who can take out the best roots, the origin is definitely terrible.

"You said!" Suddenly a woman whispered: "The big cousin, will it be Su Yan..."

These women were silent, and then they were scared. They still remember that Su Yan was born in the Valley of Medicine, saying that he was called Su Yan, and he was very scared. His time of heavy damage and Su Yan fled the blood of the corpse, which was separated by one month. .

They were secretly shocked. During this time, Liang Ya'an was also unusually concerned about Su Yan's events in the universe. This possibility is very high, but they do not dare to guess. One accidentally leaking the wind will lead to the disaster of the drug valley. .

"Don't say this, the sisters are gone, we can easily and easily." Some activists excited: "I haven't been out for a long time. How about we go to the Jubao business alliance?"

"Little girl, don't think I don't know what you want to do, which brother is in the middle, let us talk about it."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll just take a look and be curious."

These women are laughing and screaming, very happy. As for the Jubao business alliance, the ancient cities that were popular in Dange suddenly appeared ten days ago, and they opened stores because of the special goods sold, which led to the Jubao business alliance. Popular popularity!

Many business alliances saw business opportunities, and they also burst into a fire.

However, these business alliances really work, and they are really dumbfounded when they probe the news. This is the big one. It is a shop in the hundreds of stars. It is hard to imagine the money. Only the peak group can support it. ?

Jubao Business Alliance opened too suddenly, even directly spread over hundreds of popular stars, and popular, just half a month, fire all over the cultivation industry!

"Repent, you should invest more!"

"The potential is terrible. Now that the business alliance has begun to follow suit, it will take some time for them to make the goods and sell them."

"It doesn't matter, Miss Xiu Ning said, there are dozens of kinds of goods that will be released within three years. For three years, it is enough for Jubao Business Alliance to accumulate a strong enough foundation!"

The strong spirits of the Northern Fighting and the Starry Beast are inseparable. They are crazy, and they are completely stealing money.

The daily trading volume is terrible. Coupled with the distance problem, it is extremely difficult to calculate the total profit. Fortunately, they are prepared to do everything. The major business alliances have strong cosmic strongmen and block many troubles.

The Big Dipper domain, Shaguangcheng, here is the headquarters of the Jubao Business Alliance. The division of the Cosmopolitan Business League has long been driven out by the Northern Fighting Party. The former Cosmopolitan Business League has also become the Jubao Business Alliance, and Zixiu Ning has returned to the old place. Lying in the room, vaguely remember the first time I encountered Su Yan.

"This guy is dead or alive, and there is no response."

Her long purple hair is crystal clear, and her fascinating face flashes a sorrowful color. She wears a **** red cheongsam, full of femininity, and her hands are raised with a mature and feminine taste.

She licked the tired eyelids. These days there was no time to pause. She has been counting the news from the major stars. The original dry money flow has also begun to expand rapidly at a horrible rate!

The Jubao Business Alliance has been successful, and in the future it will inevitably earn huge amounts of wealth. Those **** and enchanting strange costumes have already set off a storm in the business alliance.

“Buy a lot of raw materials?” Stars stunned: “In this case, the goods can’t keep up. Even if you continue to invest money and want to eat a lot of raw materials, it’s very difficult.”

Wen Yan, Zi Xiu Ning Shen Sheng said: "The reaction of those business alliances will be very fast, the foundation of our Jubao business alliance is impossible to compete with them, eat a lot of raw materials, and go back and sell at a markup."

Stars move, this is disrupting the market, but it requires huge capital injections, and it will be extremely difficult in the early stage.

Zi Xiu Ning did not intend to take out money from the Shangmeng League in a year or two. They still have a lot of new goods that can be launched one after another, attracting attention.

After all, this thing is too reproducible, so she is paying attention to the raw material market, but the universe is vast and wants to interfere with the market price. It must be a terrible fund.

Xingyuan rushed back to report, the old star did not hesitate, and directly negotiated with the **** of the starry beast, the two groups of people took out 100,000 chaotic treasures, which is equivalent to hollowing out the family.

"It's crazy!"

Stars are screaming, but they really have a source of wealth in the future. Even if the younger generations of the two groups are not well-informed, they can spend enough resources to buy all kinds of rare treasures unearthed from the chaotic ruins.

Zi Xiu Ning moved, did not expect the power of the old star master, even the Cosmos, will never easily come up with 100,000 chaotic treasures.

"The family has come out. Now the family of the whole universe is preparing for chaos and ruins. The major groups will also sell a large number of industries to collect funds. Now it is the best time to enter the market!"

Zi Xiu Ning solemnly took out a star map, the preciousness of this thing, even if several pieces of the gods and soldiers can not be replaced, the best chaotic roots are not sold!

This is a cosmic business alliance, it took a long time, in the vast universe, the inscribed star map, including thousands of stars, and contains the trading locations of the major stars, with this, they can save a lot of demand Time to purchase raw materials.

Time is slowly flying.

Every day, the sense of oppression in the universe is aggravating!

Regarding the ruins of chaos, the cosmic madness, even the power can be determined that the chaos ruins opened is not easy!

Because the movements of the chaotic ruins continue to be terrible, reflecting the light of hundreds of millions of chaos, the sky is full of waves, and the earth is shaking!

Many mysteries have emerged, and at least six of the incomplete universes have been revealed.

This is not the case at all. This is just the beginning. Perhaps this time the chaotic ruins will really open up.

Su Yan, when they were far away from the destination, the speed of the battle boat slowed down.

The king of the Hejia gods are moving, it is really a prosperous world to come!

When they crossed the vast starry sky and the ten-day time passed, the turmoil of chaos raged more and more horrified. In the end, the billion-dollar sound of the day blew, shaking the ancient and modern future, shaking the years and rivers!

The universe's star field glows and heats up, and the old generation's strongest people are eclipsed.

Seeing the speed of the unraveling of the chaotic ruins, it suddenly rose a lot. At this moment, all kinds of horrible cosmic secrets burned, and the ten magnificent and incomplete universes ignited the flames, as if the once invincible dojo came to the surface!

Endless creation, included in these secrets, was shocked by the chaotic waves, shocked the world!

"The era of time and space is the strongest!"

"The chaotic ruins are in full bloom, and the sacred sects buried in time and space will surface!"

"A horrible prosperous world, unprecedented. This is the twelve cosmic era, and it can be said that the end of a great era, this is the strongest era!"

The universe is stunned, and some people exclaimed: "What kind of gods can only dominate the world and dominate the future!"

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