Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 881: All the way

Su Yan suddenly came from the decline to the peak of Su Yan, the breath is too strong, his pupils are blazing, the blood in the body is boiling, the thin rays of the spray, the broken territory that shines, the bright and clear!

At this moment, the monks who rushed from all directions, trembled in fear, because with the blood of Su Yan, they could not control, and a group of monks closer to him began to crack their own bodies!


Su Yan's **** caught a bite to kill the sword, gently snapping a finger, this mouth killing sword is smashed in the sorrow, so that the people watching the battle are sweating straight, this body is terrible and outrageous, more powerful than the real dragon, directly Kill the sword to crack!


Many people are screaming and screaming. Su Yan is disguised, just to bring them out!

In fact, no one thought that Su Yan had killed this kind of field, and even pretended to be weak, to lure the enemy to the hook, and the result was really succeeded by him. The enemy in this zone of the spectators was almost all Su Yan. Give it out!

"Since it is here, let me leave my life!"

Su Yan made a long laugh, and the battlefield suddenly became chaotic. His voice was too loud. It was a bell roaring here, the sound waves rolling, and an energy wave came over, and the audience was overwhelming!

Escaped into pieces and shattered the flesh. In this **** and swaying world, Su Yan opened the ring and the whole world fell into the doomsday. Who can stop his own power!

A large number of strong people were directly bombarded by him, and the world was like a roll of blood and rain, and all kinds of tragic sorrows frequently appeared!

Su Yan slashed the whole game here. Wherever he went, the blood spattered. He was cold and ruthless. He killed the Quartet here, swept the audience, and suppressed the space with the strongest force. Anyone was forbidden. get away!

"You demon, you will be retribution!"

"Su Yan, you can't die, you definitely have no good end, kill so many people, and you can't live in the area!"

They are desperate, who can stop the mad Su Shi, where he smashes the enemy, the enemy who is killed is completely desperate, many people are squatting on the ground, the sky is full of gods spread, crushing them painful Desperate!

"Su Yan, you have the ability to go to Chaoshan Mountain and the Northern Demons, and here is what it is to be strong and weak!"

The gods taught the great people of these groups to be mad. Su Yan has already been killed in this field. The generation of top-ranking people, no one can wait for him, just like letting him kill like this, the loss is very serious. !

Here is the chaotic channel, the strong above the gods are not at all, since Su Yan has the power to sway the same generation, if he is mad and mad, the ancestral temples will really suffer a lot!

Some people hope that he will be on the chaos of the mountains and the peaks of all ethnic groups. After all, the goal of the peak group is not only the chaos of the mountains, but also the resources of the outside of the major passages. The picking in the last period is definitely a bumper harvest!

"A good one is strong and weak, and now I know that I am weak and weak!"

"Zu Dian, God's teaching, Yin dynasty, Kun family, I am who you are. Today I want to wash the top ten channels, and I will get out of the way. Don't let me see any of you, or else." kill!"

Su Yan was murderous and arrogant, as the peers smashed the audience, his arms also directly tore the space, shrinking into the inch, starting to cross the fourth channel!

He disappeared, bloodshed a **** territory, the words spoken, echoed between the heavens and the earth, so that the onlookers were all dumbfounded, and the heart could not help but devote respect and panic, what the madman wants to do!

"It's going to be a day!"

Many people are shocked, and I feel that Su Mania will definitely take a strong shot and sweep through the major channels!

However, he is not prepared to compete for Chaos Mountain. With the power of Su Yan, there is still hope for picking and cultivating on the Chaos Mountain. After all, once the chaos of the mountain is exhausted, it is definitely the moment of Su Yan crisis!

Zutian, Nanhuang, Bei Yao, Lightning King, Yangshuo.......

You must know that this group of peaks and people are staring at Su Yan. Maybe it will cause a devastating blow to Su Yan on that day. At this moment, don’t go to chase the mountain of chaos, and wait until when!

In short, the chaotic channel is about to change!

The battle of the third channel shocked people's hearts, and made Su Yan leap into the hottest younger generation in the universe. He was ranked as the best person in the world and could definitely compete with the strongest of all ethnic groups!

"He went to the fourth channel, what do you want to do!"

Su Yan’s every move has made all parties fearful, a young generation of terrorist heads who want to kill and kill their resources.

These groups of Fengjia are very excited. Su Yan is such a dozen, is it not plain and unreasonable to complete them, the first three channels have been washed by Su Yan blood, then the other seven channels will be an exception?

"Since ancient times, no one has traversed the top ten channels. Is it necessary to be done by Su Yan!"

"I admit that Su Yan is scary enough, but he is not going to chase the chaotic mountains now, and the future will inevitably be surpassed. This is a very unwise move!"

"You are wrong, Su Yan is now going to compete for chaos and chaos is equal to finding death. You think that they will watch Su Yan go to Chaoshan Mountain for picking and making!"

Many people with clear minds make such speculations, and they feel that they are reasonable. After all, the hegemony of Chaoshan Mountain is very different from the outside world, and there may be a peak of people who hate drinking on the road of conquest!

So far, the top ten channels, all of them have touched the Chaos Mountain.

Of course, the creation of Chaos on the top of the mountain is not so good to pick. Light mountaineering takes a long time, and even needs to go through the test of Chaos Mountain.

In short, the top ten channels are getting more and more bloody, and the number of monks who rushed in is not clear!

There are hegemony and **** everywhere. The strong breaks the head and competes for various resources bred by chaotic gas. There are also many people who have made great progress in practice. This is a time when the power of war broke out, but the monks who rushed to the chaotic channel and stood still will welcome Come and change!

The top ten channels are bleeding, completely a **** world, especially at the end of the vast territory, above the top ten mountains, there have been many climbers!

"I don't know if the madman is dead. The major forces of the ancestral hall threatened to let him live the first day. The time has passed ten days. I don't know how it is going."

Some channels after the fifth channel, I have never heard about the battle between Su Yan and the North Demon, and some people think that Su Yan is already dead!

However, in the fifth passage of this war, the night of the day!

A resource treasure that scatters in a chaotic tide, the night is very bright, the night is reflected in the sky, and many passers-by are shocked. They all see an immortal furnace burning, shining the night sky!

Everyone shuddered and saw a mountain being sunk!

An invincible king swayed the river and mountain, and killed one after another. There was a **** rain in the sky, setting off the strongman who started at night, and shunned the sky!

"What the man is!"

The invincible king slashed across a vast resource treasure, inciting the mountains and rivers, all of which had collapsed, and the strong ones were directly blasted. Anyone in the night can see clearly. This fierce and strong man is full of black. Dancing, shaking the mountains!

"God, where happened, how can you die so many people!"

The shock caused by this incident is too great. Even the sudden recovery of the strong directly swept away a large number of resources, taking advantage of the sixth passage of the night, and launched a new expedition!

The fifth channel of this night was in chaos, and the strongest of each road was vacant.

The family occupied a land in the fifth passage, and the seal message was strictly sealed. But how did Su Yan know it? Even he directly penetrated the entire treasure house and took away all the treasures he had harvested!

The great group of strong people are dumbfounded, how do you feel that Su Yan is killing like this, and the harvest is definitely beyond the chaos of the mountain to pick and make!

"Su madman shot a strong, successively through the five major channels, smashed dozens of resource secrets, absolutely someone ventilated for him, want to take the opportunity to reinvent the younger generation of the ancestral temple!"

"What a joke, Su Yan swept the five channels? I don't believe it!"

"What is this? Even the North Demon can't help him. The two great powers are all out, and they are not born and died!"

The news is sensational, and many of the strong people who are not optimistic about Su Yan are stunned. The consequences of this incident are too serious. In this way, the top ten channels are not to be baptized by Su Yan!

"Su Yan, what this madman wants to do!"

The ancestral hall came to many strong people, gathered this piece of resource that was penetrated, they were angry, and it was late when they got the news. Su Yan had already left, and even rushed to the sixth channel!

Who can run through chaos so quickly? But Su Yan can!

The gods taught these groups to lose a lot of money. The people in power are gloomy. They are very passive. Let him kill like this. Su Yan will certainly harvest a lot of resources and want to balance the growth of Su Yan in the chaotic channel. Not!

It was only three days passed, and even more shocking news blew up. The world is like a **** and mad overlord. In response to the major groups, they hunted themselves before revenge!

"The big event, Su mad has killed the seventh channel!"

"The ancestral halls have joined forces, and there are five major battles that will be fought, and a large number of strong ambush organizations will be organized, and hundreds of sets will be played in the big killings, but all have been bombarded!"

Onlookers flocked, and the battlefield spread to more than a dozen mountains, but Wanshan sank, the corpse was everywhere, and there were too many dead people, **** and full of energy!

People here have never forgotten.

Only three hours, Su Yan God blocked the killing, the Buddha blocked the Buddha, he cracked his hand, forced the Longtan Tiger Cave, and eventually he was overturned and smashed the whole audience, that battle shocked the world!

"Never let him run through the top ten channels!"

The great figures of the ancestral temples are going crazy, so that the killing of his invincible fierceness will become more and more horrible. Once this invincible belief of sweeping everything is formed, the future growth path of Su Yan will become more and more amazing and terrible, maybe Will kill all the way to the king of the king!

However, the tenth channel, the majestic to the extreme chaos of the mountains, there is a terrible breath emerging, rising to the sky!

"Big news, the tenth channel chaos is the difference between the mountains!"

"Is the ancestors going to take the shot?"

"It’s so horrible, the blood broke through 100,000 miles, and it’s even more scary than the real dragon and the **** phoenix. It’s a temperament to turn back and blow the myth of Su Yan’s invincible!”

Absolutely the ancestral sky, and even a small news came out, Zutian suppressed all the peaks of the 10th channel, and won the first channel. He no longer dared to climb the mountain.

But now he is down the mountain, killing and rushing to the Han, the vast blood of the world, and the cold words: "I want to kill Su Yan!"

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