Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 883: Killing Chaos Mountain

"that person!"

Some people were really shocked, saw a shadow emerge, and even broke into the chaotic zone, and his approach is quite amazing. After all, few people dare to chaos the chaotic zone, and they will die.

However, in the edge area of ​​the eighth channel, a person emerged, and in a domineering posture, penetrated the chaotic zone and shocked them.

"Su Yan, he appeared, don't avoid the war!"

"Oh my God, Su Mania is coming!"

They lost their voices and exclaimed. Su Yan, who has disappeared for more than a month, has emerged. He broke into the ninth passage. What exactly is he going to do, is it really necessary to run through the top ten chaotic passages?

"Really it!"

Among the areas where Su Yan traveled, some people watched the chaotic zone. When a shadow emerged, they were shocked. They were infinitely close to the legendary figure, and even Su Yan has been practicing here!

Their hairs are all upright, it is really the murder of this murderer, which surprised them, and even some people trembled: "You found no, Su Yan is more powerful, even before he seems to break through a small realm!"

"Is it........"

They really have a big head. Is it true that the Su-mania has not yet entered the peak of the gods? Before he should break through here.

"Don't say, these words are rotten in the stomach, don't give yourself trouble, it's not good for us to pass it out." Some people directly yelled, if they said that Su Yan has not stood at the peak of the gods, is it not disguised to say, the northern demon is not as good as Su Yan.

They don't want to ask for trouble. The killing of this peak is also related to personal dignity. No matter what area Su Yan practiced, there is not much relationship with them.

In fact, from the beginning of the chaotic channel to the present, it has already passed two months, and many of the wizards have emerged and emerged, killing a lot of prestige.

The hegemony of the top ten chaotic mountains is also extremely fierce. The news of the death of young hegemons has come out one after another. This time, the expedition has surpassed the hegemony of the chaotic ruins of the past dynasties. It is almost impossible to lay a chaotic mountain.

However, the tenth channel is different. It is said that the young hegemons of the sacred days are not dare to act rashly. The ancestors of the ancestral halls are all invincible. No one will look down on him. Maybe he really dominated him. Chaos Shenshan.

"Su madman went to the ninth channel. Does he know that the ancestral channel is in the tenth channel?"

"I really don't know what he wants to do, but Su Yan does not go to Chaoshan Mountain, which is a threat to his future growth!"

"It is useless to say that, I have to take a look. Su Yan wants to go to the ninth channel. In the ninth channel, there are Holy Gods and Lightning Kings sitting in the town. The two strong players have joined forces to occupy the mountains!"

A similar situation can be quite a lot, and the chaos of the ninth channel, the sacrificial gods and the king of lightning have long joined forces. This situation does not work together. If they join hands, even the northern demon will come to them.

Now Su Yan went to the ninth channel, directly through the chaotic zone!

"Who has survived the chaotic zone, and now it runs through the passage, is it the same as playing?"

Through the passage, the movement caused by this is very large. The ninth channel here is a strong cloud, and all the places are in the resource of conquest.

Su Yan smashed through the chaotic zone, causing a series of energy fluctuations, sweeping the vast rivers and mountains, shaking the strong, some people have watched the past, his face changed, and stunned!

"It's him!"

They look terrified, such as avoiding snakes, quickly fleeing, and dare not rely too close to this murderer.

"Who is Su Yan, stand up and let me take a look!"

However, in this area, there are more than a dozen strong people sitting in the town, all of which are shocking gods. Most of them have just broken through recently. It is conceivable how much the chaotic channel helps the universe.

They are asking questions, the gas field is full, the sounds are synchronized, causing the sound waves to roll, the earth is moving, quite a field!

However, they also knowingly ask, the cold scorpion has been eyeing Su Yan, these strong people come from different groups, even the people of the South Emperor.

"These people are not afraid of death, dare to look for Su Yan's trouble here?" Some people in the distance frowned: "Do you know how strong Su Yan is? You swept through the seven chaotic passages, and now rushed to the ninth chaotic channel!"

Some people whispered: "The Lightning King and the Holy God of War are in the ninth channel, and even the tenth channel has a sacred day, or else their courage will not be so big. Moreover, these people should join hands and it should be possible to retreat."

Su Yan’s eyes squinted at these people, and his eyes looked at the chaotic mountain of the ninth passage, but he was disappointed.

Xianyu has no waves!

This shows that Chaoshan Mountain is not in the ninth channel at all, but he has even smashed the entire nine channels, and it will be unfortunate, in the last one?

Su Yan frowned, he estimated that the top ten chaotic mountains, there is no mountain at all is Chaos Xianshan!

This is troublesome. In what area is the real Chaoshan Xianshan? Su Yan also had to smile, don't bother to spend time, can't find Chaoshan Xianshan, and finally the creation of the top ten Chaoshan Mountain is exhausted!

That was really unfortunate, but he has run through the nine major passages in succession, and hope is too embarrassing.

"I will find it. After all, Xianyu has a movement. It must be hidden between the heavens and the earth. Maybe it is really in the tenth chaotic channel. If it is, it will be hit!"

Su Yan secretly bite his teeth, which is a breakthrough in the field of his gods, and will never give up easily!

"You are too arrogant!"

Su Yan's appearance made the face of the gods who asked the dozens of people to ask questions, and one person angered: "Su Yan, you have a big shelf, I am waiting to ask you, don't you hear it clearly!"

"Do I need to talk nonsense with a dead person?"

Su Yan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the scorpion fell on these people.


More than a dozen gods are angry, and the momentum is united. The scene is extremely amazing. After all, it is more than a dozen gods. The momentum is quite amazing. It is like a huge mushroom cloud vacating.

"Su Yan, you have a big tone!" A strong god-minded teacher pointed at him and yelled: "You are avoiding the war this month, dare not come to the tenth channel, what are you doing now?"

"Su Yan, you don't want to leave here, I have already informed Zutian, he is going down the mountain to kill you!" Some people are worried that Su Yan will run away again without a trace, delaying the precious time of Zutian, telling such a sentence. Words come out.

"You told him what to do, don't scare him away, didn't you see that he has been hiding for more than a month?" The god-taught strongman sneered, but in fact he was screaming Su Yan, let him go to the first Ten channels and ancestral confrontation.

"Su Yan!"

After saying this, his words changed, and he said coldly: "My family's lightning king retreats above the chaotic mountain of the ninth channel. Are you not saying that the king of lightning is not finished? I am not as good as..."

His words have not been finished yet. Su Yan went up to be a big slap in the face. He smoked his nose and mouth and blood, and the voids exploded. The powerful body of the gods could not hold the power of Su Yan.

"Fast block him!"

These dozens of gods were shocked, and they quickly recovered the resonance of the body, and joined forces to spur a thunder hammer that was intertwined with lightning and aimed at Su Yan.

"Just because you dare to come here to block my way, give me a roll!"

Su Yan gas rushed into the stars, and the eruption in an instant was like a real dragon traversing the battlefield. In the eyes of the audience, he descended from the sky, stepping on the river and mountains, and a kind of cracking means to suppress the kings emerged!

"Su Yan, you are arrogant!"

The people were angry and joined hands to sacrifice the thunder hammer to resist Su Yan.

However, Su Yan’s footsteps are in full swing, and the strength runs through the heavens and the earth. This foot is like the corner of the giant **** who suppresses the sky, and the squatting stepping down is unstoppable!

The lightning in the sky was blasting. His feet slammed on the thunder hammer, and the thunder hammer began to be torn apart uncontrollably. The strong pressure of the river and the mountains, the strong people shivered. It’s like carrying a blue sky!


Eventually someone coughed up a bite of blood and squatted on the ground.

He was embarrassed, and the people were discouraged. They fell down in pieces and squatted in front of Su Yan and could not stand up.

The onlookers are scared, is this the Supreme of the Heavens? It’s too fierce, and the real ones who really don’t reach this level simply don’t know how perverted and outrageous this field is!

"What do you want to do!"

Unrecognizable shrines and monks were frightened, because Su Yan was looking down at him, letting his body chill, and suddenly whispered: "The King of Light is on the ninth channel, don't mess with me!"


Su Yan took a slap in the face, and his head was cracked and screaming.

He repeatedly asked, and learned that the gods built a large array of space, specifically to hunt Su Yan, thinking of waiting for Su Yan to enter the tenth channel, the lightning king went straight down.

"lead the way!"

Su Yan urged, while squinting at the people who trembled on the ground, coldly said: "Zu Tian is, I will go to him soon!"

The audience was shocked...

In fact, these people want to stand up, but they simply can't stand up. They can only kneel down like this.

They are shameful and low-spirited, and they wish to plead guilty directly.

Someone made an incredible voice: "Su Yan went to the space-building area where the gods taught to build. Is it necessary to force the tenth channel to target the lightning king!"

This incident triggered a shocking storm, the ninth channel is about to be chaotic, and a generation of demon kings will soon be able to attack Chaoshan Mountain and go to the King of Lightning.

Through the observation of time and space, the gods and deputy teachers are fainted.

The Lightning King only thought about Su Yan, but the Lightning King was afraid that he would not think of it. Su Yan would directly change his way. First, he would target him. Once he killed the chaos, he estimated that the Holy God will not shoot, and the Lightning King could stop Su Yan. ?

As for the tenth channel!

The horror of the blood is transpiration, swallowing the world, and a shadow goes down the mountain with the attitude of the king.

Zutian has learned the news, Su Yan appeared in the ninth channel!

"I want to kill Su Yan!"

His words are indifferent, and he set two small goals in the chaotic channel!

To occupy a chaotic mountain, the second is to get rid of Su Yan.

As long as these two small goals are completed, the chaotic channel trip can be completed, very beautiful planning!

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